The pension hole for US cities and states is the size of Japan's economy

I'm retired. Been cashing in my social security check in entitled to for 17 years now. Never worked a day in the public sector. Don't miss the god awful rat race that young people do. Wish you the best. Looking at other workers as enemies is downright dumb though.
how about a walking route? would run and scream like a little girl first dog that comes at people who talk out of your ass are something else...
Between a bad back, bad knees, and an increasingly-bad hip, I couldn't do a walking route. Of course (yet again), there aren't any here, the carrier never gets out of the truck.
I have no problem with dogs, stop projecting your own faults on others.
Between a bad back, bad knees, and an increasingly-bad hip, I couldn't do a walking route. Of course (yet again), there aren't any here, the carrier never gets out of the truck.
.many carriers who have walking routes start experiencing at least one those things after about 20 years of carrying....sometimes more than one...
I have no problem with dogs, stop projecting your own faults on others
thats because you have never had a pitbull or a rottweiler come at you.....try it sometimes,its a real Adrenalin of the reasons many new people quit after their first or second time.....and those that get bit have a whole new attitude about those nice little pets....
Yeah, actually, I have. Still have a faint scar from it, 30 years later. Stop projecting your faults on others.
wow one time 30 years ago and a faint scar.....try having it happen once or twice a week for 30 are like so many other blowhards that tell their the PO we have pictures that prove we have been attacked some bad enough they are hospitalized for are starting to make me laugh axle....

And then you retire on a fat disability claim for the rest of your life. I only needed 14 stitches, as I recall.
hey dumbass we had a carrier get his face ripped girl was attacked by 3 pit bulls and had her calf ripped off her leg...i could go on but a pussy like you probably thinks those were minor injuries,after all you had 14 stitches.....
And this right here is the problem. Public employees unions make unrealistic demands and corrupt politicians makes promises they know can't be kept in order to get their endorsement and get elected. I saw it time and time again when I was still living in Boston. Whoever got the union backing usually one and so, of course, they were willing to give the union pretty much whatever they wanted. It didn't matter how unrealistic it may have been. By the time the shit hit the fan it would be someone else's problem.

When times were flush, politicians made overly generous promises. Public-employee unions made unrealistic demands. High-profile municipal employees, such as coaches at public universities, have drawn fire for what some consider too-rich retirement benefits, while some first responders scored rich early retirement and disability arrangements.

The pension hole for US cities and states is the size of Japan's economy

Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem

Public leaches have jobs for life with no accountability
Some jobs get modest increases due to inflation adjustments every year; they never match real inflation, but over time it highlights just n how low 'private sector' wages are relative to real inflation, so naturally we get the usual dumbass sniveling form right wingers making stupid claims about Da Evul Yuyunz', as if they're the problem, and not the massive reduction in wages in the 'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars. It makes the suck asses look bad when there is such examples of how low they're paid themselves, and being stupid and timid, they much prefer to snivel about those who had the sense to get inflation adjustments rather than face the facts they're losers with no balls.

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators, not the silly worthless ones used by the govt. and right wing propaganda sites, and are much more in line with Milton Freidman's numbers. If you like the gold standard, then minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be around $27 + in gold denominated dollars, and even the most conservative estimates have minimum wage at $`17.65 an hour. I heard an ad for plumbers here, where we're having a 'boom' in building new houses at rip off prices offering '$20 an hour', pretty cheap for skilled labor with 3 years experience.

But you're all going to make millions on your 401K's n stuff. And in real estate, with no money down. Or as programmers. ..

'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars.

Which cases?

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators,

Shadowstats doesn't calculate anything. He adds a fudge factor.
He's a huge phony.
Some jobs get modest increases due to inflation adjustments every year; they never match real inflation, but over time it highlights just n how low 'private sector' wages are relative to real inflation, so naturally we get the usual dumbass sniveling form right wingers making stupid claims about Da Evul Yuyunz', as if they're the problem, and not the massive reduction in wages in the 'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars. It makes the suck asses look bad when there is such examples of how low they're paid themselves, and being stupid and timid, they much prefer to snivel about those who had the sense to get inflation adjustments rather than face the facts they're losers with no balls.

