“The parties are equally f_ _ ked for Americans”. That’s what fence-sitters tell us…Is it true?

Fence-sitters just means unbiased observers.

Looking at Republicans, their tax cuts exploded the Deficit and Debt. Totally irresponsible.

Looking at democrats, they spend wayyyyyyy too much on everything. Totally irresponsible.

Both parties suck.

The 70's and 80's were kinda ok for debt. But if you sit back and watch the scrabbling crowd defend their party, what the opposite party did was so bad, their own party didn't reverse it. So for example, if the tax reduction was so bad in the last administration, has this administration reversed it? So it doesn't matter who's in, they're as bad as each other, they're just in for the money.
A rather generic list of general nature.
Specifics, line itemized, etc. would be more useful.

Remember that inflation is a factor here as well. When I was a teen back in the 1960s a candy bar was a nickel or a dime, now the same ones are close to two dollars, and a bit smaller in size.
1. Should the president have a "line item veto"? So he could strike out unnecessary political largess.
2. Maybe there are AI programs (or another Grace Commission) that can be used to advantage to reduce spending. Otherwise Congress will just do 1% budget cuts which is too slow. (I'm no budget expert, but I know we need spending cuts)
1. Should the president have a "line item veto"? So he could strike out unnecessary political largess.
2. Maybe there are AI programs (or another Grace Commission) that can be used to advantage to reduce spending. Otherwise Congress will just do 1% budget cuts which is too slow. (I'm no budget expert, but I know we need spending cuts)

1. We tried that and SCOTUS said it was unconstitutional.

2. You are correct, 1% is not enough, but it would be a step in the right direction, but instead both parties just keep adding more and more and never cutting overall spending.

and "we the people" keep voting for them and then whining about what they are doing.
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The 70's and 80's were kinda ok for debt. But if you sit back and watch the scrabbling crowd defend their party, what the opposite party did was so bad, their own party didn't reverse it. So for example, if the tax reduction was so bad in the last administration, has this administration reversed it? So it doesn't matter who's in, they're as bad as each other, they're just in for the money.
This administration has canceled some student loan debts and threatens to cancel more of same.

That is a rip off to the investors and taxpayers whom provided the funding in the first place. Typical Democrat policy to steal from one to give to another.

Everybody is "in it for the money". Problem is too many, most citizens included, want somebody else's money rather than make their own.

One classic fail is the whine that the businesses and corporations should pay more taxes.
1. They will usually pass those taxes on to the consumer/customer via increased cost of their goods/services.
2. Investors also pay the costs. If you have an IRA, 401K, pension plan (such as through a union/work), or retirement investments those are usually invested into stocks and bonds issued by private corporations. If the businesses don't make profit, don't grow, or fail(go out of business) than the investors lose.

It's usually those whom aren't invested in anything, or don't understand economics, whom think that taxing the business, or "the rich" won't have negative economic consequences.
1. We tried that and SCOTUS said it was unconstitutional.

2. You are correct, 1% is not enough, but it would be a step in the right direction, but instead both parties just keep adding more and more and never cutting overall spending.

and "we the people" keep voting for them and then whining about what they are doing.
If more than one percent of "we the people" got involved locally in the political party of their choice and did something about the choices of who is running for office, and helped then get elected, then more progress would be made.

99% of "we the people" think all they need to do is vote, every now and then, and often using the coin toss method of selection. That don't work and is piss poor citizenship.

Sad truth is "we" get the Guv'mint "we" deserve because too many of "us" are too lazy to do more than just vote.

And yes, I do happen to be active in my county's Party. FWIW, caucuses start next month leading towards the state and then national conventions which is where delegates will be selected and candidates will be chosen.

IIRC, Will Rogers once said, to paraphrase; "It's a good thing we don't get all the government we are paying for."

BTW, few candidates get elected on the platform of not "Bring your tax dollars back to the community/state and spending them on the voters."
If more than one percent of "we the people" got involved locally in the political party of their choice and did something about the choices of who is running for office, and helped then get elected, then more progress would be made.

99% of "we the people" think all they need to do is vote, every now and then, and often using the coin toss method of selection. That don't work and is piss poor citizenship.

Honestly in my opinion, the "toss the coin" method would be far better than the blind partisan loyalty we have now. Partisanship is killing our country.

Sad truth is "we" get the Guv'mint "we" deserve because too many of "us" are too lazy to do more than just vote.

