The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

So fill me in, board the unemployment rate NOT still above 8%? Is this recovery not the slowest since the great depression? Is the debt now not increased to over 16 trillion with trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see? Is Harry Reid not sitting on over 30 House bills that he won't even let onto the floor of the Senate? Is the President's Middle East policy not in a shambles right now?

This whole continuous claim that the GOP is "evil" and "liars" simply for pointing out the truth is getting to be a little ridiculous. You "do" realize that if Barry wins in November that he's going to be expected to DO something to fix things? How do you think THAT is going to work out since he's obviously in over his head on this whole situation? Or do you expect him to suddenly become Presidential because he won a second term?

Considering the actions and statements on the right these last few weeks, I think the American people might just vote in favor of a house and senate loaded with a big enough (filibuster proof) democratic majority to shut OUT the obstructionists of the right.

And THAT is what was said and done from the very FIRST DAY of Obama's administration.
There are no jobs being created because the holders of capital don't see enough of a potential for future profit to invest that capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing businesses. Spending does not drive a free market economy...the expectation of future profits is what does that. If you increase the capital gains tax all you do is lower that expectation which dampens economic growth.

Did you not take economics, Loinboy? I'm guessing that the answer to that question is no.
That's bullshit!

Companies do not invest capitol in products or services that do not produce a return for that investment. It doesn't matter what you produce or how efficient you produce it, if there is no market for it, you're not going to expand.

Corporations are enjoying record profits and are not re-investing that into the US economy. So if the private sector won't generate jobs, then the public sector has to. 70% of the economy is consumer spending. Once the middle class starts getting their paychecks back, they'll start spending again, that will reduce warehouse inventory's, which will increase demand, then companies will invest in those areas and more jobs will be available. And the cycle begins again.

Will you stop and think about what you're saying!

Companies invest capital for one reason alone...because they anticipate making a profit. If you do ANYTHING to diminish that potential profit, such as raising capital gains taxes then there is less incentive for them to risk capital.

You are never going to get increased investment if you do what you idiot progressives are calling for. That's an economic fact. What you will have is investment capital going into tax free investments or even worse going to create businesses (and jobs) in other countries with much lower taxes.
Oldstyle is like a retard who tries to act smart.

Compared to you, Lakhota...I'm a freaking member of MENSA! Every time I ask you to tell me something that would require a dollop of intelligence and telling me what Barry's plan is for getting the economy to grow you give me HuffPo and other words...BULLSHIT.

The really sad thing about the progressives on this board is your complete ignorance of how a free market economy operates. It's why you buy into the line of crap that Barack and Company have been feeding you for the past four years. I would strongly suggest you go and pick up a copy of a basic economics text book and read it. THEN and only then might you know enough about this subject to try and discuss it here.

And THAT is what was said and done from the very FIRST DAY of Obama's administration.

You want to know why this has been such a partisan Administration? Go read Bob Woodward's (who's about as liberal a journalist as they come!) book about the Obama White House and take note of Rahm Emanuel's quote five days into Obama's term where when someone expresses concern that what they are doing is going to infuriate the GOP, Rahm says "Fuck em...we've got the votes!"

THAT is what was done from the very first day of Obama's Administration.

That was followed up by Barack Obama dressing down Eric Cantor when Cantor presented GOP objections to his proposed agenda. "Elections have consequences...we won!"

Mitch McConnell didn't make his statement about making Obama a one term President until over a YEAR later...after Obama, Pelosi and Reid totally ignored any of their suggestions. This whole idea that it was the GOP who went after "poor little Barry" right from the start and THAT is why he's been unsuccessful ignores reality. Barack Obama came into power with strong Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate and he used those majorities to tell the Republicans to take a hike.
Will you stop and think about what you're saying!

Companies invest capital for one reason alone...because they anticipate making a profit. If you do ANYTHING to diminish that potential profit, such as raising capital gains taxes then there is less incentive for them to risk capital.

You are never going to get increased investment if you do what you idiot progressives are calling for. That's an economic fact. What you will have is investment capital going into tax free investments or even worse going to create businesses (and jobs) in other countries with much lower taxes.
If there is a demand for something, corporations will find the capital to invest in it.