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators, not the silly worthless ones used by the govt. and right wing propaganda sites, and are much more in line with Milton Freidman's numbers. If you like the gold standard, then minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be around $27 + in gold denominated dollars, and even the most conservative estimates have minimum wage at $`17.65 an hour. I heard an ad for plumbers here, where we're having a 'boom' in building new houses at rip off prices offering '$20 an hour', pretty cheap for skilled labor with 3 years experience.

But you're all going to make millions on your 401K's n stuff. And in real estate, with no money down. Or as programmers. ..

'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars.

Which cases?

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators,

Shadowstats doesn't calculate anything. He adds a fudge factor.
He's a huge phony.

All cases, and 'huge phoney'= they blow todd's rubbish out of the water, so he hates them.
Some jobs get modest increases due to inflation adjustments every year; they never match real inflation, but over time it highlights just n how low 'private sector' wages are relative to real inflation, so naturally we get the usual dumbass sniveling form right wingers making stupid claims about Da Evul Yuyunz', as if they're the problem, and not the massive reduction in wages in the 'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars. It makes the suck asses look bad when there is such examples of how low they're paid themselves, and being stupid and timid, they much prefer to snivel about those who had the sense to get inflation adjustments rather than face the facts they're losers with no balls.

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators, not the silly worthless ones used by the govt. and right wing propaganda sites, and are much more in line with Milton Freidman's numbers. If you like the gold standard, then minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be around $27 + in gold denominated dollars, and even the most conservative estimates have minimum wage at $`17.65 an hour. I heard an ad for plumbers here, where we're having a 'boom' in building new houses at rip off prices offering '$20 an hour', pretty cheap for skilled labor with 3 years experience.

But you're all going to make millions on your 401K's n stuff. And in real estate, with no money down. Or as programmers. ..

'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars.

Which cases?

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators,

Shadowstats doesn't calculate anything. He adds a fudge factor.
He's a huge phony.

All cases, and 'huge phoney'= they blow todd's rubbish out of the water, so he hates them.

Some jobs get modest increases due to inflation adjustments every year; they never match real inflation, but over time it highlights just n how low 'private sector' wages are relative to real inflation, so naturally we get the usual dumbass sniveling form right wingers making stupid claims about Da Evul Yuyunz', as if they're the problem, and not the massive reduction in wages in the 'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars. It makes the suck asses look bad when there is such examples of how low they're paid themselves, and being stupid and timid, they much prefer to snivel about those who had the sense to get inflation adjustments rather than face the facts they're losers with no balls.

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators, not the silly worthless ones used by the govt. and right wing propaganda sites, and are much more in line with Milton Freidman's numbers. If you like the gold standard, then minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be around $27 + in gold denominated dollars, and even the most conservative estimates have minimum wage at $`17.65 an hour. I heard an ad for plumbers here, where we're having a 'boom' in building new houses at rip off prices offering '$20 an hour', pretty cheap for skilled labor with 3 years experience.

But you're all going to make millions on your 401K's n stuff. And in real estate, with no money down. Or as programmers. ..

'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars.

Which cases?

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators,

Shadowstats doesn't calculate anything. He adds a fudge factor.
He's a huge phony.

All cases, and 'huge phoney'= they blow todd's rubbish out of the water, so he hates them.


Obvious fact.
Some jobs get modest increases due to inflation adjustments every year; they never match real inflation, but over time it highlights just n how low 'private sector' wages are relative to real inflation, so naturally we get the usual dumbass sniveling form right wingers making stupid claims about Da Evul Yuyunz', as if they're the problem, and not the massive reduction in wages in the 'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars. It makes the suck asses look bad when there is such examples of how low they're paid themselves, and being stupid and timid, they much prefer to snivel about those who had the sense to get inflation adjustments rather than face the facts they're losers with no balls.

