The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

The whole Democratic Convention was chocked full of lies.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz told one truth. That the new Health Care bill saves Medicare for 8 years. Then what happens after 8 years Ms. Shultz?
One grain of truth throughout the whole convention and lakhota thinks that the Dem's lie less that the Repubs? LOL
They both lie but Dem's are better at it.
No, I've never said that I have a problem with reasonable cuts to defense, Dot Com...all I'm pointing out is that if you're worried about the unemployment numbers then you'd best understand that cutting defense by 50% like was suggested is going to put tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people out of work and those jobs that will be disappearing are the high paid Middle Class jobs that everyone is so worried about us losing. Be careful what you wish for because I don't think you'd like the result.

As I've said here many times I'm in favor of across the board cuts to EVERY part of government because I honestly feel that every part of government is rife with waste and inefficiency.
That's interesting, up until last January, I've had a high paying middle class job since the 1980's when I was working at Fluor Corp. And in 30 years, the only DOD project I worked on, was a bowling alley revovation at March AFB.

You lay off thousands of DOD contractors that rip is off every year, but hire millions of decent professionals who put their talents to work in commercial projects where the dollars can be tracked.

Are you really so stupid that you don't realize that cutting 50% of the DOD budget would cause the loss of jobs for massive numbers of highly skilled, well paid workers that most likely would have an extremely hard time finding a new job?

How is it that you're going to absorb THOSE workers into the job force? I don't think you have a CLUE how you're going to do that, Loinboy. I think you've got this liberal "notion" in your head that you can gut the DOD and everything will be rosy. It's as naive a notion as the liberal concept that if we can just get the rich to pay more in taxes then we can afford more entitlement programs.
Reagan was not faced with such overwhelming un-American OBSTRUCTION from the loyal opposition.

Gee, maybe that was because he didn't tell Tip O'Neil to go fuck himself right after gaining the Oval Office? The fact is...Ronald Reagan built bi-partisan consensus and Barry destroyed it.

You're a world class dumbass, liar and spinner. I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans - which was one of the complaints the left had against Obama - and still does - including me.

This is how I clearly remember it: Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans | Cynthia Tucker

Obama never bent over backwards. That's laughable. He TALKED about bi-partisanship but that was just a public relations campaign because when he governed it was do it MY way because "elections have consequences...I won". You want a perfect example? He and Boehner worked out a compromise on the debt ceiling, Obama giving Boehner the spending cuts the House leader wanted and Boehner giving the President the tax increases he wanted but then at the last moment Obama demanded another 200 billion in tax increases and Boeher was forced to walk away. So what happens? Obama and the Main Stream Media declare that it was the GOP's fault that the deal didn't go through!
gotta stop the TAX-PAYER FUNDED defense contractor gravy train sooner or later. The sooner its addressed the cheaper the transformation will be. Are you saying that since it will be painful, we need to just avoid it?

No, I've never said that I have a problem with reasonable cuts to defense, Dot Com...all I'm pointing out is that if you're worried about the unemployment numbers then you'd best understand that cutting defense by 50% like was suggested is going to put tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people out of work and those jobs that will be disappearing are the high paid Middle Class jobs that everyone is so worried about us losing. Be careful what you wish for because I don't think you'd like the result.

As I've said here many times I'm in favor of across the board cuts to EVERY part of government because I honestly feel that every part of government is rife with waste and inefficiency.

Now that is a very perceptive observtion, Oldstyle.

You are exactly correct.

FWIW, Kensyian economic theory agrees with you on this point 100%.

If the US federal government allows those across-the-board cuts in spending, then yes, the military will reduce-in-force a significant number of personnel and the resulting unemployment AND the aggregate loss of that personnel's incomes WILL be still more drag on the marco-economy.

Want to hear something really interesting?

John Kenyes noted that the BEST KENSYIAN SPENDING possible was spending money ON THE MILITARY.

Why the military?

Because the the spending is not consumer goods, ergo, that spending does NOT pervert the normal consumer markets but it DOES put more money into the hands of the consumers who are building up that military.

