The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

Idiot, no one can win a general with 2/3 of his own party against him.
Hey idiot those same exact people will still vote for any Republican against a democrat. Even if they voted third party instead, they would still splinter the Republican Party and guarantee a democrat win.
You're an ignorant pawn. It's amazing how quickly taking a knee just disappeared after Trump left office. We never hear anything about racist cops anymore. Amazing how we don't see Black Lives Matter or Antifa destruction. Things have been quiet since Trump left office. You're the babies. You threw a national infantile fit until Trump was gone.
Prove your claims to the court or shut the fuck up, crybaby.

I’m not interested in your tinfoil hat nonsense.
Hey idiot those same exact people will still vote for any Republican against a democrat. Even if they voted third party instead, they would still splinter the Republican Party and guarantee a democrat win.

You're a fool.

You think no one notices your bullshit?

Go away.
Hey idiot those same exact people will still vote for any Republican against a democrat. Even if they voted third party instead, they would still splinter the Republican Party and guarantee a democrat win.

I'm looking for Tulsi to start her own party and do the same to the Democrats.
The point is that you shouldn’t be impressed. You shouldn’t be impressed that he has his fortune now because if he never had that silver spoon, he would definitely not be billionaire.

His luck was learning the business from his father, not the money so much. Maybe he wouldn't be billionaire, but without a doubt a very wealthy man.
It’s a fucking joke that this late counting is being talked about like it’s normal and acceptable.
If they are using the mail-in ballot system to cheat....and I think they are....they would still allow many Red voters to get through so it appears statistically natural and legit. If they were winning by landslides every time that would draw suspicion.

So the DEMS engineered a system where they can’t get bills passed in the House as an elaborate rouse?
But only never Trump republicans have a shot at winning a general election. That’s true whether you like it or not. Trump got lucky in 2016 based the states he was ever win, but with that election and 2020, he lost the popular vote. He doesn’t have any appeal among moderates or leftwingers. He’s useless.
The facts say you are wrong.

The overwhelming majority of Trump-backed candidates won their general elections.
Georgia put stringent election integrity laws in place. Remember how you Nazis claimed that no black person was smart enough to get ID and requiring voter ID would block all black votes?
If you think tossing that term around makes you sound any less Aryan, you’re failing Adolph.

So if/when Warnock wins…no complaint of voter fraud by the DEMS will be legitimate, right?
The facts say you are wrong.

The overwhelming majority of Trump-backed candidates won their general elections.
The strong red elections do not at all count because the Republican would have won regardless. When it comes to the competitive races that decided the election, those candidates either failed or the candidate won by a tiny margin. All these considered, Republicans failed to re capture the senate and their House control will be razor thin.

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