The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party


Don't have an answer for you, Lakhota? Yet you want to reelect the guy...
The republican party needs to be voted into oblivion.

Let's just come out and say it, "The republican party IS the problem in the country".

“The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.”

At the top, Republican leaders – from Ayn Rand ideologues to neoconservative warmongers – believe in elitist concepts like “perception management,” i.e. using lies and propaganda to manipulate the rank-and-file. Among the rank-and-file, there’s almost a pride in being manipulated.

So, despite all evidence, high percentages of Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, that Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction, that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks, that the science on global warming is a hoax. Instead of anger over being misled, today’s adherents to GOP orthodoxy react to the truth by hugging the lies more tightly.
This party is just out-there and needs to be voted out of all public offices from coast to coast. The ideological psycho's that control this party got no business being anywhere near a public office.

How do you save a party that has embraced anti-government extremism, that proposes tax cuts as the cure for all ills, that rejects science if it goes against ideology, that promotes crazy conspiracy theories to delegitimize opponents, that makes its case to the American people through outright lies, that tries to win elections through racially tinged voter suppression, and that relies on TV ad carpet-bombings to get votes?
The best example of right-wing insanity and the harm it has caused the country, is George Bush.

George W. Bush, one recent example of Republican arrogant ignorance, took the United States from an era of general peace, prosperity and, yes, budget surpluses to a desperate time of war, financial collapse and trillion-dollar deficits. Bush’s ineptitude is still being felt by millions of jobless Americans and a struggling world economy.
We need to purge this country of the pubs, while we still have a country left.

Don't have an answer for you, Lakhota? Yet you want to reelect the guy...

It's called the American Jobs Act, which the House has refused to vote on. BTW, I'd re-elect Charles Manson over the NaziCon idiot asshole Mitt Romney. Must go eat a late supper. Have fun...

You're kidding right? The "American Jobs Act" is simply a watered down version of the failed Obama Stimulus...with the same infrastructure "shovel ready" spending and the same spending on unemployment extensions and public sector job retention. Why would ANYONE be stupid enough to waste more money on something they KNOW didn't work the first time?

The truth is...the American Jobs Act was never anything but political "Kabuki Theater" because Obama couldn't even get Democrats to vote for it. What's really sad is that we don't have an economic plan right now to put people in the private sector back to work because the only arrow left in the government's economic's "quiver" that WOULD stimulate job growth (and I mean REAL job creation not some faux "jobs saved" bullshit!) is cuts to the capital gains tax but you'll never see progressives do that because they HATE the idea of some rich person investing and making a profit (GASP!!!) so much, that they're willing to have millions of people who aren't rich stay unemployed.

You go eat, Lakhota...God knows you're "out to lunch" on this issue!
You're kidding right? The "American Jobs Act" is simply a watered down version of the failed Obama Stimulus...with the same infrastructure "shovel ready" spending and the same spending on unemployment extensions and public sector job retention. Why would ANYONE be stupid enough to waste more money on something they KNOW didn't work the first time?

The truth is...the American Jobs Act was never anything but political "Kabuki Theater" because Obama couldn't even get Democrats to vote for it. What's really sad is that we don't have an economic plan right now to put people in the private sector back to work because the only arrow left in the government's economic's "quiver" that WOULD stimulate job growth (and I mean REAL job creation not some faux "jobs saved" bullshit!) is cuts to the capital gains tax but you'll never see progressives do that because they HATE the idea of some rich person investing and making a profit (GASP!!!) so much, that they're willing to have millions of people who aren't rich stay unemployed.

You go eat, Lakhota...God knows you're "out to lunch" on this issue!
Capitol gains is to low needs to be raised. And it doesn't create jobs. Consumer spending creates jobs. Government infrastructure projects create jobs. The most important thing right now, is getting the middle class back to work. The last thing we need to be doing is giving breaks to these so-called "job creators" who don't create jobs.
The republican party needs to be voted into oblivion.

Let's just come out and say it, "The republican party IS the problem in the country".

“The GOP has become an insurgent outlier in American politics. It is ideologically extreme; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition.”

At the top, Republican leaders – from Ayn Rand ideologues to neoconservative warmongers – believe in elitist concepts like “perception management,” i.e. using lies and propaganda to manipulate the rank-and-file. Among the rank-and-file, there’s almost a pride in being manipulated.

So, despite all evidence, high percentages of Republicans believe that Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, that Iraq did have weapons of mass destruction, that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 9/11 attacks, that the science on global warming is a hoax. Instead of anger over being misled, today’s adherents to GOP orthodoxy react to the truth by hugging the lies more tightly.
This party is just out-there and needs to be voted out of all public offices from coast to coast. The ideological psycho's that control this party got no business being anywhere near a public office.

