The Party of Lies and Misinformation: The New Republican Party

I've gotten some measure of security. Oh, that's progressives believe as Barry does...that if we "play nice" with the bad people that they will like us and leave us alone. How's that working out for us lately?
Dude, you watch too much TV. We had that security without spending the trillion. And it's kind of strange, you feel you need security from a country that can only generate 9 hours of electricity a day.

BTW, that's not a personal benefit. If you happened to work for Halliburton or KBR, then that's a personal benefit.

Pardon me if I'd like to have a strong military to protect me when there are people like Osama bin Laden running around the planet trying to figure out how to kill me because I'm an American.
We have a strong military without spending that trillion and people are not trying to kill us because we're American's. They're trying to kill us, because we won't stop fucking with them.

I wrote the following on this years anniversary of 9/ 11

Today is the anniversary of a terrible thing that happened to us. Instead of blaming and directing terrible retribution upon people who had nothing to do with that, we must rejoice that it was and remains unprecedented enough to be noticed (terror being commonplace elsewhere) and humble ourselves to acknowledge the FACT that actions of ours have wreaked worse havoc on others for attempting to upho
ld the very principles the dubious hype of our beginnings encouraged them to strive towards until corporate interests were threatened by that response. For the sake of whatever we find holy, or beautiful, or worth preserving in this world, we MUST, must, must find the political will and the social ethics to direct our nations leaders to OUR better angels and OUR collective goodwill towards all. In a true accounting of OUR will, Americans are much kinder, smarter, and better natured than we are told by the mass media that directs OUR conversations. Unplug the television today, and listen to your hearts. Talk to each other about what you find THERE.

as to the bold:

They don't want to kill you because you're an American. They might not care IF they kill you because the US Government killed their mom, grandpaw, little sister, wife, or child.

We may have done that as some knee-jerk and misdirected response to some wrong done us, or maybe we meant to in a campaign against a legally elected democracy that wasn't sucking up to the corporations most controlling our Pentagon.

You just never fucking KNOW.
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Gee, Mitt gave over 4 million to charity last year...wonder how much John Kerry gave?

How much of that "charity" was to the Mormon church? And what the fuck difference does it make what John Kerry did? explain to me why GE DIDN'T pay taxes last year
It's a strange document known as the "tax code".

...and DID export tens of thousands of jobs to China...yet they don't get lambasted by the Main Stream Media even though their CEO is our "Jobs Czar"? Love to hear your explanation on that, Loinboy!
That's just jibberish. You rolled about 4 different topics into one. It's irrelevent to this conversation.

So basically what you're saying is that it's TERRIBLE that Mitt Romney obeys the tax code and pays 14% tax but it's FINE that GE obeys the tax code and pays 0% tax?

Don't have a come back on Immelt and GE getting a free pass on not paying taxes...exporting tens of thousands of American jobs to China...AND being our "Jobs Czar", do you, LoinBoy? I'll be honest with you...I knew that before I even asked the question. I just love to watch you progressives squirm and then run for cover every time it gets brought up.

GE was Regan's baby, HE worked for them, in AND out of the WH
Gee, Mitt gave over 4 million to charity last year...wonder how much John Kerry gave?

How much of that "charity" was to the Mormon church? And what the fuck difference does it make what John Kerry did?

I find it amusing to watch the very same people who didn't have the slightest problem in the world with John Kerry's millions now insist that we can't have Mitt Romney as our President because he's extremely successful and therefore "out of touch".

The truth, that if you look at what Mitt Romney has contributed to charity over his life time and then compare it to Democratic leaders who rant about "fairness" the Democrats are shown for what they really are...generous with OUR money yet tight as a fat girl's sock with their own. That's what "difference" it makes!
It's a strange document known as the "tax code".

That's just jibberish. You rolled about 4 different topics into one. It's irrelevent to this conversation.

So basically what you're saying is that it's TERRIBLE that Mitt Romney obeys the tax code and pays 14% tax but it's FINE that GE obeys the tax code and pays 0% tax?

Don't have a come back on Immelt and GE getting a free pass on not paying taxes...exporting tens of thousands of American jobs to China...AND being our "Jobs Czar", do you, LoinBoy? I'll be honest with you...I knew that before I even asked the question. I just love to watch you progressives squirm and then run for cover every time it gets brought up.

GE was Regan's baby, HE worked for them, in AND out of the WH

So tell me what GE's tax rate was under Reagan, Barb and how many jobs they exported to China while he was in office? Then we can compare that to what's taken place during the Obama Administration. You can't admit how bad of a double standard you folks have...can you?
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So basically what you're saying is that it's TERRIBLE that Mitt Romney obeys the tax code and pays 14% tax but it's FINE that GE obeys the tax code and pays 0% tax?
No, that's not what I'm saying. You need to try to understand my point, instead of trying to create one for me. Mitt Romney has nothing to do with this conversation. It's about the effect of reduced tax revenue, from defense budget cuts. Why am I having to remind you what topic we're discussing, when you're the one who raised this topic in the first place? Do you have ADD?

