The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 52% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 36% who think it is Very Likely. Forty-three percent (43%) don’t believe it’s likely cheating affected the 2020 outcome, including 30% who say it’s Not At All Likely. These findings are similar to previous surveys in May and March. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters think it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty-one percent (41%) don’t believe cheating is likely to affect the November midterms, including 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Voters remain skeptical of the integrity of vote-by-mail. Fifty-eight percent (58%) think it’s at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, including 39% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t believe mail-in voting is likely to lead to more cheating, including 16% who say it’s Not At All Likely. In October 2021, 65% said wider use of mail-in voting would lead to more cheating in elections.

It is relatively easy, compared to landing a man on the moon, or getting a vaccine developed and approved in a matter of months, or winning a war against both Germany and Japan's military machines, to ensure election security. The steps demanded by people concerned about cheating are pretty simple: Photo ID to register, photo ID to vote, and no absentee ballots except in limited and tightly controlled situations like military service, would easily address the concerns of voters who now wonder whether their vote even matters any more.

If the Democrat care so much about Democracy, they would demand the same thing. Especially an honest Dem who honestly believes that there is no significant cheating by Dems. If a Dem believes that, they should be willing to tighten up election security as you suggest so that confidence in Democracy is restored.

Suppose there is no widespread cheating. There is no way to prove that, since cheating is by nature furtive, and little to no resources are spent in catching it. But just suppose that the majority of Americans are wrong, and that in the reality that they don't know, there is very little cheating and what little there is on both sides cancel each other out.

It is not impossible that this is the reality. Perceptions can be wrong.

But . . . there is at this moment in time widespread perception of cheating and that is just as dangerous to Democracy, if not more so.

It's not just Trump cultists who are concerned about cheating:

Asked which is more important in elections, 59% say making sure there is no cheating is more important, while 38% say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. Those findings are almost unchanged from May.

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 64% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.

If large chunks of the country lose interest in democracy as a way to affect change because they believe in the old meme, "if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it," they are not just going to passively accept their fate of being ruled by corrupt elites. They are going to look for ways outside of democracy to free themselves. That is the danger.

It is easy enough to vote. The above numbers show that more than half the Republicans and Democrats combined think it is more important to make sure there is no cheating than to make voting easier. With that kind of support for eliminating cheating, it should be an easy decision to take on a relatively easy mission.
All I can say change the candidates and Trump won with all the shit that went on. We would've known what really happened.
Which is why we need to take steps to ensure that cheating is harder, and verification is easier. When more than half the country is "sore loser crybabies, it is time for honest people to address their concerns.

If they care about the survival of democracy.

Voter ID doesn't discriminate by race, religion, party, or gender-fluidity status. Neither does eliminating mail-in ballots other than for military, neither does paper ballots that can be verified in recounts.

All those steps discriminate against one group: cheaters.
Sore loser crybabies are going to whine whenever they lose. I don’t care that they’re upset.
Considering the Dems performance in the last two years it was a poor showing.

The overwhelming majority of Trump-backed Republicans won their races, so the never Trumpers didn't pull their weght.
But only never Trump republicans have a shot at winning a general election. That’s true whether you like it or not. Trump got lucky in 2016 based the states he was ever win, but with that election and 2020, he lost the popular vote. He doesn’t have any appeal among moderates or leftwingers. He’s useless.
Bull. I think you watch too many television movies. Turning several million intro billions is not as easy as it is on television. It's like you taking 10K and turning it into 40K. it can be done, but not without a lot of risk and work.

I've delivered to very successful companies in my career. I've seen owners retire or otherwise die leaving the business to their children. In many cases the kids ran the business into the ground. They had the money, the education, but not the experience and business acumen.

There are books written about lottery winners who's winnings was the worst thing that ever happened in their lives. It turned friends into enemies, broke apart families, left people in ruins. Handling a lot of money is a full-time job within itself.
It required some sound investing advice, but it’s nothing to be impressed with. Me being right or wrong about that, let’s put it aside for a moment. Doesn’t it bother you that he got all that money up front anyway? Like don’t you think that undermines the idea he is self made and a symbol of the American entrepreneurial spirit ? What’s admirable about this idiot being born with a silver spoon up his ass? Why does that impress you? Doesn’t it bother you a tad?
Nope. Democrats have found a way to cheat and hide it.
Sorry bout that,

1. All the campaign money loops around back to the Democrats.
2. The charade is this whole election BS.
3. They don't need to pay for campaigns anymore, they cheat to win, how do you suppose they *ALL* end up rich, the ole loop around from the networks, padding their pockets with your money.
4. Elections from now on are, BS, been like that over 30 years, why do you suppose they only report 10% of the elections, across America, no need, with all the loop around process.
5. Like i said, the democrats couldn't win any elections if they didn't cheat.
6. Just going through the motions, we have fake elections, now.
7. Just to pacify to people, the dumb masses.
8. You think what i'm saying is BS, its not.

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It required some sound investing advice, but it’s nothing to be impressed with. Me being right or wrong about that, let’s put it aside for a moment. Doesn’t it bother you that he got all that money up front anyway? Like don’t you think that undermines the idea he is self made and a symbol of the American entrepreneurial spirit ? What’s admirable about this idiot being born with a silver spoon up his ass? Why does that impress you? Doesn’t it bother you a tad?

