The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

So let me get this straight...all the economy cares about is spending and as long as there is spending, the enonomy grows...right?

But then you say that what we REALLY need to do is cut the defense budget in half?

Are you on some kind of meds...or are you really that illogical? Do you not realize that cutting the defense budget like that is going to put a hundred thousand people out of work? What is wrong with you people? It's like having a conversation about sunsets with someone who is blind.
There's a caveat to the consumer spending, it must be spent in this country, not someone else's. The defense budget spends over a 1/3 of tax payer dollars to fight these unecessary, made up, bullshit wars against fictitious boogeymen, in country's on the other side of the planet. How can that possibly be good for average American's? We spent over a trillion dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan alone and what did the American tax payer get in return for that investment? Taxes should be spent to benefit American's and the US economy, not some country of goat herders who wish we'd just get the fuck off their land.

People who don't want to cut the defense budget are not really serious about reducing the deficit.

So explain to me how this all works, Loin...we cut the defense budget in half...which means defense contractors across the country will end up laying off workers by the tens of thousands and the military will cut tens of thousands of military personnel but that's going to make the unemployment situation better because progressives will have more money to give away in entitlement programs? And when the tax revenues from all of those defense contractors and their employees ceases to exist...all those high paying middle class jobs that are so hard to come by these days...are we going to make that up with imaginary shovel ready infrastructure jobs?

I love when you liberals try to formulate a cohesive economic policy!
So explain to me how this all works, Loin...we cut the defense budget in half...which means defense contractors across the country will end up laying off workers by the tens of thousands and the military will cut tens of thousands of military personnel but that's going to make the unemployment situation better because progressives will have more money to give away in entitlement programs?
So what are you saying? That "war" should be our economy? We need to be fighting perpetual wars, just so people could have jobs to pay their rent? I could care less about those defense contractors. They've been enjoying corporate welfare for years.

Why should we keep paying for things that are unecessary, given our current economic situation? Why should we pay to maintain over 800 bases around the world, when we got millions of American's out of work? Why should we have to pay trillions of dollars, just to go to war against country's that didn't even threaten us? Why should we pay to have drones shoot missles at Afghani women collecting firewood for their stoves so they can cook food for their families? Why should we have to pay the Taliban to guard our convoy's bringing supply's out to remote bases?

That last one really gets to me. We pay our enemies not to shoot at us. As long as the check doesn't bounce, we're safe.

Why should we pay KBR to install faulty grounding systems so our GI's can get electrocuted to death when they take a shower? If you want to talk about entitlements, am I entitled to pay $15/gal to haul gas out to remote outposts in Afghanistan? Am I entitled to pay $9.7 billion a month to fight wars for no reason? Am I entitled to pay a portion of my income on bullshit programs we don't need?

At least with social security, I'm getting my own money back that I've been putting in to the system since 1973. I think I'm owed that much for getting a job when I was 17 and have been paying taxes (and my own way through life) ever since.

And when the tax revenues from all of those defense contractors and their employees ceases to exist...
GE's one of those defense contractors and we didn't get any tax revenues from them last year.

all those high paying middle class jobs that are so hard to come by these days...are we going to make that up with imaginary shovel ready infrastructure jobs?
Rebuilding roads and bridges are not imaginary projects. Those are not imaginary jobs. They put American's to work on American soil, where they spend those American paychecks on goods and services in America. It has a ripple effect over a wide variety of businesses. Just look at what's going on in North Dakota right now. Motel's and hotel's are at full capacity. You got to wait for a table at any of the restaurants in Fargo just to eat. Hardware stores are having trouble keeping their shelves stocked. Even though the economic boon to that area is due to the petro-chemical industry and represent private dollars at work, it is a good example of how investment here at home, can generate a lot of jobs fast for a lot of people.

And the same thing will happen with public money around the area where these infrastructure projects take place. And if I'm gonna spend defense budget money, I'd rather see it going to projects like re-building Walter Reed Hospital, so we can take care of the GI's we so carelessly put in harms way.

I love when you liberals try to formulate a cohesive economic policy!
I'm not trying to formulate economic policy. I'm not an economist. That's not my field of expertise. I'm an expert in just two things, electrical engineering and the LA Lakers. For everything else, I learn as I go.

And what I've learned in the last 10 years, is that we've spent over $3 trillion dollars on unecessary wars and the only thing we got in return, is that we're the most hated nation on earth. The GWOT is not more important than our American heritage or US Constitution. I do not want my fucking tax dollars being used to strip me of my civil rights.
And THAT is what was said and done from the very FIRST DAY of Obama's administration.

You want to know why this has been such a partisan Administration? Go read Bob Woodward's (who's about as liberal a journalist as they come!) book about the Obama White House and take note of Rahm Emanuel's quote five days into Obama's term where when someone expresses concern that what they are doing is going to infuriate the GOP, Rahm says "Fuck em...we've got the votes!"

THAT is what was done from the very first day of Obama's Administration.

That was followed up by Barack Obama dressing down Eric Cantor when Cantor presented GOP objections to his proposed agenda. "Elections have consequences...we won!"