You're putting the cart before the horse.
Actually, you ignorant little twit, it matters quite a lot whether it is public or private spending. Public spending might temporarily 'boost' the economy... at a cost of a rising deficit. Private spending does not. See, that's why you're stupid.... you put ideology over critical thought. Moron.
All the economy cares about is spending. That's it. As long as there is spending, the economy grows.

And nothing gets an economy rolling along faster than construction projects. Because they effect so many other industries.

The deficit is a problem, but it is not a bigger problem than getting American's back to work. Jobs are first, deficit is second. But if you want to add jobs, but not add deficit, I do have an option that could do just that. End these bullshit wars and cut the defense budget in half. That's a trillion dollars right there. $500 bil for deficit reduction and $500 bil for job creation. Problem solved.
Oldstyle is like a retard who tries to act smart.

Compared to you, Lakhota...I'm a freaking member of MENSA! Every time I ask you to tell me something that would require a dollop of intelligence and telling me what Barry's plan is for getting the economy to grow you give me HuffPo and other words...BULLSHIT.

The really sad thing about the progressives on this board is your complete ignorance of how a free market economy operates. It's why you buy into the line of crap that Barack and Company have been feeding you for the past four years. I would strongly suggest you go and pick up a copy of a basic economics text book and read it. THEN and only then might you know enough about this subject to try and discuss it here.

No matter how many times I tell you the American Jobs Act - you return to retardville.

Bill Kristol: Obama Has Turned Around The Financial Meltdown 'Pretty Well' | ThinkProgress

Bill Kristol on the economy - YouTube
Will you stop and think about what you're saying!

Companies invest capital for one reason alone...because they anticipate making a profit. If you do ANYTHING to diminish that potential profit, such as raising capital gains taxes then there is less incentive for them to risk capital.

You are never going to get increased investment if you do what you idiot progressives are calling for. That's an economic fact. What you will have is investment capital going into tax free investments or even worse going to create businesses (and jobs) in other countries with much lower taxes.
If there is a demand for something, corporations will find the capital to invest in it.

You're putting the cart before the horse.

Demand does not make corporations invest, idiot child! There would be a huge "demand" for 25 cent draft beers but if the bar that sells those beers doesn't make a profit selling them then it's not going to happen. It's the potential for profit that causes investment. What part of a VERY simple concept like that can't you grasp?
Actually, you ignorant little twit, it matters quite a lot whether it is public or private spending. Public spending might temporarily 'boost' the economy... at a cost of a rising deficit. Private spending does not. See, that's why you're stupid.... you put ideology over critical thought. Moron.
All the economy cares about is spending. That's it. As long as there is spending, the economy grows.

And nothing gets an economy rolling along faster than construction projects. Because they effect so many other industries.

The deficit is a problem, but it is not a bigger problem than getting American's back to work. Jobs are first, deficit is second. But if you want to add jobs, but not add deficit, I do have an option that could do just that. End these bullshit wars and cut the defense budget in half. That's a trillion dollars right there. $500 bil for deficit reduction and $500 bil for job creation. Problem solved.

So let me get this straight...all the economy cares about is spending and as long as there is spending, the enonomy grows...right?

But then you say that what we REALLY need to do is cut the defense budget in half?

Are you on some kind of meds...or are you really that illogical? Do you not realize that cutting the defense budget like that is going to put a hundred thousand people out of work? What is wrong with you people? It's like having a conversation about sunsets with someone who is blind.
Oldstyle is like a retard who tries to act smart.

Compared to you, Lakhota...I'm a freaking member of MENSA! Every time I ask you to tell me something that would require a dollop of intelligence and telling me what Barry's plan is for getting the economy to grow you give me HuffPo and other words...BULLSHIT.

The really sad thing about the progressives on this board is your complete ignorance of how a free market economy operates. It's why you buy into the line of crap that Barack and Company have been feeding you for the past four years. I would strongly suggest you go and pick up a copy of a basic economics text book and read it. THEN and only then might you know enough about this subject to try and discuss it here.

No matter how many times I tell you the American Jobs Act - you return to retardville.

