The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

It’s not insurrection nor terrorist to declare that the same areas time after time who straggle in with vote computation are doing so by design. It’s reasoning.
What update are you looking for?

What really happened for one. It was first reported as an intruder breaking into the home and assaulting her husband. As it unraveled, it turns out Paul answered the door when police arrived. Who called the police? What was the complaint? According to the latest reports, he didn't assault Piglosi until the police actually arrived. Who was this man and what was his relationship between him, Nancy and her husband? And what's going to happen to him? Did the Pelosi's press charges? What's going on there.

But again, as I predicted, once the election is over, don't look for any updates on that story.
It’s not insurrection nor terrorist to declare that the same areas time after time who straggle in with vote computation are doing so by design. It’s reasoning.
Of course it is not.It is completely legal and all the charges warrant investigations that never happen. Why it does not happen is as obvious as the fraud.
Meanwhile back in reality...

The GOP is increasing their numbers in the House.

If the democrats are'd think they'd get better results because apparently the democrats are able to do it everywhere, every time and, at the same it without any proof whatsoever.

It makes you wonder how the GOP wins any election.
If they are using the mail-in ballot system to cheat....and I think they are....they would still allow many Red voters to get through so it appears statistically natural and legit. If they were winning by landslides every time that would draw suspicion.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 52% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 36% who think it is Very Likely. Forty-three percent (43%) don’t believe it’s likely cheating affected the 2020 outcome, including 30% who say it’s Not At All Likely. These findings are similar to previous surveys in May and March. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters think it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty-one percent (41%) don’t believe cheating is likely to affect the November midterms, including 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Voters remain skeptical of the integrity of vote-by-mail. Fifty-eight percent (58%) think it’s at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, including 39% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t believe mail-in voting is likely to lead to more cheating, including 16% who say it’s Not At All Likely. In October 2021, 65% said wider use of mail-in voting would lead to more cheating in elections.

It is relatively easy, compared to landing a man on the moon, or getting a vaccine developed and approved in a matter of months, or winning a war against both Germany and Japan's military machines, to ensure election security. The steps demanded by people concerned about cheating are pretty simple: Photo ID to register, photo ID to vote, and no absentee ballots except in limited and tightly controlled situations like military service, would easily address the concerns of voters who now wonder whether their vote even matters any more.

If the Democrat care so much about Democracy, they would demand the same thing. Especially an honest Dem who honestly believes that there is no significant cheating by Dems. If a Dem believes that, they should be willing to tighten up election security as you suggest so that confidence in Democracy is restored.

Suppose there is no widespread cheating. There is no way to prove that, since cheating is by nature furtive, and little to no resources are spent in catching it. But just suppose that the majority of Americans are wrong, and that in the reality that they don't know, there is very little cheating and what little there is on both sides cancel each other out.

It is not impossible that this is the reality. Perceptions can be wrong.

But . . . there is at this moment in time widespread perception of cheating and that is just as dangerous to Democracy, if not more so.

It's not just Trump cultists who are concerned about cheating:

Asked which is more important in elections, 59% say making sure there is no cheating is more important, while 38% say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. Those findings are almost unchanged from May.

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 64% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.

If large chunks of the country lose interest in democracy as a way to affect change because they believe in the old meme, "if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it," they are not just going to passively accept their fate of being ruled by corrupt elites. They are going to look for ways outside of democracy to free themselves. That is the danger.

It is easy enough to vote. The above numbers show that more than half the Republicans and Democrats combined think it is more important to make sure there is no cheating than to make voting easier. With that kind of support for eliminating cheating, it should be an easy decision to take on a relatively easy mission.
Boarding AA 777 to BCN had to pass a facial recognition scanner, tell me we can’t have voter ID?
If they are using the mail-in ballot system to cheat....and I think they are....they would still allow many Red voters to get through so it appears statistically natural and legit. If they were winning by landslides every time that would draw suspicion.

It would be suspicious no matter what.

Who with an IQ over 40 would vote for a party that stands for siding with criminals, anti-police, anti-gun, out of control inflation, record high fuel prices, a deteriorated border, more violent crime, more government dependency and wasting hundreds of billions on a theory? Who with a brain larger than a fruit fly would vote for something like that?
Here are two that it took me about 12 seconds to find:

And yet somehow despite this cheating in now the "competitive races", Georgia is yet again having a runoff.

Let me guess...that is also planned by the Democrats...cheat just enough to lose the Governor's mansion but also not win the Senate seat outright!!!

Really have to be brain damaged to think the way you do.

Georgia put stringent election integrity laws in place. Remember how you Nazis claimed that no black person was smart enough to get ID and requiring voter ID would block all black votes?
I think, states are trying harder to make sure procedures insure there is proper oversight with checks and double checks in place. The call of "they cheated" will be harder and harder to prove, because it will be false when put forth and the checks and witness will prove it and mistakes will be caught and corrected. There is not a state or county out there, that wants to be the butt of the joke for the country and are taking steps to make sure, it isn't them.

That's my opinion and I am not worried.
Because nothing says our elections are safe and secure when democrats are still “counting votes” on Veterans Day
Sore loser crybabies are only going to cry election fraud when they lose.
Sore loser crybabies are only going to cry election fraud when they lose.
Which is why we need to take steps to ensure that cheating is harder, and verification is easier. When more than half the country is "sore loser crybabies, it is time for honest people to address their concerns.

If they care about the survival of democracy.

Voter ID doesn't discriminate by race, religion, party, or gender-fluidity status. Neither does eliminating mail-in ballots other than for military, neither does paper ballots that can be verified in recounts.

All those steps discriminate against one group: cheaters.

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