The Perception of Cheating is the Real Danger to Democracy

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 52% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 36% who think it is Very Likely. Forty-three percent (43%) don’t believe it’s likely cheating affected the 2020 outcome, including 30% who say it’s Not At All Likely. These findings are similar to previous surveys in May and March. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters think it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty-one percent (41%) don’t believe cheating is likely to affect the November midterms, including 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Voters remain skeptical of the integrity of vote-by-mail. Fifty-eight percent (58%) think it’s at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, including 39% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t believe mail-in voting is likely to lead to more cheating, including 16% who say it’s Not At All Likely. In October 2021, 65% said wider use of mail-in voting would lead to more cheating in elections.

It is relatively easy, compared to landing a man on the moon, or getting a vaccine developed and approved in a matter of months, or winning a war against both Germany and Japan's military machines, to ensure election security. The steps demanded by people concerned about cheating are pretty simple: Photo ID to register, photo ID to vote, and no absentee ballots except in limited and tightly controlled situations like military service, would easily address the concerns of voters who now wonder whether their vote even matters any more.

If the Democrat care so much about Democracy, they would demand the same thing. Especially an honest Dem who honestly believes that there is no significant cheating by Dems. If a Dem believes that, they should be willing to tighten up election security as you suggest so that confidence in Democracy is restored.

Suppose there is no widespread cheating. There is no way to prove that, since cheating is by nature furtive, and little to no resources are spent in catching it. But just suppose that the majority of Americans are wrong, and that in the reality that they don't know, there is very little cheating and what little there is on both sides cancel each other out.

It is not impossible that this is the reality. Perceptions can be wrong.

But . . . there is at this moment in time widespread perception of cheating and that is just as dangerous to Democracy, if not more so.

It's not just Trump cultists who are concerned about cheating:

Asked which is more important in elections, 59% say making sure there is no cheating is more important, while 38% say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. Those findings are almost unchanged from May.

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 64% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.

If large chunks of the country lose interest in democracy as a way to affect change because they believe in the old meme, "if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it," they are not just going to passively accept their fate of being ruled by corrupt elites. They are going to look for ways outside of democracy to free themselves. That is the danger.

It is easy enough to vote. The above numbers show that more than half the Republicans and Democrats combined think it is more important to make sure there is no cheating than to make voting easier. With that kind of support for eliminating cheating, it should be an easy decision to take on a relatively easy mission.
'There is no cheating - concerns over cheating and stolen elections are the rest of HOP fear-mongering.'

Reminds me of Hochul, just days after a mother was shot and killed in front of her child and after another subway rider was pushed onto tbe tracks in front of an on-coming train, said, 'I don't understand my opponent's / people's concern over out of control's not happening. It's all GOP fear-mongering.'

Are you going to believe your own lying eyes or the word of your would-be masters who lied to the FISA Court over 12 times so they could illegally spy on you & a US President?

This is also why the govt so badly wants to control and censor free speech / social media and tbe China and Russia does.
Democrats lost the House. Try getting something done.
Barely. Compared to what was expected by the “red tsunami”, I’m perfectly fine with what we ended up with.

Several of your fellow conservatives are extremely upset with the outcome. They’re even whining baseless claims of election fraud. But I’m glad that you and I are happy with the results. It’s good to be on the same page every once in a while.
'There is no cheating - concerns over cheating and stolen elections are the rest of HOP fear-mongering.'

Reminds me of Hochul, just days after a mother was shot and killed in front of her child and after another subway rider was pushed onto tbe tracks in front of an on-coming train, said, 'I don't understand my opponent's / people's concern over out of control's not happening. It's all GOP fear-mongering.'

Are you going to believe your own lying eyes or the word of your would-be masters who lied to the FISA Court over 12 times so they could illegally spy on you & a US President?

This is also why the govt so badly wants to control and censor free speech / social media and tbe China and Russia does.
So what you're saying is 50% of the voter's are fucking cry babies. You all must have been a treat to your parents and teachers when you were kids. Mommy, no I didn't do that Billy did. Mommy, the teacher made me wear a dunce hat today (even though you are) and stood me in the corner today and said I was cheating even though it was Johhny.

