The PEOPLE sending a message! Speaker Ryan Booed at Trump Rally in Speaker's Wis. Hometown ^ | 3/29/16 | Todd Beamon
Speaker Paul Ryan was booed Tuesday after Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump mentioned him during a rally in his hometown in Wisconsin. "How do you like Paul Ryan?" Trump asked supporters at a rally in Janesville, The Hill reports. "You like him?" The boos overtook the cheers inside the Janesville Conference Center. "I was told to be nice to Paul Ryan," the developer added. "He's the speaker, he's a nice guy. "He called me the other day. He was very nice." Trump then asked the crowd whether they were Republicans and conservative. The supporters cheered in response to both questions,...


Trump and his followers are afraid that Ryan might be the one given the nomination by the GOP. It's already been determined that Trump won't be.

Perhaps the PEOPLE need to be reminded!!!


Silly teabagger. The GOP already told you they would chose the nominee--------not THE PEOPLE

How is this different than saying the Electoral College picks the President, not the People? We vote for the candidate and the winner of our state is awarded delegates. These delegates are the ones who select the nominee of our party. This is called Republican Democracy. It's what our Nation is founded on.

Now, on the other hand, the Democrats have Super Delegates who are ensuring the DNC picks their nominee, not the People. Matters not how many Democrats "feel the Bern"' the Super Delegates will choose Hillary. This is called Dictatorship.
You sorry conservative bastards can keep diluting your nut base with these extreme fools all you want...AND STILL THE COUNTRY WILL NOT GET A GOTDAMNED THINGS DONE. Dispite the gerrymandered districts, the low voter turn outs, the conservative courts, nothing will ever get done in this country unless you stupid shit for brains realize that the congress is for ALL THE GOTDAMNED PEOPLE, NOT JUST YOU FUCKED UP NUTS ROLLED IN SHIT FOR BRAINS VOMIT BREAD. If there is a god, please let Donald take this party straight to fuckin hell without any piss stops...THE WORLD IS SICK OF YOU FUCKIN PEOPLE!!
Who cares?

The latest polls have Cruz thumping Trump in Wisconsin.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Wisconsin Republican Presidential Primary

Cruz is going to win that state by some distance.


The Optimus poll where 6000 people were polled Trump is at 29%, Kasich 26%, and Cruz at 25% with a margin of error of 1.14%. Again this poll has 6000 polled. The other poll, the Marquette poll polls 471 people and finds Cruz at 40%, Trump at 30%, and Kasich at 21% with a margin of error of 5.8%. Interestingly, there is no mention of the Optimus poll anywhere when you google "Wisconsin polls" but Marquette is plastered everywhere. You would think that a poll polling 6000 people instead of 471 would give a better picture of what is happening especially when one only has a 1.4% margin of error and the other has 5.8%. The media seems totally disinterested. Conclusion! The Wisconsin race is wide open and Trump has a very good shot.

Take all of this poll data with a grain of salt. Instead look at the visible activity you can rely upon. The crowds, or the raw data which has not reached a filter.

Last Night – Between 8 and 9 p.m., when Cruz answered questions from Anderson Cooper and GOP voters in Wisconsin, CNN averaged 2.78 million viewers, 853,000 of whom were in the demo. Between 9 and 10 p.m., when it was Trump’s turn, CNN averaged 4.04 million viewers, with 1.33 million in the demo.

That’s 45.32% more people who tuned in to watch Donald Trump than watched Ted Cruz on the same show.
Kasich was on last, between 10 and 11 p.m. During that hour, CNN averaged 2.97 million viewers, with 999,000 in the demo.

CNN’s closest competitor during the evening, Fox News, also saw a boost when Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s 10 p.m. show. Hannity’s program with Trump averaged 466,000 in the demo, almost half as many as watched Kasich on CNN. (link)

Hey Vagifail

You see how the Optimus poll has an asterisk on it in Real Clear Politics?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Wisconsin Republican Presidential Primary

Do you know why?

Because RCP considers it to be a bad poll.

But keep clinging to that dream.

On November 9, it will be fun watching you blame everyone but your candidate and yourself why Hillary crushed Trump.


How much farther do you think Trump has fallen behind Hillary amongst women now?
Who cares?

The latest polls have Cruz thumping Trump in Wisconsin.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Wisconsin Republican Presidential Primary

Cruz is going to win that state by some distance.


The Optimus poll where 6000 people were polled Trump is at 29%, Kasich 26%, and Cruz at 25% with a margin of error of 1.14%. Again this poll has 6000 polled. The other poll, the Marquette poll polls 471 people and finds Cruz at 40%, Trump at 30%, and Kasich at 21% with a margin of error of 5.8%. Interestingly, there is no mention of the Optimus poll anywhere when you google "Wisconsin polls" but Marquette is plastered everywhere. You would think that a poll polling 6000 people instead of 471 would give a better picture of what is happening especially when one only has a 1.4% margin of error and the other has 5.8%. The media seems totally disinterested. Conclusion! The Wisconsin race is wide open and Trump has a very good shot.

Take all of this poll data with a grain of salt. Instead look at the visible activity you can rely upon. The crowds, or the raw data which has not reached a filter.

Last Night – Between 8 and 9 p.m., when Cruz answered questions from Anderson Cooper and GOP voters in Wisconsin, CNN averaged 2.78 million viewers, 853,000 of whom were in the demo. Between 9 and 10 p.m., when it was Trump’s turn, CNN averaged 4.04 million viewers, with 1.33 million in the demo.

That’s 45.32% more people who tuned in to watch Donald Trump than watched Ted Cruz on the same show.
Kasich was on last, between 10 and 11 p.m. During that hour, CNN averaged 2.97 million viewers, with 999,000 in the demo.

CNN’s closest competitor during the evening, Fox News, also saw a boost when Trump appeared on Sean Hannity’s 10 p.m. show. Hannity’s program with Trump averaged 466,000 in the demo, almost half as many as watched Kasich on CNN. (link)

Hey Vagifail

You see how the Optimus poll has an asterisk on it in Real Clear Politics?

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - Wisconsin Republican Presidential Primary

Do you know why?

Because RCP considers it to be a bad poll.

But keep clinging to that dream.

On November 9, it will be fun watching you blame everyone but your candidate and yourself why Hillary crushed Trump.

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How much farther do you think Trump has fallen behind Hillary amongst women now?
I saw Ann Coulter saying Trump is doing GREAT with women.

So it must be true.

Ryan is a liberal prick who is likely to be voted out of office next time around.

He is more proof that the margin between the pubs and Dems in ZERO

That's why I fired them after Sen Snow sold us down the river. Now many, many others are letting their vote for Trump send the message

You sorry conservative bastards can keep diluting your nut base with these extreme fools all you want...AND STILL THE COUNTRY WILL NOT GET A GOTDAMNED THINGS DONE. Dispite the gerrymandered districts, the low voter turn outs, the conservative courts, nothing will ever get done in this country unless you stupid shit for brains realize that the. congress is for ALL THE GOTDAMNED PEOPLE, NOT JUST YOU FUCKED UP NUTS ROLLED IN SHIT FOR BRAINS VOMIT BREAD. If there is a god, please let Donald take this party straight to fuckin hell without any piss stops...THE WORLD IS SICK OF YOU FUCKIN PEOPLE!!
You sound worried. The FBI wants to talk to Hillary. Is she going to talk to them? She said she is glad to talk to them.

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