the palestinians are without honor thus without freedom

Are you even capable of responding without going completely off topic? Wtf does Nazi Germany have to do with the Palestinians wanting to declare themselves a free state?

To answer your question: Lebanon, and apparently because we're doing so well there, Irak. Afghanistan is free too, didn't we win that war as well? And anyways, free from what, the West?

There is no freedom in Lebanon nor any Arab country. There is no freedom under Palestiniain rule.

Now, you know

Because you're such an expert in freedom? You guys have a checkpoint every 20 feet, and a huge wall to keep you locked in. That's freedom? Sorry, please try again.

The US has a huge wall separating it from Mexico, moron.
Wasn't Nazi Germany a state, moron? There are 30 Arab states--you know of even one free Arab state, moron?

Are you even capable of responding without going completely off topic? Wtf does Nazi Germany have to do with the Palestinians wanting to declare themselves a free state?

To answer your question: Lebanon, and apparently because we're doing so well there, Irak. Afghanistan is free too, didn't we win that war as well? And anyways, free from what, the West?

There is no freedom in Lebanon nor any Arab country. There is no freedom under Palestiniain rule.

Now, you know

Lebanon? are you crazy? maybe in the 1950s and 1960s, Hezbollah controls the majority of the seats in parliament now and nothing gets done without their say so, so much for your freedom.:doubt:
There is no freedom in Lebanon nor any Arab country. There is no freedom under Palestiniain rule.

Now, you know

Because you're such an expert in freedom? You guys have a checkpoint every 20 feet, and a huge wall to keep you locked in. That's freedom? Sorry, please try again.

The US has a huge wall separating it from Mexico, moron.

The US wall doesn't even go the whole length, not does it keep anyone out, so it's more like a neighbourly fence, to keep the donkeys out of our yard.
Because you're such an expert in freedom? You guys have a checkpoint every 20 feet, and a huge wall to keep you locked in. That's freedom? Sorry, please try again.

The US has a huge wall separating it from Mexico, moron.

The US wall doesn't even go the whole length, not does it keep anyone out, so it's more like a neighbourly fence, to keep the donkeys out of our yard.

The US has a wall separating itself from Mexico, dimwit. Try to pay attention.
I don't recall reading of either Ghandi or Mandela ever picking up a firearm or even a single stone, yet they each had a much more profound impact on the world than any religion could ever hope.

Why does something so simple as living have to be contorted by so much dying?

LOL, read more on Mandela. He was the leader and founder of , Umkhonto we Sizwe (translated Spear of the Nation, and also abbreviated MK), which depending on who you take to it was a violent armed resistance/milita/terrorist/freedom fighting group.

He coordinated sabotage campaigns against military and government targets, making plans for a possible guerrilla war if the sabotage failed to end apartheid. Mandela also raised funds for MK abroad and arranged for paramilitary training of the group.

Fellow ANC member Wolfie Kadesh explains the bombing campaign led by Mandela: "When we knew that we going to start on 16 December 1961, to blast the symbolic places of apartheid, like pass offices, native magistrates courts, and things like that ... post offices and ... the government offices. But we were to do it in such a way that nobody would be hurt, nobody would get killed."Mandela said of Wolfie: "His knowledge of warfare and his first hand battle experience were extremely helpful to me."

Mandela described the move to armed struggle as a last resort; years of increasing repression and violence from the state convinced him that many years of non-violent protest against apartheid had not and could not achieve any progress.

Later, mostly in the 1980s, MK waged a guerrilla war against the apartheid government in which many civilians became casualties. Mandela later admitted that the ANC, in its struggle against apartheid, also violated human rights, sharply criticising those in his own party who attempted to remove statements supporting this fact from the reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Until July 2008 Mandela and ANC party members were barred from entering the United States
frontline: the long walk of nelson mandela: the revolutionary: interview with wolfie kodesh (excerpt)
Whittaker, David J. (2003). The Terrorism Reader (Updated ed.). Routledge. p. 244. ISBN 0415301017.

Mandela lead the country to enact affirmative action for the Black MAJORITY!!! Amazing that he was so against aparthied, yet he enacted pograms that oppress the minority!

Mandela the Saint is well overblown!

[ame=]Arundhati Roy Ask - YouTube[/ame]
Shahad, 9 year old Palestinian future suicide bomber...
The Prophet Muhammad said the hour of resurrection will not take place until you fight the Jews The rock and the tree will say, "Oh, Muslim, servant of allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and fight him!"
[ame=]Palestinian children are taught: Genocide is God's will - YouTube[/ame]
In Islam, there is honor teaching Muslima children to hate the infidel. And, they blow up so fast.

2 year old Muslima child taught to hate by the religion of peace
Who was struck by allah's wrath? "The Jews"
Who are the misguided? "The Christians"
[ame=]brainwashed little muslim girl [must see] original - YouTube[/ame]
aww shes so cute !! all she's missing is a little toy bomb !! Islamic shithands are the most vile exporters of hate on earth !!:evil:
JStone and the rest of you anti-Semites need to go find another forum that caters to your disgraceful hate.
JStone and the rest of you anti-Semites need to go find another forum that caters to your disgraceful hate.

Do you know the Jews? "Yes"
Do you like them? "No"
Why don't you like them?: "Because they are apes and pigs"
Who said that about them? "Our god"
Where did he say that about them? "The Koran"
The US opposes palestinian freedom. So much for the land of the free. We should be ashamed of ourselves, helping oppress all those people, when we should be leading the march towards freedom.
And the first step is, of course, support and advance an international humanitarian transfer of palistanians, who, regardless of all the drivel and rosy expectations to the contrary, can't objectively have a state. Simple really.
Is that why they want to declare a Palestinian state, because they don't want to be free?
Of course!

Palestinians are not asking for a Palestinian state so they can be "free", it is going to be an Islamic run oppressive shit hole just like the rest of the countries in the region.

Two women talk about Gaza. Starts at 10:25

[ame=]41 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem...divx - YouTube[/ame]
Of course!

Palestinians are not asking for a Palestinian state so they can be "free", it is going to be an Islamic run oppressive shit hole just like the rest of the countries in the region.

Two women talk about Gaza. Starts at 10:25

[ame=]41 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem...divx - YouTube[/ame]

What women wants will matter very little in a Palestinian state, you'll see.

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