The PC Police should apologize....

And people wonder why the police are militarized...

Are you not the asshole that talks about how citizens are gonna have to rise up? Sure you are. You and goforit.
So here we have it. A citizen got his gun and made his move against that very government that you want to make your move against. What is the problem?

Other than this shooter was fucking crazy, he at least had the decency to kill himself.

Yabut, only white RWs should be armed.

- cuz they're the victims.

If not for people of color, TK could get a job. But n-o-o-o-o ... Hispanics are taking all the plum jobs in the fields and Blacks are making it impossible for a decent white guy to get a good job.

I wonder if Sharpton will lead a march for the slain cops.


If he does it will be a protest march....against the police officers.

And people wonder why the police are militarized...

Well it is a natural response to a better armed criminal.

Remember this shooting? Charles Whitman - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Or this one:

In both cases the police were outgunned. Surprisingly in the second one they were out gunned in 1995.

So what is the response from the police suppose to be? Would you want to go up against these killers like the police had to do? AK47 against 9 mm whose gonna lose? As I recall the police even borrowed rifles from a gun store.

So the police militarize, which in and of itself is not the problem. It is what they do with that militarization. And the problem with that is they train and train for an event that may not ever happen in their life time so they look to create an event. Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself. Not the majority by a long shot but enough to make the militarization of the police worrisome.

So we get over reactions like when Clinton did this:


or this:


I remember all of it. That thing with Elian Gonzalez was uncalled for. Probably scarred that kid for life. But then when crazed people go out and kill cops, then they justify why. We had a black guy shoot two cops here in my hometown three years ago. He killed the white cop and injured the black one. Google him, his name is Jamie Hood.
Blood is on the hands of every liberal. The blood from the support of riots and defending law breaking thugs. Oh, the dumb asses blaming this on gun control. I'll bet you the criminal didn't get the gun legally, so no added gun control would've stopped him from getting the gun. When you get in bed with thugs, this will happen. Stop supporting thugs.
And people wonder why the police are militarized...

Are you not the asshole that talks about how citizens are gonna have to rise up? Sure you are. You and goforit.
So here we have it. A citizen got his gun and made his move against that very government that you want to make your move against. What is the problem?

Other than this shooter was fucking crazy, he at least had the decency to kill himself.

Yabut, only white RWs should be armed.

- cuz they're the victims.

If not for people of color, TK could get a job. But n-o-o-o-o ... Hispanics are taking all the plum jobs in the fields and Blacks are making it impossible for a decent white guy to get a good job.

Diversion isn't going to work on this one.

Screaming "racist" isn't going to work either.

You push it, you own it.

In both cases the police were outgunned. Surprisingly in the second one they were out gunned in 1995.

So what is the response from the police suppose to be? Would you want to go up against these killers like the police had to do? AK47 against 9 mm whose gonna lose? As I recall the police even borrowed rifles from a gun store.

So the police militarize, which in and of itself is not the problem. It is what they do with that militarization. And the problem with that is they train and train for an event that may not ever happen in their life time so they look to create an event. Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself

And the problem with that is they train and train for an event that may not ever happen in their life time so they look to create an event. Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself.

. Not the majority by a long shot but enough to make the militarization of the police worrisome.

You do know that you just made a pretty good case for the reason citizens have no need for military grade weapons. Right? You knew this was what you were doing?

Just like cops train for situations that might never occur, citizens who love guns train for situations that might never occur.

And by your own words; "Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself."

Interesting. Are you in favor of stricter gun control?

Mother Jones, really?

It didn't take long before I noted their first distortion which I will meaninglessly point out to you:

McVeigh introduced his sister to anti-government literature, but his father had little interest in these views. He moved out of his father's house and into an apartment that had no telephone, which had the advantage of making it impossible for his employer to contact him for overtime assignments. He also quit the NRA, viewing its stance on gun rights as too weak.[28]
Mother Jones, really?

It didn't take long before I noted their first distortion which I will meaninglessly point out to you:

McVeigh introduced his sister to anti-government literature, but his father had little interest in these views. He moved out of his father's house and into an apartment that had no telephone, which had the advantage of making it impossible for his employer to contact him for overtime assignments. He also quit the NRA, viewing its stance on gun rights as too weak

The NRA and McVeigh were on the same page as far as Ruby Ridge and Waco. I mean, if Nazis and Cultists can't have small arsenals, are any of us truly free?