Mitch McConnell didn't make his statement about making Obama a one term President until over a YEAR later...after Obama, Pelosi and Reid totally ignored any of their suggestions. This whole idea that it was the GOP who went after "poor little Barry" right from the start and THAT is why he's been unsuccessful ignores reality. Barack Obama came into power with strong Democratic majorities in both the House and the Senate and he used those majorities to tell the Republicans to take a hike.

The first 3 paragraphs? This is criticizing dems for FINALLY growing a set and doing what the republicans do every fucking time they gain the presidency. Every fucking time.

The last? The time lapse? Even if it weren't pure, unadulterated bullshit, it wouldn't excuse this:


It's easy to make shit up, just get the examples from you.
So explain to me how this all works, Loin...we cut the defense budget in half...which means defense contractors across the country will end up laying off workers by the tens of thousands and the military will cut tens of thousands of military personnel but that's going to make the unemployment situation better because progressives will have more money to give away in entitlement programs?
So what are you saying? That "war" should be our economy? We need to be fighting perpetual wars, just so people could have jobs to pay their rent? I could care less about those defense contractors. They've been enjoying corporate welfare for years.

Why should we keep paying for things that are unecessary, given our current economic situation? Why should we pay to maintain over 800 bases around the world, when we got millions of American's out of work? Why should we have to pay trillions of dollars, just to go to war against country's that didn't even threaten us? Why should we pay to have drones shoot missles at Afghani women collecting firewood for their stoves so they can cook food for their families? Why should we have to pay the Taliban to guard our convoy's bringing supply's out to remote bases?

That last one really gets to me. We pay our enemies not to shoot at us. As long as the check doesn't bounce, we're safe.

Why should we pay KBR to install faulty grounding systems so our GI's can get electrocuted to death when they take a shower? If you want to talk about entitlements, am I entitled to pay $15/gal to haul gas out to remote outposts in Afghanistan? Am I entitled to pay $9.7 billion a month to fight wars for no reason? Am I entitled to pay a portion of my income on bullshit programs we don't need?

At least with social security, I'm getting my own money back that I've been putting in to the system since 1973. I think I'm owed that much for getting a job when I was 17 and have been paying taxes (and my own way through life) ever since.

And when the tax revenues from all of those defense contractors and their employees ceases to exist...
GE's one of those defense contractors and we didn't get any tax revenues from them last year.

all those high paying middle class jobs that are so hard to come by these days...are we going to make that up with imaginary shovel ready infrastructure jobs?
Rebuilding roads and bridges are not imaginary projects. Those are not imaginary jobs. They put American's to work on American soil, where they spend those American paychecks on goods and services in America. It has a ripple effect over a wide variety of businesses. Just look at what's going on in North Dakota right now. Motel's and hotel's are at full capacity. You got to wait for a table at any of the restaurants in Fargo just to eat. Hardware stores are having trouble keeping their shelves stocked. Even though the economic boon to that area is due to the petro-chemical industry and represent private dollars at work, it is a good example of how investment here at home, can generate a lot of jobs fast for a lot of people.

And the same thing will happen with public money around the area where these infrastructure projects take place. And if I'm gonna spend defense budget money, I'd rather see it going to projects like re-building Walter Reed Hospital, so we can take care of the GI's we so carelessly put in harms way.

I love when you liberals try to formulate a cohesive economic policy!
I'm not trying to formulate economic policy. I'm not an economist. That's not my field of expertise. I'm an expert in just two things, electrical engineering and the LA Lakers. For everything else, I learn as I go.

And what I've learned in the last 10 years, is that we've spent over $3 trillion dollars on unecessary wars and the only thing we got in return, is that we're the most hated nation on earth. The GWOT is not more important than our American heritage or US Constitution. I do not want my fucking tax dollars being used to strip me of my civil rights.

All that bluster didn't explain how you're going to absorb the tens of thousands of good paying jobs that will be lost when you cut the defense budget in half, Loinboy. You can say that you don't care about defense contractors but do you also not care about the thousands of people who work for those contractors? When you eliminate THEIR jobs...good paying Middle Class jobs...what are they going to do for employment? Run a bulldozer for your "shovel ready" infrastructure projects? The truth is that you're going to destroy people's lives.

North Dakota isn't an economy that's being driven by government funded "shovel ready" infrastructure. It's an economy that's being driven by private sector investment in oil and natural gas...something which Barack Obama's policies have gone out of their way to hinder. The truth is we need more North Dakota's and Barry is doing everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. You think our unemployment rate is bad? Think about how bad it would be if places like North Dakota didn't exist. Then ask yourself who made those jobs happen in that State. It obviously wasn't Barack Obama or his Department of Energy because they've made it quite clear that they are the sworn enemies of fossil fuels.

As for GE? GE is run by Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt!!! Not only do they not pay taxes but they exported thousands of jobs to China. So explain to me why you progressives can accuse Mitt Romney of exporting jobs when he ran Bain Capital but totally look the other way when Barry's "Jobs Czar" exported way more jobs than Bain ever did while not paying taxes?

