The Peanut Farmer Won't Use Email

Granny encrypts her email when she sendin' a mash note...
Volume of encrypted email rising amid spying fears
Jun 3,`14 -- The volume of email cloaked in encryption technology is rapidly rising as Google, Yahoo, Facebook and other major Internet companies try to shield their users' online communications from government spies and other snoops.
Google and other companies are now automatically encrypting all email, but that doesn't ensure confidentiality unless the recipients' email provider also adopts the technology. In an analysis released Tuesday, Google Inc. said that about 65 percent of the messages sent by its Gmail users are encrypted while delivered, meaning the recipient's email provider also supports the technology. That's up from 39 percent in December. Incoming communiques to Gmail are less secure. Only 50 percent of them encrypted while in transit, up from 27 percent in December. Encryption reduces the chances that email can be read by interlopers. The technology transforms the text into coding that looks like gibberish until it arrives at its destination.

Google and other Internet services rely on a form of encryption known as Transport Layer Security, or TLS. Security experts say that encryption method isn't as secure as other options. But encryption that is tougher to crack is also more complicated to use. Gmail, with more than 425 million accounts worldwide, was one of the first free email services to embrace TLS. Yahoo, Facebook and AOL also are encrypting their email services. Microsoft Corp., whose stable of email services includes the Outlook, MSN and Hotmail domains, has started encrypting many accounts as part of transition that won't be completed until later this year. Less than half of the correspondence from Hotmail accounts to Gmail wasn't encrypted as of late May, Google said. Security is even worse at and, where less than 1 percent of the traffic coming to and from Gmail is encrypted, according to Google.

Comcast spokesman Charlie Douglas said the Internet service provider plans to start encrypting email to and from Gmail accounts within the next few weeks. Microsoft reiterated that it is still rolling out encryption in its free email services. Verizon didn't have an immediate comment on Google's statistics. The Google report comes a year after the first wave of media reports about the U.S. government's intrusive techniques to monitor online communications and other Internet activity. The National Security Administration says its online surveillance focused on people living outside the U.S. as the agency tried to defuse threats of terrorism.

After lashing out at the government spying, Google and other Internet companies began encrypting email and other online services in an attempt to reassure users worried about their privacy. The Internet companies are hoping their efforts to thwart government surveillance will make Web surfers feel comfortable enough to continue to visit their services. The companies make more money from online ads if their audiences keep growing.



The NSA can break any encryption. Probably just sets off a red flag that your stuff is encrypted. People are funny..

No they can't.

Says NSA is spying on him and via snail male is the only secure way. And just think, Dems brag that Jimmy and Barry are great presidents. Read story @ Carter uses snail mail to evade NSA


1. who said carter was a great president.

he just wasn't the disaster the wing nuts say he was.

2. obama great? you've never asked. you've just ranted. *shrug*

btw, the "peanut farmer" was president of the united states.

do you call ronnie the hollywood actor?
Granny encrypts her email when she sendin' a mash note...
Volume of encrypted email rising amid spying fears
Jun 3,`14 -- The volume of email cloaked in encryption technology is rapidly rising as Google, Yahoo, Facebook and other major Internet companies try to shield their users' online communications from government spies and other snoops.


The NSA can break any encryption. Probably just sets off a red flag that your stuff is encrypted. People are funny..

No they can't.

Yeah they can. You dont know what you are talking about. I do.

Says NSA is spying on him and via snail male is the only secure way. And just think, Dems brag that Jimmy and Barry are great presidents. Read story @ Carter uses snail mail to evade NSA


could it be that he is using email cause it COULD be possible he is telling the truth that the NSA,a government institution that does spy on its own citizens illegally all the time,IS spying on him is why? ever consider that Goober?:cuckoo:

oh and carter is the only halfway decent president we have had since JFK,our last great president who was also the last president we had NOT a puppet for the establishment and new world order.