Indeed we do have the Govt we deserve.
View attachment 880200
The 70's and 80's were kinda ok for debt. But if you sit back and watch the scrabbling crowd defend their party, what the opposite party did was so bad, their own party didn't reverse it. So for example, if the tax reduction was so bad in the last administration, has this administration reversed it? So it doesn't matter who's in, they're as bad as each other, they're just in for the money.
Those seeking a legible view of that chart and more details;
Honestly in my opinion, the "toss the coin" method would be far better than the blind partisan loyalty we have now. Partisanship is killing our country.

Indeed we do have the Govt we deserve.
I'd suggest you read posts #128 and #137, and ponder.

Voter greed, ignorance, and apathy is what is killing our country. Way more than partisanship.
This administration has canceled some student loan debts and threatens to cancel more of same.

That is a rip off to the investors and taxpayers whom provided the funding in the first place. Typical Democrat policy to steal from one to give to another.

Everybody is "in it for the money". Problem is too many, most citizens included, want somebody else's money rather than make their own.

One classic fail is the whine that the businesses and corporations should pay more taxes.
1. They will usually pass those taxes on to the consumer/customer via increased cost of their goods/services.
2. Investors also pay the costs. If you have an IRA, 401K, pension plan (such as through a union/work), or retirement investments those are usually invested into stocks and bonds issued by private corporations. If the businesses don't make profit, don't grow, or fail(go out of business) than the investors lose.

It's usually those whom aren't invested in anything, or don't understand economics, whom think that taxing the business, or "the rich" won't have negative economic consequences.
Well, if the current administration doesn't reverse the tax cuts, then writes off student loans, they've just compounded the problem, yet they feel the last administration was costly/wrong? It begs the question, who's the brains behind the current administration!

Makes you wonder who in the current administration benefits from the tax cuts, so why reverse it!!
And you support the filthy Dems whom are the party of wealth redistribution, taking from those who produce and create wealth to give away to parasitic non-producers like yourself. Dems have become criminals seeking to legalize their crimes.
My skills are highly valued and well paid for as a corporate executive. The republicans want me to pay less and keep more of my money at the expense of average and below average Americans like you. Lets just be clear about that.
Huh... does your board know you spend all your time wanking off on a political message board?
My board only cares about the record results we deliver and not what I’m doing while sitting in a ski lodge in Utah on vacation.
I am beginning to think so. Democrats are this side of Demonic, and Republicans are just a side show if not secretly part of the corruption. Both parties need a major overhaul, but WHO is going to do this? We voters? The Military? WHO is going to fix the obviously broken political system?
The basic problem is there no accountability for elected officials.

Once they get elected they can essentially do anything they want during their term of office.

The Democrats can do their bat shit things and as long as they have a D by their name on the ballot they will get reelected every time.

Republicans can compromise with the bat shit crazy Democrats and never be held accountable.

There is no penalty for elected officials to wastefully spend our money or raise our taxes or start a war or go in debt. 99 times out of a hundred they are reelected no matter what they do.

In fact there is a reward for bringing home the pork in their districts or states no matter what amount of debt it incurs.

There are only minimal differences in the parties. Both Democrats and Republicans support big government and a welfare state and nobody really gives a crap about debt or how much the American people suffer because of government oppression.

Our Founding Fathers are turning over in their graves ashamed of how we let our Republic go to hell because of greed. Ole Ben was right. We couldn't keep the Republic they gave us.
My skills are highly valued and well paid for as a corporate executive. The republicans want me to pay less and keep more of my money at the expense of average and below average Americans like you. Lets just be clear about that.

My board only cares about the record results we deliver and not what I’m doing while sitting in a ski lodge in Utah on vacation.
Is this the part where you claim to be an extremely high quality wealthy positive contributor?
You "personally" don't need other people’s cash....you're just so fucking noble you'll fight to the death to steal shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense.
I am beginning to think so. Democrats are this side of Demonic, and Republicans are just a side show if not secretly part of the corruption. Both parties need a major overhaul, but WHO is going to do this? We voters? The Military? WHO is going to fix the obviously broken political system?
It's very simple. All we have to do is stop voting for them.
My skills are highly valued and well paid for as a corporate executive. The republicans want me to pay less and keep more of my money at the expense of average and below average Americans like you. Lets just be clear about that.
You're an imaginative liar.:rolleyes:

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