The more you try to argue your position the more ludicrous you appear...
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As for our being the most hated nation on earth?

We've spent four years kissing people's asses and they are now burning our flag in the streets and killing our Ambassadors. How's that working out for you?

I could care less that a bunch of Islamic fanatics who want to take us back to the Stone Age "hate" us. I hate them right back. They treat their women like crap. They slaughter innocent civilians. They use children as suicide bombers. They are the scum of the earth.
As for our being the most hated nation on earth?

We've spent four years kissing people's asses and they are now burning our flag in the streets and killing our Ambassadors. How's that working out for you?

I could care less that a bunch of Islamic fanatics who want to take us back to the Stone Age "hate" us. I hate them right back. They treat their women like crap. They slaughter innocent civilians. They use children as suicide bombers. They are the scum of the earth.
We told lies that cost over one million people to lose their lives, that's pretty scum, if you ask me.

And bombing the shit out of someone's neighborhood, is not kissing ass.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand, you say you could care less about them, but then on the other hand, you got issues with how they treat their women.

How about how we treat their women? By making them widows who have no means of feeding their children. That's not much better.
The first 3 paragraphs? This is criticizing dems for FINALLY growing a set and doing what the republicans do every fucking time they gain the presidency. Every fucking time.

The last? The time lapse? Even if it weren't pure, unadulterated bullshit, it wouldn't excuse this:


Great post, Barb. Thank you. May I use your BLOCKED picture? I really like it.

So first you claim that it's the Republicans that weren't working with Obama right from the start that was the problem but then when I point out that it was the Obama Administration who was REALLY not working with the other side right from the start, you change your tune and say that the Democrats should be commended for "FINALLY growing a set"? LOL Make up your mind, Barb! The truth (as Woodward illustrates in his book) is that this Administration came into office with majorities in the House and the Senate and a "Fuck you...we've got the votes!" attitude towards the Republicans. Did the GOP respond by becoming just as partisan? Oh, yeah! But it was Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi telling them to sit down and shut up that brought that on...not some "master plan" devised by the GOP to cut Barry off at the knees.

As for the Republicans not working with the other side every time THEY had the Presidency? It "sounds" good, Barb but it's factually inaccurate. Reagan had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Tip O'Neil to get most of his legislation enacted. W. had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Nancy Pelosi to get what he wanted passed. Both were a hundred times more bi-partisan than Barack Obama has EVER been since taking office.

You contend. "Point out" suggests a fact, and there was none there. You are, factually speaking, full of shit.

Quote of the Day: Republicans and the Obama Administration | The Moderate Voice

“This administration has the potential to be FDR or Jimmy Carter and I think the Republicans are going to do everything they can to make him Jimmy Carter, to create a failed presidency. That’s, unfortunately, what many of them want.”

Trippi, who served as the campaign manager for Gov. Howard Dean’s bid for the White House, also said he believed that Obama was genuinely interested in bipartisanship but that Republicans are not likely to respond to Obama’s efforts to reach across the aisle.

Obama has to “realize he’s sticking his hand out but many Republicans are just not ready to embrace it,” Trippi told CNN Chief National Correspondent John King.

The Moderate Voice (Quote of the Day: Republicans and the Obama Administration | The Moderate Voice)
Read more at Quote of the Day: Republicans and the Obama Administration | The Moderate Voice

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration

WASHINGTON -- As President Barack Obama was celebrating his inauguration at various balls, top Republican lawmakers and strategists were conjuring up ways to submarine his presidency at a private dinner in Washington.


According to Draper, the guest list that night (which was just over 15 people in total) included Republican Reps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich, several years removed from his presidential campaign, and Frank Luntz, the long-time Republican wordsmith. Notably absent were Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) -- who, Draper writes, had an acrimonious relationship with Luntz.


The dinner lasted nearly four hours. They parted company almost giddily. The Republicans had agreed on a way forward:

Go after Geithner. (And indeed Kyl did, the next day: ‘Would you answer my question rather than dancing around it—please?’)

Show united and unyielding opposition to the president’s economic policies. (Eight days later, Minority Whip Cantor would hold the House Republicans to a unanimous No against Obama’s economic stimulus plan.)

Begin attacking vulnerable Democrats on the airwaves. (The first National Republican Congressional Committee attack ads would run in less than two months.)

Win the spear point of the House in 2010. Jab Obama relentlessly in 2011. Win the White House and the Senate in 2012.

"You will remember this day," Draper reports Newt Gingrich as saying on the way out. "You’ll remember this as the day the seeds of 2012 were sown."


