The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

If you really think the white moron with a gun who foolishly tried to cut AA off should walk after ending a young man’s life for jogging while black there can be no doubt that a moral and reasonable society posces the label “racist” on you.. that’s the only plausible explanation for your atrocious content on this forum
Just because I labeled Travis McMichael as foolish for trying to block the path of a fleeing criminal that doesn't mean his actions were illegal

if you allow this dangerous president good semaratins will be more liable in court when people they were perusing turn and attack them

maude commited numerous crimes much more serious than "attempeted false arrest"
that precipitated the entire senario

he had open road in front of him but decided to rush a man with a gun who was well out of his path

Your video proves that Travis is the criminal.

the lawyer made it clear that when you're being threatened with great bodily harm it's perfectly legal to shoot someone

Maude initiated the contact and was the first person who committed an act of violence in addition to being the person who committed the first crime that set off this chain of events

He had escaped his pursuers and had open road in front of him but decided to attack them instead of continue to flee as Georgia law clearly states that you must have no reasonable means of Escape in order to use violence


"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

False Imprisonment | Georgia Criminal Lawyer
Under the Cowardly interpretation of the law that would see the McMichaels go to prison all of these Good Samaritans would as well be liable for prison time because they detained someone without witnessing a crime deemed to be a felony

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Just because I labeled Travis McMichael as foolish for trying to block the path of a fleeing criminal that doesn't mean his actions were illegal

Yet you call AA’s reaction to a very stupid move by a moron with a gun a felony..even after he was shot.

that’s cute. An unarmed black man’s reaction to a stupid attack by an armed white man who deliberately and intentionally positioned himself into a physical confrontation is a felony but the dumb white guy move is perfectly legal.

You!d better hope for an all KKK jury if you want that legal argument to set TM free.

There is nothing legal about attacking someone on a public roadway who is unarmed while telling that person to stop.

If that were legal you are saying that possession of a firearm in public is an entitlement to stop any unarmed person at any time for any reason if you don’t like the the way that person looks. And if they resist shoot ‘em.

Sure sounds like a white craving for the good old days when whites could ‘legally’ own black people.
There is nothing legal about attacking someone on a public roadway who is unarmed while telling that person to stop
Travis didn't attack anyone, he simply walked towards them and asked them to stop...arberry then changed his direction of travel and ignored a line of Escape in order to attack Travis
If that were legal you are saying that possession of a firearm in public is an entitlement to stop any unarmed person at any time for any reason if you don’t like the the way that person looks. And if they resist shoot ‘em
i never said you can shoot someone if they don't comply with your arrest attempt ( you certainly are flamboyant and dramatic) throughout American history if you have a reasonable suspicion that someone has committed a crime its perfectly reasonable for you to question them and if they violently attacked you it's perfectly reasonable for you to defend yourself

if you're forced to defend yourself and your wrong in your reasonable suspicion you're going to be judged in a court of law so when you choose to detain or question someone you are taking a major risk for society's benefit...while I applaud their courage both McMichaels and arberry were complete morons to do what they did... you sure do grown em stupid down there in Georgia

maude was he young black criminal with a history of theft on probation poking around another man's home under construction that had a history of burglary and then he ran when confronted and attacked a couple of morons trying to catch him earning him the Darwin Award

He could have been driving a Lamborghini today if he would have simply acquiesced to their demands and sued them in court

Just look at the jerks from Starbucks who simply resisted arrest non-violently after they refused to comply with the manager's instructions to leave the store

Clearly we're living in a world where young black men can commit crimes and as long as they don't become violent when they're confronted for committing those crimes they can get paid millions of dollars through a well-orchestrated propaganda campaign on crowdfunding websites

how terribly entertaining
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They ran the man down
* actually he ran them down
had not committed a crime.
* except Criminal Trespass with the intent to commit burglary which is a felony in Georgia
The men who murdered him did not know him
* yes they actually did, they recognized him as a wanted criminal hauling ass up the road as if he was running from something
He was just a niggar in their neighborhood and they weren't going to have THAT
They only chased him because they recognized him from the video and their personal first-hand experiences with him, if he was Korean they would have been chasing a Korean

(you're a gold mine)
Your fantasies are not part of the discussion.
Your fantasies are not admissible in court.
They chased him because he was a Black man running thorough their "hood" and they were going to put a stop to those niggars coming in their hood.
That you support this racism and murder is not surprising.
Thaat you do so absent a single fact is also not surposing.
Travis didn't attack anyone, he simply walked towards them and asked them to stop...

