The original Tea Party was an act of terrorism.

They threw tea into the water. No one was killed or injured.

Calling them "terrorists" seems kinda silly.

Not to mention they cleaned up after themselves and punished the one man that tried to steal from the ship. ;) Could be categorized I suppose as mob destruction of property. I'm sure it would have been if they could have made the arrests.
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Yes Madeline it is a bit silly but we would call it terrorism today if Muslims did it wouldn't we?

the dressing as indians is the key. Otherwise it would be vandalism.

That was an attempt to conceal their identities. Terrorists try to blend in not stick out.

so they were cowards trying to blame it on the poor indians then?
Ever hear of masks? They had them back then too.

They were not trying to pass themselves off as Natives, they were basically wearing ski masks. By Lexington the disguises were off.
I love the way idiots always manage to convince themselves that 'their side' are the guys in white hats. The original TEA Partiers were Patriots. So are today's TEA Partiers.

Everything else is ridiculous whining. Go join the liberals answer.... the Coffee Party. Wimps who drink lattes and whine about Starbucks, in Starbucks. Sad bastards.
They threw tea into the water. No one was killed or injured.

Calling them "terrorists" seems kinda silly.

One cannot be a terrorist unless someone is killed or injured?

What about the destruction of property?

Is an eco-terrorist that burns down a home not a terrorist?
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?
You mean like Democrats saying "The GOP is going to shut down Social Security!!!"?

I was actually thinking of how the Republican Party and its fellow travelers - like you dave - use fear to achieve political goals.
The GOP does hope to dismantle SS and Medicare as well as privatize as much as possible. That's not fear mongering or terrorisim, that's simply a policy geared towards their base, the few, the wealthy and the greedy.
That said, Gov. Brewer, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congressional Leadership use fear to terrorize the less bright Americans to garner their votes to help the base; those who take the bait, you Dave and other echo chamber members, simply repeat the propaganda, half-truths and damn lies of the non-violent terrorists which make-up the new right today.
Red baiting, claiming anyone center-left is a "Marxist" or "Socialist" or hates America - it's all bull shit but people like you believe it and repeat it over and over. In a strange way it is funny how stupid the rhetoric which 'your kind' believes.
They threw tea into the water. No one was killed or injured.

Calling them "terrorists" seems kinda silly.

One cannot be a terrorist unless someone is killed or injured?

What about the destruction of property?

Is an eco-terrorist that burns down a home not a terrorist?


We're not the ones trying to compare the Tea Party to Islamo-Fascists.

Oh....and when you hear of somebody getting put on trial for First Degree Murder after torching an unoccupied yet tastefully furnished 2000sq ft Ranch-Style Home.....let me know dork.
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?
You mean like Democrats saying "The GOP is going to shut down Social Security!!!"?

I was actually thinking of how the Republican Party and its fellow travelers - like you dave - use fear to achieve political goals.
The GOP does hope to dismantle SS and Medicare as well as privatize as much as possible. That's not fear mongering or terrorisim, that's simply a policy geared towards their base, the few, the wealthy and the greedy.
That said, Gov. Brewer, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congressional Leadership use fear to terrorize the less bright Americans to garner their votes to help the base; those who take the bait, you Dave and other echo chamber members, simply repeat the propaganda, half-truths and damn lies of the non-violent terrorists which make-up the new right today.
Red baiting, claiming anyone center-left is a "Marxist" or "Socialist" or hates America - it's all bull shit but people like you believe it and repeat it over and over. In a strange way it is funny how stupid the rhetoric which 'your kind' believes.

I think when someone preaches sharing the wealth then sets the tax structure up to do it you can't knock anyone for thinking that's socialism.

And when somebody is going around causing divisions using race-baiting and class-warfare you can't fault anyone for confusing that with Marxism.

And I guess when you have a President who surrounds himself with Domestic-Terrorists and Eco-lunatics and screams racism when somebody doesn't remain silent and meekly follow him....well I would be afraid when someone that reckless has the power he does and says he must punish his enemies in front of a bunch of illegals and radical racists.
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Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?


Violence is required OR the THREAT of violence to instill fear into a population to compel a government to do the bidding of the terrorist.

Without violence or the threat of violence, what would instill such abject fear (sufficient to be called "terror") into the population?
When it comes to terrorism?

The threat is more effective than its execution.
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?


Violence is required OR the THREAT of violence to instill fear into a population to compel a government to do the bidding of the terrorist.

Without violence or the threat of violence, what would instill such abject fear (sufficient to be called "terror") into the population?

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?

The participants dressed as indians and represented no legal government.

the original teaparty is rolling over in their graves at the corporatist losers who pretend to be tea partiers now.

and actually, it wasn't an act of terrorism... it was an act of vandelism. there's more to what makes a terrorist than not having a country or uniform. the attack has to be against innocents and not have military objective.

just saying.
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?


Violence is required OR the THREAT of violence to instill fear into a population to compel a government to do the bidding of the terrorist.

Without violence or the threat of violence, what would instill such abject fear (sufficient to be called "terror") into the population?

Don't you ever tire of being wrong?


clearly he doesn't.
They threw tea into the water. No one was killed or injured.

Calling them "terrorists" seems kinda silly.

One cannot be a terrorist unless someone is killed or injured?

What about the destruction of property?

Is an eco-terrorist that burns down a home not a terrorist?


We're not the ones trying to compare the Tea Party to Islamo-Fascists.

Oh....and when you hear of somebody getting put on trial for First Degree Murder after torching an unoccupied yet tastefully furnished 2000sq ft Ranch-Style Home.....let me know dork.

So you don't consider "eco-terrorists" to be terrorists?

And FYI...I wasn't the one who compared the Tea Party to islamic terrorists. I was just trying to help define the word "terrorist" and that people do not need to be injured or killed in order for the word to be properly used.
Must terrorism be violent? Isn't a policy of instilling fear into a population a form of terrorism?
You mean like Democrats saying "The GOP is going to shut down Social Security!!!"?

I was actually thinking of how the Republican Party and its fellow travelers - like you dave - use fear to achieve political goals.
The GOP does hope to dismantle SS and Medicare as well as privatize as much as possible. That's not fear mongering or terrorisim, that's simply a policy geared towards their base, the few, the wealthy and the greedy.
That said, Gov. Brewer, Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich and the Republican Congressional Leadership use fear to terrorize the less bright Americans to garner their votes to help the base; those who take the bait, you Dave and other echo chamber members, simply repeat the propaganda, half-truths and damn lies of the non-violent terrorists which make-up the new right today.
Red baiting, claiming anyone center-left is a "Marxist" or "Socialist" or hates America - it's all bull shit but people like you believe it and repeat it over and over. In a strange way it is funny how stupid the rhetoric which 'your kind' believes.

and the democrats don't? is that your final answer? really?

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