The Republicans

Even before Barack Obama took the oath office, Republicans leaders, conservative think-tanks and right-wing pundits were calling for total obstruction of the new president's agenda. Bill Kristol, who helped block Bill Clinton's health care reform attempt in 1993, called for history to repeat on the Obama stimulus - and everything else. Pointing with pride to the Clinton economic program which received exactly zero GOP votes in either House, Kristol in January 2009 advised:

"That it made, that it made it so much easier to then defeat his health care initiative. So, it's very important for Republicans who think they're going to have to fight later on health care, fight later on maybe on some of the bank bailout legislation, fight later on on all kinds of issues."
Sadly, President Obama's obsession with bipartisan consensus only served to produce more political masochism when it came to his health care initiative. In the House, exactly one Republican voted for a health care reform bill which first passed by a 220-215 margin. Contrary to John McCain's mythology that in the Senate, there had been "no effort that I know of -- of serious across the table negotiations," Obama repeatedly reached out to GOP Senators like Olympia Snowe and left the writing of the Senate health bill to the bipartisan "Gang of Six." For that, President Obama only got what Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) called a "holy war" - and zero Republican votes.


Citing research by the Alliance for Justice, in June ThinkProgress reported:

[T]he Senate confirmed fewer of [Obama's] district and circuit nominees than every president back to Jimmy Carter, and the lowest percentage of nominees - 58% - than any president in American history at this point in a President's first term. By comparison, Presidents George W. Bush, Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Reagan and Carter had 77%, 90%, 96%, 98%, and 97% of their nominees confirmed after two years, respectively.

Senate Republicans' mass obstruction of Obama's judges stands in stark contrast to the treatment afforded to past presidents. Indeed, the Senate confirmed fewer judges during Obama's first two years in office than it did during the same period in the Carter Administration, even though the judiciary was 40 percent smaller while Carter was in office.

Daily Kos: Biden: Mitch McConnell vowed no cooperation with the Obama administration from the get-go

piss and moan about kos all you want, first up is a video of McConnell himself saying what he said.

Meteor BladesFollowRSS
Daily Kos staff

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Fri Aug 10, 2012 at 10:47 AM PDT
Biden: Mitch McConnell vowed no cooperation with the Obama administration from the get-go

by Meteor BladesFollow
permalink 202 Comments
I downloaded Michael Grunwald's The New New Deal earlier this week, but I haven't yet fired up the Kindle to start reading it. Greg Sargent, on the other hand, has found some tidbits already. One of which is confirmation of the Republican move to ensure exactly what the party's shadow leader, Rush Limbaugh, started saying he wanted back in January 2009—Obama's failure. Rush's foot-soldiers enlisted in the cause.

Sargent points us to the relevant passage, page 207:

Biden says that during the transition, he was warned not to expect any cooperation on many votes. “I spoke to seven different Republican Senators, who said, `Joe, I’m not going to be able to help you on anything,’ he recalls. His informants said [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell had demanded unified resistance. “The way it was characterized to me was: `For the next two years, we can’t let you succeed in anything. That’s our ticket to coming back,’” Biden says.

The vice president says he hasn’t even told Obama who his sources were, but Bob Bennett of Utah and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania both confirmed they had conversations with Biden along these lines.


What they haven't been able to stop outright, they've diluted. All focused on making the president fail. Even past Republican ideas were shot down. It hasn't mattered to them how much damage their strategy caused to the country, to the American people. Everything was focused on undermining Barack Obama. Patriotism, modern GOP style.

And the fruits of their efforts? Barack Obama on the verge of becoming a two-term president.

and a bit of asininity I remember defended on this very board:

Republican Party of Florida on Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 in a press release

PolitiFact | Republican Party of Florida says Obama will "indoctrinate" schoolchildren with "socialist ideology"

President Barack Obama plans to speak to the nation's schoolchildren on Sept. 8. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the speech will be about "the importance of persisting and succeeding in school," and the department is offering classroom materials to "engage students and stimulate discussion on the importance of education in their lives."

You might think that would be a harmless topic, and that people across the political spectrum could agree on the importance of education.

Not so for the Republican Party of Florida, which released a statement "condemning President Obama's use of taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America’s children to his socialist agenda."

piss off.
All that bluster didn't explain how you're going to absorb the tens of thousands of good paying jobs that will be lost when you cut the defense budget in half, Loinboy. You can say that you don't care about defense contractors but do you also not care about the thousands of people who work for those contractors? When you eliminate THEIR jobs...good paying Middle Class jobs...what are they going to do for employment? Run a bulldozer for your "shovel ready" infrastructure projects? The truth is that you're going to destroy people's lives.

North Dakota isn't an economy that's being driven by government funded "shovel ready" infrastructure. It's an economy that's being driven by private sector investment in oil and natural gas...something which Barack Obama's policies have gone out of their way to hinder. The truth is we need more North Dakota's and Barry is doing everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. You think our unemployment rate is bad? Think about how bad it would be if places like North Dakota didn't exist. Then ask yourself who made those jobs happen in that State. It obviously wasn't Barack Obama or his Department of Energy because they've made it quite clear that they are the sworn enemies of fossil fuels.

As for GE? GE is run by Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt!!! Not only do they not pay taxes but they exported thousands of jobs to China. So explain to me why you progressives can accuse Mitt Romney of exporting jobs when he ran Bain Capital but totally look the other way when Barry's "Jobs Czar" exported way more jobs than Bain ever did while not paying taxes?