Then why was TM stupid to do that when his wise white father was trying to tell him to not do it?

if it’s perfectly fine why is it stupid.

How do you know TM “walked”? Did you see it? I don’t think AA could see it. It’s amazing how you can see it.

Anyway you have moved to a position that you now accept the reality that TM intentionally moved to be ahead of AA from your original position that he moved not more than three feet. He moved twenty at most , fifteen at least. Why did you lie for so long?

“you're allowed to move around and take a defensive position to protect yourself travis moved 3 feet in a reaction to the criminals agressive movememt” KingGUERRILLA Post #654

“Travis simply stepped to the front of his vehicle about 3 feet because the criminal was running from the rear and that gives him the best tactical position in case he's fired upon” KingGUERRILLA Post #1,078

“ a clear attempt to Ambush the man holding the shotgun who had now stepped to the front of the vehicle ( Travis McMichael moved about 3 feet and Ahmad moved about 50 yards so it3s pretty obvious who was standing their ground) “KingGUERRILLA Post #231

“Yes Travis went from the driver side to the front of the truck approximately 3 ft Your criminal Hero on the other hand ran about a football field directly at Travis and the rear of the vehicle as he approached Travis shoulder to shotgun even though he never aimed the gun directly at the...”
KingGUERRILLA Post #1,000.
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They ran the man down
* actually he ran them down
had not committed a crime.
* except Criminal Trespass with the intent to commit burglary which is a felony in Georgia
The men who murdered him did not know him
* yes they actually did, they recognized him as a wanted criminal hauling ass up the road as if he was running from something
He was just a niggar in their neighborhood and they weren't going to have THAT
They only chased him because they recognized him from the video and their personal first-hand experiences with him, if he was Korean they would have been chasing a Korean

(you're a gold mine)
Your fantasies are not part of the discussion.
Your fantasies are not admissible in court.
They chased him because he was a Black man running thorough their "hood" and they were going to put a stop to those niggars coming in their hood.
That you support this racism and murder is not surprising.
Thaat you do so absent a single fact is also not surposing.
They didn't chase him because he was "a black guy" in their neighborhood they chased him because he was THE BLACK CRIMINAL in their neighborhood they've been trying to catch for weeks...they RECOGNIZED HIM PERSONALLY!!!!

If a Korean kept illegally entering Larry English's property and snooping around the Shadows of the Satilla Shores neighborhood they would have been chasing Koreans

I love flaming drama queens who spew BLM propaganda... keep it coming

remember "hands up dont shoot"??

they lied to you
Travis didn't attack anyone, he simply walked towards them and asked them to stop...

Then why was TM stupid to do that when his wise white father was trying to tell him to not do it?

if it’s perfectly fine why is it stupid.

How do you know TM “walked”? Did you see it? I don’t think AA could see it. It’s amazing how you can see it.

Anyway you have moved to a position that you now accept the reality that TM intentionally moved to be ahead of AA from your original position that he moved not more than three feet. He moved twenty at most , fifteen at least. Why did you lie for so long?

“you're allowed to move around and take a defensive position to protect yourself travis moved 3 feet in a reaction to the criminals agressive movememt” KingGUERRILLA Post #654

“Travis simply stepped to the front of his vehicle about 3 feet because the criminal was running from the rear and that gives him the best tactical position in case he's fired upon” KingGUERRILLA Post #1,078

“ a clear attempt to Ambush the man holding the shotgun who had now stepped to the front of the vehicle ( Travis McMichael moved about 3 feet and Ahmad moved about 50 yards so it3s pretty obvious who was standing their ground) “KingGUERRILLA Post #231

“Yes Travis went from the driver side to the front of the truck approximately 3 ft Your criminal Hero on the other hand ran about a football field directly at Travis and the rear of the vehicle as he approached Travis shoulder to shotgun even though he never aimed the gun directly at the...”
KingGUERRILLA Post #1,000.


