"The People's Party"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.
There's only one viable party now and that's Republican. The fringe dwelling lunatics tried to take over the Democrats and it split them in to two factions with not enough votes to influence shit.

Good riddens, Democrats. You were shit 30 years ago and you're still shit.
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.
As mentioned you bring up Hillary and Biden but you left out the original rapist and Chief Slick Willy. You also left out 44. When a party brings forth candidates like those it is hard to imagine how anyone cares about that party. Yet you have the Democrats pointing fingers.
As far as a third party I see it as doomed to fail because it pulls votes away from the other parties with no chance of doing anything but allowing the worst possible candidate to be elected.
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

Whew..well, first off, that's a terrible name to choose for a third party. If you are trying to get reasonable people to join your cause without giving the right wing the chum of "Communist"...."Marxist"...that ain't the way to go about it. You know, now that I think about it, maybe getting a third party in this country going might have something to do with the lack of imagination in naming it. The Green Party (evokes the thought of money). Right now, in our country, given our political climate, a third party has no shot. How about disband both parties? Now we can start a discussion of how policy could be formed without agenda. I'm all for it. Let's talk.
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

Whew..well, first off, that's a terrible name to choose for a third party. If you are trying to get reasonable people to join your cause without giving the right wing the chum of "Communist"...."Marxist"...that ain't the way to go about it. You know, now that I think about it, maybe getting a third party in this country going might have something to do with the lack of imagination in naming it. The Green Party (evokes the thought of money). Right now, in our country, given our political climate, a third party has no shot. How about disband both parties? Now we can start a discussion of how policy could be formed without agenda. I'm all for it. Let's talk.
Well, in terms of probabilities, I'd put having a third party that could influence elections a few miles above disbanding those two massive political machines.

I'm not even talking about such a party winning anything more than a few rep seats and maybe a Senate seat here or there. But what it COULD do is smooth out the more insane edges of both parties by holding them both accountable. Obviously neither party has the balls (or the need, for that matter) to look in the mirror and hold itself accountable, so maybe a party with enough strength could do it.

I'd settle for that, sure as hell.
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

Whew..well, first off, that's a terrible name to choose for a third party. If you are trying to get reasonable people to join your cause without giving the right wing the chum of "Communist"...."Marxist"...that ain't the way to go about it. You know, now that I think about it, maybe getting a third party in this country going might have something to do with the lack of imagination in naming it. The Green Party (evokes the thought of money). Right now, in our country, given our political climate, a third party has no shot. How about disband both parties? Now we can start a discussion of how policy could be formed without agenda. I'm all for it. Let's talk.

When I hear Green Party, I always think environmental rather than money. :dunno:
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

Whew..well, first off, that's a terrible name to choose for a third party. If you are trying to get reasonable people to join your cause without giving the right wing the chum of "Communist"...."Marxist"...that ain't the way to go about it. You know, now that I think about it, maybe getting a third party in this country going might have something to do with the lack of imagination in naming it. The Green Party (evokes the thought of money). Right now, in our country, given our political climate, a third party has no shot. How about disband both parties? Now we can start a discussion of how policy could be formed without agenda. I'm all for it. Let's talk.
Well, in terms of probabilities, I'd put having a third party that could influence elections a few miles above disbanding those two massive political machines.

I'm not even talking about such a party winning anything more than a few rep seats and maybe a Senate seat here or there. But what it COULD do is smooth out the more insane edges of both parties by holding them both accountable. Obviously neither party has the balls (or the need, for that matter) to look in the mirror and hold itself accountable, so maybe a party with enough strength could do it.

I'd settle for that, sure as hell.
I'd steer clear from a party where some members think living wage reeducation camps are a good thing andlike no like biggie like bro

Might as well join the loopy libertarians or just stay independent
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

It's not the first third party to be called this. One recalls a quip by Gore Vidal: "As far as a third party, we tried that in 1972, the People's Party. Unfortunately we hadn't remembered that in order to have a third party, you must first have two other parties.".