The more you try to argue your position the more ludicrous you appear...
I feel like we're having two different conversations. You say my post was all "bluster", but then repeated of portion of it back to me. I don't even think took the time to understand what I was saying, nor do you care. You just want to spew out bullshit right-wing dogma, empty rhetoric that means nothing and innuendo's that leave the illusion of a point being made.
As for our being the most hated nation on earth?

We've spent four years kissing people's asses and they are now burning our flag in the streets and killing our Ambassadors. How's that working out for you?

I could care less that a bunch of Islamic fanatics who want to take us back to the Stone Age "hate" us. I hate them right back. They treat their women like crap. They slaughter innocent civilians. They use children as suicide bombers. They are the scum of the earth.
We told lies that cost over one million people to lose their lives, that's pretty scum, if you ask me.

And bombing the shit out of someone's neighborhood, is not kissing ass.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand, you say you could care less about them, but then on the other hand, you got issues with how they treat their women.

How about how we treat their women? By making them widows who have no means of feeding their children. That's not much better.

Lies? What lies are we talking about? Is it a lie that they hijacked civilian airliners filled with innocent people and flew them into civilian targets? Are these the people that I'm supposed to feel bad for? Am I supposed to feel bad for Islamic terrorists who purposely hide behind women and children to make it harder for us to target them? The reason those women you speak of have become widows is that their men are religious zealots who want to impose their beliefs on others at the point of a gun.
All that bluster didn't explain how you're going to absorb the tens of thousands of good paying jobs that will be lost when you cut the defense budget in half, Loinboy. You can say that you don't care about defense contractors but do you also not care about the thousands of people who work for those contractors? When you eliminate THEIR jobs...good paying Middle Class jobs...what are they going to do for employment? Run a bulldozer for your "shovel ready" infrastructure projects? The truth is that you're going to destroy people's lives.

North Dakota isn't an economy that's being driven by government funded "shovel ready" infrastructure. It's an economy that's being driven by private sector investment in oil and natural gas...something which Barack Obama's policies have gone out of their way to hinder. The truth is we need more North Dakota's and Barry is doing everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. You think our unemployment rate is bad? Think about how bad it would be if places like North Dakota didn't exist. Then ask yourself who made those jobs happen in that State. It obviously wasn't Barack Obama or his Department of Energy because they've made it quite clear that they are the sworn enemies of fossil fuels.

As for GE? GE is run by Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt!!! Not only do they not pay taxes but they exported thousands of jobs to China. So explain to me why you progressives can accuse Mitt Romney of exporting jobs when he ran Bain Capital but totally look the other way when Barry's "Jobs Czar" exported way more jobs than Bain ever did while not paying taxes?

The more you try to argue your position the more ludicrous you appear...
I feel like we're having two different conversations. You say my post was all "bluster", but then repeated of portion of it back to me. I don't even think took the time to understand what I was saying, nor do you care. You just want to spew out bullshit right-wing dogma, empty rhetoric that means nothing and innuendo's that leave the illusion of a point being made.

I don't understand what you were saying, Loinboy because it doesn't make sense. You cite GE as an example when GE is one of Obama's favored companies...right up there with GM. But when you look at both of these corporations they are among the leaders when it comes to exporting jobs. So why is that Republicans are attacked by you as the people who want to export American jobs when in fact it is companies like GE and GM that are really exporting jobs while they support Barack Obama and his policies?

You talk about public works spending as the way to get our economy back on track but then cite North Dakota as an example of how money flows out from investment...when the investment in North Dakota is PRIVATE not PUBLIC.

What "dogma" have I spewed? All I've done is point out that YOUR rhetoric is nothing but bullshit and I've shown why that is.
All that bluster didn't explain how you're going to absorb the tens of thousands of good paying jobs that will be lost when you cut the defense budget in half, Loinboy. You can say that you don't care about defense contractors but do you also not care about the thousands of people who work for those contractors? When you eliminate THEIR jobs...good paying Middle Class jobs...what are they going to do for employment? Run a bulldozer for your "shovel ready" infrastructure projects? The truth is that you're going to destroy people's lives.

North Dakota isn't an economy that's being driven by government funded "shovel ready" infrastructure. It's an economy that's being driven by private sector investment in oil and natural gas...something which Barack Obama's policies have gone out of their way to hinder. The truth is we need more North Dakota's and Barry is doing everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. You think our unemployment rate is bad? Think about how bad it would be if places like North Dakota didn't exist. Then ask yourself who made those jobs happen in that State. It obviously wasn't Barack Obama or his Department of Energy because they've made it quite clear that they are the sworn enemies of fossil fuels.

As for GE? GE is run by Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt!!! Not only do they not pay taxes but they exported thousands of jobs to China. So explain to me why you progressives can accuse Mitt Romney of exporting jobs when he ran Bain Capital but totally look the other way when Barry's "Jobs Czar" exported way more jobs than Bain ever did while not paying taxes?