Then why was TM stupid to do that when his wise white father was trying to tell him to not do it?

if it’s perfectly fine why is it stupid
It's a stupid thing to do because it takes away your Ironclad proof of self defense because Mincy fruity drama queens who support criminal activity will get excited over the notion that you walked towards someone as their cowardly instincts suggests that anybody that doesn't flee from confrontation is violent
How do you know TM “walked”? Did you see it? I don’t think AA could see it. It’s amazing how you can see it
Had he ran with impetus he would have actually got in front of Maude but as you have admitted multiple times throughout the thread he was never able to even get within grabbing distance until Maude changed his direction to intercept Travis
Anyway you have moved to a position that you now accept the reality that TM intentionally moved to be ahead of AA from your original position
Actually I've maintained The Identical position from the very beginning that Travis was in front of the vehicle when mod turned 90 degrees ran directly at him and attacked him even though he had a wide-open road in front of him with no one blocking his path

travis moved in front of the truck and Maude changed his direction of travel to facilitate contact just like you admitted when you added all your silly arrows to my graphic

* I like the way you suggest the Travis ran in front of mod even though you couldn't even depict it with your silly arrows because it looks so silly ...
why don't you post a picture of your arrows where travis ACTUALLY blocked Maude's path and then let's watch the video again LOL
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They ran the man down
* actually he ran them down
had not committed a crime.
* except Criminal Trespass with the intent to commit burglary which is a felony in Georgia
The men who murdered him did not know him
* yes they actually did, they recognized him as a wanted criminal hauling ass up the road as if he was running from something
He was just a niggar in their neighborhood and they weren't going to have THAT
They only chased him because they recognized him from the video and their personal first-hand experiences with him, if he was Korean they would have been chasing a Korean

(you're a gold mine)
Your fantasies are not part of the discussion.
Your fantasies are not admissible in court.
They chased him because he was a Black man running thorough their "hood" and they were going to put a stop to those niggars coming in their hood.
That you support this racism and murder is not surprising.
Thaat you do so absent a single fact is also not surposing.
They didn't chase him because he was "a black guy" in their neighborhood they chased him because he was THE BLACK CRIMINAL in their neighborhood they've been trying to catch for weeks...they RECOGNIZED HIM PERSONALLY!!!!

If a Korean kept illegally entering Larry English's property and snooping around the Shadows of the Satilla Shores neighborhood they would have been chasing Koreans

I love flaming drama queens who spew BLM propaganda... keep it coming

remember "hands up dont shoot"??

they lied to you

They chased him BECAUSE he was black.

" Dial also testified that investigators found several text messages on Bryan’s phone containing derogatory comments that exhibited a “racist attitude” which Dial said likely played a role in Bryan’s decision to chase and help trap Arbery. " Known Racist!

" Police say Gregory McMichael saw Arbery running in his neighborhood and believed he looked like a burglary suspect. The elder McMichael called his son and the two armed themselves and gave chase in a pickup truck, police say. " Believed is not a reason to murder someone.

"Mr. Bryan said that after the shooting took place before police arrival, while Mr. Arbery was on the ground, that he heard Travis McMichael make the statement: fucking ******,” Dial said in testimony. " More racism from the murderer.

The victim was unarmed and trying to move away. There is no place in the law where killing a person, even if he's getting away, is justified. Police have been convicted for shooting an unarmed suspect running away (Black guy, of course) and these racist clowns deserve no more consideration for the murder they committed than a REAL police officer.
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They chased him BECAUSE he was black
*They chased him because he was the black guy wanted for the criminal activity... they've seen black men jogging before and didn't shoot any of them you know
Believed is not a reason to murder someone
*of course it isn't but when someone runs up grabs your gun and starts punching you in the face you have every reason in the world to shoot them
getting away
* actually he wasn't "getting away" he was running directly at them
running away
* actually the exact opposite of "running away" he was running directly at them

they stopped chasing him and stood their ground while calling 911...he then ran DIRECTLY AT MEN STANDING THEIR GROUND WITH GUNS and attacked one of them
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Once again, you show how Arbery was within his legal right to try to disarm Travis. Your video explains if you're being threatened with death, you can engage in self-defense and even use lethal force against that deadly threat.

And as you yourself said -- Travis posed a deadly threat to Ahmaud Arbery.

This case will end very quickly and very badly for the MchMichaels.


So if you chase somebody cuz they black it's okay for them to punch you in the throat cuz you got a gun?

( I like where this is going)

Skin color has nothing to do with it; while posing a deadly threat has everything to do with it. And as you yourself pointed out -- Travis posed a deadly threat to Arbery. That legally allowed Arbery to take any measure necessary to stop the threat.

