The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

Anybody from Iraq did that? WHO fucking KNEW at this late date that ANY of that was any more than blatant and shameless bullshit?

No, in Iraq we had a sadistic dictator with a long history of attacking his neighbors and using weapons of mass destruction, circumventing UN sanctions to prevent him from selling oil for weapons and actively seeking nuclear weapons. You think the world is better off with Saddam Hussein in power? I think you're an incredibly naive individual the same kind of naive individual that thinks the "Arab Spring" is going to work out well for us.

None of that was what the American people were told they were investing blood and treasure to go to war about, asshole. As FOR all of that, we MADE him, OUR CIA.

[ame=]Thanks for the memories Saddam - YouTube[/ame]

Gee, Barb...didn't you progressives tell us all that it was about us wanting Iraq's oil? Wasn't that what you folks were ranting about way back then...that it was all about oil? So refresh my memory...did we end up getting that oil? Or was that just one more bullshit accusation made by a group of people that love to make bullshit accusations?
Yes sir,

Lots of presidents got a lot more done with a lot less.

Poor Obama.

If he had 100% majorities in both houses, he'd still f**k up his administration.
All that bluster didn't explain how you're going to absorb the tens of thousands of good paying jobs that will be lost when you cut the defense budget in half, Loinboy. You can say that you don't care about defense contractors but do you also not care about the thousands of people who work for those contractors? When you eliminate THEIR jobs...good paying Middle Class jobs...what are they going to do for employment? Run a bulldozer for your "shovel ready" infrastructure projects? The truth is that you're going to destroy people's lives.

North Dakota isn't an economy that's being driven by government funded "shovel ready" infrastructure. It's an economy that's being driven by private sector investment in oil and natural gas...something which Barack Obama's policies have gone out of their way to hinder. The truth is we need more North Dakota's and Barry is doing everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. You think our unemployment rate is bad? Think about how bad it would be if places like North Dakota didn't exist. Then ask yourself who made those jobs happen in that State. It obviously wasn't Barack Obama or his Department of Energy because they've made it quite clear that they are the sworn enemies of fossil fuels.

As for GE? GE is run by Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt!!! Not only do they not pay taxes but they exported thousands of jobs to China. So explain to me why you progressives can accuse Mitt Romney of exporting jobs when he ran Bain Capital but totally look the other way when Barry's "Jobs Czar" exported way more jobs than Bain ever did while not paying taxes?

The more you try to argue your position the more ludicrous you appear...

gotta stop the TAX-PAYER FUNDED defense contractor gravy train sooner or later. The sooner its addressed the cheaper the transformation will be. Are you saying that since it will be painful, we need to just avoid it?

No, I've never said that I have a problem with reasonable cuts to defense, Dot Com...all I'm pointing out is that if you're worried about the unemployment numbers then you'd best understand that cutting defense by 50% like was suggested is going to put tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people out of work and those jobs that will be disappearing are the high paid Middle Class jobs that everyone is so worried about us losing. Be careful what you wish for because I don't think you'd like the result.

As I've said here many times I'm in favor of across the board cuts to EVERY part of government because I honestly feel that every part of government is rife with waste and inefficiency.
going to bed, see you all after midnight.

while you are asleep instead of counting sheep, count the number of months Obama had a majority in congress.

Obama, failed leadership.

Yeah, count them...

President Obama DID NOT control Congress for Two Years! | The Pragmatic Pundit

FOX NEWS LIES: Obama only had a majority for 133 days, not two years - Detroit liberal |

Refresh my many months did Ronald Reagan have Super Majorities in the House and Senate, Lakhota?

Why is it Dutch Reagan was able to do all that he did WITHOUT majorities of any kind and yet the "wunderkind" Barack Obama couldn't do diddly because he only had them for 133 days? Was Reagan THAT much better a President than Barry? Sure does look that way...
I don't understand what you were saying, Loinboy because it doesn't make sense. You cite GE as an example when GE is one of Obama's favored companies...right up there with GM.
You mean to tell me, when you pose the question, "what are we gonna do without defense contractor tax revenues?", and I respond by citing a defense contractor we don't get tax revenues from anyway, that means the point (you started) has now morphed into something about Obama? You think that makes sense?

