The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

MAGA has to understand that outside of MAGA's media echo chamber, you look really weird to much of the rest of the country. You put up weird candidates that say weird things that turn off the maybe 2-3% of the electorate that swing elections.

The formula is pretty simple. Stop being weird and you'll win more.
So, you are saying that a normal nuclear family is the weird and a family with several entities with a man a woman, animals and children all in a bed having sexual relations is what we should all aspire to. For that is where we are heading.
Oh please. Look at what's happening in AZ and NV and tell me that has anything to do with Trump.
I did not say it did. I was just responding to the poster, that had the orange man comment.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm going to bring the minority into the majority.
2. Every election from now on *WILL* be stolen.
3. At this point it really doesn't matter, they steal, SC ok's it.
4. Unless the SC stands up and shoots this shit down, expect more of the same.

yeh, that's interesting.. why SC doesn't do anything, doesn't take any of thecases.. Do they want us to loss our system of .. the system the Founders set up?


which part of that system do they want to get rid of? The whole thing?

But maybe they are just waiting for the right case.. that kind of thing happened with Roe.. The SC is rather complicated to non-lawyers. But I have studied some law and.. still don't get it.. But I think I will do more Searches on this kind of thing.

Votes counted in secret?

No fucking way!

=> NO <= way.

Yeah. Fiddling while Rome burns. We get it
What state is having votes counted in secret? I have not even read that before on here. Or are you speaking of something from the past?
yeh, that's interesting.. why SC doesn't do anything, doesn't take any of thecases.. Do they want us to loss our system of .. the system the Founders set up?


which part of that system do they want to get rid of? The whole thing?

But maybe they are just waiting for the right case.. that kind of thing happened with Roe.. The SC is rather complicated to non-lawyers. But I have studied some law and.. still don't get it.. But I think I will do more Searches on this kind of thing.

Courts don't like to get involved in elections period. The only reason they got involved in the Gore/Bush race is because the Florida Supreme court was practicing judicial legislation, and the SC asked them WTF did they think they were doing? Other than that, don't look for courts to get involved.
Lol how is anything he said a lie? Face it: Trump’s a useless sack of dog shit. He has no future in politics now.

For one Trump became a billionaire himself; his father never had a billion dollars to pass to his several heirs. Next is the fact Trump had five bankruptcies (none personally) but owned or operated over 500 businesses in his career. That's a 1% failure rate that any CEO would be proud to have on their record.
Biden’s chances, or any democrat’s chances really, in 2024 are a lot better than they were. Republicans absolutely failed miserably. No amount of spin will change that. It always makes me giddy to see republicans fail lol.

We didn't fail, we just didn't do as good as we thought. Taking the gavel way from Piglosi is a major win. It will shift the phony 1/6 investigation into a real investigation not focused on Trump. It will be focused on who did what and the release of those thousand hours of video the commies have been hiding from the people and Congress. It will give us the ability to put Piglosi on the stand, even if she retires and tries to hide.

Next is looking into the dealings of the Biden crime family.
Courts don't like to get involved in elections period. The only reason they got involved in the Gore/Bush race is because the Florida Supreme court was practicing judicial legislation, and the SC asked them WTF did they think they were doing? Other than that, don't look for courts to get involved.
they need to get involved

if our country going down the drain is not an important or Constitutional issue, what the hell is?

We didn't fail, we just didn't do as good as we thought. Taking the gavel way from Piglosi is a major win. It will shift the phony 1/6 investigation into a real investigation not focused on Trump. It will be focused on who did what and the release of those thousand hours of video the commies have been hiding from the people and Congress. It will give us the ability to put Piglosi on the stand, even if she retires and tries to hide.

Next is looking into the dealings of the Biden crime family.
i hope the Rs do these things u say?

I'm wondering... Sometimes it seems that DC is just one big party for the elites.. both sides.. they live high on the hog while everyday Americans who pay for them to live high on the hog don't get to live high on the hog..

tired of the BS
Isn't it interesting, all by itself, that the few libs here.. It seems ALL of them came out at once to react to this thread!