The more you try to argue your position the more ludicrous you appear...

gotta stop the TAX-PAYER FUNDED defense contractor gravy train sooner or later. The sooner its addressed the cheaper the transformation will be. Are you saying that since it will be painful, we need to just avoid it?
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As for our being the most hated nation on earth?

We've spent four years kissing people's asses and they are now burning our flag in the streets and killing our Ambassadors. How's that working out for you?

I could care less that a bunch of Islamic fanatics who want to take us back to the Stone Age "hate" us. I hate them right back. They treat their women like crap. They slaughter innocent civilians. They use children as suicide bombers. They are the scum of the earth.
We told lies that cost over one million people to lose their lives, that's pretty scum, if you ask me.

And bombing the shit out of someone's neighborhood, is not kissing ass.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand, you say you could care less about them, but then on the other hand, you got issues with how they treat their women.

How about how we treat their women? By making them widows who have no means of feeding their children. That's not much better.

Lies? What lies are we talking about? Is it a lie that they hijacked civilian airliners filled with innocent people and flew them into civilian targets? Are these the people that I'm supposed to feel bad for? Am I supposed to feel bad for Islamic terrorists who purposely hide behind women and children to make it harder for us to target them? The reason those women you speak of have become widows is that their men are religious zealots who want to impose their beliefs on others at the point of a gun.

Anybody from Iraq did that? WHO fucking KNEW at this late date that ANY of that was any more than blatant and shameless bullshit?
Great post, Barb. Thank you. May I use your BLOCKED picture? I really like it.

So first you claim that it's the Republicans that weren't working with Obama right from the start that was the problem but then when I point out that it was the Obama Administration who was REALLY not working with the other side right from the start, you change your tune and say that the Democrats should be commended for "FINALLY growing a set"? LOL Make up your mind, Barb! The truth (as Woodward illustrates in his book) is that this Administration came into office with majorities in the House and the Senate and a "Fuck you...we've got the votes!" attitude towards the Republicans. Did the GOP respond by becoming just as partisan? Oh, yeah! But it was Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi telling them to sit down and shut up that brought that on...not some "master plan" devised by the GOP to cut Barry off at the knees.

As for the Republicans not working with the other side every time THEY had the Presidency? It "sounds" good, Barb but it's factually inaccurate. Reagan had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Tip O'Neil to get most of his legislation enacted. W. had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Nancy Pelosi to get what he wanted passed. Both were a hundred times more bi-partisan than Barack Obama has EVER been since taking office.

You contend. "Point out" suggests a fact, and there was none there. You are, factually speaking, full of shit.

Quote of the Day: Republicans and the Obama Administration | The Moderate Voice

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration




The Republicans


Daily Kos: Biden: Mitch McConnell vowed no cooperation with the Obama administration from the get-go

piss and moan about kos all you want, first up is a video of McConnell himself saying what he said.


What they haven't been able to stop outright, they've diluted. All focused on making the president fail. Even past Republican ideas were shot down. It hasn't mattered to them how much damage their strategy caused to the country, to the American people. Everything was focused on undermining Barack Obama. Patriotism, modern GOP style.

And the fruits of their efforts? Barack Obama on the verge of becoming a two-term president.

and a bit of asininity I remember defended on this very board:

Republican Party of Florida on Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 in a press release

PolitiFact | Republican Party of Florida says Obama will "indoctrinate" schoolchildren with "socialist ideology"

President Barack Obama plans to speak to the nation's schoolchildren on Sept. 8. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the speech will be about "the importance of persisting and succeeding in school," and the department is offering classroom materials to "engage students and stimulate discussion on the importance of education in their lives."

You might think that would be a harmless topic, and that people across the political spectrum could agree on the importance of education.

Not so for the Republican Party of Florida, which released a statement "condemning President Obama's use of taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America’s children to his socialist agenda."

piss off.

If McConnell's "plan" was to block Obama's agenda right from the "get go" then why is the Daily Kos's video from TWO YEARS AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE? McConnell at that point was reacting to the far left agenda of Barack Obama as would the American people when they voted Democrats out of office in historic numbers in the 2010 Mid-term elections.

You know what I find MOST amusing? If it weren't FOR those Mid-term elections of Republicans Barack Obama would have most likely passed the Cap & Trade legislation that was next up on his agenda of legislation to pass and if that HAD passed? We would have lost tens of thousands of more jobs due to the increased energy costs that would have piled on the back of American industry. The truth's the Republican's "intervention" that kept Barry from REALLY messing up our economy.
So first you claim that it's the Republicans that weren't working with Obama right from the start that was the problem but then when I point out that it was the Obama Administration who was REALLY not working with the other side right from the start, you change your tune and say that the Democrats should be commended for "FINALLY growing a set"? LOL Make up your mind, Barb! The truth (as Woodward illustrates in his book) is that this Administration came into office with majorities in the House and the Senate and a "Fuck you...we've got the votes!" attitude towards the Republicans. Did the GOP respond by becoming just as partisan? Oh, yeah! But it was Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi telling them to sit down and shut up that brought that on...not some "master plan" devised by the GOP to cut Barry off at the knees.

