The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

Innocent people don't flee when confronted

And smart people don't stick around when rednecks with guns are chasing them...
so you would flee like a crook if men with guns asked you a question???

looks quite guilty!
Whjat question did they ask Arbery? How do you know?
Because I watched all the body cam video where Gregory McMichael said they were driving along side him and speaking to him... they weren't asking him for his phone number they were telling him to stop fleeing and explain himself

Lots of witnesses saw the McMichaels driving alongside arbery and talking to him

if they were a couple of bloodthirsty rednecks out for murder they would have shot him then

You realize you just made the case for Attempted False Imprisonment by the McMichaels for the Prosecution don’t you?
actually I consider the McMichaels total morons and their actions foolish Beyond The Pale however not illegal in the state of Georgia

if they acted as total morons with loaded guns and using vehicles as weapons how in the hell would that behavior be legal in any state?

GM told police that AA resembled someone in a video he had seen earlier. Do you want White morons with guns to be hunting down and detaining using lethal force on every black man they see jogging on the street or should there be laws against stupid people playing cops and robbers with real guns.
it should be legal to chase and block the path of somebody you RECOGNIZE as a WANTED CRIMINAL

So you admit it is not legal. Now you want the McMichaels released not on the basis of the law. But what you think the law should be.
I think it should be legal worldwide just the same as it is in Georgia to chase somebody who you suspect of committing a crime even while in the possession of a firearm

Do you really think it's illegal to chase someone while holding a firearm in the state of Georgia?

In Context. The way the McMichaels did. Yes. It is. And I have thought that for about six years. Since my first course on the Concealed Carry laws in the state.
i know you wish he threatened arberry with a pointed gun while he was innocently "jogging" but thats all fantasy


Ok. What crime was Arbury committing when the McMichaels set off in pursuit?
Reasonable Suspicion of burglary and confirmed trespassing
Innocent people don't flee when confronted

And smart people don't stick around when rednecks with guns are chasing them...
so you would flee like a crook if men with guns asked you a question???

looks quite guilty!
Whjat question did they ask Arbery? How do you know?
Because I watched all the body cam video where Gregory McMichael said they were driving along side him and speaking to him... they weren't asking him for his phone number they were telling him to stop fleeing and explain himself

Lots of witnesses saw the McMichaels driving alongside arbery and talking to him

if they were a couple of bloodthirsty rednecks out for murder they would have shot him then

You realize you just made the case for Attempted False Imprisonment by the McMichaels for the Prosecution don’t you?
Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony
thus it was perfectly legal to pursue him and no arrest occurred

How come you don't want to talk about the attempted arrest of Michael Brown?
Innocent people don't flee when confronted

And smart people don't stick around when rednecks with guns are chasing them...
so you would flee like a crook if men with guns asked you a question???

looks quite guilty!
Whjat question did they ask Arbery? How do you know?
Because I watched all the body cam video where Gregory McMichael said they were driving along side him and speaking to him... they weren't asking him for his phone number they were telling him to stop fleeing and explain himself

Lots of witnesses saw the McMichaels driving alongside arbery and talking to him

if they were a couple of bloodthirsty rednecks out for murder they would have shot him then

Watch all the body cam footage you want. At the end of the day, it's simply the word of Gregory McMichael, and he'll say whatever he has to in order to cover his ass and his son's.

Something I've not heard once in this entire case is any reference to when Travis McMichael informed Arbury that he was effecting a citizen's arrest. I'm pretty sure that a requirement in all 50 states. Had he not done that, and there's no reason to believe he did, then Arbury had no idea why two armed rednecks were chasing him and was legitimately in fear for his life...

Actually. No. You don’t have to say it.

