The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party


I can almost see the horns growing out of their heads. Freakin Weasels.

They are American Taliban leaders.
Taliban? Really?

Gee, Lakhota...who's REALLY doing the lying and misinforming here? The GOP doesn't agree to go along with Barry's far left agenda so they are Taliban? People want to vote for someone who HAS experience and they are racists? Republicans want to do something to save Medicare and they're accused of wanting to destroy it? Mitt Romney wants America to turn back from the same path that has bankrupted much of Europe and put them on the brink of insolvency but he's accused of hating poor people?

Barack Obama isn't running on HIS record, Lakhota...he's deliberately trying to misinform the American people as to what Mitt Romney will do if he becomes President because he knows he can't run a straight up campaign on his record and his policies and win. He's lying to the American people about who Romney is and what Romney will do in an attempt to divert attention from his own terrible record as President. The only reason he's even IN this race is because the Main Stream Media has played along with that.
Just got back from lunch where I was reading today's USA Today.

They devoted four full pages to the Romney quote from last May and one small article of about an eighth of a page to what's happening between China and Japan right now.

Our ambassador to China's car was attacked by a mob of protesters yesterday as the Chinese navy sent a dozen warships to the Senkaku islands to intimidate the Japanese. This is literally something which could escalate into a war between the Japanese and the Chinese and it gets an eighth of a page because the editors of USA Today are so focused on a last minute push for their guy, Barry.
Still no evidence to support the OP.

The leftwingliberalasswipes are just not doing so well.


The party needs a facelift and a butt-tuck.
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How to Beat the Fact-Checkers

By David Corn

Politicians have figured it out: When caught in a lie, attack the truth cops.

Editors' note: With Paul Ryan letting loose a string of whoppers at the GOP convention, Newsweek admitting it doesn't verify the accuracy of facts cited by its writers, and a top Romney aide defiantly proclaiming, "We're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers," political fact-checking has been a hot topic this campaign season. For our September/October issue, David Corn took an in-depth look at how the verification industry plays into the political lying game—and whether it makes any difference.

As Mitt Romney was buttoning up the Republican nomination this past spring, he addressed the annual convention of the American Society of News Editors in the cavernous ballroom of the Marriott Wardman Park hotel in Washington, DC. He blasted President Obama for breaking a "promise" to keep unemployment below 8 percent—a charge that had previously earned Romney three Pinocchios from the Washington Post's "Fact Checker" column. He also slammed the president for "apologizing for America abroad"—an accusation that PolitiFact had months earlier branded a "pants on fire" lie. And he accused Obama of adding "nearly as much public debt as all the prior presidents combined" (a statement already judged "an exaggeration" by and of cutting $500 million [sic] from Medicare (a "false" assertion according to PolitiFact).

A politician mangling the truth is hardly news. Yet what was notable about this moment was that the candidate felt no compunction about appearing before more than 1,500 journalists and repeating whoppers that their own colleagues had so roundly debunked. Nor was Romney challenged about any of these untruths when it came time to ask questions. He was able to peddle a string of officially determined falsehoods before a crowd of newspaper editors—repeat: a crowd of newspaper editors—and face absolutely no consequences. The uncomfortable question for the press: With the news cycle overwhelmed by the headline-of-the-nanosecond, and with politicians ignoring or openly challenging the truth cops, how much does the much-heralded political fact-checking industry really matter?

More: How to Beat the Fact-Checkers | Mother Jones
Simple question for ya', Lakhota...

What's Barry's plan to fix the economy and get people working again?
Your word comprehension isn't very good, Lakhota. I asked you to name something exceptional that Barry did after he left know...when he was a lawyer, a lecturer and a legislator? What you gave me was the standard "puff" list of what he's supposedly accomplished as know...the one that embellishes everything to the point of farce?

Come on, little bud...this should be easy! The guy's brilliant...right? So what did he DO with that "brilliance" for the twenty years after Harvard? Tell me something exceptional.

Stop being racist nazi fuck
Yes obama has accomplished much sadly it's been failure
Now if you think what obama has done is great or good care too address these?

1.42 straight months of 8% or higher unemployment

2.RECORD number of 64.7 million Americans on food stamps

3.Americas credit rating down graded not once but twice.

4.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya


6.Extended the patriot act

7.Had an American citizen assassinated without due process

8.Fast and the Furious cover up

9. Had an ambassador killed by the people he gave aid to in Libya

10.Wasted billions of dollars on the stimulus

11.GM built plants and sent jobs outside the U.S.

12.Gas cost more now than when he first became president.

13.Reinstated off shore drilling ban.

14.Killed the keystone pipeline (reported by the request of Nebraska Governor)

15.Afghan troops killing American troops on the rise.

16.Black unemployment at 14.1 percent

17.obama loses black supporter over his gay marriage stance.

18.obama's cooked labor department unemployment numbers.

19. Signed into law largest tax called obamatax

20. Shovel ready wasn't as shovel ready as he claimed it was.

21.obama give amnesty to 20 million illegals. Even thouigh Congress did not pass the dream act.

22.Used America's military in Libya without congressional approval

23.Gave aid to America's enemy in Libya

Looks like this will be an on going growing list.
Your word comprehension isn't very good, Lakhota. I asked you to name something exceptional that Barry did after he left know...when he was a lawyer, a lecturer and a legislator? What you gave me was the standard "puff" list of what he's supposedly accomplished as know...the one that embellishes everything to the point of farce?

Come on, little bud...this should be easy! The guy's brilliant...right? So what did he DO with that "brilliance" for the twenty years after Harvard? Tell me something exceptional.

Stop being racist nazi fuck

Pointing out that Barack Obama isn't as "brilliant" as he was made out to be isn't being racist or a Nazi,'s just reality. Let's face it...he's NOT really brilliant.

Now would you like a shot at telling me something exceptional that Barry did between leaving Harvard Law School and getting elected President of the United States? Should be a pretty simple thing to do but none of you progressive "fans" of Barack Obama can seem to do it...which says VOLUMES about our current President. Here's your chance, little me what ya' got!

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