As for the Republicans not working with the other side every time THEY had the Presidency? It "sounds" good, Barb but it's factually inaccurate. Reagan had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Tip O'Neil to get most of his legislation enacted. W. had to work with a Democratically controlled Congress led by Nancy Pelosi to get what he wanted passed. Both were a hundred times more bi-partisan than Barack Obama has EVER been since taking office.

You contend. "Point out" suggests a fact, and there was none there. You are, factually speaking, full of shit.

Quote of the Day: Republicans and the Obama Administration | The Moderate Voice

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration




The Republicans


Daily Kos: Biden: Mitch McConnell vowed no cooperation with the Obama administration from the get-go

piss and moan about kos all you want, first up is a video of McConnell himself saying what he said.


and a bit of asininity I remember defended on this very board:

Republican Party of Florida on Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 in a press release

PolitiFact | Republican Party of Florida says Obama will "indoctrinate" schoolchildren with "socialist ideology"

President Barack Obama plans to speak to the nation's schoolchildren on Sept. 8. According to the U.S. Department of Education, the speech will be about "the importance of persisting and succeeding in school," and the department is offering classroom materials to "engage students and stimulate discussion on the importance of education in their lives."

You might think that would be a harmless topic, and that people across the political spectrum could agree on the importance of education.

Not so for the Republican Party of Florida, which released a statement "condemning President Obama's use of taxpayer dollars to indoctrinate America’s children to his socialist agenda."

piss off.

If McConnell's "plan" was to block Obama's agenda right from the "get go" then why is the Daily Kos's video from TWO YEARS AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE? McConnell at that point was reacting to the far left agenda of Barack Obama as would the American people when they voted Democrats out of office in historic numbers in the 2010 Mid-term elections.

You know what I find MOST amusing? If it weren't FOR those Mid-term elections of Republicans Barack Obama would have most likely passed the Cap & Trade legislation that was next up on his agenda of legislation to pass and if that HAD passed? We would have lost tens of thousands of more jobs due to the increased energy costs that would have piled on the back of American industry. The truth's the Republican's "intervention" that kept Barry from REALLY messing up our economy.

Jesushchristonapopsiklestic. Piss off. You know you're beat with the truth of all matter, and you just can't help yourself. Quit already. anyone who wants to can see the links / remember the time as it was. We don't need to declassify documents for ANY of this.

You're wrong. It isn't fatal. Eat a pint of hagaan daz, have a good cry, and get over it.
We told lies that cost over one million people to lose their lives, that's pretty scum, if you ask me.

And bombing the shit out of someone's neighborhood, is not kissing ass.

You're talking out of both sides of your mouth. On the one hand, you say you could care less about them, but then on the other hand, you got issues with how they treat their women.

How about how we treat their women? By making them widows who have no means of feeding their children. That's not much better.

Lies? What lies are we talking about? Is it a lie that they hijacked civilian airliners filled with innocent people and flew them into civilian targets? Are these the people that I'm supposed to feel bad for? Am I supposed to feel bad for Islamic terrorists who purposely hide behind women and children to make it harder for us to target them? The reason those women you speak of have become widows is that their men are religious zealots who want to impose their beliefs on others at the point of a gun.

Anybody from Iraq did that? WHO fucking KNEW at this late date that ANY of that was any more than blatant and shameless bullshit?

No, in Iraq we had a sadistic dictator with a long history of attacking his neighbors and using weapons of mass destruction, circumventing UN sanctions to prevent him from selling oil for weapons and actively seeking nuclear weapons. You think the world is better off with Saddam Hussein in power? I think you're an incredibly naive individual the same kind of naive individual that thinks the "Arab Spring" is going to work out well for us.
Lies? What lies are we talking about? Is it a lie that they hijacked civilian airliners filled with innocent people and flew them into civilian targets? Are these the people that I'm supposed to feel bad for? Am I supposed to feel bad for Islamic terrorists who purposely hide behind women and children to make it harder for us to target them? The reason those women you speak of have become widows is that their men are religious zealots who want to impose their beliefs on others at the point of a gun.

Anybody from Iraq did that? WHO fucking KNEW at this late date that ANY of that was any more than blatant and shameless bullshit?

No, in Iraq we had a sadistic dictator with a long history of attacking his neighbors and using weapons of mass destruction, circumventing UN sanctions to prevent him from selling oil for weapons and actively seeking nuclear weapons. You think the world is better off with Saddam Hussein in power? I think you're an incredibly naive individual the same kind of naive individual that thinks the "Arab Spring" is going to work out well for us.

None of that was what the American people were told they were investing blood and treasure to go to war about, asshole. As FOR all of that, we MADE him, OUR CIA.

[ame=]Thanks for the memories Saddam - YouTube[/ame]
You contend. "Point out" suggests a fact, and there was none there. You are, factually speaking, full of shit.

