The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

What do you want to investigate now?
The mules could be IDd. Lets start there. Dominions machines need to be forensiclly audited no excuses. The ballots should be able to be viewed at once. No stalling, results.

Do you think that is going to happen? Not with the scum we have leading country. You voted to destroy this country and it looks like it is going to happen. It will catch up with you.
The mules could be IDd. Lets start there. Dominions machines need to be forensiclly audited no excuses. The ballots should be able to be viewed at once. No stalling, results.

Do you think that is going to happen? Not with the scum we have leading country. You voted to destroy this country and it looks like it is going to happen. It will catch up with you.
Are you talking about 2020 or these most recent elections?
Do you think that is going to happen? Not with the scum we have leading country. You voted to destroy this country and it looks like it is going to happen. It will catch up with you.
No it’s not going to happen… there’s no reason for it to happen. Sane people have moved on from 2020 and aren’t going to give credence to your lies and conspiracies
I’m sorry do you even have the numbers on how many of Trump’s picks won?
Don't apologize, you are right to question it.

Happy to provide them:

Here's some numbers from, having compiled them from the AP:

(I edited down to the numbers only, taking out any spin)

A total of 25 Senate candidates and 162 House candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump were on the ballot in the Nov. 8 midterm elections.

Among Trump’s Senate endorsees, the Associated Press has declared 17 winners.

For non-math nerds, that is 68%, more than 2/3 of his Senate endorsees already declared winners.

Three tossup Senate races have not yet been called by the AP. In each of those races, the Republican candidates were endorsed by Trump: Blake Masters in Arizona, Herschel Walker in Georgia and Adam Laxalt in Nevada. Laxalt currently leads by 3 points, with 75% of the vote reported, and Masters trails by 5 points, with 68% reported.

Assuming a Laxalt win* and a Masters loss, that is 18 winners out of 25, for 72% of Trump Senate endorsees winning.

On the House side, Trump-endorsed candidates broadly performed well: 141 of the 162 endorsed candidates had been deemed election winners by AP as of Wednesday afternoon.

141 out of 162 is 87% of Trump-backed candidates for the House winning. Not sure why Marketwatch felt the need to add the "broadly" as a qualifier.

If my junior high math is right, that is 84% of Trump-endorsed congressional candidates winning. I have to admit, that I was buying into the "bad night for Trump" spin. A Trump endorsement, statistically, was the best predictor of a win.

*In fact, I don't assume a Laxalt win. Dems are desperate to maintain the Senate and ram through their agenda. I predict shenanigans in Nevada, a state already not known for its dedication to honesty and hard work.

Either way, you can’t pretend solid red races would have gone to democrats if Trump hadn’t endorsed them. It sounds like you have a very dim view of your own party if that’s the case lol. Talk about yikes dude.
Not assuming anything.

I'm stating facts with numbers to back them up. Spin aside, 84% of Trump-backed candidates won. If 84% of congressional races were "non-competitive," you should have a dim view of your own party's ability to be competitive.
As far as the elections that were TOSS UPS, and not solid blue or red, Trump failed to have an effect that mattered.
I provided numbers and a link for my claim. Feel free to do the same.

You are more likely basing your claim on headlines like these:




You really should stop trusting these headlines that appear to tell the whole story so you don't fact-check them. They are putting one over on you.
Fuck your self. It’s even simpler.
The conservative Heritage Foundation did their own deep dive into voter fraud. The result? They collected a record of 1300 cases in FOUR DECADES. Not only that, but that 1300 wasn’t even limited to national elections. That 1300 encompassed cases ranging to city elections as well.

Face it. You’re all sore loser bitches.
The conservative Heritage Foundation did their own deep dive into voter fraud.
False it wasn’t a deep dive, you hack lying bitch propagandist retard. They complex a list of arrests and prosecutions. If your retarded enough to believe that the only ones that have ever occurred were the ones that have been caught and prosecuted than your even more tragically retarded than you’ve come across.

And that’s astounding.
Face it. You’re all sore loser bitches.
Face it. You’re an utterly unpersuasive fucktard lying rancid donkey twat.
Fantasies of cheating are something real adults don’t have time to indulge. Provide the evidence voter fraud is rampant and widespread or shut up. It’s that simple.


We're not playing this game by your rules.

Not at all.
Sorry bout that,

1. There was no cheating, no fraud?
2. So you really think that a person who doesn't campaign, stayed holed up in his basement, for President, and when he sets up a rally, on the road, four people show up.
3. That person gets 81 MILLLION votes cast for him?
4. Really??? lol!!!!
5. LIAR!!!!!!

