The painful truth about Ahmaud Arberry

By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

Earlier you say Arbury was running fafter committing a felony. What felony can one reasonably infer from seeing someone running? Murder?

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

You keep belching that up, and it's meaningless. You seem to think that it matters, and it doesn't...

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment

So, you now admit that the false imprisonment charge is legitimate.

You're comin' around, pinhead...

conviction is impossible

I've got a nice, crisp $100 bill for you if you take my bet and Travis McMichael is acquitted...

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

Pudge was holding a loaded shotgun. It's not as if Arbury was going to outrun buckshot. He still would've been killed, he just would've died tired...
They literally recognized him from the surveillance video just like the little old lady The Little Old Lady Who recognized Richard Ramirez from the wanted poster

just because men are holding a gun doesn't mean they're going to shoot you

If they didn't shoot him in the first 10 minutes of the Chase he had no reasonable expectation that they would shoot him in the next 2 minutes that's why he decided to attack he thought they wouldn't shoot him and he can pull a ninja disarm technique but then again he was a mentally retarded Street Criminal

You're suggesting he ran further than a football field directly at two men who he believed would shoot him?

Then he tries to take the gun away. WTF? Why do that? Now, had he gotten the gun and shot those white crackers, it’s likely we wouldn’t know about it as the MSM would have ignored the story.
he could have just kept on running down the road

no one even touched him or stood in his path

you are a liar. You can’t say “no one stood in his path” because you can’t see in the video what TM was doing when he was in front of the truck and shot the first shot that wounded AA on the wrist.

Most of us who are not racists can make the logical deduction that since a pick up truck is six feet wide when there were two men in front of it and one possibly Aiming a 3ft long shotgun the two men were in close contact and it was TM’s decisions to put himself and his weapon close to the man he wanted to put in the ground.

That’s pretty much TM standing in AA’s path and shooting him.
Innocent people don't flee when confronted

And smart people don't stick around when rednecks with guns are chasing them...
so you would flee like a crook if men with guns asked you a question???

looks quite guilty!
Whjat question did they ask Arbery? How do you know?
Because I watched all the body cam video where Gregory McMichael said they were driving along side him and speaking to him... they weren't asking him for his phone number they were telling him to stop fleeing and explain himself

Lots of witnesses saw the McMichaels driving alongside arbery and talking to him

if they were a couple of bloodthirsty rednecks out for murder they would have shot him then

Watch all the body cam footage you want. At the end of the day, it's simply the word of Gregory McMichael, and he'll say whatever he has to in order to cover his ass and his son's.

Something I've not heard once in this entire case is any reference to when Travis McMichael informed Arbury that he was effecting a citizen's arrest. I'm pretty sure that a requirement in all 50 states. Had he not done that, and there's no reason to believe he did, then Arbury had no idea why two armed rednecks were chasing him and was legitimately in fear for his life...
Why would they shoot him 12 minutes into the Chase and not when they first made contact with him if they were murderous rednecks Out For Blood?

In this photo they have a clear firing angle that simply cannot miss... an easy kill why not take it?View attachment 435943

How come you don't want to talk about the attempted citizen's arrest on Michael Brown?
Im sorry but if you think that's a "clear firing angle that simply cannot miss" you're even dumber than I thought. Recall that Travis had a shotgun. Recall this is a residential neighborhood. Recall Arbery is jogging.
They werent interested in shooting him. They were probably interested in beating him up and then turning him over to the cops.
As for Michael Brown you reall don't want to go there.
There was no citizens arrest. The incident happened on the person's premises. The owner witnessed the incident. Brown was aggressive and assaulted the owner.
Compare that with Arbery where literally none of that took place.
So many people has been squealing about this Petty Street criminal having been cornered and forced to attack I went ahead and took a few photos of his route

As you can see these are wide open acreagettes with no fences and lots of places to hide... there's even wooded portions in between houses that would make for a very easy Escape for a young healthy football player being pursued by three middle-aged men in trucks

Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony

What felony?
Entering into a property with the intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia

The property had suffered a string of illegal entries and burglaries with the prime suspect being identified via video surveillance

You're trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal so you're going to have a hard time
There were no burglaries. There was nothing to take. The house was under construction. Lots of peopel stopped in to look at just out of curiosity. There was also a water source at the back and Arbery may have stopped for a drink.
None of that is really a capital offense.
Actually. No. You don’t have to say it.