Quote of the Day: Republicans and the Obama Administration | The Moderate Voice

Robert Draper Book: GOP's Anti-Obama Campaign Started Night Of Inauguration




The Republicans


Daily Kos: Biden: Mitch McConnell vowed no cooperation with the Obama administration from the get-go

piss and moan about kos all you want, first up is a video of McConnell himself saying what he said.


and a bit of asininity I remember defended on this very board:

Republican Party of Florida on Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 in a press release

PolitiFact | Republican Party of Florida says Obama will "indoctrinate" schoolchildren with "socialist ideology"

piss off.

If McConnell's "plan" was to block Obama's agenda right from the "get go" then why is the Daily Kos's video from TWO YEARS AFTER OBAMA TOOK OFFICE? McConnell at that point was reacting to the far left agenda of Barack Obama as would the American people when they voted Democrats out of office in historic numbers in the 2010 Mid-term elections.

You know what I find MOST amusing? If it weren't FOR those Mid-term elections of Republicans Barack Obama would have most likely passed the Cap & Trade legislation that was next up on his agenda of legislation to pass and if that HAD passed? We would have lost tens of thousands of more jobs due to the increased energy costs that would have piled on the back of American industry. The truth's the Republican's "intervention" that kept Barry from REALLY messing up our economy.

Jesushchristonapopsiklestic. Piss off. You know you're beat with the truth of all matter, and you just can't help yourself. Quit already. anyone who wants to can see the links / remember the time as it was. We don't need to declassify documents for ANY of this.

You're wrong. It isn't fatal. Eat a pint of hagaan daz, have a good cry, and get over it.

What makes me "wrong"? The Daily Kos? Seriously?

You know what your problem is, Barb? You're so used to only hearing one side of the argument from the Main Stream Media that you've convinced yourself that there ISN'T another side. I'm sorry but there is.

There is a reason why Barack Obama's policies don't work and it's not GOP opposition. His economic policies don't work because they aren't based on sound economic theory but on appealing to his "base". His foreign policy doesn't work because the idiot actually thinks HIS personality is SO amazing that it's going to make people love us.
Lies? What lies are we talking about?
The ones you're telling yourself right now.

Is it a lie that they hijacked civilian airliners filled with innocent people and flew them into civilian targets?
Who is the "they" people you are referring to? Because the people that hijacked the airliners, all died when the planes hit the buildings. So they don't exist anymore. That leaves approximately 999,981 people who didn't hijack airliners, who had nothing to do with 9/11, but are just as dead as those 19 hijackers.

I'll tell you exactly what the problem is, you don't have a problem with that. That's the problem. You got no problem killing people who've committed no crime.

Are these the people that I'm supposed to feel bad for?
That's the 2nd problem. Feelings are emotions. You got no business basing decisions (that affect the entire country) on what you feel.

Am I supposed to feel bad for Islamic terrorists who purposely hide behind women and children to make it harder for us to target them?
That doesn't do them any good. We just shoot through their women and children.

The reason those women you speak of have become widows is that their men are religious zealots who want to impose their beliefs on others at the point of a gun.
Wrong. The reason they're dead, is because we shot a missle at them from a drone while they were collecting firewood. And I'm pretty sure, you don't have a problem with that, either.
I don't understand what you were saying, Loinboy because it doesn't make sense. You cite GE as an example when GE is one of Obama's favored companies...right up there with GM.
You mean to tell me, when you pose the question, "what are we gonna do without defense contractor tax revenues?", and I respond by citing a defense contractor we don't get tax revenues from anyway, that means the point (you started) has now morphed into something about Obama? You think that makes sense?

It's like you telling your roomate, "how are we gonna make rent after so-and-so, moves out"? And your roomate responds, "we don't get any rent from him in the first place". And you go, "Oh, so the problem is ice cream!" Yeah, that makes sense. Your logic is intimidating.

But when you look at both of these corporations they are among the leaders when it comes to exporting jobs. So why is that Republicans are attacked by you as the people who want to export American jobs when in fact it is companies like GE and GM that are really exporting jobs while they support Barack Obama and his policies?
Strawman. That's not why I attack republicans. I attack republican's because you're basically fucked human beings who don't give a shit about this country or how much harm you cause the planet. You're a bunch of narcissistic assholes who don't give a shit about anything outside your own comfort zone and get a hard-on attacking sovereign nations for the same reason a dog licks' its balls.

You talk about public works spending as the way to get our economy back on track but then cite North Dakota as an example of how money flows out from investment...when the investment in North Dakota is PRIVATE not PUBLIC.
Explain how the effects of a bridge project in South Carolina, would not produce the same result for the local community?

What "dogma" have I spewed? All I've done is point out that YOUR rhetoric is nothing but bullshit and I've shown why that is.
You didn't even respond to the questions I asked. So you don't really have a point. Which means, the only thing you've proven, is that you don't have the mental acuity to handle complex problems. Everything has got to be broken down to its most simplistic form. So you have only one of two choices to pick from. Either you're with us, or you're against us. If you don't support us, then you support them. Everything we do is good, everything they do is bad.

Life has more than two options. And if you're not willing find that out, then truth is merely a function of "perception management".

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