Ironic, no?

The Pentagon's BEST FRIENDS are Kensyian economists.

It's ironic that most progressives worship at the "altar" of John Maynard Keynes and yet selectively choose which commandments of his they will adhere to. They LOVE the Keynesian premise that government should use borrowed money in economic downturns to stimulate the economy but want to ignore his observation that tax increases should only take place in an economic boom.

Keynes thinking military spending was the best area to interject stimulus spending would give progressives a coronary.
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Are you really so stupid that you don't realize that cutting 50% of the DOD budget would cause the loss of jobs for massive numbers of highly skilled, well paid workers that most likely would have an extremely hard time finding a new job?
Do you not realize, we don't need to be spending money on shit that is not absolutely necessary. It is necessary to maintain our civilian infrastructure. It is not necessary to fight wars against made up enemies. It is necessary, to put money into commerical projects based in this country. It is not necessary, to put money into military projects based in some other country.

How is it that you're going to absorb THOSE workers into the job force? I don't think you have a CLUE how you're going to do that, Loinboy. I think you've got this liberal "notion" in your head that you can gut the DOD and everything will be rosy. It's as naive a notion as the liberal concept that if we can just get the rich to pay more in taxes then we can afford more entitlement programs.
You think the DOD is entitled to that money? You think US tax dollars should be spent on things that have no benefit for average American's? They only benefit companies doing business with the military. That's a private club.
Are you really so stupid that you don't realize that cutting 50% of the DOD budget would cause the loss of jobs for massive numbers of highly skilled, well paid workers that most likely would have an extremely hard time finding a new job?
Do you not realize, we don't need to be spending money on shit that is not absolutely necessary. It is necessary to maintain our civilian infrastructure. It is not necessary to fight wars against made up enemies. It is necessary, to put money into commerical projects based in this country. It is not necessary, to put money into military projects based in some other country.

How is it that you're going to absorb THOSE workers into the job force? I don't think you have a CLUE how you're going to do that, Loinboy. I think you've got this liberal "notion" in your head that you can gut the DOD and everything will be rosy. It's as naive a notion as the liberal concept that if we can just get the rich to pay more in taxes then we can afford more entitlement programs.
You think the DOD is entitled to that money? You think US tax dollars should be spent on things that have no benefit for average American's? They only benefit companies doing business with the military. That's a private club.

Cut the funds to the military dis arm them., I can't wait for that DAY TOO HAPPEN.
Romney and Ryan are both world class liars! It's like a sickness with them - and this sickness now permeates the entire Republican Party. They are desperate - and truth is irrelevant to them. Fact-checkers be damned.

What is the Difference Between a Sociopath, a Compulsive, a Pathological, a Chronic, and a Habitual Liar?

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info

You are a joke. Both parties lies. Like Obama .. I guess the shovel ready jobs were not so shovel ready. I am closing GITMO on Day one, or I will never raise any taxes on the middle class ever . Which are all lies.. Obamacare has tons of new taxes in them which will effect the middle class.. REID .. His so called friend knows Romney did not pay any taxes for the past 10 years which you know is a lie.. Everything that comes out of Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a lie. IF her lips are moving she is lying..

Why do you even BOTHER to post crap from Think Progress, Barb? You and I both know that it's left wing propaganda. If you can't argue your viewpoint with something better than that then why even waste board space?
Cut the funds to the military dis arm them., I can't wait for that DAY TOO HAPPEN.
We cut the budget in half, we still have enough nukes to kill the entire populaton of the planet 37 times.

I think we're safe.

Yeah, that works great if you're willing to use a nuke on Somali pirates and Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan but if you don't want to kill gnats with a sledgehammer, you're going to need conventional forces. Just what do you think is going to be the benefit of "dis arming" the military? Do you think that's going to make the bad guys less aggressive? I'd suggest you do a little reading up on how Britain slashed it's military budget following WWI and how that worked out for them in dealing with Nazi Germany and an aggressive Adolf Hitler.

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