Well, then there should be no surprise that Arbury ran from the two fat, armed rednecks. All he knew was that he was about to get lynched.

Anyone, even our resident retard, would've ran...
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment conviction is impossible

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

According to you this reasonable means of escape from the people trying to arrest him for trespassing was to run through yards jumping fences and trespassing. The McMichaels are fucked. But at least you are trying to use Georgia Law. Finally.
he could have just kept on running down the road

no one even touched him or stood in his path

He had ample opportunity to escape but he chose to try to carjack roddy and then run further than a football field and assault Travis

clearly he was perfectly comfortable entering other people's property and as a young football player would have had no problem at all losing the three chubby middle-aged Men by jumping a few fences

You're desperate attempt to suggest that they could imprison him in the middle of the road without even touching him is so detached from reality it's hilarious

why don't you just put all your ranting and raving into one post rather than a half-dozen disjointed desperate squeals?

haven't you all learn how to use computers down there in Georgia?

I tried longer posts with you. Your short attention span prevented you from reading. And comprehension was more than could be expected.

So you wanted him to flee from trespassing by trespassing. You really hate that Whites are locked up don’t you?
he could have just kept on running down the road

no one even touched him or stood in his path

you are a liar. You can’t say “no one stood in his path” because you can’t see in the video what TM was doing when he was in front of the truck and shot the first shot that wounded AA on the wrist.

Most of us who are not racists can make the logical deduction that since a pick up truck is six feet wide when there were two men in front of it and one possibly Aiming a 3ft long shotgun the two men were in close contact and it was TM’s decisions to put himself and his weapon close to the man he wanted to put in the ground.

That’s pretty much TM standing in AA’s path and shooting him.
yeah i guess theres no way he could have made it around the truck as there is simply no room on either side


* actually there's a few Acres on either side lol
Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony

What felony?
Entering into a property with the intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia

The property had suffered a string of illegal entries and burglaries with the prime suspect being identified via video surveillance

You're trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal so you're going to have a hard time

Establishing intent is more than saying he must be up to something. Especially when other entered the same property and did not have the police called right?

Three other people entered the same property that day. Why didn’t the McMichaels set off in pursuit of the whites?
If someone would have confronted the white people who entered the property and they tried to throat punch the citizen they would be allowed to defend themselves just like they are with a black person

You're so desperate to interject a racial trauma narrative it smacks of a childish attempt to steer the conversation away from the simple facts

Me? You claim in one post that it was a justified citizens arrest. We point it it wasn’t. You scream old English law. We point out Georgia Law. You deny a citizens arrest was attempted. We point out that without it there was no reason to pursue. You deny the pursuit. Then you start back on the citizens arrest.

You have thrown every excuse you can think of to justify their actions. You denounced the lawyers. You denounced the laws. You accused Georgia of creating precedence at the behest of Oprah nearly thirty years ago to justify the arrest. As if someone went in and just pretended those decisions had been made.

In one reply they are in the middle of the road greeting neighbors. In another they are stopping Al Capone.

Jesus. Get your story straight and perhaps we can do more than find rationalities for your multiple posts on black brain disease. Idiot.
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

Earlier you say Arbury was running fafter committing a felony. What felony can one reasonably infer from seeing someone running? Murder?

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

You keep belching that up, and it's meaningless. You seem to think that it matters, and it doesn't...

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment

So, you now admit that the false imprisonment charge is legitimate.

You're comin' around, pinhead...

conviction is impossible

I've got a nice, crisp $100 bill for you if you take my bet and Travis McMichael is acquitted...

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

Pudge was holding a loaded shotgun. It's not as if Arbury was going to outrun buckshot. He still would've been killed, he just would've died tired...
They literally recognized him from the surveillance video just like the little old lady The Little Old Lady Who recognized Richard Ramirez from the wanted poster

just because men are holding a gun doesn't mean they're going to shoot you

If they didn't shoot him in the first 10 minutes of the Chase he had no reasonable expectation that they would shoot him in the next 2 minutes that's why he decided to attack he thought they wouldn't shoot him and he can pull a ninja disarm technique but then again he was a mentally retarded Street Criminal

You're suggesting he ran further than a football field directly at two men who he believed would shoot him?

