The Other Sandy Hook Lies of Alex Jones

The #1 lie about Sandy Hook...

An AR15 was responsible.

End of Discussion
Right, and by allowing the manufacture and sale of an AR15, which is a weapon of war, to a mentally disturbed person, defeats the entire purpose of the second amendment.

Why would people allow the sale and manufacture of a weapon of war that puts us all at risk for human slaughter? That doesn't reinforce the second amendment, it tears it apart.
Right, and by allowing the manufacture and sale of an AR15, which is a weapon of war, to a mentally disturbed person, defeats the entire purpose of the second amendment.

Why would people allow the sale and manufacture of a weapon of war that puts us all at risk for human slaughter? That doesn't reinforce the second amendment, it tears it apart.

2nd grader.jpg
Right, and by allowing the manufacture and sale of an AR15, which is a weapon of war, to a mentally disturbed person, defeats the entire purpose of the second amendment.

Why would people allow the sale and manufacture of a weapon of war that puts us all at risk for human slaughter? That doesn't reinforce the second amendment, it tears it apart.
Right, and by allowing the manufacture and sale of an AR15, which is a weapon of war, to a mentally disturbed person, defeats the entire purpose of the second amendment.

Why would people allow the sale and manufacture of a weapon of war that puts us all at risk for human slaughter? That doesn't reinforce the second amendment, it tears it apart.
1. The Sandy Hook shooter did not purchase his gun.

2. The manufacturer does not sell the firearm. Dealers do.

3. The AR15 is not, and has never been, a "weapon of war."

4. The weapon itself did not get up on its own and go shoot some people.

5. all firearms are deadly. The fact that you keep making a distinction between this particular firearm and others demonstrates either ignorance, or a general desire to ban all firearms. I think it's the latter.

Which is why the only solution for gun grabber is a final solution.

The only other solution is to repeal all gun laws.

And we will I'll fucking die trying.
Why debate with someone who supports a tormenter like Jones? Get a clue.
I don't support Jones dummy... I support freedom of speech even if it hurts your feelings..... that's why you can't debate me... because I support freedom..... not fear.....
I don't support Jones dummy... I support freedom of speech even if it hurts your feelings..... that's why you can't debate me... because I support freedom..... not fear.....
Freedom of Speech does not mean there can be no consequences for what you say
I said he committed perjury, not that the court charged him with such. That remains to be seen. You're such a simple political hack. Quit wasting our time.
Well wait a second... if he committed perjury he would have been charged.... was it provable perjury or was it like the offense he was sued for... all emotionally based.....
Freedom of Speech does not mean there can be no consequences for what you say
THE....Only speech that's not protected is speech that brings physical harm to another.... did his words do that?... did he say his words in a crowded room and then yell fire?..... give up small chunks of freedom and lose them forever....
I smell an appeal....
Well wait a second... if he committed perjury he would have been charged.... was it provable perjury or was it like the offense he was sued for... all emotionally based.....
Go watch the high resolution video of the trial, you stupid fucking tool. I'm not here to hold your magaturd hand as you stumble through the flotsam and jetsam of your ignorant existence.
Go watch the high resolution video of the trial, you stupid fucking tool. I'm not here to hold your magaturd hand as you stumble through the flotsam and jetsam of your ignorant existence.
Anger comes from the losing side of a debate..... every time....
Deep down you know I'm right and that has angered you....
Deep down you're mentally ill or a troll. You defend the Jones troll because your an entitled piece of shit that loves victim blaming. You share ideologies. Being a magaturd hack may make your micropeen hard, but it's annoying to people that are having an actual conversation. Go play elsewhere.

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