Bill Kristol: Obama Has Turned Around The Financial Meltdown 'Pretty Well' | ThinkProgress

Bill Kristol on the economy - YouTube

The "American Jobs Act" was never even a serious piece of legislation, Lahkota. Barack Obama knew he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for what is simply a watered down version of what didn't work with the Obama Stimulus. It was political MOST of what Barry has given us for the past two years.
Compared to you, Lakhota...I'm a freaking member of MENSA! Every time I ask you to tell me something that would require a dollop of intelligence and telling me what Barry's plan is for getting the economy to grow you give me HuffPo and other words...BULLSHIT.

The really sad thing about the progressives on this board is your complete ignorance of how a free market economy operates. It's why you buy into the line of crap that Barack and Company have been feeding you for the past four years. I would strongly suggest you go and pick up a copy of a basic economics text book and read it. THEN and only then might you know enough about this subject to try and discuss it here.

No matter how many times I tell you the American Jobs Act - you return to retardville.

Bill Kristol: Obama Has Turned Around The Financial Meltdown 'Pretty Well' | ThinkProgress

Bill Kristol on the economy - YouTube

The "American Jobs Act" was never even a serious piece of legislation, Lahkota. Barack Obama knew he couldn't even get Democrats to vote for what is simply a watered down version of what didn't work with the Obama Stimulus. It was political MOST of what Barry has given us for the past two years.

What have Republicans proposed that is better than the American Jobs Act?

And THAT is what was said and done from the very FIRST DAY of Obama's administration.

You want to know why this has been such a partisan Administration? Go read Bob Woodward's (who's about as liberal a journalist as they come!) book about the Obama White House and take note of Rahm Emanuel's quote five days into Obama's term where when someone expresses concern that what they are doing is going to infuriate the GOP, Rahm says "Fuck em...we've got the votes!"

THAT is what was done from the very first day of Obama's Administration.

That was followed up by Barack Obama dressing down Eric Cantor when Cantor presented GOP objections to his proposed agenda. "Elections have consequences...we won!"

Mitch McConnell didn't make his statement about making Obama a one term President until over a YEAR later...after Obama, Pelosi and Reid totally ignored any of their suggestions. This whole idea that it was the GOP who went after "poor little Barry" right from the start and THAT is why he's been unsuccessful ignores reality. Barack Obama came into power with strong Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate and he used those majorities to tell the Republicans to take a hike.

The first 3 paragraphs? This is criticizing dems for FINALLY growing a set and doing what the republicans do every fucking time they gain the presidency. Every fucking time.

The last? The time lapse? Even if it weren't pure, unadulterated bullshit, it wouldn't excuse this:

And THAT is what was said and done from the very FIRST DAY of Obama's administration.

You want to know why this has been such a partisan Administration? Go read Bob Woodward's (who's about as liberal a journalist as they come!) book about the Obama White House and take note of Rahm Emanuel's quote five days into Obama's term where when someone expresses concern that what they are doing is going to infuriate the GOP, Rahm says "Fuck em...we've got the votes!"

THAT is what was done from the very first day of Obama's Administration.

That was followed up by Barack Obama dressing down Eric Cantor when Cantor presented GOP objections to his proposed agenda. "Elections have consequences...we won!"

Mitch McConnell didn't make his statement about making Obama a one term President until over a YEAR later...after Obama, Pelosi and Reid totally ignored any of their suggestions. This whole idea that it was the GOP who went after "poor little Barry" right from the start and THAT is why he's been unsuccessful ignores reality. Barack Obama came into power with strong Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate and he used those majorities to tell the Republicans to take a hike.

The first 3 paragraphs? This is criticizing dems for FINALLY growing a set and doing what the republicans do every fucking time they gain the presidency. Every fucking time.

The last? The time lapse? Even if it weren't pure, unadulterated bullshit, it wouldn't excuse this:


Great post, Barb. Thank you. May I use your BLOCKED picture? I really like it.
You want to know why this has been such a partisan Administration? Go read Bob Woodward's (who's about as liberal a journalist as they come!) book about the Obama White House and take note of Rahm Emanuel's quote five days into Obama's term where when someone expresses concern that what they are doing is going to infuriate the GOP, Rahm says "Fuck em...we've got the votes!"