Citizen’s Arrests
As a private citizen, you have no authority to arrest anyone with a warrant. Without a war- rant, you may arrest anyone who commits a mis- demeanor or a felony in your presence or with your immediate knowledge. A citizen’s arrest occurs when a citizen prevents a suspect from leaving a scene. Citizen’s arrest most often hap- pens in cases like shoplifting, when the store’s manager detains the suspected offender. How- ever, as the following example shows, the man- ager or employee cannot make such an arrest in every case.
In Winn Dixie Stores Inc. v. Nichols, a Winn Dixie customer complained to management that another customer stole her wallet.1 The court
held that the limited rights of merchants to de- tain or arrest a person reasonably believed to have committed a shoplifting offense do not authorize a merchant to detain or arrest indi- viduals accused by store patrons of committing crimesagainstotherpatrons.Tomakethearrest, an employee would have had to actually see the criminal act committed. Therefore, it was ruled that management had no authority to arrest the alleged criminal. The court suggested that the only person who could have made the citizen’s arrest was the robbed customer herself.
When making a citizen’s arrest, a person may not use more force than is reasonable to make the arrest. Deadly force is limited to self-defense or to instances in which such force is necessary to prevent certain felonies.
It must be stressed that the right of pri- vate citizens to make a citizen’s arrest is limited. They cannot arrest people for violating local ordinances or regulations because these viola- tions are not technically crimes as defined by state law (see chapter 15). Therefore, as a pri- vate citizen, you would not have the authority to arrest a person who is creating a disturbance by making too much noise. In addition, a pri- vate person can only make a citizen’s arrest for the purpose of bringing the suspect before a ju- dicial officer.

So when the McMichaels told him to stop out the window of the truck. That was effectively the citizens arrest. When they blocked his path with their truck and bumped him to stop him that was also citizens arrest. You don’t have to shout the words to conduct it.

That is why False Imprisonment is on the list of charges. It was an illegal citizens arrest. That’s why I keep telling the Ape that even if Arbury had stopped the McMichaels would be headed to Prison.
So you believe if the accused party in Winn-Dixie tried to throat punch the manager the manager would not be allowed to defend themselves?


How many years in prison should the little old man get that try to falsely imprison Michael Brown after all he did not witness a felony?
actually I consider the McMichaels total morons and their actions foolish Beyond The Pale however not illegal in the state of Georgia

if they acted as total morons with loaded guns and using vehicles as weapons how in the hell would that behavior be legal in any state?

GM told police that AA resembled someone in a video he had seen earlier. Do you want White morons with guns to be hunting down and detaining using lethal force on every black man they see jogging on the street or should there be laws against stupid people playing cops and robbers with real guns.
it should be legal to chase and block the path of somebody you RECOGNIZE as a WANTED CRIMINAL

So you admit it is not legal. Now you want the McMichaels released not on the basis of the law. But what you think the law should be.
I think it should be legal worldwide just the same as it is in Georgia to chase somebody who you suspect of committing a crime even while in the possession of a firearm

Do you really think it's illegal to chase someone while holding a firearm in the state of Georgia?

In Context. The way the McMichaels did. Yes. It is. And I have thought that for about six years. Since my first course on the Concealed Carry laws in the state.
i know you wish he threatened arberry with a pointed gun while he was innocently "jogging" but thats all fantasy


Ok. What crime was Arbury committing when the McMichaels set off in pursuit?
Reasonable Suspicion of burglary and confirmed trespassing

What is it that gave them that "reasonable suspicion"?

After all, they didn't see him leaving the property. If they saw him there a week prior, that would not be sufficient grounds for them to pursue him...
Innocent people don't flee when confronted

And smart people don't stick around when rednecks with guns are chasing them...
so you would flee like a crook if men with guns asked you a question???

looks quite guilty!
Whjat question did they ask Arbery? How do you know?
Because I watched all the body cam video where Gregory McMichael said they were driving along side him and speaking to him... they weren't asking him for his phone number they were telling him to stop fleeing and explain himself

Lots of witnesses saw the McMichaels driving alongside arbery and talking to him

if they were a couple of bloodthirsty rednecks out for murder they would have shot him then

You realize you just made the case for Attempted False Imprisonment by the McMichaels for the Prosecution don’t you?
Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony
thus it was perfectly legal to pursue him and no arrest occurred

How come you don't want to talk about the attempted arrest of Michael Brown?

