The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

Actual police video would be fine but that’s not what you posted. So we have an article referring to a source who said they saw the video and it contradicts what was reported. Is that correct?

And you’re blinding believing that anonymous source? Or did you see the video somewhere else?

It's an NBC report. I assumed you would trust a left-wing site. And if you watched the video, the person interviewing the DA asked her why Piglosi did what he did describing he opened the door, and she didn't refute that.
Lol I don’t need to provide my own numbers because I can explain how your numbers need to be read along the lines.
You should read more. It is much more fun to be able to provide numbers than to desperately try to explain them a way.
Lexalt and Masters both LOST. Therefore your narrative about tossups is way out dated and wrong.
I specified that i was not assuming that either would win.
The House really isn’t anything different. Republicans will take the House by a razor thin margin. Why does this matter? Because given the dynamics of the race like who and where, republicans have ALWAYS been favored to win the House. The whole thing was a foregone conclusion. That meant that you would think republicans would take the House with a solid, big margin but it won’t be. It’ll be BARELY a win.

Trump did not NEED to endorse all those solid red elections. Trump just wanted them to beat their primary opponents. That’s the only use they served. They would have won either way against democrats. As far as the races that were consequential, he failed. I don’t know if he endorsed Boebert or not, but she ran in a solid red district in my state. She is currently ahead only .5%. That’s pathetic. She should have killed it, but she’s so fucking stupid that Voters woke up.
Sorry, Billy!

You'll have to have Trump living in your head for several more years.
Are you serious? Read the news of any city and you'll see. Do you think George Floyd was that rare? The media tells us what's news and what isn't, and the media is told what to blow up and what to ignore. We live in a political world. What did Obama do when he needed to arouse the Democrat base? He took an obscure story and blew it up and made it national, Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. When does any President bother with a local matter like that? They don't, but he did. Why?

There is a prime example of what you speak of that happened here in Cleveland. A black officer who was on the force for a short period of time shot a black suspect in the back as he was running away. The catch is the officer is also black, and I bet nobody outside of this area knows about this story. The officer in question was asked to leave his job with another local department because of work related issues, somewhat similar to the Tamir Rice incident that also happened here in Cleveland. Assuming the story was kept local, why didn't the MSM latch onto it and make it a national event? It happened several months ago, and the officer that shot the suspect is back on full duty. Nahh, not newsworthy.

It's an NBC report. I assumed you would trust a left-wing site. And if you watched the video, the person interviewing the DA asked her why Piglosi did what he did describing he opened the door, and she didn't refute that.
I don’t trust anything I hear from strangers… take it all with a grain of salt and looks what evidence they have to back up their claims. I thought you’d do the same thing… no?
It's an NBC report. I assumed you would trust a left-wing site. And if you watched the video, the person interviewing the DA asked her why Piglosi did what he did describing he opened the door, and she didn't refute that.
Ahh yes, I just watched the report. It does sound like Paul did open the door. That is curious as to why the feds report got it wrong. Doesn’t help calm the conspiracy nuts out there. That’s for sure.

But sounds like good networks like NBC and the MSM are still investigating and reporting on it. Bringing you great stories like the one you just linked to. Hopefully that helps you sleep at night
Ahh yes, I just watched the report. It does sound like Paul did open the door. That is curious as to why the feds report got it wrong. Doesn’t help calm the conspiracy nuts out there. That’s for sure.

But sounds like good networks like NBC and the MSM are still investigating and reporting on it. Bringing you great stories like the one you just linked to. Hopefully that helps you sleep at night

I could really care less about Piglosi. My point is because there was something going on there they want to keep from the public, the MSM will surly make that happen, and they did.
I don’t trust anything I hear from strangers… take it all with a grain of salt and looks what evidence they have to back up their claims. I thought you’d do the same thing… no?

When Floyd died we knew everything that happened including the name of the officer involved in less than ten hours. Here we have a case that should be transparent as glass and several weeks later, don't know much more than we did before.