THAT is what was done from the very first day of Obama's Administration.

That was followed up by Barack Obama dressing down Eric Cantor when Cantor presented GOP objections to his proposed agenda. "Elections have consequences...we won!"

Mitch McConnell didn't make his statement about making Obama a one term President until over a YEAR later...after Obama, Pelosi and Reid totally ignored any of their suggestions. This whole idea that it was the GOP who went after "poor little Barry" right from the start and THAT is why he's been unsuccessful ignores reality. Barack Obama came into power with strong Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate and he used those majorities to tell the Republicans to take a hike.

The first 3 paragraphs? This is criticizing dems for FINALLY growing a set and doing what the republicans do every fucking time they gain the presidency. Every fucking time.

The last? The time lapse? Even if it weren't pure, unadulterated bullshit, it wouldn't excuse this:


Great post, Barb. Thank you. May I use your BLOCKED picture? I really like it.

Of course, and thank you :) It isn't mine, I shared it from elsewhere on the net.
So let me get this straight...all the economy cares about is spending and as long as there is spending, the enonomy grows...right?

But then you say that what we REALLY need to do is cut the defense budget in half?

Are you on some kind of meds...or are you really that illogical? Do you not realize that cutting the defense budget like that is going to put a hundred thousand people out of work? What is wrong with you people? It's like having a conversation about sunsets with someone who is blind.
There's a caveat to the consumer spending, it must be spent in this country, not someone else's. The defense budget spends over a 1/3 of tax payer dollars to fight these unecessary, made up, bullshit wars against fictitious boogeymen, in country's on the other side of the planet. How can that possibly be good for average American's? We spent over a trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone and what did the American tax payer get in return for that investment? Taxes should be spent to benefit American's and the US economy, not some country of goat herders who wish we'd just get the fuck off their land.

People who don't want to cut the defense budget are not really serious about reducing the deficit.
You want to know why this has been such a partisan Administration? Go read Bob Woodward's (who's about as liberal a journalist as they come!) book about the Obama White House and take note of Rahm Emanuel's quote five days into Obama's term where when someone expresses concern that what they are doing is going to infuriate the GOP, Rahm says "Fuck em...we've got the votes!"

THAT is what was done from the very first day of Obama's Administration.

That was followed up by Barack Obama dressing down Eric Cantor when Cantor presented GOP objections to his proposed agenda. "Elections have consequences...we won!"

Mitch McConnell didn't make his statement about making Obama a one term President until over a YEAR later...after Obama, Pelosi and Reid totally ignored any of their suggestions. This whole idea that it was the GOP who went after "poor little Barry" right from the start and THAT is why he's been unsuccessful ignores reality. Barack Obama came into power with strong Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate and he used those majorities to tell the Republicans to take a hike.

The first 3 paragraphs? This is criticizing dems for FINALLY growing a set and doing what the republicans do every fucking time they gain the presidency. Every fucking time.

The last? The time lapse? Even if it weren't pure, unadulterated bullshit, it wouldn't excuse this:


Great post, Barb. Thank you. May I use your BLOCKED picture? I really like it.

So first you claim that it's the Republicans that weren't working with Obama right from the start that was the problem but then when I point out that it was the Obama Administration who was REALLY not working with the other side right from the start, you change your tune and say that the Democrats should be commended for "FINALLY growing a set"? LOL Make up your mind, Barb! The truth (as Woodward illustrates in his book) is that this Administration came into office with majorities in the House and the Senate and a "Fuck you...we've got the votes!" attitude towards the Republicans. Did the GOP respond by becoming just as partisan? Oh, yeah! But it was Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi telling them to sit down and shut up that brought that on...not some "master plan" devised by the GOP to cut Barry off at the knees.

As for the Republicans not working with the other side every time THEY had the Presidency? It "sounds" good, Barb but it's factually inaccurate. Reagan had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Tip O'Neil to get most of his legislation enacted. W. had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Nancy Pelosi to get what he wanted passed. Both were a hundred times more bi-partisan than Barack Obama has EVER been since taking office.

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