The pension hole for US cities and states is the size of Japan's economy

Excessive promises due to public unions.

Not in Florida.

Had the politicians not cut contributions in the 1990s, the plan would be fully funded today.

Likewise, the politicians didn't make any contributions to the pension for three years last decade. Had they done so, the plan would be nearly fully-funded today.

Just as a thought another liberal kicking the can down the road for votes.

Lawton Chiles

Lawton Mainor Chiles Jr. was an American politician from the U.S. state of Florida. He served as a United States Senator from 1971 to 1989 and as the 41st Governor of Florida from 1991 to 1998. Wikipedia


Born: April 3, 1930, Lakeland, FL
Died: December 12, 1998, Tallahassee, FL
Party: Democratic Party
Spouse: Rhea Chiles (m. 1951–1998)
Children: Bud Chiles, Ed Chiles, Tandy Barrett, Rhea Gaye MacKinnon
Education: Lakeland Senior High School, University of Florida



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Most professionals - lawyers, accountants, engineers - take a significantly reduced salary working for government compared to the private sector.

But WOW, those benefits and retirement benefits are astronomical. Plus, the work is easy, no deadlines, quotas or profits to worry about. Once in a while you'll find an exception but it is a lot like the postal service.
the PO is an exception to what you the PO work is not easy,as a letter carrier anyway,we had deadlines,we had quotas.....
And this right here is the problem. Public employees unions make unrealistic demands and corrupt politicians makes promises they know can't be kept in order to get their endorsement and get elected. I saw it time and time again when I was still living in Boston. Whoever got the union backing usually one and so, of course, they were willing to give the union pretty much whatever they wanted. It didn't matter how unrealistic it may have been. By the time the shit hit the fan it would be someone else's problem.

When times were flush, politicians made overly generous promises. Public-employee unions made unrealistic demands. High-profile municipal employees, such as coaches at public universities, have drawn fire for what some consider too-rich retirement benefits, while some first responders scored rich early retirement and disability arrangements.

The pension hole for US cities and states is the size of Japan's economy

Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.
Most professionals - lawyers, accountants, engineers - take a significantly reduced salary working for government compared to the private sector.

But WOW, those benefits and retirement benefits are astronomical. Plus, the work is easy, no deadlines, quotas or profits to worry about. Once in a while you'll find an exception but it is a lot like the postal service.
the PO is an exception to what you the PO work is not easy,we had deadlines,we had quotas.....

I use to work for a commercial mailhouse. I worked directly with many P.O.'s
The problem with the post office is much the same as government agencies... they are top heavy.
That is to say, the labor needed to actually perform the work is constantly short handed. However management and administrative areas are laughably over staffed.
And this right here is the problem. Public employees unions make unrealistic demands and corrupt politicians makes promises they know can't be kept in order to get their endorsement and get elected. I saw it time and time again when I was still living in Boston. Whoever got the union backing usually one and so, of course, they were willing to give the union pretty much whatever they wanted. It didn't matter how unrealistic it may have been. By the time the shit hit the fan it would be someone else's problem.

Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.
My latest tally: three years, five vacations, five mail holds...five fuck-ups.
Remember how many teachers in fl lost their pensions because they were tied to enron?

Yep, none.

The Florida Retirement System at the time had $100 Billion in investments and 7 Million shares of Enron. At $80 a share that's $560 Million. $560 Million is 0.56% of $100 Billion. A 1/2 of 1 percent hit didn't cause anyone to lose their pension.

(Not saying that $560 Million isn't a serious chunk of change, but no Florida pubic employee lost their pension because of it.)

Enron Fallout Hits State Pension Fund

And this right here is the problem. Public employees unions make unrealistic demands and corrupt politicians makes promises they know can't be kept in order to get their endorsement and get elected. I saw it time and time again when I was still living in Boston. Whoever got the union backing usually one and so, of course, they were willing to give the union pretty much whatever they wanted. It didn't matter how unrealistic it may have been. By the time the shit hit the fan it would be someone else's problem.

Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.
then dont use them dumbass....
Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.
My latest tally: three years, five vacations, five mail holds...five fuck-ups.
yea right....
And this right here is the problem. Public employees unions make unrealistic demands and corrupt politicians makes promises they know can't be kept in order to get their endorsement and get elected. I saw it time and time again when I was still living in Boston. Whoever got the union backing usually one and so, of course, they were willing to give the union pretty much whatever they wanted. It didn't matter how unrealistic it may have been. By the time the shit hit the fan it would be someone else's problem.