It will fascinating to see if Joe's attempt to divert this into a gun issue will be the approach the rest of the PC Police take.

I'll check out MSNBC today, that will be another good indicator.

Better than using the death of two cops to make a point politically.

When I point out the deaths of thousands of young American military in Bush's hideous wars, am I using those deaths?

Did you think you "had" me there?

Wanna try again?

You're diverting.


"May all them restless spirits
of all them slaughtered police
Never ever find solace
And never ever find peace"

-Ashtara 27:12

Blood is on the hands of every liberal. The blood from the support of riots and defending law breaking thugs. Oh, the dumb asses blaming this on gun control. I'll bet you the criminal didn't get the gun legally, so no added gun control would've stopped him from getting the gun. When you get in bed with thugs, this will happen. Stop supporting thugs.

Those weren't liberals who defended Clive Bundy. You're confused.
In both cases the police were outgunned. Surprisingly in the second one they were out gunned in 1995.

So what is the response from the police suppose to be? Would you want to go up against these killers like the police had to do? AK47 against 9 mm whose gonna lose? As I recall the police even borrowed rifles from a gun store.

So the police militarize, which in and of itself is not the problem. It is what they do with that militarization. And the problem with that is they train and train for an event that may not ever happen in their life time so they look to create an event. Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself

And the problem with that is they train and train for an event that may not ever happen in their life time so they look to create an event. Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself.

. Not the majority by a long shot but enough to make the militarization of the police worrisome.

You do know that you just made a pretty good case for the reason citizens have no need for military grade weapons. Right? You knew this was what you were doing?

Just like cops train for situations that might never occur, citizens who love guns train for situations that might never occur.

And by your own words; "Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself."

Interesting. Are you in favor of stricter gun control?
Yeah gun control, buy extra clips. Turn a seven shot gun into an unlimited one.
Blood is on the hands of every liberal. The blood from the support of riots and defending law breaking thugs. Oh, the dumb asses blaming this on gun control. I'll bet you the criminal didn't get the gun legally, so no added gun control would've stopped him from getting the gun. When you get in bed with thugs, this will happen. Stop supporting thugs.

Those weren't liberals who defended Clive Bundy. You're confused.
Nice diversion, but the blood on your hands will not come off.
Yes, I know liberals are THAT stupid. They want a big nanny city with lots of taxes and then act like winners when one taxpayer walks off to a new place.

This is how dumb your type is, Job. It's baffling, but you're not going to change anytime soon...or ever.

Guy, I get the feeling that very few of your fellow New Yorkers are sad you are leaving.
More like relieved because you were frightening the children.

You get the feeling? Yep, I believe it. That's ALL you ever go on is a feeling, Job. That's the liberal way.
In both cases the police were outgunned. Surprisingly in the second one they were out gunned in 1995.

So what is the response from the police suppose to be? Would you want to go up against these killers like the police had to do? AK47 against 9 mm whose gonna lose? As I recall the police even borrowed rifles from a gun store.

So the police militarize, which in and of itself is not the problem. It is what they do with that militarization. And the problem with that is they train and train for an event that may not ever happen in their life time so they look to create an event. Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself

And the problem with that is they train and train for an event that may not ever happen in their life time so they look to create an event. Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself.

. Not the majority by a long shot but enough to make the militarization of the police worrisome.

You do know that you just made a pretty good case for the reason citizens have no need for military grade weapons. Right? You knew this was what you were doing?

Just like cops train for situations that might never occur, citizens who love guns train for situations that might never occur.

And by your own words; "Just human nature, to train to use a gun then want to prove yourself."

Interesting. Are you in favor of stricter gun control?

i would say we have become a gun loving nation. I will say there is a lot of paranoid people out their packing. That said, it still is the right of a person to love guns. It is still the right of the paranoid to carry guns. Those are fundamental rights which clearly can not be violated. In both cases I would say that none of those involved were ordinary everyday citizens of the US. The Gonzales family had no guns so why storm the place? The ATF definitely underestimated the response when they went in to make a "Tough Cops" episode at Waco. A definite over reach.

Sorry I am not ready to tell people that they must lay their weapons down and prostrate themselves in front of the government. I am willing to accept the risk of a rogue idiot like McVeigh, it happens very rarely. Not so with the armed thugs in our major cities.

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