Because that gives you further opportunity to avoid explaining your outright retarded arguments in this case.

Besides, that was a different case, with different circumstances (which have been explained to you), in a different state and subject to different laws.

They're nowehere near similar, so it would be stupid to discuss that case...
Actually. No. You don’t have to say it.

Well, then there should be no surprise that Arbury ran from the two fat, armed rednecks. All he knew was that he was about to get lynched.

Anyone, even our resident retard, would've ran...
"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

*so there you go... not only did this fleeing criminal escape from the McMichaels once he also had many opportunities to do so again yet chose to attack instead thus false imprisonment cannot be convicted since he had ample and reasonable opportunity to escape and did not Avail himself of it

If you lock somebody in a room they have no opportunity to escape so they are legally imprisoned

You can't imprison somebody in the middle of the road
Actually. No. You don’t have to say it.

Well, then there should be no surprise that Arbury ran from the two fat, armed rednecks. All he knew was that he was about to get lynched.

Anyone, even our resident retard, would've ran...
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment conviction is impossible

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony

What felony?
Entering into a property with the intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia

The property had suffered a string of illegal entries and burglaries with the prime suspect being identified via video surveillance

You're trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal so you're going to have a hard time
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

Earlier you say Arbury was running fafter committing a felony. What felony can one reasonably infer from seeing someone running? Murder?

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

You keep belching that up, and it's meaningless. You seem to think that it matters, and it doesn't...

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment

So, you now admit that the false imprisonment charge is legitimate.

You're comin' around, pinhead...

conviction is impossible

I've got a nice, crisp $100 bill for you if you take my bet and Travis McMichael is acquitted...

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

Pudge was holding a loaded shotgun. It's not as if Arbury was going to outrun buckshot. He still would've been killed, he just would've died tired...
Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony

What felony?
Entering into a property with the intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia

The property had suffered a string of illegal entries and burglaries with the prime suspect being identified via video surveillance

You're trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal so you're going to have a hard time

Well, as nothing was stolen, according to the property owner, the defense is going to have one Helluva time showing how Arbury intended to steal something. After all, had he intended to do that, he would've had it on him when he was murdered. But that's not the case.

Travis McMichael didn't see Arbury in that house or on that property that day. That matters.

The police hadn't identified Arbury as a suspect. That matters.

The police did not classify Ahmaud Arbury as "wanted". That matters.

You continue to ignore facts and the law. That's fine. The McMichaels will be tried, convicted and sentenced, and Travis will be lucky if he escapes the death penalty.

$100 bucks, shithead. You seem so sure of your argument. Put your money where your mouth is...
actually I consider the McMichaels total morons and their actions foolish Beyond The Pale however not illegal in the state of Georgia

if they acted as total morons with loaded guns and using vehicles as weapons how in the hell would that behavior be legal in any state?

GM told police that AA resembled someone in a video he had seen earlier. Do you want White morons with guns to be hunting down and detaining using lethal force on every black man they see jogging on the street or should there be laws against stupid people playing cops and robbers with real guns.
it should be legal to chase and block the path of somebody you RECOGNIZE as a WANTED CRIMINAL

So you admit it is not legal. Now you want the McMichaels released not on the basis of the law. But what you think the law should be.
I think it should be legal worldwide just the same as it is in Georgia to chase somebody who you suspect of committing a crime even while in the possession of a firearm

Do you really think it's illegal to chase someone while holding a firearm in the state of Georgia?