When times were flush, politicians made overly generous promises. Public-employee unions made unrealistic demands. High-profile municipal employees, such as coaches at public universities, have drawn fire for what some consider too-rich retirement benefits, while some first responders scored rich early retirement and disability arrangements.

The pension hole for US cities and states is the size of Japan's economy

When pensions were the norm, state legislatures simply did not fund it or took the funds and put it somewhere else. That has had bipartisan support. It has nothing to do with unions. It's the jack offs that are elected. That is what happened in PA and that is what happened in California. Didn't want to. Still don't want to.

So, basically, this is another article where a bunch of nitwits sit around and decide the numerous ways they can get out of not paying. The reality is that pensions have been moved to 401Ks and other shit. They are no longer the pensions of yesteryear.
all leading to>>>>

Don't you have a clue as to what was offered to you?

Do you know what the deal is in Galveston, Texas and two surrounding counties?

Do you agree that Social Security discriminates against blacks?
When pensions were the norm, state legislatures simply did not fund it or took the funds and put it somewhere else. That has had bipartisan support. It has nothing to do with unions. It's the jack offs that are elected. That is what happened in PA and that is what happened in California. Didn't want to. Still don't want to.

So, basically, this is another article where a bunch of nitwits sit around and decide the numerous ways they can get out of not paying. The reality is that pensions have been moved to 401Ks and other shit. They are no longer the pensions of yesteryear.

Saying the unions are innocent is just foolish.

Do you know how a double negative works?

Governments don't want you to have a 401k plan because then they don't get to hold and PROMISE you your retirement.
When pensions were the norm, state legislatures simply did not fund it or took the funds and put it somewhere else. That has had bipartisan support. It has nothing to do with unions. It's the jack offs that are elected. That is what happened in PA and that is what happened in California. Didn't want to. Still don't want to.

So, basically, this is another article where a bunch of nitwits sit around and decide the numerous ways they can get out of not paying. The reality is that pensions have been moved to 401Ks and other shit. They are no longer the pensions of yesteryear.

Saying the unions are innocent is just foolish.

Do you know how a double negative works?

Governments don't want you to have a 401k plan because then they don't get to hold and PROMISE you your retirement.

They already have 401k plans. Very few places have what were called pensions some 30 years ago. Trying to force the blame on unions for a bunch of douchbaggery that takes place at the state legislature or county level is flat out lying.
Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.
then dont use them dumbass....
Urine idiot.
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.
My latest tally: three years, five vacations, five mail holds...five fuck-ups.
yea right....
Better than usual this time...I only had to call and ask what the hell was going on, instead of having to actually go to the post office to get the mail that should have been delivered the previous week.
They already have 401k plans. Very few places have what were called pensions some 30 years ago. Trying to force the blame on unions for a bunch of douchbaggery that takes place at the state legislature or county level is flat out lying.

They already have 401k plans. Very few places have what were called pensions some 30 years ago. Trying to force the blame on unions for a bunch of douchbaggery that takes place at the state legislature or county level is flat out lying.


Save it. You aren't going to be happy until everyone, but you, is making five bucks an hour. You just flat out don't want to do it and you will do whatever it takes to make it so. But, you don't get to do is to bullshit your way through it.
And this right here is the problem. Public employees unions make unrealistic demands and corrupt politicians makes promises they know can't be kept in order to get their endorsement and get elected. I saw it time and time again when I was still living in Boston. Whoever got the union backing usually one and so, of course, they were willing to give the union pretty much whatever they wanted. It didn't matter how unrealistic it may have been. By the time the shit hit the fan it would be someone else's problem.

Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.

Oh yeah, all .GOV employees are pretty much the same soulless pieces of shits. They all hate their lives, they act like you’re bothering them to do their job, they have ZERO communication/people skills.
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.
My latest tally: three years, five vacations, five mail holds...five fuck-ups.
yea right....
Maybe He would know that if he’s sitting home all day doing nothing.
Public employees take reduced salaries in exchange for benefits packages.

That you spout nonsense is the problem
Public employees do not work for a living they get a free ride
not were i worked....

Haha...yeah, mail carriers really bust their balls. They’re such badasses....and the most pissed off people on the planet. NONE have people skills.

Ever mailed a package at the post office ,they are the slowest laziest assholes ,right up there with the DMV and DOT.

Oh yeah, all .GOV employees are pretty much the same soulless pieces of shits. They all hate their lives, they act like you’re bothering them to do their job, they have ZERO communication/people skills.
kind of like this poster we have here named brokeloser....

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