The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

Reagan was not faced with such overwhelming un-American OBSTRUCTION from the loyal opposition.

Gee, maybe that was because he didn't tell Tip O'Neil to go fuck himself right after gaining the Oval Office? The fact is...Ronald Reagan built bi-partisan consensus and Barry destroyed it.

You're a world class dumbass, liar and spinner. I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans - which was one of the complaints the left had against Obama - and still does - including me.

This is how I clearly remember it: Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans | Cynthia Tucker

[ame=]Obama: I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking - YouTube[/ame]
I still find this unbelievably low even for Republicans:

Senate Republicans kill veterans' jobs bill - The Maddow Blog

Both you and madd cow are stupid fucking hacks

Republicans said the spending authorized in the bill violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee.

Read more: Jobs bill for veterans bogs down in Senate - Washington Times Jobs bill for veterans bogs down in Senate - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter
Reagan was not faced with such overwhelming un-American OBSTRUCTION from the loyal opposition.

Gee, maybe that was because he didn't tell Tip O'Neil to go fuck himself right after gaining the Oval Office? The fact is...Ronald Reagan built bi-partisan consensus and Barry destroyed it.

You're a world class dumbass, liar and spinner. I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans - which was one of the complaints the left had against Obama - and still does - including me.

This is how I clearly remember it: Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans | Cynthia Tucker

no everything you said was talking about you.
No, in Iraq we had a sadistic dictator with a long history of attacking his neighbors and using weapons of mass destruction, circumventing UN sanctions to prevent him from selling oil for weapons and actively seeking nuclear weapons. You think the world is better off with Saddam Hussein in power? I think you're an incredibly naive individual the same kind of naive individual that thinks the "Arab Spring" is going to work out well for us.
I'm sorry, that argument doesn't wash! We knew exactly what kind of dictator he was 20 years before, when we were selling him arms to fight the Iranian's and chemicals to gas his Kurds.

If that was the reason, why didn't we take him out back then? And if that was the reason, why did we support other tyrannical dictators like Pinochet, the Shah of Iran and that Sabah fucker we put back in power in Kuwait?

One last thing, don't bring up UN resolutions (we didn't follow), unless you wanna get bitch-slapped! But I will give you a $1000, if you can show me one UNSC resolution on Iraq, that contains the words "regime change".
I still find this unbelievably low even for Republicans:

Senate Republicans kill veterans' jobs bill - The Maddow Blog

Both you and madd cow are stupid fucking hacks

Republicans said the spending authorized in the bill violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee.

Read more: Jobs bill for veterans bogs down in Senate - Washington Times Jobs bill for veterans bogs down in Senate - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The Moonie Times? Damn, you really are a retard.
No, I've never said that I have a problem with reasonable cuts to defense, Dot Com...all I'm pointing out is that if you're worried about the unemployment numbers then you'd best understand that cutting defense by 50% like was suggested is going to put tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people out of work and those jobs that will be disappearing are the high paid Middle Class jobs that everyone is so worried about us losing. Be careful what you wish for because I don't think you'd like the result.

As I've said here many times I'm in favor of across the board cuts to EVERY part of government because I honestly feel that every part of government is rife with waste and inefficiency.
That's interesting, up until last January, I've had a high paying middle class job since the 1980's when I was working at Fluor Corp. And in 30 years, the only DOD project I worked on, was a bowling alley revovation at March AFB.

You lay off thousands of DOD contractors that rip is off every year, but hire millions of decent professionals who put their talents to work in commercial projects where the dollars can be tracked.
All that bluster didn't explain how you're going to absorb the tens of thousands of good paying jobs that will be lost when you cut the defense budget in half, Loinboy. You can say that you don't care about defense contractors but do you also not care about the thousands of people who work for those contractors? When you eliminate THEIR jobs...good paying Middle Class jobs...what are they going to do for employment? Run a bulldozer for your "shovel ready" infrastructure projects? The truth is that you're going to destroy people's lives.

North Dakota isn't an economy that's being driven by government funded "shovel ready" infrastructure. It's an economy that's being driven by private sector investment in oil and natural gas...something which Barack Obama's policies have gone out of their way to hinder. The truth is we need more North Dakota's and Barry is doing everything he can to make sure that doesn't happen. You think our unemployment rate is bad? Think about how bad it would be if places like North Dakota didn't exist. Then ask yourself who made those jobs happen in that State. It obviously wasn't Barack Obama or his Department of Energy because they've made it quite clear that they are the sworn enemies of fossil fuels.

As for GE? GE is run by Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt!!! Not only do they not pay taxes but they exported thousands of jobs to China. So explain to me why you progressives can accuse Mitt Romney of exporting jobs when he ran Bain Capital but totally look the other way when Barry's "Jobs Czar" exported way more jobs than Bain ever did while not paying taxes?