Still true today.
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

Whew..well, first off, that's a terrible name to choose for a third party. If you are trying to get reasonable people to join your cause without giving the right wing the chum of "Communist"...."Marxist"...that ain't the way to go about it. You know, now that I think about it, maybe getting a third party in this country going might have something to do with the lack of imagination in naming it. The Green Party (evokes the thought of money). Right now, in our country, given our political climate, a third party has no shot. How about disband both parties? Now we can start a discussion of how policy could be formed without agenda. I'm all for it. Let's talk.

Why is it a terrible name?

Suppose the existing Demoplican-Republicrat Party were called the Corporatist Party. THAT would be a terrible name in terms of marketability, but a perfect name in terms of reality. The Corporatists might go for it.

How is the People's Party not inviting? Are you not a people?
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We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Simple I think. It had nothing to do with "anti-establishment" but with marketing. Rump, regardless what he was or wasn't, was going to $ell, and that's all a political party is in business for -- to sell itself power.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

Would that it could, and not to put a damper on that hope but those debates, like the greater system itself, are literally controlled by the Duopoly, in collusion. And part of that collusion with its bullshit "Commission on Presidential Debates" is to ensure that no third party gets to challenge the Duopoly.

The other major tool the Duopoly uses to keep its stranglehold is the Electoral College as it's practiced with Winner Take All states. That ensures that ONLY a '"red" or "blue" competitor ever gets a shot, leaving the general public with the recurring choice of "Bad" and "Even Worse". Both Red and Blue know they don't need to put out a quality candidate --- all they need is to put out one that beats the other color. That's why most of us end up voting not FOR this one but TO BLOCK that one. Because casting a vote for a 3P, in the current system, is going immediately into the round file -- thanks to those Electors and the WTA system.

So the first step in getting past all that is to abolish the Electrical College and the second is to wrest control of the debates out of the hands of exactly that two-headed entity that stands to benefit from controlling it.
There's only one viable party now and that's Republican.
That is the most anti-American statement I've ever read.

You did it to yourselves, don't bitch at the messenger.
You missed the point.
Not real surprising.

You didn't have a point. Just your libtarded musings.
So you're a mind reader?
How very... improbable.
Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.
Trump rather you agree with him or not addressed issuses in 2016 that resonated with people and that both parties had ignored for a long time. Border security, illegal immigration, bad trade deals, stagnet wages, criminal justice reform. Sanders has vocal supporters but the policies he pushes do not really have widespread appeal they sound good on the surface but the more you look beneath that you see they are not realisitic. Finally the more you learn about Sanders the more you realize he is not the anti-establishmen candidate he makes himself out to be he is more than willing to use the system and establishment to enrich himself and he has.
We often talk here about the need (or lack of need) for a Third Party.

Obviously there are many small and essentially impotent parties here and there, but this one is interesting: The People's Party – A coalition party for the people

The People's Party has been launched by Bernie supporters who have had it with a national party that churns out lousy candidates like Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. These people are PISSED. They're even pissed at Bernie, saying that he went "establishment" and refused to go after Biden like he should have.

Interesting to see that the "anti-establishment" candidate was successful for the GOP, but not for the Dems. I wonder why that would be.

Anyway, I'd like to see it gain enough strength to inspire a lot of people to tell both "major" parties to go fuck themselves. A third party isn't going to have any electoral chances any time soon, but maybe one could have enough juice to make the debates and shine the light on the Dems and GOP.

Take note...we have a third party....The Trumplican Party.

I very much agree that calling yourself a "Third Party" is just shooting yourself in the foot at this point. By doing so you're effectively placing yourself for sale in the same corrupt market as the hopelessly corrupt duopoly players. We need to trash all that and create an entirely new anti-corrupt political system. This People's "Party" or whatever can help kick the effort into high gear.


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