The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

Hi Mitt,

We're GE. And we don't pay taxes either.

We just wanted to give you a word on the downlow, that unless you want your campaign defunded, don't go there!

Didn't you get the memo, Loinboy? GE is Jeffrey Immelt's know, Barack Obama's pet CEO? His "jobs Czar"? GE isn't paying taxes while they ship jobs by the tens of thousands to China. Funny how you never hear about THAT from the Main Stream Media but you did hear lots of press coverage about how Bain Capital supposedly outsourced a few thousand jobs to China.
Are you really so stupid that you don't realize that cutting 50% of the DOD budget would cause the loss of jobs for massive numbers of highly skilled, well paid workers that most likely would have an extremely hard time finding a new job?
Do you not realize, we don't need to be spending money on shit that is not absolutely necessary. It is necessary to maintain our civilian infrastructure. It is not necessary to fight wars against made up enemies. It is necessary, to put money into commerical projects based in this country. It is not necessary, to put money into military projects based in some other country.

How is it that you're going to absorb THOSE workers into the job force? I don't think you have a CLUE how you're going to do that, Loinboy. I think you've got this liberal "notion" in your head that you can gut the DOD and everything will be rosy. It's as naive a notion as the liberal concept that if we can just get the rich to pay more in taxes then we can afford more entitlement programs.
You think the DOD is entitled to that money? You think US tax dollars should be spent on things that have no benefit for average American's? They only benefit companies doing business with the military. That's a private club.

The average American gets no benefit from the Department of Defense? Really? Do I have to even respond to that ignorant statement? You might want to actually THINK before you make posts like this, Loinboy.
Are you really so stupid that you don't realize that cutting 50% of the DOD budget would cause the loss of jobs for massive numbers of highly skilled, well paid workers that most likely would have an extremely hard time finding a new job?
Do you not realize, we don't need to be spending money on shit that is not absolutely necessary. It is necessary to maintain our civilian infrastructure. It is not necessary to fight wars against made up enemies. It is necessary, to put money into commerical projects based in this country. It is not necessary, to put money into military projects based in some other country.

How is it that you're going to absorb THOSE workers into the job force? I don't think you have a CLUE how you're going to do that, Loinboy. I think you've got this liberal "notion" in your head that you can gut the DOD and everything will be rosy. It's as naive a notion as the liberal concept that if we can just get the rich to pay more in taxes then we can afford more entitlement programs.
You think the DOD is entitled to that money? You think US tax dollars should be spent on things that have no benefit for average American's? They only benefit companies doing business with the military. That's a private club.

The average American gets no benefit from the Department of Defense? Really? Do I have to even respond to that ignorant statement? You might want to actually THINK before you make posts like this, Loinboy.

The average American doesn't get nearly the benefit no-bid contractors do, or the global corporations that the DOD stabilizes or, sometimes more to the point, Destabilizes other nation states for. YOU might want to actually actually
THINK before YOU make posts like this, Oldstyle.
The average American gets no benefit from the Department of Defense? Really? Do I have to even respond to that ignorant statement? You might want to actually THINK before you make posts like this, Loinboy.
Let's just take one example...

...we spent over a trillion dollars for these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. How have you personally benefited from that expense? What have you gotten in return, for that trillion dollars?
The average American doesn't get nearly the benefit no-bid contractors do, or the global corporations that the DOD stabilizes or, sometimes more to the point, Destabilizes other nation states for. YOU might want to actually actually
THINK before YOU make posts like this, Oldstyle.
No-bid contracts are supposed to be illegal when using public money, per the Public Contracts Code.
Romney + Karl Rove + Rush Limbaugh + Grover Norquist + super rich + $uperPACs = 1%

Why do you even BOTHER to post crap from Think Progress, Barb? You and I both know that it's left wing propaganda. If you can't argue your viewpoint with something better than that then why even waste board space?

Do you dispute the numbers? On what grounds?

I "dismiss" everything that comes from Think Progress, Barb because they deliberately use statistics to distort reality. When Benjamin Disraeli spoke of "Lies, damned lies and statistics" he could very well have been speaking about what sites like Think Progress DO with statistics.
Didn't you get the memo, Loinboy? GE is Jeffrey Immelt's know, Barack Obama's pet CEO? His "jobs Czar"? GE isn't paying taxes while they ship jobs by the tens of thousands to China. Funny how you never hear about THAT from the Main Stream Media but you did hear lots of press coverage about how Bain Capital supposedly outsourced a few thousand jobs to China.
That has nothing to do with why they didn't pay taxes last year.
The average American gets no benefit from the Department of Defense? Really? Do I have to even respond to that ignorant statement? You might want to actually THINK before you make posts like this, Loinboy.
Let's just take one example...