It's like you telling your roomate, "how are we gonna make rent after so-and-so, moves out"? And your roomate responds, "we don't get any rent from him in the first place". And you go, "Oh, so the problem is ice cream!" Yeah, that makes sense. Your logic is intimidating.

But when you look at both of these corporations they are among the leaders when it comes to exporting jobs. So why is that Republicans are attacked by you as the people who want to export American jobs when in fact it is companies like GE and GM that are really exporting jobs while they support Barack Obama and his policies?
Strawman. That's not why I attack republicans. I attack republican's because you're basically fucked human beings who don't give a shit about this country or how much harm you cause the planet. You're a bunch of narcissistic assholes who don't give a shit about anything outside your own comfort zone and get a hard-on attacking sovereign nations for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.

You talk about public works spending as the way to get our economy back on track but then cite North Dakota as an example of how money flows out from investment...when the investment in North Dakota is PRIVATE not PUBLIC.
Explain how the effects of a bridge project in South Carolina, would not produce the same result for the local community?

What "dogma" have I spewed? All I've done is point out that YOUR rhetoric is nothing but bullshit and I've shown why that is.
You didn't even respond to the questions I asked. So you don't really have a point. Which means, the only thing you've proven, is that you don't have the mental acuity to handle complex problems. Everything has got to be broken down to its most simplistic form. So you have only one of two choices to pick from. Either you're with us, or you're against us. If you don't support us, then you support them. Everything we do is good, everything they do is bad.

Life has more than two options. And if you're not willing find that out, then truth is merely a function of "perception management".

You've become amusing at this point...

You were challenged on your argument and you've resorted to name calling instead rebutting the criticism. Typical progressive behavior on this board...
No, in Iraq we had a sadistic dictator with a long history of attacking his neighbors and using weapons of mass destruction, circumventing UN sanctions to prevent him from selling oil for weapons and actively seeking nuclear weapons. You think the world is better off with Saddam Hussein in power? I think you're an incredibly naive individual the same kind of naive individual that thinks the "Arab Spring" is going to work out well for us.

None of that was what the American people were told they were investing blood and treasure to go to war about, asshole. As FOR all of that, we MADE him, OUR CIA.

[ame=]Thanks for the memories Saddam - YouTube[/ame]

Gee, Barb...didn't you progressives tell us all that it was about us wanting Iraq's oil? Wasn't that what you folks were ranting about way back then...that it was all about oil? So refresh my memory...did we end up getting that oil? Or was that just one more bullshit accusation made by a group of people that love to make bullshit accusations?

Whats the matter, Oldstyle? Absolutely nothing in the video you can refute, and lord knows nothing you want to discuss, so you have to throw straw at me? I don't answer for anyone's words but mine, and trying that just makes your weak position obvious. :eusa_hand:
I don't understand what you were saying, Loinboy because it doesn't make sense. You cite GE as an example when GE is one of Obama's favored companies...right up there with GM.
You mean to tell me, when you pose the question, "what are we gonna do without defense contractor tax revenues?", and I respond by citing a defense contractor we don't get tax revenues from anyway, that means the point (you started) has now morphed into something about Obama? You think that makes sense?

It's like you telling your roomate, "how are we gonna make rent after so-and-so, moves out"? And your roomate responds, "we don't get any rent from him in the first place". And you go, "Oh, so the problem is ice cream!" Yeah, that makes sense. Your logic is intimidating.