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators, not the silly worthless ones used by the govt. and right wing propaganda sites, and are much more in line with Milton Freidman's numbers. If you like the gold standard, then minimum wage adjusted for real inflation would be around $27 + in gold denominated dollars, and even the most conservative estimates have minimum wage at $`17.65 an hour. I heard an ad for plumbers here, where we're having a 'boom' in building new houses at rip off prices offering '$20 an hour', pretty cheap for skilled labor with 3 years experience.

But you're all going to make millions on your 401K's n stuff. And in real estate, with no money down. Or as programmers. ..

'private sector', where real wages have fallen in some case to less than 30% of 1970 values in adjusted dollars.

Which cases?

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats have some real inflation calculators,

Shadowstats doesn't calculate anything. He adds a fudge factor.
He's a huge phony.

All cases, and 'huge phoney'= they blow todd's rubbish out of the water, so he hates them.


Obvious fact.

Wages across our economy have dropped 70% since 1970...…...hilarious!!!

Your IQ has dropped 70% since 1970.
And this right here is the problem. Public employees unions make unrealistic demands and corrupt politicians makes promises they know can't be kept in order to get their endorsement and get elected. I saw it time and time again when I was still living in Boston. Whoever got the union backing usually one and so, of course, they were willing to give the union pretty much whatever they wanted. It didn't matter how unrealistic it may have been. By the time the shit hit the fan it would be someone else's problem.

When times were flush, politicians made overly generous promises. Public-employee unions made unrealistic demands. High-profile municipal employees, such as coaches at public universities, have drawn fire for what some consider too-rich retirement benefits, while some first responders scored rich early retirement and disability arrangements.

The pension hole for US cities and states is the size of Japan's economy

Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem

They take reduced salaries, because they do half the work of the private sector ,and teachers work 9 months but want the pay of 12 months ,the majority are worthless leeches, just go to the DMV.

Ignorant bullshit again.
Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem

No nonsense. One hundred percent fact and you know it as well as anyone.

At one time public employees accepted reduced salaries in exchange for future benefits, current benefits and being virtually certain that they could not be fired. Today that is no longer the case. The public unions, which even FDR knew were unworkable, have pushed their salaries beyond typical and the more liberal the state, the more in debt they are for future pensions.

By the way, Florida is one of the few states whose massive retirement fund is fully funded. California, just the opposite.
Most professionals - lawyers, accountants, engineers - take a significantly reduced salary working for government compared to the private sector.

But WOW, those benefits and retirement benefits are astronomical. Plus, the work is easy, no deadlines, quotas or profits to worry about. Once in a while you'll find an exception but it is a lot like the postal service.
The problem is mainly excessive promises to government workers. But had politicians not cut taxes and pension contributions, then those pensions would be in better shape today. It’s simple math. To deny it is to be a clueless partisan that can’t be taken seriously.

Excessive promises due to public unions.
More of our countries lovely war on labor fellas?

oh and, those 'evil' unions must be the problem , right?

By the way, Florida is one of the few states whose massive retirement fund is fully funded. California, just the opposite.

Florida is not fully funded. It's 85% funded. That's still better than all but a few states, though.
Excessive promises due to public unions.

Not in Florida.

Had the politicians not cut contributions in the 1990s, the plan would be fully funded today.

Likewise, the politicians didn't make any contributions to the pension for three years last decade. Had they done so, the plan would be nearly fully-funded today.
Public pensions have been catching up by investing in derivatives. Market channels will tell you this is the new bubble. It is just a matter of time.

Remember how many teachers in fl lost their pensions because they were tied to enron?
More of our countries lovely war on labor fellas?

oh and, those 'evil' unions must be the problem , right?


News flash it was because the world finnaly caught up to us, American unions were part of the problem .

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