Then he tries to take the gun away. WTF? Why do that? Now, had he gotten the gun and shot those white crackers, it’s likely we wouldn’t know about it as the MSM would have ignored the story.

Oh it would have been a story.
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

Earlier you say Arbury was running fafter committing a felony. What felony can one reasonably infer from seeing someone running? Murder?

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

You keep belching that up, and it's meaningless. You seem to think that it matters, and it doesn't...

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment

So, you now admit that the false imprisonment charge is legitimate.

You're comin' around, pinhead...

conviction is impossible

I've got a nice, crisp $100 bill for you if you take my bet and Travis McMichael is acquitted...

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

Pudge was holding a loaded shotgun. It's not as if Arbury was going to outrun buckshot. He still would've been killed, he just would've died tired...
They literally recognized him from the surveillance video just like the little old lady The Little Old Lady Who recognized Richard Ramirez from the wanted poster

just because men are holding a gun doesn't mean they're going to shoot you

If they didn't shoot him in the first 10 minutes of the Chase he had no reasonable expectation that they would shoot him in the next 2 minutes that's why he decided to attack he thought they wouldn't shoot him and he can pull a ninja disarm technique but then again he was a mentally retarded Street Criminal

You're suggesting he ran further than a football field directly at two men who he believed would shoot him?

Then he tries to take the gun away. WTF? Why do that? Now, had he gotten the gun and shot those white crackers, it’s likely we wouldn’t know about it as the MSM would have ignored the story.
if he "got the shotgun" he also would have got a few 357s to the head because rushing 2 men with guns is suicidal unless you believe they wont shoot you and arberry wasent suicidal

nobody would rush 2 men with guns (one in the back of a truck in a defensible position) unless they were certain they were bluffing
By running you give them the reasonable suspicion that you have committed a crime

Earlier you say Arbury was running fafter committing a felony. What felony can one reasonably infer from seeing someone running? Murder?

If they wanted to murder arbery they had tons of chances to do it before he attacked them

You keep belching that up, and it's meaningless. You seem to think that it matters, and it doesn't...

Arbery had reasonable opportunity to escape the false imprisonment

So, you now admit that the false imprisonment charge is legitimate.

You're comin' around, pinhead...

conviction is impossible

I've got a nice, crisp $100 bill for you if you take my bet and Travis McMichael is acquitted...

"To be convicted of false imprisonment in Georgia, the State must demonstrate that the accused is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. That includes showing that the accused had the intent to confine the victim and that there were no reasonable means of escape"

Pudge was holding a loaded shotgun. It's not as if Arbury was going to outrun buckshot. He still would've been killed, he just would've died tired...
They literally recognized him from the surveillance video just like the little old lady The Little Old Lady Who recognized Richard Ramirez from the wanted poster

just because men are holding a gun doesn't mean they're going to shoot you

If they didn't shoot him in the first 10 minutes of the Chase he had no reasonable expectation that they would shoot him in the next 2 minutes that's why he decided to attack he thought they wouldn't shoot him and he can pull a ninja disarm technique but then again he was a mentally retarded Street Criminal

You're suggesting he ran further than a football field directly at two men who he believed would shoot him?

Then he tries to take the gun away. WTF? Why do that? Now, had he gotten the gun and shot those white crackers, it’s likely we wouldn’t know about it as the MSM would have ignored the story.

Oh it would have been a story.
and i would support him because he was mentally retarted and likely dumb enough to actually BELIEVE the BLM propaganda
by attacking he opens the door to a reasonable use of force argument and if sombody is grabbing your gun its perfectly reasonable to shoot them

what a shame...he could be still jogging whie black and likley wealthy thanks to the ridiculous crowdfunding opportunities afforded by media propaganda around black victemhood
Except they had reasonable suspicion that he was committing a felony

What felony?
Entering into a property with the intent to commit burglary is a felony in the state of Georgia

The property had suffered a string of illegal entries and burglaries with the prime suspect being identified via video surveillance

You're trying to defend a mentally retarded Street criminal so you're going to have a hard time

Establishing intent is more than saying he must be up to something. Especially when other entered the same property and did not have the police called right?