But when you look at both of these corporations they are among the leaders when it comes to exporting jobs. So why is that Republicans are attacked by you as the people who want to export American jobs when in fact it is companies like GE and GM that are really exporting jobs while they support Barack Obama and his policies?
Strawman. That's not why I attack republicans. I attack republican's because you're basically fucked human beings who don't give a shit about this country or how much harm you cause the planet. You're a bunch of narcissistic assholes who don't give a shit about anything outside your own comfort zone and get a hard-on attacking sovereign nations for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.

You talk about public works spending as the way to get our economy back on track but then cite North Dakota as an example of how money flows out from investment...when the investment in North Dakota is PRIVATE not PUBLIC.
Explain how the effects of a bridge project in South Carolina, would not produce the same result for the local community?

What "dogma" have I spewed? All I've done is point out that YOUR rhetoric is nothing but bullshit and I've shown why that is.
You didn't even respond to the questions I asked. So you don't really have a point. Which means, the only thing you've proven, is that you don't have the mental acuity to handle complex problems. Everything has got to be broken down to its most simplistic form. So you have only one of two choices to pick from. Either you're with us, or you're against us. If you don't support us, then you support them. Everything we do is good, everything they do is bad.

Life has more than two options. And if you're not willing find that out, then truth is merely a function of "perception management".

when all one has is a hammer, everything looks like a nail
If McConnell's "plan" was to block Obama's agenda right from the "get go" then why is the Daily Kos's video from TWO YEARS AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE? McConnell at that point was reacting to the far left agenda of Barack Obama as would the American people when they voted Democrats out of office in historic numbers in the 2010 Mid-term elections.

You know what I find MOST amusing? If it weren't FOR those Mid-term elections of Republicans Barack Obama would have most likely passed the Cap & Trade legislation that was next up on his agenda of legislation to pass and if that HAD passed? We would have lost tens of thousands of more jobs due to the increased energy costs that would have piled on the back of American industry. The truth's the Republican's "intervention" that kept Barry from REALLY messing up our economy.

Jesushchristonapopsiklestic. Piss off. You know you're beat with the truth of all matter, and you just can't help yourself. Quit already. anyone who wants to can see the links / remember the time as it was. We don't need to declassify documents for ANY of this.

You're wrong. It isn't fatal. Eat a pint of hagaan daz, have a good cry, and get over it.

What makes me "wrong"? The Daily Kos? Seriously?

You know what your problem is, Barb? You're so used to only hearing one side of the argument from the Main Stream Media that you've convinced yourself that there ISN'T another side. I'm sorry but there is.

There is a reason why Barack Obama's policies don't work and it's not GOP opposition. His economic policies don't work because they aren't based on sound economic theory but on appealing to his "base". His foreign policy doesn't work because the idiot actually thinks HIS personality is SO amazing that it's going to make people love us.

I didn't study politics and policy through the media, but I have studied the media, and mass culture, and mass manipulation. Kos wasn't the only source I listed either, although their information in this regard was spot on. You don't like the truth? Keep lying to yourself. :dunno:
Reagan was not faced with such overwhelming un-American OBSTRUCTION from the loyal opposition.

Gee, maybe that was because he didn't tell Tip O'Neil to go fuck himself right after gaining the Oval Office? The fact is...Ronald Reagan built bi-partisan consensus and Barry destroyed it.
None of that was what the American people were told they were investing blood and treasure to go to war about, asshole. As FOR all of that, we MADE him, OUR CIA.

Thanks for the memories Saddam - YouTube

Gee, Barb...didn't you progressives tell us all that it was about us wanting Iraq's oil? Wasn't that what you folks were ranting about way back then...that it was all about oil? So refresh my memory...did we end up getting that oil? Or was that just one more bullshit accusation made by a group of people that love to make bullshit accusations?

Whats the matter, Oldstyle? Absolutely nothing in the video you can refute, and lord knows nothing you want to discuss, so you have to throw straw at me? I don't answer for anyone's words but mine, and trying that just makes your weak position obvious. :eusa_hand:

Oh, Barb...come on! You give me a video from Bushflash and you really think I can't refute it? The very premise of the video is off base. We didn't attack Iraq because we thought they were behind 9/11...we attacked them because they were not living up to the accord they signed at the end of the first Gulf War, were trading oil for weapons in direct violation of the UN sanctions against them and were actively trying to buy materials to develop a nuclear weapon.

