“The parties are equally f_ _ ked for Americans”. That’s what fence-sitters tell us…Is it true?

There is a basic flaw in our Constitutional Republic.

It is the fact that there is no accountable for an elected official to be fiscally irresponsible.

He or she can give away the store to special interest, grow the size of the government and vote for deficits and they are never held accountable for it.

Our Founding Fathers expected us to give a crap and even provided us with the means to correct things when it got really out of hand. But we don't care.

Of course nowadays the Liberal media doesn't even tell the American people how the Liberals are screwing up things so that may be part of the problem.

Another problem is that going back to Jimmy Carter we allowed millions of worthless low life Third World welfare queens to immigrate to this country and that has really screwed up the voting demographics just like the filthy ass Democrats planned.

Until Americans start giving a crap about this country it will continue to slide into being a Socialist shithole and we have nobody to blame but ourselves. We gave away the store.
Did a monkey randomly push keys for you or was this supposed to mean something?

More spin and deflection from you. That post is clear. All you do is clog the boards.
That is an intellectually lazy assessment. "Big Gov" is a bogus complaint. Regardless the economy and deficit do better under democrats than republicans. If you like a party that lies about their goals - vote for filthy pubs. They say they are small governement but are bigger gov than dems. It just doesnt help average people. It goes to corporations and the wealthy. That doesnt bother you cuz you like to see people suffer as a sign the government is saving money. That is fucked up dude.

The Commee Congress phony REP & DEMS are allowed to tear apart the country every time they are out of power. Not in question.

Race riots, Housing bust, DEBToverload, ANTIFA/BLM, Disease-creation-Launch-Covid, Election-Fraud (tens of millions of bogus votes).....sooner or later the Country breaks.
Then Commee takover again....making things worse long-term but claim to FIX THINGS.

And you saps fall for it like Racial Madcow at an Anne Heche Lezbo party.
Lets not forget that Golfing Gator loves America so much that he plans to defect to a foreign country after retirement

Like the man said, with friends like him who needs enemies?

HA HA. That guy is on some 6-year plan. lol! Can you imagine the state of the planet 6 years out? The fool might be living behind razor wire, no bank account eating cold potato soup, maybe. Or in a pine box with his kids making Chinese widgets 12 hour sessions.
Here’s my hypothesis.
ALL the fence-sitters I’ve ever known are left as fuck socially…usually because they have a white daughter who dates black dudes or a son who puffs a little pole or maybe they like to cross-dress or some other crazy bullshit…there’s always something unconventional and or
abnormal going on in their family unit that triggers their leftism.
BUT they say they like rights and guns and fiscal responsibility so they get stuck in some weird in-between zone where they can’t really decide how to vote so they simply throw their hands in the air and give up…they vote for people with no chance at winning just to say they are taking part in some bizarre way to buck the system that has them so confused.

Am I on to something fellas? Would you be honest if I was?

Your reason why someone is socially liberally is as far off as you could possibly be, but the rest is just a tiny be closer.

Yes, I support freedom and fiscal responsibility.

Neither of the two main parties support either one of these things, so there really is no "in-between zone". Thus I do not choose to support either party and my life does not change one iota based upon which one happens to win the last election.
Do you realize that I get this exact same nonsense from partisan Democrats? They insist that I secretly favor Trump. It's bizarre.
I would not be surprised

Fence sitting is an art that the holier-than-thou crowd have mastered
Lets not forget that Golfing Gator loves America so much that he plans to defect to a foreign country after retirement

Like the man said, with friends like him who needs enemies?

No defecting, just moving. Going to join all those Veterans that are living down there in such numbers there is even a VSO there to help them. Though you would not know what a VSO it
After all, nothing expresses one's love for one's country, as well as expressing the view of that country a a “septic tank” from which one wants to escape.

It is a big world out there, why limit yourself to just one part of it?
Your reason why someone is socially liberally is as far off as you could possibly be, but the rest is just a tiny be closer.

Yes, I support freedom and fiscal responsibility.

Neither of the two main parties support either one of these things, so there really is no "in-between zone". Thus I do not choose to support either party and my life does not change one iota based upon which one happens to win the last election.

You don't SUPPORT anything. You are AGAINST anything Trump and OK with Obiden BS.
Bad Congress. Good leadership under DJT comparatively.
Broken congress, broken system , and we could elect Jesus for potus, and he'd best have grown horns by the end of His 1st term or be out


You are confused Moon Bat.

The Republicans support bigger government, the welfare state, regulations and higher taxation, just like the filthy ass Democrats.

Just about any destructive thing the Democrats have ever done got some support from the Republicans. Higher taxes, environmental wacko bullshit, Illegals coming across the border, even Obamacare passed when three RINOs in the Senate prevented Cloture to stop the vote going to the floor.

The Republicans talk a Conservative big game but when push comes to shove they usually go along with the destructive things the Democrats shitheads do.

Even Ronald Reagan grew the size of the Federal government, he decreased the income tax but raised taxes in other areas, ran up the debt and signed an anti right to keep and bear arms legislation.

The Republicans go along with the Democrat dickheads to allow this filthy welfare state we have to go on.

The Republicans did nothing to stop Potatohead and the Democrats from stealing the 2020 election. They were chickenshits that went along with certifying a blatant stolen election.

You stupid Moon Bats need to stop your Republican hate. They are just like you, only not quite as bat shit crazy.
The only welfare state that exists is welfare for the wealthy and corporatists in this nation. If that is what you are railing about, have at it, I agree. By your comments though I bet you think all the money in this country ends up in the hands of lazy welfare queens, which is about as ignorant of a position to take as one can. Democrats have a solid if less than perfect platform. The Republicans goal is to rape America for all its money to get into the hands of the few. Not the same dickweed.
Here’s my hypothesis.
ALL the fence-sitters I’ve ever known are left as fuck socially…usually because they have a white daughter who dates black dudes or a son who puffs a little pole or maybe they like to cross-dress or some other crazy bullshit…there’s always something unconventional and or
abnormal going on in their family unit that triggers their leftism.
BUT they say they like rights and guns and fiscal responsibility so they get stuck in some weird in-between zone where they can’t really decide how to vote so they simply throw their hands in the air and give up…they vote for people with no chance at winning just to say they are taking part in some bizarre way to buck the system that has them so confused.

Am I on to something fellas? Would you be honest if I was?

Golfing Gator
Ridiculous coward ^^^^^.
Book banning.
The GOP nor their representatives, have not banned a single book that you cannot go to Amazon or any other retail outlet and buy for yourself in America.

Leave it to a foreigner to spread FAKE NEWS.
After all, nothing expresses one's love for one's country, as well as expressing the view of that country a a “septic tank” from which one wants to escape.
You quite welcome to be all warm and fuzzy in your septic tank. I have other plans.

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