Your video proves that Travis is the criminal.

the lawyer made it clear that when you're being threatened with great bodily harm it's perfectly legal to shoot someone

Maude initiated the contact and was the first person who committed an act of violence in addition to being the person who committed the first crime that set off this chain of events

He had escaped his pursuers and had open road in front of him but decided to attack them instead of continue to flee as Georgia law clearly states that you must have no reasonable means of Escape in order to use violence

View attachment 450587

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

False Imprisonment | Georgia Criminal Lawyer

Nope, you yourself already said the incident was provoked by Travis posing a deadly threat to Arbery before Arbery got anywhere near Travis. That gave Arbery, not Travis, the legal right to use any force necessary to stop the deadly threat Travis posed.

Travis murdered him for that. And they have the death penalty in Georgia.

Cook 'em, Danno!


Once again, you show how Arbery was within his legal right to try to disarm Travis. Your video explains if you're being threatened with death, you can engage in self-defense and even use lethal force against that deadly threat.

And as you yourself said -- Travis posed a deadly threat to Ahmaud Arbery.

This case will end very quickly and very badly for the MchMichaels.


So if you chase somebody cuz they black it's okay for them to punch you in the throat cuz you got a gun?

( I like where this is going)

Skin color has nothing to do with it; while posing a deadly threat has everything to do with it. And as you yourself pointed out -- Travis posed a deadly threat to Arbery. That legally allowed Arbery to take any measure necessary to stop the threat.

How come you don't quote exactly what I said for context?

Actually Georgia law does not provide any means necessary to stop a threat

if you have reasonable means of Escape you're not allowed to use violence to attack someone just cuz you're afraid

Your video proves that Travis is the criminal.

the lawyer made it clear that when you're being threatened with great bodily harm it's perfectly legal to shoot someone

Maude initiated the contact and was the first person who committed an act of violence in addition to being the person who committed the first crime that set off this chain of events

He had escaped his pursuers and had open road in front of him but decided to attack them instead of continue to flee as Georgia law clearly states that you must have no reasonable means of Escape in order to use violence

View attachment 450587

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

False Imprisonment | Georgia Criminal Lawyer

Nope, you yourself already said the incident was provoked by Travis posing a deadly threat to Arbery before Arbery got anywhere near Travis. That gave Arbery, not Travis, the legal right to use any force necessary to stop the deadly threat Travis posed.

Travis murdered him for that. And they have the death penalty in Georgia.

Cook 'em, Danno!


trouble is the McMichaels never threatened Maude so using violence to attack a man that never even pointed a gun at you is not legal

in fact they never even put their hands on him much less did anything that would legalize rushing a man and trying to forcibly disarm him

I'm sure you were squealing from the top of your lungs about Tamir rice Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown but we know how they turned out now don't we?

*they lied to you
Well we should turn everyone who is facing those charges loose right? I mean it’s fair.

More people convicted of the same charges.

Greg called the DA for a favor because he knew that if they were run up in front of a Georgia Jury with this situation they would go to prison. Everyone knows it. Besides you.
Well we should turn everyone who is facing those charges loose right? I mean it’s fair.

More people convicted of the same charges.

Greg called the DA for a favor because he knew that if they were run up in front of a Georgia Jury with this situation they would go to prison. Everyone knows it. Besides you.
LOL, i think a John caught the same charge as well

*a retired cop trying to coller a local crazy crook after he got caught casing out of house is a FAR CRY from what any of these extreem criminals did to their victems

Once again, you show how Arbery was within his legal right to try to disarm Travis. Your video explains if you're being threatened with death, you can engage in self-defense and even use lethal force against that deadly threat.

And as you yourself said -- Travis posed a deadly threat to Ahmaud Arbery.

This case will end very quickly and very badly for the MchMichaels.


So if you chase somebody cuz they black it's okay for them to punch you in the throat cuz you got a gun?

( I like where this is going)

Skin color has nothing to do with it; while posing a deadly threat has everything to do with it. And as you yourself pointed out -- Travis posed a deadly threat to Arbery. That legally allowed Arbery to take any measure necessary to stop the threat.

How come you don't quote exactly what I said for context?

Actually Georgia law does not provide any means necessary to stop a threat

if you have reasonable means of Escape you're not allowed to use violence to attack someone just cuz you're afraid


Imbecile, I shouldn't have to quote you to tell you what you said. You should already know what you said.

Any trained military operator is going to ask himself what a man is doing to running directly at a vehicle where he knows a deadly threat exists

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