“The parties are equally f_ _ ked for Americans”. That’s what fence-sitters tell us…Is it true?

one Titanic passenger to another...."see, that group of crewmen is better than the other group because they are putting the chairs in such a neat row"
Wow…what a metaphorical genius you are.

LefTard Logic:
“Fuck it…since we’re all gonna die anyway, let’s just kill ourselves today.”
There are some ignorant motherfuckers out there for sure.
Wow…what a metaphorical genius you are.

LefTard Logic:
“Fuck it…since we’re all gonna die anyway, let’s just kill ourselves today.”
There are some ignorant motherfuckers out there for sure.
If I do ever cave to your moronic lesser-of-two-evils squealing, I guarantee you, I won't be voting for Trump. Is that really what you want?
If I do ever cave to your moronic lesser-of-two-evils squealing, I guarantee you, I won't be voting for Trump. Is that really what you want?

Your huge ego makes you think each side is begging for your vote.
Calm down Junior, nonparticipating people are baked into the polling.
We know a certain percentage will not participate, and it's okay.
BL sure as hell is. Most of his posts are him on his knees pleading with us to vote for Trump. It's embarrassing.

You are delusion personified.
Billiejeens These crazies can’t understand how/why I’m so fascinated by their retarded as fuck position.
I just can’t wrap my head around the goofy philosophy of….“If I can’t have it my way, I’ll show you, I’ll fuck myself and my family as hard as I possibly can until I can have it my way…SO THERE”
They’re like that little child on the playground who decided if he can’t play on the best team he’d rather not play at all. It’s bizarre as shit.

Golfing Gator
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I just can’t wrap my head around the goofy philosophy of….“If I can’t have it my way, I’ll show you, I’ll fuck myself and my family as hard as I possibly can until I can have it my way…SO THERE”
They’re like that little child on the playground who decided if he can’t play on the best team he’d rather not play at all. It’s bizarre as shit.

Good thing nobody is doing that.

I get that your addled little partisan brain cannot grasp that some of us see no difference between the two sides.

To be honest I wish I could be like you loyal partisans and just pick a side and worship it till the day that I die no matter how much they suck, it would make life much easier.

But I just cannot.
Billiejeens These crazies can’t understand how/why I’m so fascinated by their retarded as fuck position.
I just can’t wrap my head around the goofy philosophy of….“If I can’t have it my way, I’ll show you, I’ll fuck myself and my family as hard as I possibly can until I can have it my way…SO THERE”
They’re like that little child on the playground who decided if he can’t play on the best team he’d rather not play at all. It’s bizarre as shit.

Golfing Gator

There is no best team, just two criminal gangs organized to plunder the productive, or, in your childish analogy, threatening to beat up every kid on the playground for their lunch money, roaming the halls looking for victims then smoking together in the boys room bragging to each other about their successes.
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They are not the same.
Bullshit they aren't.

Both are parties of big government. The only difference is that the filthy ass Democrats are more bat shit crazy.

When Republicans are in power they usually give us 90% of the destruction of big government that we would have got if the Democrat filth had won.

There is really only one party. The Party of Big Government. The Republicans are the little more moderate branch while the Democrat filth is the bat shit crazy branch. We get to about the same place with either party.

To pretend otherwise is just plain stupid.
Bullshit they aren't.

Both are parties of big government. The only difference is that the filthy ass Democrats are more bat shit crazy.

When Republicans are in power they usually give us 90% of the destruction of big government that we would have got if the Democrat filth had won.

There is really only one party. The Party of Big Government. The Republicans are the little more moderate branch while the Democrat filth is the bat shit crazy branch. We get to about the same place with either party.

To pretend otherwise is just plain stupid.
That is an intellectually lazy assessment. "Big Gov" is a bogus complaint. Regardless the economy and deficit do better under democrats than republicans. If you like a party that lies about their goals - vote for filthy pubs. They say they are small governement but are bigger gov than dems. It just doesnt help average people. It goes to corporations and the wealthy. That doesnt bother you cuz you like to see people suffer as a sign the government is saving money. That is fucked up dude.
The Republicans, when in power, have never done anything to stem the tide of illegals.

But they talk about it a lot, and that is all that matters to you.

They haven't given in on Amnesty, something the dems have been pushing for since the 80's one was the "last one we swear it"

And then pushing Amnesty lite for the "dreamers"
They haven't given in on Amnesty, something the dems have been pushing for since the 80's one was the "last one we swear it"

And then pushing Amnesty lite for the "dreamers"

You are correct, the Repubs just want to exploit them for their cheap labor, and amnesty would steal that ability
You are correct, the Repubs just want to exploit them for their cheap labor, and amnesty would steal that ability

No, we want to send them back and let them come in legally if they want to be here.

After their 10 year ban of course.

Green cards don't stop exploitation, they just document it.
There is no best team, just two criminal gangs organized to plunder the productive, or, in your childish analogy, threatening to beat up every kid on the playground for their lunch money, roaming the halls looking for victims then smoking together in the boys room bragging to each other about their successes.

I tend to agree to an extent with you, but one team is very proactive in their corruption and greed, and the other is simply complacent. Electing the complacent at least keeps the corruption to more of a minimum. Tell us how we get a better choice? I'd love for a 3rd party to come in and rip them both to shreds, but as long as the big money controls the puppets on both teams and the 'media'(that's the most important), that will never happen.
That is an intellectually lazy assessment. "Big Gov" is a bogus complaint. Regardless the economy and deficit do better under democrats than republicans. If you like a party that lies about their goals - vote for filthy pubs. They say they are small governement but are bigger gov than dems. It just doesnt help average people. It goes to corporations and the wealthy. That doesnt bother you cuz you like to see people suffer as a sign the government is saving money. That is fucked up dude.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Republicans support bigger government, the welfare state, regulations and higher taxation, just like the filthy ass Democrats.

Just about any destructive thing the Democrats have ever done got some support from the Republicans. Higher taxes, environmental wacko bullshit, Illegals coming across the border, even Obamacare passed when three RINOs in the Senate prevented Cloture to stop the vote going to the floor.

The Republicans talk a Conservative big game but when push comes to shove they usually go along with the destructive things the Democrats shitheads do.

Even Ronald Reagan grew the size of the Federal government, he decreased the income tax but raised taxes in other areas, ran up the debt and signed an anti right to keep and bear arms legislation.

The Republicans go along with the Democrat dickheads to allow this filthy welfare state we have to go on.

The Republicans did nothing to stop Potatohead and the Democrats from stealing the 2020 election. They were chickenshits that went along with certifying a blatant stolen election.

You stupid Moon Bats need to stop your Republican hate. They are just like you, only not quite as bat shit crazy.

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