The Past Seven Years Have Been The Hottest In Recorded History, New Data Shows

The new global temperature data sets, which come from three of the world’s top climate research institutions, are packed with alarming signs of a world in crisis. More than two dozen countries that are home to about 1.8 billion people experienced their warmest years ever last year. July was the hottest month humanity has recorded. The heat dome that seared the Pacific Northwest this past summer was “the most anomalous extreme heat event ever observed on Earth,” in the words of one scientist — a disaster so severe that it would have been virtually impossible in a world without climate change.


The year 2021 was the seventh in a row in which global temperatures were more than 1 degree Celsius above the preindustrial average. It’s unlikely anyone alive will see the world’s temperature drop below that 1-degree benchmark again.

“There is no going back,” said Schmidt, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and a lead researcher on the agency’s annual temperature analysis. The roughly 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide emitted by humans — more than half of it in the 34 years since Hansen’s testimony — will not leave the atmosphere for at least several more centuries.

Maybe it's time to invest in some real estate in Iceland or Greenland...
But we were told it stopped warming many times over the last 10 years!

And for 10 Years it's been "cold in skookerasbil's backyard" as "proof the skeptics were winning".. so it can't be true!

Last 7, Wow. That's more that one would have even thought in any true trend.
Could be evidence of acceleration, not just warming.

But we were told it stopped warming many times over the last 10 years!

And for 10 Years it's been "cold in skookerasbil's backyard" as "proof the skeptics were winning".. so it can't be true!

Last 7, Wow. That's more that one would have even thought in any true trend.
Could be evidence of acceleration, not just warming.

Hide the decline

Mann's Nature Trick

Add in the (imaginary) atmospheric warming trapped (like a rat!) in the deep ocean

Please chain yourself to the Chinese Embassy
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The new global temperature data sets, which come from three of the world’s top climate research institutions, are packed with alarming signs of a world in crisis. More than two dozen countries that are home to about 1.8 billion people experienced their warmest years ever last year. July was the hottest month humanity has recorded. The heat dome that seared the Pacific Northwest this past summer was “the most anomalous extreme heat event ever observed on Earth,” in the words of one scientist — a disaster so severe that it would have been virtually impossible in a world without climate change.


The year 2021 was the seventh in a row in which global temperatures were more than 1 degree Celsius above the preindustrial average. It’s unlikely anyone alive will see the world’s temperature drop below that 1-degree benchmark again.

“There is no going back,” said Schmidt, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and a lead researcher on the agency’s annual temperature analysis. The roughly 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide emitted by humans — more than half of it in the 34 years since Hansen’s testimony — will not leave the atmosphere for at least several more centuries.

Maybe it's time to invest in some real estate in Iceland or Greenland...
And yet some Clown here keeps saying/Bumping up "skeptics are winning" with a 9 year Thread/BLOG.. Even as he is Proven MONUMENTALLY WRONG.

It's hard to be that wrong, and worse to be TROLLING with another BIG LIE that has become so popular among RWers.

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The new global temperature data sets, which come from three of the world’s top climate research institutions, are packed with alarming signs of a world in crisis. More than two dozen countries that are home to about 1.8 billion people experienced their warmest years ever last year. July was the hottest month humanity has recorded. The heat dome that seared the Pacific Northwest this past summer was “the most anomalous extreme heat event ever observed on Earth,” in the words of one scientist — a disaster so severe that it would have been virtually impossible in a world without climate change.


The year 2021 was the seventh in a row in which global temperatures were more than 1 degree Celsius above the preindustrial average. It’s unlikely anyone alive will see the world’s temperature drop below that 1-degree benchmark again.

“There is no going back,” said Schmidt, director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and a lead researcher on the agency’s annual temperature analysis. The roughly 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide emitted by humans — more than half of it in the 34 years since Hansen’s testimony — will not leave the atmosphere for at least several more centuries.

Maybe it's time to invest in some real estate in Iceland or Greenland...


Warmists/alarmists love to be irrationally pessimistic but sadly for them it has been COOLING for years now as shown by the NOAA:

Global Ocean: January 2015-2021

-.11C /Decade

Global Land: January 2015-2021


Combined it is:

Warmists/alarmists love to be irrationally pessimistic but sadly for them it has been COOLING for years now as shown by the NOAA:

Global Ocean: January 2015-2021

-.11C /Decade

Global Land: January 2015-2021


Combined it is:


#1 NOAA, 10 Warmest years

Anyone think this is "Cooling?"