Why in the world would it bother me that somebody was born luckier than I am? As I already stated, what's admirable about what Trump did is he didn't run his fathers business into the ground like so many I've seen in my life. He built it bigger, better, parlayed that money into other things like beauty pageants and a successful television series. Anybody that worked with Trump says he's a hands-on guy, not somebody that just hires the right people and sits back collecting money.

I had a very close friend years ago that hit the lottery. In comparison to Trump, it was only a few million. He hired an investment company, got a check every two weeks, and lived happily ever after. He didn't build that money into something greater. He didn't want to take any risks. It's what a lot of people would do.

I'll admit myself, if I had that kind of loot, that's what I would have likely done. Why should I work when I'm set for life? Trump didn't do that.
Nah you’re just a sore loser crybaby.
You're an ignorant pawn. It's amazing how quickly taking a knee just disappeared after Trump left office. We never hear anything about racist cops anymore. Amazing how we don't see Black Lives Matter or Antifa destruction. Things have been quiet since Trump left office. You're the babies. You threw a national infantile fit until Trump was gone.
But only never Trump republicans have a shot at winning a general election.

Never Trumpers have ZERO shot at winning a general.

2/3 of the Republican party despises Never Trumpers.

That’s true whether you like it or not. Trump got lucky in 2016 based the states he was ever win, but with that election and 2020, he lost the popular vote.

Fortunately for all Americans, that matters not.

We dodged a national bullet when Hitlery was kicked to the curb.

America should be very, very grateful to The Donald, even if some people have seen enough at this point.

He doesn’t have any appeal among moderates or leftwingers. He’s useless.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 52% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 36% who think it is Very Likely. Forty-three percent (43%) don’t believe it’s likely cheating affected the 2020 outcome, including 30% who say it’s Not At All Likely. These findings are similar to previous surveys in May and March. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters think it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty-one percent (41%) don’t believe cheating is likely to affect the November midterms, including 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Voters remain skeptical of the integrity of vote-by-mail. Fifty-eight percent (58%) think it’s at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, including 39% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t believe mail-in voting is likely to lead to more cheating, including 16% who say it’s Not At All Likely. In October 2021, 65% said wider use of mail-in voting would lead to more cheating in elections.

It is relatively easy, compared to landing a man on the moon, or getting a vaccine developed and approved in a matter of months, or winning a war against both Germany and Japan's military machines, to ensure election security. The steps demanded by people concerned about cheating are pretty simple: Photo ID to register, photo ID to vote, and no absentee ballots except in limited and tightly controlled situations like military service, would easily address the concerns of voters who now wonder whether their vote even matters any more.

If the Democrat care so much about Democracy, they would demand the same thing. Especially an honest Dem who honestly believes that there is no significant cheating by Dems. If a Dem believes that, they should be willing to tighten up election security as you suggest so that confidence in Democracy is restored.

Suppose there is no widespread cheating. There is no way to prove that, since cheating is by nature furtive, and little to no resources are spent in catching it. But just suppose that the majority of Americans are wrong, and that in the reality that they don't know, there is very little cheating and what little there is on both sides cancel each other out.

It is not impossible that this is the reality. Perceptions can be wrong.

But . . . there is at this moment in time widespread perception of cheating and that is just as dangerous to Democracy, if not more so.

It's not just Trump cultists who are concerned about cheating:

Asked which is more important in elections, 59% say making sure there is no cheating is more important, while 38% say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. Those findings are almost unchanged from May.

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 64% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.

If large chunks of the country lose interest in democracy as a way to affect change because they believe in the old meme, "if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it," they are not just going to passively accept their fate of being ruled by corrupt elites. They are going to look for ways outside of democracy to free themselves. That is the danger.

It is easy enough to vote. The above numbers show that more than half the Republicans and Democrats combined think it is more important to make sure there is no cheating than to make voting easier. With that kind of support for eliminating cheating, it should be an easy decision to take on a relatively easy mission.
There is always some cheating, Never enough to change a national election.
Why in the world would it bother me that somebody was born luckier than I am? As I already stated, what's admirable about what Trump did is he didn't run his fathers business into the ground like so many I've seen in my life. He built it bigger, better, parlayed that money into other things like beauty pageants and a successful television series. Anybody that worked with Trump says he's a hands-on guy, not somebody that just hires the right people and sits back collecting money.

I had a very close friend years ago that hit the lottery. In comparison to Trump, it was only a few million. He hired an investment company, got a check every two weeks, and lived happily ever after. He didn't build that money into something greater. He didn't want to take any risks. It's what a lot of people would do.

I'll admit myself, if I had that kind of loot, that's what I would have likely done. Why should I work when I'm set for life? Trump didn't do that.
The point is that you shouldn’t be impressed. You shouldn’t be impressed that he has his fortune now because if he never had that silver spoon, he would definitely not be billionaire.
Never Trumpers have ZERO shot at winning a general.

2/3 of the Republican party despises Never Trumpers.

Fortunately for all Americans, that matters not.

We dodged a national bullet when Hitlery was kicked to the curb.

America should be very, very grateful to The Donald, even if some people have seen enough at this point.
lol it doesn’t matter if 2/3 of republicans like Trump. The point is that no one else does.
Never Trumpers have ZERO shot at winning a general.

2/3 of the Republican party despises Never Trumpers.

Fortunately for all Americans, that matters not.

We dodged a national bullet when Hitlery was kicked to the curb.

America should be very, very grateful to The Donald, even if some people have seen enough at this point.
If not for Trump, Hillary appoints three Supreme Court Justices. I believe it was Divine intervention.

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