The pandemic of the unvaccinated continues

LOL.. You didn't go into the data... you went into the AVERAGE... As this is a 8 day running average it will take about 8 days to show the rapid decline.
You’re flailing. If there truly was a rapid decline, as much as you say, it would be apparent in the running average.

The reason for the average is that states don’t always put out data on a daily basis. Florida is weekly, for example. Weekends are always noisy.

You’re just making things up.
With the surge of the unvaccinated.

WHen will the antivaxers learn? Or are they all just gonna die off? Will conservatives be the next mass extinction?
They're cultists. Just look at Jim Jones and his crowd. Folks like that are too far gone.
LOL! You do know that most who get Covid survive, right? It's not the zombie apocalypse.
I'd also point out that quite a few Conservatives are vaxxed..even those who are anti-vax in position.

All that being said...given that the vast majority of ICU/ventilator patients are unvaxxed---it could be an defining moment..not for cons...but for rural, under-
educated whites..and a lot of inner-city, under-educated blacks and Latinos~

their choice..their consequence.
800,000 didn't make it, but if that's the road you choose, that's on you. If you don't give a shit about yourself or anyone else, then to hell with you.
I have a friend who got Covid last summer and she still has breathing issues.
Sometimes its not about death, but the quality of life.
I also have a friend who has had it for three months and has no energy.
It was meant to be a bit hyperbolic to make a point. Yes, most who get it will survive, but it's also a fact that most who are dying or suffering life changing illness are unvaccinated, most of which are republican.
There are those who won't get vaccinated because Trump lost, and there are those who just don't give a shit about their own well being, or anyone else. And these people can harm those who do care. After a while, you just have to say the hell with them. If they are that stupid, what else can you do?
Hopefully your immune system can fight off Covid and you'll make it that far. Good luck.
To hell with him. What if he gets sick from his own stupidity and infects you without a vaccination? Do you think he really gives a shit about you? Hell no. His own post proves that.
To hell with him. What if he gets sick from his own stupidity and infects you without a vaccination? Do you think he really gives a shit about you? Hell no. His own post proves that.
The people injected with the Covid drugs spread disease, and they don't really beleive it, whether they care or not.
Those most guilty are the Politicos and drug companies who made sure they are exempt from all liability.
Unvaccinated will achieve herd immunity as they get WuFlu. Vaccinated will never get immunity because they only get spike protein anti-bodies temporarily. They never get the virus from the vaccine so their body doesn’t learn long term immunity.
I tried to tell that to the 800,000 already dead, but you know, they just wouldn't listen.
The people injected with the Covid drugs spread disease, and they don't really beleive it, whether they care or not.
You missed the whole fucking point. You can be a carrier or not, but if you get vaccinated yourself, you are somewhat protected. And if you spread it to someone else, and they too are vaccinated, then both did what was right. Come on man. Have you ever heard of simple logical deductive reasoning? This shit isn't that hard to understand.
To hell with him. What if he gets sick from his own stupidity and infects you without a vaccination? Do you think he really gives a shit about you? Hell no. His own post proves that.
Someone is probably going to infect me sometime or another, and as long as I'm vaxxed, I'm good. The flu won't kill me, and neither will Covid.

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