#2 From NOAA LINK: More Near-Record Warm Years Are Likely On Horizon


And of course all the previous years generally rising and also in the 21st Century with the exception of 1998.

You can't debate me!!
You just cherry pick denier blogs and I cite NOAA Directly with Links.
That's ALL you do.
Repost denier Blog cherry-picking.

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#1 NOAA, 10 Warmest years

Anyone think this is "Cooling?"


#2 From NOAA LINK: More Near-Record Warm Years Are Likely On Horizon


And of course all the previous years generally rising and also in the 21st Century with the exception of 1998.

You can't debate me!!
You just cherry pick denier blogs and I cite NOAA Directly with Links.
That's ALL you do.
Repost denier Blog cherry-picking.


You've only cited NOAA data back 40 years ... go back another 40 years and your correlation fails ... rising CO2 levels but falling temperatures, the opposite of AGW theory ... seems it is you who cherrypick the data ...

You will never acknowledge this fact ... that's why there's no debating you ... you refuse ... and I understand, science isn't your strong suit ... dv/dt = 32 ft/sec/sec ... ha ha ha ha ...
You've only cited NOAA data back 40 years ... go back another 40 years and your correlation fails ... rising CO2 levels but falling temperatures, the opposite of AGW theory ... seems it is you who cherrypick the data ...

You will never acknowledge this fact ... that's why there's no debating you ... you refuse ... and I understand, science isn't your strong suit ... dv/dt = 32 ft/sec/sec ... ha ha ha ha ...
Going back since modern records/140 years these are the Warmest 7.
And every true trend chart has bumps and doesn't preclude counter trends such a sun cycles.
Your falling rate formula has no place here.
And lastly you political POS, I'm about the only Climate poster who posts in the Science Section a good deal (or at all for that matter)
My threads are the top 3 in the section at the moment. (you didn't know since YOU never look either! LOL)
The jerks here are not Sci posters, they are political hacks.
That way on almost all boards.
Deniers don't post in the Science section.
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You've only cited NOAA data back 40 years ... go back another 40 years and your correlation fails ... rising CO2 levels but falling temperatures, the opposite of AGW theory ... seems it is you who cherrypick the data ...

You will never acknowledge this fact ... that's why there's no debating you ... you refuse ... and I understand, science isn't your strong suit ... dv/dt = 32 ft/sec/sec ... ha ha ha ha ...

The idiot completely ignored the NOAA data, it is only 6 years, but it is a COOLING 6 years, trend contradicting the AGW hypothesis which is why he is pushing the propaganda angle as part of his irrational deflection gambit.

There are published papers showing no relation between CO2 and Temperature changes in the Holocene;

#1 NOAA, 10 Warmest years

Anyone think this is "Cooling?"


#2 From NOAA LINK: More Near-Record Warm Years Are Likely On Horizon


And of course all the previous years generally rising and also in the 21st Century with the exception of 1998.

You can't debate me!!
You just cherry pick denier blogs and I cite NOAA Directly with Links.
That's ALL you do.
Repost denier Blog cherry-picking.


I cited the NOAA website and all the years above the 20th Century level after 2016 is BELOW the 2016 years number which means it is cooler now than in moron!

It is clear you didn't look on the links I gave for each number generated at the NOAA website.

I cited the NOAA website and all the years above the 20th Century level after 2016 is BELOW the 2016 years number which means it is cooler now than in moron!

It is clear you didn't look on the links I gave for each number generated at the NOAA website.

You cited piecemeal/cherry picking: 'land' , 'ocean,' etc

I cited the overall Global Temps.
And NOAA's own words are that the last 7 are the "7 Hottest."

It is not "Cooling" you ldlot.
You LOST again!

Going back since modern records/140 years these are the Warmest 7.
And every true trend chart has bumps and doesn't preclude counter trends such a sun cycles.
Your falling rate formula has no place here.
And lastly you political POS, I'm about the only Climate poster who posts in the Science Section a good deal (or at all for that matter)
My threads are the top 3 in the section at the moment. (you didn't know since YOU never look either! LOL)
The jerks here are not Sci posters, they are political hacks.
That way on almost all boards.
Deniers don't post in the Science section.

Like I said ... you will never admit that temperatures have been going up and down over the past 140 years ... and if we look at the ice core data, we see temperatures going up and down for the past several million years ...

You only want to cherrypick the past 40 years ... because everything else makes you look wrong ... and you're only posting ad hominen attacks, in order to hide your lack of science knowledge ... you wouldn't know the work integral if it bit you in the ass ...
Like I said ... you will never admit that temperatures have been going up and down over the past 140 years ... and if we look at the ice core data, we see temperatures going up and down for the past several million years ...

