“The parties are equally f_ _ ked for Americans”. That’s what fence-sitters tell us…Is it true?

I dont flatter myself that I ever could tell you how to vote
But you flatter yourself in believing I secretly prefer Biden.

It really does seem like duopoly voters are more frightened by voters who refuse to join either team, than they are by the "other side". You might not want me to vote Democrat, but it would make sense to you. Whereas questioning the entire "lesser-of-two-evils" con attacks the foundation of your political belief system.
But you flatter yourself in believing I secretly prefer Biden.

It really does seem like duopoly voters are more frightened by voters who refuse to join either team, than they are by the "other side". You might not want me to vote Democrat, but it would make sense to you. Whereas questioning the entire "lesser-of-two-evils" con attacks the foundation of your political belief system.
If you had to choose I think biden is your guy
Here’s my hypothesis.
ALL the fence-sitters I’ve ever known are left as fuck socially…usually because they have a white daughter who dates black dudes or a son who puffs a little pole or maybe they like to cross-dress or some other crazy bullshit…there’s always something unconventional and or
abnormal going on in their family unit that triggers their leftism.
BUT they say they like rights and guns and fiscal responsibility so they get stuck in some weird in-between zone where they can’t really decide how to vote so they simply throw their hands in the air and give up…they vote for people with no chance at winning just to say they are taking part in some bizarre way to buck the system that has them so confused.

Am I on to something fellas? Would you be honest if I was?

Golfing Gator
Here’s my hypothesis.
ALL the fence-sitters I’ve ever known are left as fuck socially…usually because they have a white daughter who dates black dudes or a son who puffs a little pole or maybe they like to cross-dress or some other crazy bullshit…there’s always something unconventional and or
abnormal going on in their family unit that triggers their leftism.
BUT they say they like rights and guns and fiscal responsibility so they get stuck in some weird in-between zone where they can’t really decide how to vote so they simply throw their hands in the air and give up…they vote for people with no chance at winning just to say they are taking part in some bizarre way to buck the system that has them so confused.

Am I on to something fellas? Would you be honest if I was?

Golfing Gator

Again. Try to keep your grunting to one sentence.
Libs may need all of your votes in the next election to remain in power
Do you realize that I get this exact same nonsense from partisan Democrats? They insist that I secretly favor Trump. It's bizarre.
Lets not forget that @Golfing Gator loves America so much that he plans to defect to a foreign country after retirement
If one has the means to escape from a septic tank why are they to be criticised for doing so?

After all, nothing expresses one's love for one's country, as well as expressing the view of that country a a “septic tank” from which one wants to escape.
1. I remember when there was a government study to root out "waste, fraud, and abuse" and to make the government more efficient and effective, called the "Grace Commission". Their policy recommendations were ignored.
The report said that one-third of all income taxes are consumed by waste and inefficiency in the federal government, and another one-third escapes collection owing to the underground economy. "With two thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the federal debt and by federal government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services that taxpayers expect from their government."

2. As for enough revenue being generated, nope, not now. The interest on the Debt is consuming too much revenue, and the DC morons keep borrowing more. But your point about cutting spending is spot on.

3. If Republicans don't get significant Budget Cuts in January, the fiscal war is over. The US dollar will collapse. The party is officially over, the punch bowl needs to be removed. Trump's Budgets were about $4T, Biden's Budgets are about $7T. That is insanity.

4. Its not "incompetence" that we're in this mess, its just the way politics works. A government shutdown in January may be part of the answer. Only fund what is actually essential.

I'm old enough to remember that. Commissioned by Reagan, when he was President. Of course, Democraps solidly held both houses of Congress, so nothing was ever done about any of the Grace Commission's findings.

If a similar study were done now, forty years later. do you suppose the findings would be better or worse than the Grace Commission's findings?
The party out of power accuses the party in power of bad leadership

When the parties switch , the same thing happens


After a while, one realizes we live in a one party system with the illusion of choice.....


Bad Congress. Good leadership under DJT comparatively.
I'm old enough to remember that. Commissioned by Reagan, when he was President. Of course, Democraps solidly held both houses of Congress, so nothing was ever done about any of the Grace Commission's findings.
If a similar study were done now, forty years later. do you suppose the findings would be better or worse than the Grace Commission's findings?
I'm thinking that since we need to cut the Budget to the bone we need another Grace Commission.
The big question is, would Congress pass their recommendations, and would a president sign them?
We need big budget cuts, the commission would be a "fig leaf", but the DC clowns would sooner go down in flames than cut spending.

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