In Context. The way the McMichaels did. Yes. It is. And I have thought that for about six years. Since my first course on the Concealed Carry laws in the state.
i know you wish he threatened arberry with a pointed gun while he was innocently "jogging" but thats all fantasy


Ok. What crime was Arbury committing when the McMichaels set off in pursuit?
Reasonable Suspicion of burglary and confirmed trespassing

The McMichaels would have to be empowered by English as his designated representative to go for the trespassing charge. He obviously had nothing on him as they chased him. No tools cradled I his arms. Since he was not committing a crime that day their pursuit was illegal right?
Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony

What felony?
Entering into a property with the intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia

The property had suffered a string of illegal entries and burglaries with the prime suspect being identified via video surveillance

You're trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal so you're going to have a hard time

Establishing intent is more than saying he must be up to something. Especially when other entered the same property and did not have the police called right?

Three other people entered the same property that day. Why didn’t the McMichaels set off in pursuit of the whites?
Actually. No. You don’t have to say it.

Well, then there should be no surprise that Arbury ran from the two fat, armed rednecks. All he knew was that he was about to get lynched.

Anyone, even our resident retard, would've ran...
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment conviction is impossible

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

According to you this reasonable means of escape from the people trying to arrest him for trespassing was to run through yards jumping fences and trespassing. The McMichaels are fucked. But at least you are trying to use Georgia Law. Finally.
Actually. No. You don’t have to say it.

Well, then there should be no surprise that Arbury ran from the two fat, armed rednecks. All he knew was that he was about to get lynched.

Anyone, even our resident retard, would've ran...
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment conviction is impossible

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

According to you this reasonable means of escape from the people trying to arrest him for trespassing was to run through yards jumping fences and trespassing. The McMichaels are fucked. But at least you are trying to use Georgia Law. Finally.
he could have just kept on running down the road

no one even touched him or stood in his path

He had ample opportunity to escape but he chose to try to carjack roddy and then run further than a football field and assault Travis

clearly he was perfectly comfortable entering other people's property and as a young football player would have had no problem at all losing the three chubby middle-aged Men by jumping a few fences

You're desperate attempt to suggest that they could imprison him in the middle of the road without even touching him is so detached from reality it's hilarious

why don't you just put all your ranting and raving into one post rather than a half-dozen disjointed desperate squeals?

haven't you all learn how to use computers down there in Georgia?
Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony

What felony?
Entering into a property with the intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia

The property had suffered a string of illegal entries and burglaries with the prime suspect being identified via video surveillance

You're trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal so you're going to have a hard time

Establishing intent is more than saying he must be up to something. Especially when other entered the same property and did not have the police called right?

Three other people entered the same property that day. Why didn’t the McMichaels set off in pursuit of the whites?
If someone would have confronted the white people who entered the property and they tried to throat punch the citizen they would be allowed to defend themselves just like they are with a black person

You're so desperate to interject a racial trauma narrative it smacks of a childish attempt to steer the conversation away from the simple facts
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

Earlier you say Arbury was running fafter committing a felony. What felony can one reasonably infer from seeing someone running? Murder?

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

You keep belching that up, and it's meaningless. You seem to think that it matters, and it doesn't...

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment

So, you now admit that the false imprisonment charge is legitimate.

You're comin' around, pinhead...

conviction is impossible

I've got a nice, crisp $100 bill for you if you take my bet and Travis McMichael is acquitted...

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

Pudge was holding a loaded shotgun. It's not as if Arbury was going to outrun buckshot. He still would've been killed, he just would've died tired...
They literally recognized him from the surveillance video just like the little old lady The Little Old Lady Who recognized Richard Ramirez from the wanted poster

just because men are holding a gun doesn't mean they're going to shoot you

If they didn't shoot him in the first 10 minutes of the Chase he had no reasonable expectation that they would shoot him in the next 2 minutes that's why he decided to attack he thought they wouldn't shoot him and he can pull a ninja disarm technique but then again he was a mentally retarded Street Criminal

You're suggesting he ran further than a football field directly at two men who he believed would shoot him?


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