The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

We'll see what you Nazi's can cook up.

The scumbag Republicans, McDaniel's and McConnell - are FINALLY backing Walker.

There was MASSIVE fraud in this election - in Arizona and Pennsylvania. It looks like Georgia had a fairly clean election. So why didn't the need for ID stop ALL BLACK VOTERS the way you Nazi scum said it would?

You've said repeatedly that blacks are far too stupid to get ID. Could it be that you're just a fucking racist and really want to stuff ballot boxes, that black people have no trouble at all getting ID?

Already claiming fraud. You never learn do you?
what part did you want me to address with the “riddle me this” request?

No I didn’t hear about your local situation.

Yes the media picks high profile cases to highlight.

You said the MSM Won’t report on this right after posting a link of the MSM reporting on it… that’s funny, right?

It's not the MSM, it's our local news station and that's about as far as it got I'm sure. It's very questionable that Floyd died because of what the officer did but clear cut case of our local officer shooting a guy in the back and killing him. What's the difference? In the incident that happened here the officer was black and not white. That's why it's not a major event as far as the MSM is concerned.
It's probably too late already.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger let the teachers union beat him like a rented mule and then fuck him up the ass, America was lost.

The radical fascists behind the teachers union had won, no one could stand up to them (until Youngkin and DeSantis) - we have 20 years of unchecked indoctrination of our youth. The castration of Arnold didn't just affect California, it had national impact - it proved that the Teachers Union was all powerful and could do anything they wanted - groom them, slap masks on them, lock them OUT of schools and deny them an education. All with the full backing of the democrat Reich and the corrupt DNC media.
It's not making the mainstream media, but many school boards were cleaned out. That's where we change things.
Already claiming fraud. You never learn do you?

How did black people vote?

You INSISTED that black people are too stupid to get ID, yet black people voted in record numbers in Georgia. How is that possible? Did Nazi heroes like you go and get ID for them?

How could a record number of blacks vote since the Americans we suppressing the vote?

Real voter suppression is nullifying the legal votes of American citizens with millions of ballots from dead people and illegal aliens.

You Nazis don't believe in democracy - you lust for power, RAW POWER.
It's not the perception of cheating that's the problem, it's the perception that the other side winning represents the "end of life as we know it". That's what's driving all the denial. Our politics has become so fraught and divided that neither side can accept defeat to the other, so they reach for excuses, no matter how fleeting and unlikely, to justify their refusal. That's the problem we need to solve.
It's not the perception of cheating that's the problem, it's the perception that the other side winning represents the "end of life as we know it". That's what's driving all the denial. Our politics has become so fraught and divided that neither side can accept defeat to the other, so they reach for excuses, no matter how fleeting and unlikely, to justify their refusal. That's the problem we need to solve.
Easy way to solve it.

Get up offa your butt and fight for your rights
No one was " laughed out of court" Nazi boi. The justice system was DENIED to the Trump campaign - they were barred admission - no cases were heard.

You Nazis used the "Justice denied is justice denied" approach. The courts are reserved for Reich members, Americans are prohibited.
Because you don’t have evidence for election fraud. You guys are just a bunch of sore loser crybabies whining that you lost.

How does it feel, you little bitch? Did you enjoy your “red tsunami”? Cry for me.
Easy way to solve it.

Get up offa your butt and fight for your rights
Nah. The perception that it's a "fight" is the problem in the first place. Defend our rights, absolutely. But we can do that without all the hysterical fear-mongering, without treating elections as proxies for civil warfare, without pretending that our neighbors who happen to disagree with us are mortal enemies.
It's not the perception of cheating that's the problem, it's the perception that the other side winning represents the "end of life as we know it". That's what's driving all the denial. Our politics has become so fraught and divided that neither side can accept defeat to the other, so they reach for excuses, no matter how fleeting and unlikely, to justify their refusal. That's the problem we need to solve.

Not the end of life, the end of the Constitutional Republic. The agenda of the democrat Reich is not a secret.
Not the end of life, the end of the Constitutional Republic. The agenda of the democrat Reich is not a secret.
You're are a prime example. You live terrified of the left (Nazis!!!!). Our nation can't survive with half the nation wetting themselves every time the news says "boo!"
Because you don’t have evidence for election fraud. You guys are just a bunch of sore loser crybabies whining that you lost.

How does it feel, you little bitch? Did you enjoy your “red tsunami”? Cry for me.

How would we know? Trump was denied his day in court?

You Nazis didn't WIN any cases - you just derailed the justice system so there WERE no cases.

Judges were assured that should they hear a case involving the great steal, they would be cancelled, and possibly arrested by the Gestapo. Look at what the Dept. Of Injustice did to those who dared protest against the Reich?
Nah. The perception that it's a "fight" is the problem in the first place. Defend our rights, absolutely. But we can do that without all the hysterical fear-mongering, without treating elections as proxies for civil warfare, without pretending that our neighbors who happen to disagree with us are mortal enemies.
You, like most others, are completely missing the point.

Here's the real issue, in one word: BOUNDARIES.

You trample on my boundaries, I fuck you up. I don't CARE what your excuse is.

You should be asking yourself: what is causing the boundaries to move, and who's doing the trampling.
You're are a prime example. You live terrified of the left (Nazis!!!!). Our nation can't survive with half the nation wetting themselves every time the news says "boo!"

Our nation can't survive with half the population seeking the end of the Constitution and the bill of rights.

Funny how NO ONE will ever see you condemning democrats openly calling to end the 1st Amendment.

In September 2014, 54 Democratic senators voted to repeal the First Amendment of the Constitution.

They were supporting a proposed constitutional amendment by Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., whose stated goal was to overturn the Supreme Court’s landmark Citizens United decision, which struck down a host of dubious campaign finance rules.}

Simply because you would gladly see the bill of rights ended.

No one here saw you speaking out against Joe Biden's attempt to establish a "Ministry of Truth" to dictate what people may or may not post online.

The FACT is that you are dedicated to ending civil liberties across the board.
You're are a prime example. You live terrified of the left (Nazis!!!!). Our nation can't survive with half the nation wetting themselves every time the news says "boo!"
Dumbshit, commies have a track record.

They killed 120 million innocent people the last century.

If you want to invite commies into your house it's your own fuckin problem.

But don't you fucking DARE to invite them into MY house.
It's not the perception of cheating that's the problem, it's the perception that the other side winning represents the "end of life as we know it". That's what's driving all the denial. Our politics has become so fraught and divided that neither side can accept defeat to the other, so they reach for excuses, no matter how fleeting and unlikely, to justify their refusal. That's the problem we need to solve.

I don't think it's that at all. What is feared is what we can't see. We can't see the people who mailed in their ballots. It's just an envelop that comes through the mail that could be filled out by anybody. We can't see what goes on inside those ballot machines. For all we know, it was rigged to vote the opposite of how you voted.

So the two problems we have where people don't trust elections are mail-in ballots and technology, something we didn't have 40 years ago. In order to restore voter confidence, we need to go back to hand count all ballots, no technology, and mail-in only for those that have a legitimate reason why they can't vote in person. All those ballots should require your DL number and the last four of your SS number.
How would we know? Trump was denied his day in court?

You Nazis didn't WIN any cases - you just derailed the justice system so there WERE no cases.

Judges were assured that should they hear a case involving the great steal, they would be cancelled, and possibly arrested by the Gestapo. Look at what the Dept. Of Injustice did to those who dared protest against the Reich?
You have nothing. Your crybaby temper tantrum went nowhere and will continue to go nowhere. You people need to focus on evidence, not your feelings.

Does that make you upset? Cry for me you little bitch.

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