You've underestimated how much democrats, never trumpers and independents wanted that Liar n Cheat gone....

Donald Trump....

that's all that mattered to us!

Biden, Schiden, Miden, Liden, Piden....who the heck cared? The goal was to get rid of the unAmerican, man of lawlessness, Trump!
Don't apologize, you are right to question it.

Happy to provide them:

Here's some numbers from, having compiled them from the AP:

(I edited down to the numbers only, taking out any spin)

A total of 25 Senate candidates and 162 House candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump were on the ballot in the Nov. 8 midterm elections.

Among Trump’s Senate endorsees, the Associated Press has declared 17 winners.

For non-math nerds, that is 68%, more than 2/3 of his Senate endorsees already declared winners.

Three tossup Senate races have not yet been called by the AP. In each of those races, the Republican candidates were endorsed by Trump: Blake Masters in Arizona, Herschel Walker in Georgia and Adam Laxalt in Nevada. Laxalt currently leads by 3 points, with 75% of the vote reported, and Masters trails by 5 points, with 68% reported.

Assuming a Laxalt win* and a Masters loss, that is 18 winners out of 25, for 72% of Trump Senate endorsees winning.

On the House side, Trump-endorsed candidates broadly performed well: 141 of the 162 endorsed candidates had been deemed election winners by AP as of Wednesday afternoon.

141 out of 162 is 87% of Trump-backed candidates for the House winning. Not sure why Marketwatch felt the need to add the "broadly" as a qualifier.

If my junior high math is right, that is 84% of Trump-endorsed congressional candidates winning. I have to admit, that I was buying into the "bad night for Trump" spin. A Trump endorsement, statistically, was the best predictor of a win.

*In fact, I don't assume a Laxalt win. Dems are desperate to maintain the Senate and ram through their agenda. I predict shenanigans in Nevada, a state already not known for its dedication to honesty and hard work.

Not assuming anything.

I'm stating facts with numbers to back them up. Spin aside, 84% of Trump-backed candidates won. If 84% of congressional races were "non-competitive," you should have a dim view of your own party's ability to be competitive.

I provided numbers and a link for my claim. Feel free to do the same.

You are more likely basing your claim on headlines like these:

View attachment 724956

View attachment 724957

View attachment 724958

You really should stop trusting these headlines that appear to tell the whole story so you don't fact-check them. They are putting one over on you.
Lol I don’t need to provide my own numbers because I can explain how your numbers need to be read along the lines. Lexalt and Masters both LOST. Therefore your narrative about tossups is way out dated and wrong.

The House really isn’t anything different. Republicans will take the House by a razor thin margin. Why does this matter? Because given the dynamics of the race like who and where, republicans have ALWAYS been favored to win the House. The whole thing was a foregone conclusion. That meant that you would think republicans would take the House with a solid, big margin but it won’t be. It’ll be BARELY a win.

Trump did not NEED to endorse all those solid red elections. Trump just wanted them to beat their primary opponents. That’s the only use they served. They would have won either way against democrats. As far as the races that were consequential, he failed. I don’t know if he endorsed Boebert or not, but she ran in a solid red district in my state. She is currently ahead only .5%. That’s pathetic. She should have killed it, but she’s so fucking stupid that Voters woke up.
False it wasn’t a deep dive, you hack lying bitch propagandist retard. They complex a list of arrests and prosecutions. If your retarded enough to believe that the only ones that have ever occurred were the ones that have been caught and prosecuted than your even more tragically retarded than you’ve come across.

And that’s astounding.

Face it. You’re an utterly unpersuasive fucktard lying rancid donkey twat.
Hey idiot unless you provide real numbers for evidence, you’re just noise. No one wants to hear noise.
You've underestimated how much democrats, never trumpers and independents wanted that Liar n Cheat gone....

Donald Trump....

that's all that mattered to us!

Biden, Schiden, Miden, Liden, Piden....who the heck cared? The goal was to get rid of the unAmerican, man of lawlessness, Trump!
Well, you failed.
Is actual police video okay for you?

Actual police video would be fine but that’s not what you posted. So we have an article referring to a source who said they saw the video and it contradicts what was reported. Is that correct?

And you’re blinding believing that anonymous source? Or did you see the video somewhere else?
Yea, like which ones?
Are you serious? Read the news of any city and you'll see. Do you think George Floyd was that rare? The media tells us what's news and what isn't, and the media is told what to blow up and what to ignore. We live in a political world. What did Obama do when he needed to arouse the Democrat base? He took an obscure story and blew it up and made it national, Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. When does any President bother with a local matter like that? They don't, but he did. Why?

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