Yes, that is interesting, all by itself.. something like the first 10 posts in response are from demonrats..
Democrats love the idea of voting as multiple people, as evidenced by how much they defend it. I'm sure they have multiple accounts also.
I think we would do much better with a parliamentary system. Trying to have the benefit of a king without the downside of heridatary rule led the framers to create the branches of government, which ensured that right after Washington, two parties would vie for the "crown."

And the solution to the bad 2 party system is to eliminate primaries, have a single open elections, where you rank all the candidates. The prevents the need for a run off, and eliminates any party influence.
Democrats love the idea of voting as multiple people, as evidenced by how much they defend it. I'm sure they have multiple accounts also.
yeh, they undoubtedly have multiple personalities also

one of which is always whispering in their ear: This is not the way.. This is not the way (yeh, I watched The Labyrinth movie)

but they don't listen to that personality.. They want to hold onto their 3 yr old personality

and the Psycho personality that says to keep murdering children
I really don't think over half does think it is rigged. Being concerned about it being rigged is not the same as believing it is rigged. Those that believe it is rigged are in the minority.

I try to pay as little attention to what "Orange Man" brings up, as possible, now that he is out. I do not think Voldemort will ever exercise the power he had. I think this election showed that.

I do not think the elections necessarily are rigged for sure, but voting machines make is far easier and serve no possible value at all except to facilitate fraud if one wanted to risk doing that.
We've spent trillions on the perception of global warming without any hard facts. We shouldn't do more to insure honest elections?

We have lots of "hard evidence" of global warming, like the rapid loss of glaciers, rising oceans, etc.
But we should not have spent a cent and I do not think we did in order to reduce the problem.
The correct means of reducing global warming is to burn less fossil fuel, which should save us money instead of costing anything.
That is easily done with smaller vehicles and more mass transit, which save money.
The fact the EPA went with Parts Per Million and encouraged larger vehicles, obviously was a Detroit fraud, not the fault of the tree huggers.
they need to get involved

if our country going down the drain is not an important or Constitutional issue, what the hell is?


If there is a constitutional violation, yes. But the Constitution has very limited criteria on how elections are conducted as our founders left that up to the states. I'm sure if they could have seen into the future how corrupt and anti-American the Democrats became, they would have written it differently.
Democrats love the idea of voting as multiple people, as evidenced by how much they defend it. I'm sure they have multiple accounts also.

In general, the democrats have become the party of the working class majority, while the republicans switched from being Lincoln's progressive liberals, to the minority wealthy elites after 1890 or so.
So it is the Republicans who are most suspect of investing in voter fraud.
And voting machines are the means of making massive voter fraud much easier.
We have lots of "hard evidence" of global warming, like the rapid loss of glaciers, rising oceans, etc.
But we should not have spent a cent and I do not think we did in order to reduce the problem.
The correct means of reducing global warming is to burn less fossil fuel, which should save us money instead of costing anything.
That is easily done with smaller vehicles and more mass transit, which save money.
The fact the EPA went with Parts Per Million and encouraged larger vehicles, obviously was a Detroit fraud, not the fault of the tree huggers.

There is no evidence that man can control climate and never was. The climate has been changing on this planet since God made the place. It's why they changed it from global warming to climate change, because the climate will continue to change if every last human being disappeared off the planet.

Yes, we have spent trillions on global warming. Every product you buy at the store has a climate cost be it a can of peaches or a new snow blower. The reason people think we are not spending enough is because those costs are hidden in those products. It's not like they send you a bill for improving the environment.
I do not think the elections necessarily are rigged for sure, but voting machines make is far easier and serve no possible value at all except to facilitate fraud if one wanted to risk doing that.
You don't like voting machines? You won't sell getting rid of voting machines to Republicans or Democrats, in a country of 335 Million people. Is the weather cooling in St. Petersburg? Say hello to Vlad for us.
In general, the democrats have become the party of the working class majority, while the republicans switched from being Lincoln's progressive liberals, to the minority wealthy elites after 1890 or so.

The Democrat party is not the party of the working class, and hasn't been for at least 20 years. They are now anti-white authoritarians who seek more control with every measure they take.

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