You only want to cherrypick the past 40 years ... because everything else makes you look wrong ... and you're only posting ad hominen attacks, in order to hide your lack of science knowledge ... you wouldn't know the work integral if it bit you in the ass ...
No. This is what I said answering you in full, including your Backfiring 'Science is your strong suit' blunder.

""Going back since modern records/140 years these are the Warmest 7.
And every true trend chart has bumps and doesn't preclude counter trends such a sun cycles.
Your falling rate formula has no place here.
And lastly you political POS, I'm about the only Climate poster who posts in the Science Section a good deal (or at all for that matter)
My threads are the top 3 in the section at the moment. (you didn't know since YOU never look either! LOL)
The jerks here are not Sci posters, they are political hacks.
That way on almost all boards.
Deniers don't post in the Science section.
No. This is what I said answering you in full, including your Backfiring 'Science is your strong suit' blunder.

""Going back since modern records/140 years these are the Warmest 7.
And every true trend chart has bumps and doesn't preclude counter trends such a sun cycles.
Your falling rate formula has no place here.
And lastly you political POS, I'm about the only Climate poster who posts in the Science Section a good deal (or at all for that matter)
My threads are the top 3 in the section at the moment. (you didn't know since YOU never look either! LOL)
The jerks here are not Sci posters, they are political hacks.
That way on almost all boards.
Deniers don't post in the Science section.

I can repeat myself as well ... you'll never admit global temperatures fell between 1940 and 1980 ... even though this is an obvious fact from the charts you keep posting ...

This period also saw unprecedented human destruction ... and human re-building ... and increasing CO2 concentrations ... yet temperatures still fell ... take your fingers out of your ears and quit screaming "I can't hear you" ... how does AGW Theory explain this counter-example? ...
I can repeat myself as well ... you'll never admit global temperatures fell between 1940 and 1980 ... even though this is an obvious fact from the charts you keep posting ...

This period also saw unprecedented human destruction ... and human re-building ... and increasing CO2 concentrations ... yet temperatures still fell ... take your fingers out of your ears and quit screaming "I can't hear you" ... how does AGW Theory explain this counter-example? ...
I am in the STEM party.
My positions are not political they are logic or quantitatively based
Also a Mensa member, as well as the more selective group above it, Intertel.

One could more ACCURATELY say Temps went up too fast (due to some natural cycle) in the years leading up to 1940, peaked, and then went 'down' for for maybe HALF of that 40 years and then started going back UP, and finally surpassed the 1940 high again not until 1980.
One could NOT say "It went down for 40 years."
That is just a longer version/Pet Trick of what scientists call "Going Down the up escalator" of picking down plateaus in [Ever higher] uptrends.


One could say the same thing about 1880 -1920! (You left that out!)
But it is in the context of a longer and definite Uptrend.

AND the biggest curve up in Temp in the last 60 years JUST HAPPENS to coincide with the biggest Rise in CO2, (starting in app 1955/1960) which can no longer be so easily overridden by natural cycles.

CO2 only went from 280 in 1750/1880 to 300 PPM until 1950-1960. Up maybe 10%.
But then Took off/accelerated! and is now 415 PPM, 5 or 6 times the gain in the last 60+ years!

So until about 1960 there was still alot of room for natural variation. Now we're covered by a much thicker blanket of GHGs with less room for that natural variation.


Further/bonus, many scientists believe that the 20th century (if lived without increased GHG emissions) would have actually cooled were it not for our 'us' (ala 1880-1920)... and that ergo we may even be responsible for more than 100% of the gain in avg temp. Maybe 2° C instead of 1°.
Betcha never thought of that.

You can keep pressing all you like but you will never 'win,' because I understand what's happening and CAN explain it, while you are trying to make a political point.

Hope you are now clear.
(Sunsettommy too, who uses/abuses the world's largest collection of cherry picked homemade denier Blog graphs, like WUWT)
Noblesse oblige.

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And lastly you political POS, I'm about the only Climate poster who posts in the Science Section a good deal (or at all for that matter)
My threads are the top 3 in the section at the moment. (you didn't know since YOU never look either! LOL)
Dude. That's like bragging about being an Instagram influencer.
You cited piecemeal/cherry picking: 'land' , 'ocean,' etc

I cited the overall Global Temps.
And NOAA's own words are that the last 7 are the "7 Hottest."

It is not "Cooling" you ldlot.
You LOST again!

What's the ideal temperature of the entire globe?

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