He actually served the people instead of the bankers not doing what they told him to do. oh and thanks for proving what an idiot you are as usual,no wonder you are friends with fellow disinfo agent gomer pyle ollie.thats truely idiotic putting carter in the same boat as this fascist dictater Obomination.

Carter was the last president we had where wars werent being started around the country by our government and unlike Obomination,tried to serve the people.Like JFK,he ALSO tried to get rid of the CIA.Thats why like JFK,he did not serve in office very long.another example of another good president who did not serve in officer very long. carter,also didnt allow the NSA to illegally spy on its citizens like Obomination does.:cuckoo: Bushwacker is much more like Obomination than carter is.:cuckoo:Obomination has expanded what Bush got started.:cuckoo:
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Says NSA is spying on him and via snail male is the only secure way. And just think, Dems brag that Jimmy and Barry are great presidents. Read story @ Carter uses snail mail to evade NSA


1. who said carter was a great president.

he just wasn't the disaster the wing nuts say he was.

2. obama great? you've never asked. you've just ranted. *shrug*

btw, the "peanut farmer" was president of the united states.

do you call ronnie the hollywood actor?

oh my god,for once in your life disinfo agent,you actually said something intelligent:lol: Carter indeed wasnt a great president,again the last one we had that was GREAT was JFK which again is why the establsihment offed him,but carter for sure indeed wasnt the disaster the wing nuts and the CIA controlled media say he was.thats for sure. and ronnie wasnt the great president that the CIA spun media say he was either.

Says NSA is spying on him and via snail male is the only secure way. And just think, Dems brag that Jimmy and Barry are great presidents. Read story @ Carter uses snail mail to evade NSA


compared to Barry,Jimmy WAS a great president.:cuckoo: people who say Barry is comparable to Carter as a disasterous president are dumbfuck idiots.:cuckoo:

just one example is Carter would have at least TRIED to do something about NSA spying on americans.:cuckoo: Carter was a much better president than all the clowns we have had since him in the fact he is the ONLY president since JFK,who like JFK,also tried to get rid of the CIA .:cuckoo:

He became president and fired bastard George Bush sr as CIA director and replaced him with Stansfield Turner who then cleaned house immediately firing all covert operation specialists in the CIA and was beginning to reform the organization in the last couple years of his administration.

Reagan then came in and fired Turner of course and replaced him with William Casey who got the CIA back to their status of covert secret wars again.Reagan did not fire Casey despite the fact Casey was this kind of person who made this statement early on in the reagan administration.
We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting in 1981)

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything American public believes is false" William Casey, CIA | Peace . Gold . LOVE

yet many of the american sheople thought carter was such a bad president and reagan was so great.sickening.:cuckoo:

Wow, for the first time in my life i'm speechless, and it's not because it's truthful. Wow

typical of brainwashed sheeps.Yeah you are speechless because you know its the truth and you cant counter it so all you have is a bunch of ramblings to post.:cuckoo: so of course you are speechless,you know you cant counter it.
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uhm, the NSA is spying on all of us.

Me, you, him, Congress, the President, leaders of allied nations


They didn't know where that plane went down.

No the NSA couldn't give two shits about you or me. Unless you're planning something we need to know about.

they are collecting from everyone, just to be sure that none of us actually retain the right to privacy

facts like that are a little too complicated for troll politic to comprehend.he actually thinks the government is looking out for him,that this is a free country and congress is here to serve the people as is the president.:lol::lol::lol::lol::D:badgrin:

Says NSA is spying on him and via snail male is the only secure way. And just think, Dems brag that Jimmy and Barry are great presidents. Read story @ Carter uses snail mail to evade NSA


uhm, the NSA is spying on all of us.

Me, you, him, Congress, the President, leaders of allied nations


They didn't know where that plane went down.

No the NSA couldn't give two shits about you or me. Unless you're planning something we need to know about.

From his posts, he's exactly they type of kook the NSA should be looking at.

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