How do you save a party that has embraced anti-government extremism, that proposes tax cuts as the cure for all ills, that rejects science if it goes against ideology, that promotes crazy conspiracy theories to delegitimize opponents, that makes its case to the American people through outright lies, that tries to win elections through racially tinged voter suppression, and that relies on TV ad carpet-bombings to get votes?
The best example of right-wing insanity and the harm it has caused the country, is George Bush.

George W. Bush, one recent example of Republican arrogant ignorance, took the United States from an era of general peace, prosperity and, yes, budget surpluses to a desperate time of war, financial collapse and trillion-dollar deficits. Bush’s ineptitude is still being felt by millions of jobless Americans and a struggling world economy.
We need to purge this country of the pubs, while we still have a country left.

The utter stupidity of this post makes me laugh...seriously...

First of all, the one thing that unites most of the differing facets of the conservative movement is a call for "fiscal sanity"...a stop to the outright wasting of tax dollars and the shrinking of a bloated and inefficient government. THAT is not "extreme" is a common sense response to what we see happening in front of us.

As for George W. Bush taking us from an era of general peace into a desperate time of war? In case you've ideologically blinders wearing was a bunch of Islamic extremists flying commercial jet airplanes loaded with innocent people into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and another that was probably headed for the Capital building or the White House...killing thousands of Americans in one of the most cowardly attacks in the history of the world that took us to war. And in case you hadn't noticed, Barack Obama's four years of snubbing Israel and trying to kiss up to the Muslim world has gotten our embassies attacked and our flag burnt in the streets. Ineptitude? Barry's foreign policy is as ill conceived as his economic policy.
You're kidding right? The "American Jobs Act" is simply a watered down version of the failed Obama Stimulus...with the same infrastructure "shovel ready" spending and the same spending on unemployment extensions and public sector job retention. Why would ANYONE be stupid enough to waste more money on something they KNOW didn't work the first time?

The truth is...the American Jobs Act was never anything but political "Kabuki Theater" because Obama couldn't even get Democrats to vote for it. What's really sad is that we don't have an economic plan right now to put people in the private sector back to work because the only arrow left in the government's economic's "quiver" that WOULD stimulate job growth (and I mean REAL job creation not some faux "jobs saved" bullshit!) is cuts to the capital gains tax but you'll never see progressives do that because they HATE the idea of some rich person investing and making a profit (GASP!!!) so much, that they're willing to have millions of people who aren't rich stay unemployed.

You go eat, Lakhota...God knows you're "out to lunch" on this issue!
Capitol gains is to low needs to be raised. And it doesn't create jobs. Consumer spending creates jobs. Government infrastructure projects create jobs. The most important thing right now, is getting the middle class back to work. The last thing we need to be doing is giving breaks to these so-called "job creators" who don't create jobs.

My God, but you people are ignorant! How do you think jobs are created? By raising the tax on potential profits you REALLY think that you're going to induce job creators to invest their capital? You can't really BE this stupid!!!
The utter stupidity of this post makes me laugh...seriously...

First of all, the one thing that unites most of the differing facets of the conservative movement is a call for "fiscal sanity"...a stop to the outright wasting of tax dollars and the shrinking of a bloated and inefficient government. THAT is not "extreme" is a common sense response to what we see happening in front of us.
Don't give me this "fiscal sanity" crap when you got no problem with the size of the defense budget or funding these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years. We spent a trillion dollars in someone else's god-damn country and for what? How has that benefited average American's? What is the return for that investment?

As for George W. Bush taking us from an era of general peace into a desperate time of war? In case you've ideologically blinders wearing was a bunch of Islamic extremists flying commercial jet airplanes loaded with innocent people into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and another that was probably headed for the Capital building or the White House...killing thousands of Americans in one of the most cowardly attacks in the history of the world that took us to war. And in case you hadn't noticed, Barack Obama's four years of snubbing Israel and trying to kiss up to the Muslim world has gotten our embassies attacked and our flag burnt in the streets. Ineptitude? Barry's foreign policy is as ill conceived as his economic policy.
They were definately extremists, but I don't think they were muslims. When the FBI obtained credit card records from these guys, they found that they liked to go out bar-hopping, charging for hookers and Mohammad Atta had quite a coke habit. That doesn't sound like someone who follows the teachings of Islam.

As far as our response, we attacked Afghanistan, which had nothing to do with 9/11. We attacked Iraq, which had even less to do with 9/11. We said we went into Afghanistan to get al Qaeda. Well, al Qaeda is no longer there, yet we still are. So apparently that wasn't the reason. We're going from country to country, making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations, while our country is falling apart.

And 9/11 didn't all of a sudden just happen. There weren't a bunch of guys hanging around a living room one day and one of them jumps up and goes, "Hey, I know, let's get some visa's, go to the US, takes some flying lessons and..."
My God, but you people are ignorant! How do you think jobs are created? By raising the tax on potential profits you REALLY think that you're going to induce job creators to invest their capital? You can't really BE this stupid!!!
They're already sitting on $6 trillion in profits and there are still no jobs. Because there's no demand. There's no demand, because the middle class has no money to spend. What drives the economy is spending. It doesn't matter if it is a public dollar, or private dollar, as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.
The American Jobs Act Will Not Help Successful Businesses
But will reward companies such as GM
The utter stupidity of this post makes me laugh...seriously...