Don't have a come back on Immelt and GE getting a free pass on not paying taxes...exporting tens of thousands of American jobs to China...AND being our "Jobs Czar", do you, LoinBoy? I'll be honest with you...I knew that before I even asked the question. I just love to watch you progressives squirm and then run for cover every time it gets brought up.
I have no intention of discussing everything under the sun in one post.
Everything under the sun? I asked you one simple question and you ducked it like it was Kryptonite and you were Clark Kent.

Might I remind you that it was YOU that brought up GE in the first place? But now you don't want to talk about it because you don't have an intelligent reply to the embarrassing fact that GE didn't pay taxes last year while it exported tens of thousands of jobs to China...all while it's CEO was Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar".
Here's the rules for Oldstyle's game: Heads he wins, tails you lose. Facts mean nothing to him.
Everything under the sun? I asked you one simple question and you ducked it like it was Kryptonite and you were Clark Kent.

Might I remind you that it was YOU that brought up GE in the first place? But now you don't want to talk about it because you don't have an intelligent reply to the embarrassing fact that GE didn't pay taxes last year while it exported tens of thousands of jobs to China...all while it's CEO was Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar".
You asked a question that had nothing to do with topic we were discussing. Why GE paid no taxes, Jobs Czar and outsourcing, has nothing to do with reduced tax revenues in regards to defense budget cuts. You're taking my point about GE out of context and you're trying to change the topic we were discussing.

You wanna talk about your "simple question"? Start a thread and we can talk about till the cows come home. Otherwise, stop trying to hijack this one into another topic.
[ame=]Newt Admits to GOP Conspiracy to Block President Obama's Policies - YouTube[/ame]
Everything under the sun? I asked you one simple question and you ducked it like it was Kryptonite and you were Clark Kent.

Might I remind you that it was YOU that brought up GE in the first place? But now you don't want to talk about it because you don't have an intelligent reply to the embarrassing fact that GE didn't pay taxes last year while it exported tens of thousands of jobs to China...all while it's CEO was Barack Obama's "Jobs Czar".
You asked a question that had nothing to do with topic we were discussing. Why GE paid no taxes, Jobs Czar and outsourcing, has nothing to do with reduced tax revenues in regards to defense budget cuts. You're taking my point about GE out of context and you're trying to change the topic we were discussing.

You wanna talk about your "simple question"? Start a thread and we can talk about till the cows come home. Otherwise, stop trying to hijack this one into another topic.

Gee, Loinboy...I thought the "topic" of this string was lies and misrepresentations? You when you progressives accuse conservatives of sending jobs overseas and giving sweetheart deals to big corportations? So you mention GE and I point out that President Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt is the CEO of GE and that GE didn't pay any taxes at all last year while they exported tens of thousands of jobs to China but THAT suddenly becomes "out of context"? You people are amusing.

The truth is that the lies and misrepresentations coming from your side to try and obscure what an abysmal job Barack Obama has done since taking over the Presidency is never ending. The fact that Barry's pet CEO, Immelt did what he did while serving as our "Jobs Czar" is just one more example of the total hypocrisy progressives utilize to justify another four years of incompetence by a man who never should have gotten the Democratic nomination, let alone won the election.
The vortex is swirling around the Republican Party....

“The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
- Republican Senator Lindsey Graham
The vortex is swirling around the Republican Party....

“The demographics race we’re losing badly. We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”
- Republican Senator Lindsey Graham

That's what they said in 2006 and 2008 too.

How did that work our for you ?

And how is Scott Walker doing now that he's not the governor any more ?

Oh, wait ????
Gee, Loinboy...I thought the "topic" of this string was lies and misrepresentations? You when you progressives accuse conservatives of sending jobs overseas and giving sweetheart deals to big corportations? So you mention GE and I point out that President Obama's "Jobs Czar" Jeffrey Immelt is the CEO of GE and that GE didn't pay any taxes at all last year while they exported tens of thousands of jobs to China but THAT suddenly becomes "out of context"? You people are amusing.

The truth is that the lies and misrepresentations coming from your side to try and obscure what an abysmal job Barack Obama has done since taking over the Presidency is never ending. The fact that Barry's pet CEO, Immelt did what he did while serving as our "Jobs Czar" is just one more example of the total hypocrisy progressives utilize to justify another four years of incompetence by a man who never should have gotten the Democratic nomination, let alone won the election.
So I guess we're not going to finish the conversation on defense cuts? You want to move on to something else? I guess I would to, if I was getting as bitch-slapped as you were.

As far as jobs going overseas, you're such a fucking hypocrite! You don't care about jobs going overseas. You're perfectly okay with the trillion dollars we've spent on jobs in Iraq and Afghanistan. You say nothing about those jobs. You're a big, fuckin' phoney!

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