So did you want to address all those claims that you folks on the left made that the second Iraq war was being fought simply so we could seize the Iraqi oil for ourselves? That was your sides "clarion call" for years until it became obvious that the Iraqis retained control of their own oil. Not a peep out of you clowns on that subject since...why IS that?
Jesushchristonapopsiklestic. Piss off. You know you're beat with the truth of all matter, and you just can't help yourself. Quit already. anyone who wants to can see the links / remember the time as it was. We don't need to declassify documents for ANY of this.

You're wrong. It isn't fatal. Eat a pint of hagaan daz, have a good cry, and get over it.

What makes me "wrong"? The Daily Kos? Seriously?

You know what your problem is, Barb? You're so used to only hearing one side of the argument from the Main Stream Media that you've convinced yourself that there ISN'T another side. I'm sorry but there is.

There is a reason why Barack Obama's policies don't work and it's not GOP opposition. His economic policies don't work because they aren't based on sound economic theory but on appealing to his "base". His foreign policy doesn't work because the idiot actually thinks HIS personality is SO amazing that it's going to make people love us.

I didn't study politics and policy through the media, but I have studied the media, and mass culture, and mass manipulation. Kos wasn't the only source I listed either, although their information in this regard was spot on. You don't like the truth? Keep lying to yourself. :dunno:

I love the truth, Barb...that's why I don't use sites like the Daily Kos as source material. :)
Gee, Barb...didn't you progressives tell us all that it was about us wanting Iraq's oil? Wasn't that what you folks were ranting about way back then...that it was all about oil? So refresh my memory...did we end up getting that oil? Or was that just one more bullshit accusation made by a group of people that love to make bullshit accusations?

Whats the matter, Oldstyle? Absolutely nothing in the video you can refute, and lord knows nothing you want to discuss, so you have to throw straw at me? I don't answer for anyone's words but mine, and trying that just makes your weak position obvious. :eusa_hand:

Oh, Barb...come on! You give me a video from Bushflash and you really think I can't refute it? The very premise of the video is off base. We didn't attack Iraq because we thought they were behind 9/11...we attacked them because they were not living up to the accord they signed at the end of the first Gulf War, were trading oil for weapons in direct violation of the UN sanctions against them and were actively trying to buy materials to develop a nuclear weapon.

So did you want to address all those claims that you folks on the left made that the second Iraq war was being fought simply so we could seize the Iraqi oil for ourselves? That was your sides "clarion call" for years until it became obvious that the Iraqis retained control of their own oil. Not a peep out of you clowns on that subject since...why IS that?

Who do you think you're playing with here? You just spew mindless and unrelated drivel on the page. You're done, stick a fork in yourself.
Reagan was not faced with such overwhelming un-American OBSTRUCTION from the loyal opposition.

Gee, maybe that was because he didn't tell Tip O'Neil to go fuck himself right after gaining the Oval Office? The fact is...Ronald Reagan built bi-partisan consensus and Barry destroyed it.

You're a world class dumbass, liar and spinner. I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans - which was one of the complaints the left had against Obama - and still does - including me.

This is how I clearly remember it: Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans | Cynthia Tucker
You're a world class dumbass, liar and spinner. I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans - which was one of the complaints the left had against Obama - and still does - including me.

This is how I clearly remember it: Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans | Cynthia Tucker
It's funny, whenever someone starts speaking in terms of Obama as a "leftist" President, the first thing that pops into my head, is his former WH press secretary "going off" on liberals just before an earlier press conference, complaining that we needed to give him more time to get done, the things he said he would do, during the campaign. Now, I could be wrong, but I think the thing that set him off, was a question about "why is Obama making concessions before the right has even asked for any?"

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