First of all, the one thing that unites most of the differing facets of the conservative movement is a call for "fiscal sanity"...a stop to the outright wasting of tax dollars and the shrinking of a bloated and inefficient government. THAT is not "extreme" is a common sense response to what we see happening in front of us.
Don't give me this "fiscal sanity" crap when you got no problem with the size of the defense budget or funding these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years. We spent a trillion dollars in someone else's god-damn country and for what? How has that benefited average American's? What is the return for that investment?

As for George W. Bush taking us from an era of general peace into a desperate time of war? In case you've ideologically blinders wearing was a bunch of Islamic extremists flying commercial jet airplanes loaded with innocent people into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and another that was probably headed for the Capital building or the White House...killing thousands of Americans in one of the most cowardly attacks in the history of the world that took us to war. And in case you hadn't noticed, Barack Obama's four years of snubbing Israel and trying to kiss up to the Muslim world has gotten our embassies attacked and our flag burnt in the streets. Ineptitude? Barry's foreign policy is as ill conceived as his economic policy.
They were definately extremists, but I don't think they were muslims. When the FBI obtained credit card records from these guys, they found that they liked to go out bar-hopping, charging for hookers and Mohammad Atta had quite a coke habit. That doesn't sound like someone who follows the teachings of Islam.

As far as our response, we attacked Afghanistan, which had nothing to do with 9/11. We attacked Iraq, which had even less to do with 9/11. We said we went into Afghanistan to get al Qaeda. Well, al Qaeda is no longer there, yet we still are. So apparently that wasn't the reason. We're going from country to country, making up bullshit reasons to attack sovereign nations, while our country is falling apart.

And 9/11 didn't all of a sudden just happen. There weren't a bunch of guys hanging around a living room one day and one of them jumps up and goes, "Hey, I know, let's get some visa's, go to the US, takes some flying lessons and..."

You really are an idiot.

We attacked Afghanistan because it was where the Taliban was harboring Al Queda. Do you really not know that?
The best example of right-wing insanity and the harm it has caused the country, is George Bush.

We need to purge this country of the pubs, while we still have a country left.

George Bush is a liberal, moron. He implemented all the policies you endorse. However, you are correct about one thing: that did lead to disaster.
My God, but you people are ignorant! How do you think jobs are created? By raising the tax on potential profits you REALLY think that you're going to induce job creators to invest their capital? You can't really BE this stupid!!!
They're already sitting on $6 trillion in profits and there are still no jobs. Because there's no demand. There's no demand, because the middle class has no money to spend. What drives the economy is spending. It doesn't matter if it is a public dollar, or private dollar, as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.

There are no jobs being created because the holders of capital don't see enough of a potential for future profit to invest that capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing businesses. Spending does not drive a free market economy...the expectation of future profits is what does that. If you increase the capital gains tax all you do is lower that expectation which dampens economic growth.

Did you not take economics, Loinboy? I'm guessing that the answer to that question is no.
There are no jobs being created because the holders of capital don't see enough of a potential for future profit to invest that capital in new businesses or the expansion of existing businesses. Spending does not drive a free market economy...the expectation of future profits is what does that. If you increase the capital gains tax all you do is lower that expectation which dampens economic growth.

Did you not take economics, Loinboy? I'm guessing that the answer to that question is no.
That's bullshit!

Companies do not invest capitol in products or services that do not produce a return for that investment. It doesn't matter what you produce or how efficient you produce it, if there is no market for it, you're not going to expand.

Corporations are enjoying record profits and are not re-investing that into the US economy. So if the private sector won't generate jobs, then the public sector has to. 70% of the economy is consumer spending. Once the middle class starts getting their paychecks back, they'll start spending again, that will reduce warehouse inventory's, which will increase demand, then companies will invest in those areas and more jobs will be available. And the cycle begins again.
My God, but you people are ignorant! How do you think jobs are created? By raising the tax on potential profits you REALLY think that you're going to induce job creators to invest their capital? You can't really BE this stupid!!!
They're already sitting on $6 trillion in profits and there are still no jobs. Because there's no demand. There's no demand, because the middle class has no money to spend. What drives the economy is spending. It doesn't matter if it is a public dollar, or private dollar, as long as spending occurs, the economy will grow.

Actually, you ignorant little twit, it matters quite a lot whether it is public or private spending. Public spending might temporarily 'boost' the economy... at a cost of a rising deficit. Private spending does not. See, that's why you're stupid.... you put ideology over critical thought. Moron.
Whoa, we've just heard from the Stepford wingnut queen retard.

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