The more you try to argue your position the more ludicrous you appear...

gotta stop the TAX-PAYER FUNDED defense contractor gravy train sooner or later. The sooner its addressed the cheaper the transformation will be. Are you saying that since it will be painful, we need to just avoid it?

No, I've never said that I have a problem with reasonable cuts to defense, Dot Com...all I'm pointing out is that if you're worried about the unemployment numbers then you'd best understand that cutting defense by 50% like was suggested is going to put tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people out of work and those jobs that will be disappearing are the high paid Middle Class jobs that everyone is so worried about us losing. Be careful what you wish for because I don't think you'd like the result.

As I've said here many times I'm in favor of across the board cuts to EVERY part of government because I honestly feel that every part of government is rife with waste and inefficiency.

Now that is a very perceptive observtion, Oldstyle.

You are exactly correct.

FWIW, Kensyian economic theory agrees with you on this point 100%.

If the US federal government allows those across-the-board cuts in spending, then yes, the military will reduce-in-force a significant number of personnel and the resulting unemployment AND the aggregate loss of that personnel's incomes WILL be still more drag on the marco-economy.

Want to hear something really interesting?

John Kenyes noted that the BEST KENSYIAN SPENDING possible was spending money ON THE MILITARY.

Why the military?

Because the the spending is not consumer goods, ergo, that spending does NOT pervert the normal consumer markets but it DOES put more money into the hands of the consumers who are building up that military.

Ironic, no?

The Pentagon's BEST FRIENDS are Kensyian economists.
Gee, maybe that was because he didn't tell Tip O'Neil to go fuck himself right after gaining the Oval Office? The fact is...Ronald Reagan built bi-partisan consensus and Barry destroyed it.

You're a world class dumbass, liar and spinner. I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans - which was one of the complaints the left had against Obama - and still does - including me.

This is how I clearly remember it: Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans | Cynthia Tucker

[ame=]Obama: I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking - YouTube[/ame]

Taken from a rally for Virginia, AUGUST 6, 2009.

[ame=]Barack Obama speaking at "Rally For Virginia" August 6,2009 - YouTube[/ame]

Hmmm, presenting campaign speeches as if he was already in office?

I still find this unbelievably low even for Republicans:

Senate Republicans kill veterans' jobs bill - The Maddow Blog

Both you and madd cow are stupid fucking hacks

Republicans said the spending authorized in the bill violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee.

Read more: Jobs bill for veterans bogs down in Senate - Washington Times Jobs bill for veterans bogs down in Senate - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

The Moonie Times? Damn, you really are a retard.

No you're a retard for insinuating something when it is not true.

Republicans said the spending authorized in the bill violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee.
Jobs bill for vets bogs down in Senate - Yahoo! News

Republicans said the spending authorized in the bill violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee.
Jobs bill for veterans bogs down in Senate - Military News | News From Afghanistan, Iraq And Around The World - Military Times

Republicans say the spending violates limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection.
Jobs bill for vets bogs down in Senate -

Republicans said the spending authorized in the bill violated limits that Congress agreed to last year. Democrats fell two votes shy of the 60-vote majority needed to waive the objection, forcing the legislation back to committee.

Supporters loosely modeled their proposal after the President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps used during the Great Depression to put people to work planting trees, building parks and constructing dams. They said the latest monthly jobs report, showing a nearly 11 percent unemployment rate for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, merited action from Congress.

Most know that FDR's programs did more to slow down economical recovery than they did good.

Republicans said the effort to help veterans was noble, but the bill was flawed nevertheless.

Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma said the federal government already has six job-training programs for veterans and there is no way to know how well they are working. He argued that making progress on the country’s debt was the best way to help veterans in the long-term.

There are already 6 training programs? Must be some political bull shit for the democrats to come up with another program when there are 6 other programs.
Vets jobs bill bogs down in Senate | Juneau Empire - Alaska's Capital City Online Newspaper

As I said you are a retard. using American vets this way.
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You're a world class dumbass, liar and spinner. I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans - which was one of the complaints the left had against Obama - and still does - including me.

This is how I clearly remember it: Obama tried too hard to work with Republicans | Cynthia Tucker

[ame=]Obama: I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking - YouTube[/ame]

Taken from a rally for Virginia, AUGUST 6, 2009.

[ame=]Barack Obama speaking at "Rally For Virginia" August 6,2009 - YouTube[/ame]

Hmmm, presenting campaign speeches as if he was already in office?


Take your bullshit and spin it else where. fucking bitch. retardota said
I clearly remember Obama bending over backwards to work with Republicans
How in the hell is he bending over backwards to work with someone when he's telling them to shut up and sit down?

obama also said he wanted to be held accountable because he was the president.
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