...we spent over a trillion dollars for these wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. How have you personally benefited from that expense? What have you gotten in return, for that trillion dollars?

I've gotten some measure of security. Oh, that's progressives believe as Barry does...that if we "play nice" with the bad people that they will like us and leave us alone. How's that working out for us lately?

Pardon me if I'd like to have a strong military to protect me when there are people like Osama bin Laden running around the planet trying to figure out how to kill me because I'm an American.
Didn't you get the memo, Loinboy? GE is Jeffrey Immelt's know, Barack Obama's pet CEO? His "jobs Czar"? GE isn't paying taxes while they ship jobs by the tens of thousands to China. Funny how you never hear about THAT from the Main Stream Media but you did hear lots of press coverage about how Bain Capital supposedly outsourced a few thousand jobs to China.
That has nothing to do with why they didn't pay taxes last year. explain to me why GE DIDN'T pay taxes last year...and DID export tens of thousands of jobs to China...yet they don't get lambasted by the Main Stream Media even though their CEO is our "Jobs Czar"? Love to hear your explanation on that, Loinboy!
Do you not realize, we don't need to be spending money on shit that is not absolutely necessary. It is necessary to maintain our civilian infrastructure. It is not necessary to fight wars against made up enemies. It is necessary, to put money into commerical projects based in this country. It is not necessary, to put money into military projects based in some other country.

You think the DOD is entitled to that money? You think US tax dollars should be spent on things that have no benefit for average American's? They only benefit companies doing business with the military. That's a private club.

The average American gets no benefit from the Department of Defense? Really? Do I have to even respond to that ignorant statement? You might want to actually THINK before you make posts like this, Loinboy.

The average American doesn't get nearly the benefit no-bid contractors do, or the global corporations that the DOD stabilizes or, sometimes more to the point, Destabilizes other nation states for. YOU might want to actually actually
THINK before YOU make posts like this, Oldstyle.

So let me see if I've got this straight? Because you progressives are SO worried that a corporation might actually make a (GASP!!!) profit...all the while employing many Americans and providing them with some of the best paying jobs out're willing to do away with the military that does keep us safe?
I've gotten some measure of security. Oh, that's progressives believe as Barry does...that if we "play nice" with the bad people that they will like us and leave us alone. How's that working out for us lately?
Dude, you watch too much TV. We had that security without spending the trillion. And it's kind of strange, you feel you need security from a country that can only generate 9 hours of electricity a day.

BTW, that's not a personal benefit. If you happened to work for Halliburton or KBR, then that's a personal benefit.

Pardon me if I'd like to have a strong military to protect me when there are people like Osama bin Laden running around the planet trying to figure out how to kill me because I'm an American.
We have a strong military without spending that trillion and people are not trying to kill us because we're American's. They're trying to kill us, because we won't stop fucking with them.
So let me see if I've got this straight? Because you progressives are SO worried that a corporation might actually make a (GASP!!!) profit...all the while employing many Americans and providing them with some of the best paying jobs out're willing to do away with the military that does keep us safe?
How is cutting the annual defense budget in have, doing away with the military? explain to me why GE DIDN'T pay taxes last year
It's a strange document known as the "tax code".

...and DID export tens of thousands of jobs to China...yet they don't get lambasted by the Main Stream Media even though their CEO is our "Jobs Czar"? Love to hear your explanation on that, Loinboy!
That's just jibberish. You rolled about 4 different topics into one. It's irrelevent to this conversation. explain to me why GE DIDN'T pay taxes last year
It's a strange document known as the "tax code".

...and DID export tens of thousands of jobs to China...yet they don't get lambasted by the Main Stream Media even though their CEO is our "Jobs Czar"? Love to hear your explanation on that, Loinboy!
That's just jibberish. You rolled about 4 different topics into one. It's irrelevent to this conversation.

So basically what you're saying is that it's TERRIBLE that Mitt Romney obeys the tax code and pays 14% tax but it's FINE that GE obeys the tax code and pays 0% tax?

Don't have a come back on Immelt and GE getting a free pass on not paying taxes...exporting tens of thousands of American jobs to China...AND being our "Jobs Czar", do you, LoinBoy? I'll be honest with you...I knew that before I even asked the question. I just love to watch you progressives squirm and then run for cover every time it gets brought up.
And I LOVE how bringing up how two faced progressives are on this issue by pointing out something like Immelt and GE is somehow "irrelevant" to the conversation!
Just like the current claim that Mitt Romney can't be President because he's rich and "out of touch". Where was that when John Kerry was running for President? Doh!!!

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