The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

I respectfully disagree. They've always been that least since Nixon.

But then again Democrats aren't that much better.
Holy shit, lay down that crack pipe and get some fresh air.

I've asked this question on this board countless times, Lakhota and you progressives always run from it like it's radioactive...

Name something exceptional that Barack Obama has done since leaving Harvard Law know...the thing that should have made us want to elect him in the first place? I don't think you can. There is a REASON why he has been an "underwhelming" President and that reason is that he's been underwhelming at everything he's done since leaving Harvard twenty years ago.

Here, I think this is meant for you:

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

Ah, yes...when you can't give a REAL the race card! Not gonna work, Lakhota. Just admit that you can't give me anything exceptional that Barry has done from the time he left Harvard until he was elected President...which begs the was THAT ever allowed to happen? How were we conned into electing a man who is SO ill equipped to handle the job for which he now has?
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As usual, Lakhota headed for the hills as soon as I asked that question.

How is it that all you progressives are SO sure that Barry is the guy we need as President yet you can't point out something exceptional that he's done since getting out of law school? You do realize that you're basically conceding that he's more "myth" than reality?

Being a CEO is only easy from the outside looking in...the people that hire you expect results. You can blame your failures on the man who came before you for a short amount of time and then YOU'RE the one who isn't doing the job...YOU'RE the one who is failing. Four years now and Barack Obama is STILL blaming the guy who was there before him. That's NOT the behavior of a's the behavior of a man who's never really had to compete since he grabbed the brass ring back at Harvard.
Holy shit, lay down that crack pipe and get some fresh air.

I've asked this question on this board countless times, Lakhota and you progressives always run from it like it's radioactive...

Name something exceptional that Barack Obama has done since leaving Harvard Law know...the thing that should have made us want to elect him in the first place? I don't think you can. There is a REASON why he has been an "underwhelming" President and that reason is that he's been underwhelming at everything he's done since leaving Harvard twenty years ago.

Here, I think this is meant for you:

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

Race baiting......???

I've asked this question on this board countless times, Lakhota and you progressives always run from it like it's radioactive...

Name something exceptional that Barack Obama has done since leaving Harvard Law know...the thing that should have made us want to elect him in the first place? I don't think you can. There is a REASON why he has been an "underwhelming" President and that reason is that he's been underwhelming at everything he's done since leaving Harvard twenty years ago.

Here, I think this is meant for you:

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

Race baiting......???


that's how low this board has gone into the gutter
No they don't, all the GOP trash do is lie.

both sides lie OR exaggerate to get what they want.... the Republicans do it to your face and the Democrats do it behind your back....but they both do it.....

You're right, Harry...we live in the era of "spin". You have to be intelligent enough to look at what's going on and discern what's bullshit and what's an honest appraisal.

That old cliche about things looking too good to be true comes into play quite often these days. If someone is telling you that all you need to do is vote for them and they'll give you A, B and C, all of which isn't going to cost you a dime...then you have to have enough common sense to know that they are blowing smoke up your skirt.

what always amazes me is the Righties and Lefties who just follow and NEVER question anything their party does or says....they just go with the flow.....LaPunta is a great example.....just goes with the flow.....
Here's the "thing", don't succeed in the private sector simply by making promises that you know can't be kept. That's a politician's game. Mitt Romney is a guy who actually got things done. He didn't just "promise" to turn around companies that Bain Capital bought...he did the hard work of making that happen. Now contrast that with Barack Obama. All we've gotten from Barry is vague concepts of "Hope and Change" from a man who's never done anything exceptional since he graduated from Harvard Law School some twenty years ago. He wasn't exceptional as a lawyer, as a lecturer, or as a legislator. The ONLY thing he excelled at was oratory. So if you want someone to make soaring speeches then by all means reelect Barack Obama...but if you're looking for someone who has the skills to fix complex problems...someone with a record of working across the aisle with the opposition to get things done...then the only real choice here is Mitt Romney.

Holy shit, lay down that crack pipe and get some fresh air.

maybe you should do that too.....
What always amazes me is the Righties and Lefties who just follow and NEVER question anything their party does or says....they just go with the flow.....LaPunta is a great example.....just goes with the flow.....

Simplistic partisan absolutism is absolutely sinking us, and few seem to care.

Holy shit, lay down that crack pipe and get some fresh air.

I've asked this question on this board countless times, Lakhota and you progressives always run from it like it's radioactive...

Name something exceptional that Barack Obama has done since leaving Harvard Law know...the thing that should have made us want to elect him in the first place? I don't think you can. There is a REASON why he has been an "underwhelming" President and that reason is that he's been underwhelming at everything he's done since leaving Harvard twenty years ago.

Here, I think this is meant for you:

Get That Worthless ****** Out Of The White House

so are we allowed to be against President Obama because of his policies?..........hey just wondering....because you racial fuckers are getting old.....
As usual, Lakhota headed for the hills as soon as I asked that question.

How is it that all you progressives are SO sure that Barry is the guy we need as President yet you can't point out something exceptional that he's done since getting out of law school? You do realize that you're basically conceding that he's more "myth" than reality?

Being a CEO is only easy from the outside looking in...the people that hire you expect results. You can blame your failures on the man who came before you for a short amount of time and then YOU'RE the one who isn't doing the job...YOU'RE the one who is failing. Four years now and Barack Obama is STILL blaming the guy who was there before him. That's NOT the behavior of a's the behavior of a man who's never really had to compete since he grabbed the brass ring back at Harvard.
yea he has a problem answering questions.....must be a character flaw....
What always amazes me is the Righties and Lefties who just follow and NEVER question anything their party does or says....they just go with the flow.....LaPunta is a great example.....just goes with the flow.....

Simplistic partisan absolutism is absolutely sinking us, and few seem to care.


yep.....especially the hacks.....who just worship their respective sides....
Instead of answering my very simple question about Barack Obama...Lakhota spammed posts from ThinkProgress and HuffPo about Mitt Romney.

It's obvious that there aren't any progressives here that want to jump in and defend Barry's accomplishments after he left Harvard and I really can't blame you. The closer you look at Barack Obama the lawyer, Barack Obama the college lecturer or Barack Obama the legislator...the more you come away with an impression of someone who was an intellectual "lightweight"...not the heavy hitter he's been made out to be.

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