Political positions come with privilege.
I could really care less about Piglosi. My point is because there was something going on there they want to keep from the public, the MSM will surly make that happen, and they did.
Didnt you just link a report by the MSM reporting it to the public??
When Floyd died we knew everything that happened including the name of the officer involved in less than ten hours. Here we have a case that should be transparent as glass and several weeks later, don't know much more than we did before.

Political positions come with privilege.
That’s because he was killed by a police officer and the police department needed to answer to the public. You don’t see the difference here?
That’s because he was killed by a police officer and the police department needed to answer to the public. You don’t see the difference here?

Is that what you think? Okay. Then riddle me this:

Recently in our city a police officer shot a suspect in the back running away from him. The suspect was black and so was the officer. This happened during the summer. Did you hear anything about this case? Of course not. The MSM couldn't get people riled up enough to protest or riot because the officer was also black.

While the case is still under investigation for months, the officer involved had issues with the last department he worked for and was asked to leave. He is now back on full duty while the investigation is going on.

Bottom line is the MSM only reports what they know will rile people up, hence the Floyd death. For all other similar stories, they are local as this one is. They pick and choose what to follow up on, and this Piglosi case is not one of them.

Is that what you think? Okay. Then riddle me this:

Recently in our city a police officer shot a suspect in the back running away from him. The suspect was black and so was the officer. This happened during the summer. Did you hear anything about this case? Of course not. The MSM couldn't get people riled up enough to protest or riot because the officer was also black.

While the case is still under investigation for months, the officer involved had issues with the last department he worked for and was asked to leave. He is now back on full duty while the investigation is going on.

Bottom line is the MSM only reports what they know will rile people up, hence the Floyd death. For all other similar stories, they are local as this one is. They pick and choose what to follow up on, and this Piglosi case is not one of them.

what part did you want me to address with the “riddle me this” request?

No I didn’t hear about your local situation.

Yes the media picks high profile cases to highlight.

You said the MSM Won’t report on this right after posting a link of the MSM reporting on it… that’s funny, right?
If you think tossing that term around makes you sound any less Aryan, you’re failing Adolph.

So if/when Warnock wins…no complaint of voter fraud by the DEMS will be legitimate, right?

We'll see what you Nazi's can cook up.

The scumbag Republicans, McDaniel's and McConnell - are FINALLY backing Walker.

There was MASSIVE fraud in this election - in Arizona and Pennsylvania. It looks like Georgia had a fairly clean election. So why didn't the need for ID stop ALL BLACK VOTERS the way you Nazi scum said it would?

You've said repeatedly that blacks are far too stupid to get ID. Could it be that you're just a fucking racist and really want to stuff ballot boxes, that black people have no trouble at all getting ID?
The strong red elections do not at all count because the Republican would have won regardless. When it comes to the competitive races that decided the election, those candidates either failed or the candidate won by a tiny margin. All these considered, Republicans failed to re capture the senate and their House control will be razor thin.
The Nazi party in Nevada took 4 days, but they finally "found" the votes needed to seize power.
And if we allow these deranged perverts to keep indoctrinating children we aren't gonna have a USA.
It's probably too late already.

When Arnold Schwarzenegger let the teachers union beat him like a rented mule and then fuck him up the ass, America was lost.

The radical fascists behind the teachers union had won, no one could stand up to them (until Youngkin and DeSantis) - we have 20 years of unchecked indoctrination of our youth. The castration of Arnold didn't just affect California, it had national impact - it proved that the Teachers Union was all powerful and could do anything they wanted - groom them, slap masks on them, lock them OUT of schools and deny them an education. All with the full backing of the democrat Reich and the corrupt DNC media.
And you idiots wonder why you keep getting laughed out of court.

No one was " laughed out of court" Nazi boi. The justice system was DENIED to the Trump campaign - they were barred admission - no cases were heard.

You Nazis used the "Justice denied is justice denied" approach. The courts are reserved for Reich members, Americans are prohibited.

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