Three other people entered the same property that day. Why didn’t the McMichaels set off in pursuit of the whites?
If someone would have confronted the white people who entered the property and they tried to throat punch the citizen they would be allowed to defend themselves just like they are with a black person

You're so desperate to interject a racial trauma narrative it smacks of a childish attempt to steer the conversation away from the simple facts

Me? You claim in one post that it was a justified citizens arrest. We point it it wasn’t. You scream old English law. We point out Georgia Law. You deny a citizens arrest was attempted. We point out that without it there was no reason to pursue. You deny the pursuit. Then you start back on the citizens arrest.

You have thrown every excuse you can think of to justify their actions. You denounced the lawyers. You denounced the laws. You accused Georgia of creating precedence at the behest of Oprah nearly thirty years ago to justify the arrest. As if someone went in and just pretended those decisions had been made.

In one reply they are in the middle of the road greeting neighbors. In another they are stopping Al Capone.

Jesus. Get your story straight and perhaps we can do more than find rationalities for your multiple posts on black brain disease. Idiot.
I can't tell if you're playing stupid or really are...

I noticed you don't want to talk about all the opportunities he had to escape or the attempted arrest of Michael Brown
Then he tries to take the gun away. WTF? Why do that?

AA was already shot in the wrist a second or so before it can be seen on the video him trying to get the gun from TM. AA was acting in self defense after being shot. Since he was shot at point blank range at that point if anger doesn’t take over survival will.
Then he tries to take the gun away. WTF? Why do that?

AA was already shot in the wrist a second or so before it can be seen on the video him trying to get the gun from TM. AA was acting in self defense after being shot. Since he was shot at point blank range at that point if anger doesn’t take over survival will.
Why do you think Travis McMichael waited so long to shoot him?

He clearly had a perfect shot in this photo but for some reason didn't pull the trigger?

Why wait until a guy is close enough to grab your gun before you shoot him?
They werent interested in shooting him


I believe their original intent was to detain him preferably without having to shoot. AA probably figured the same and stay out in the open on a public road where he had a right to peaceably continue on his way. It worked for ten minutes until TM got very close with the shotgun and shot him on the wrist? What caused TM to fire the first shot TM told police that AA squared up as if going to atack which leaves a couple possibilities. One, TM ran to ma position ahead of AA that they literally crossed paths. So close that AA had no choice but to push the barrel of gun out of his way and went off wounding him on the wrist.

Two, TM blocked AAs escape but was a few feet away when he panicked because AA kept Running so he fired a shot wounding AA.

either way the redneck trio are guilty of murder by the evidence even if AA went nuts and ran 99 yards to attack to armed men with bare knuckles.
They werent interested in shooting him


I believe their original intent was to detain him preferably without having to shoot. AA probably figured the same and stay out in the open on a public road where he had a right to peaceably continue on his way. It worked for ten minutes until TM got very close with the shotgun and shot him on the wrist? What caused TM to fire the first shot TM told police that AA squared up as if going to atack which leaves a couple possibilities. One, TM ran to ma position ahead of AA that they literally crossed paths. So close that AA had no choice but to push the barrel of gun out of his way and went off wounding him on the wrist.

Two, TM blocked AAs escape but was a few feet away when he panicked because AA kept Running so he fired a shot wounding AA.

either way the redneck trio are guilty of murder by the evidence even if AA went nuts and ran 99 yards to attack to armed men with bare knuckles.
Travis McMichael walked about three steps from the driver side to the yellow line in front of the truck

Arbery ran almost a football field directly at him and then took a Sharp 90 degree turn in a clear sneak attack Ambush maneuver

It was after the abrupt change of Direction that Travis was forced to defend himself

had arbery continued his flight from the crime scene in a straight line and Travis McMichael shot him as he ran past it would be an open and close murder case but because arbery pulled a 90-degree turn and rushed Travis He forced Travis to defend himself

one man stood his ground the other man pulled a 90-degree quick-turn Ambush sneak attack maneuver

Arberry instigated the entire situation by trespassing into the English property

arberry caused Reasonable Suspicion by sprinting like a crook the moment he saw the neighbor on the phone

Arberry escalated the use of force by trying to rush a man standing his ground with a shotgun

Arbery also ignored multiple opportunities to make his escape and decided to attack

unless arbery was suicidal that means he was not afraid of the men pursuing him and was certain they would not fire upon him

he was wrong
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