Goddamn, you all are the biggest bunch of whiny cry babies I've ever seen in one place. Grow the fuck up.
Barely. Compared to what was expected by the “red tsunami”, I’m perfectly fine with what we ended up with.

Several of your fellow conservatives are extremely upset with the outcome. They’re even whining baseless claims of election fraud. But I’m glad that you and I are happy with the results. It’s good to be on the same page every once in a while.
Democrats cant do any more spending. All the spending starts in the House and Pelosi is gone. Very satisfied.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse finds that 52% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is at least somewhat likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, including 36% who think it is Very Likely. Forty-three percent (43%) don’t believe it’s likely cheating affected the 2020 outcome, including 30% who say it’s Not At All Likely. These findings are similar to previous surveys in May and March. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters think it is at least somewhat likely there will be widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections, including 24% who say it’s Very Likely. Forty-one percent (41%) don’t believe cheating is likely to affect the November midterms, including 22% who say it’s Not At All Likely.

Voters remain skeptical of the integrity of vote-by-mail. Fifty-eight percent (58%) think it’s at least somewhat likely that wider use of mail-in voting will lead to more cheating in elections, including 39% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-six percent (36%) don’t believe mail-in voting is likely to lead to more cheating, including 16% who say it’s Not At All Likely. In October 2021, 65% said wider use of mail-in voting would lead to more cheating in elections.

It is relatively easy, compared to landing a man on the moon, or getting a vaccine developed and approved in a matter of months, or winning a war against both Germany and Japan's military machines, to ensure election security. The steps demanded by people concerned about cheating are pretty simple: Photo ID to register, photo ID to vote, and no absentee ballots except in limited and tightly controlled situations like military service, would easily address the concerns of voters who now wonder whether their vote even matters any more.

If the Democrat care so much about Democracy, they would demand the same thing. Especially an honest Dem who honestly believes that there is no significant cheating by Dems. If a Dem believes that, they should be willing to tighten up election security as you suggest so that confidence in Democracy is restored.

Suppose there is no widespread cheating. There is no way to prove that, since cheating is by nature furtive, and little to no resources are spent in catching it. But just suppose that the majority of Americans are wrong, and that in the reality that they don't know, there is very little cheating and what little there is on both sides cancel each other out.

It is not impossible that this is the reality. Perceptions can be wrong.

But . . . there is at this moment in time widespread perception of cheating and that is just as dangerous to Democracy, if not more so.

It's not just Trump cultists who are concerned about cheating:

Asked which is more important in elections, 59% say making sure there is no cheating is more important, while 38% say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important. Those findings are almost unchanged from May.

Seventy-six percent (76%) of Republicans, 37% of Democrats and 64% of voters not affiliated with either major party think it’s more important to make sure there is no cheating in elections. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats, 20% of Republicans and 33% of unaffiliated voters say making it easier for everybody to vote is more important.

If large chunks of the country lose interest in democracy as a way to affect change because they believe in the old meme, "if voting mattered, they wouldn't let us do it," they are not just going to passively accept their fate of being ruled by corrupt elites. They are going to look for ways outside of democracy to free themselves. That is the danger.

It is easy enough to vote. The above numbers show that more than half the Republicans and Democrats combined think it is more important to make sure there is no cheating than to make voting easier. With that kind of support for eliminating cheating, it should be an easy decision to take on a relatively easy mission.
'There is no cheating - concerns over cheating and stolen elections are the rest of HOP fear-mongering.'

Reminds me of Hochul, just days after a mother was shot and killed in front of her child and after anorhet subway rider was pushed onto tbe tracks in front of an on-coming train, said, 'I don't understand my opponent's / people's concern over out of control's not happening. It's all GOP fear-mongering.'

Are you going to believe your own lying eyes or the word of your would-be masters who lied to the FISA Court over 12 times so they could illrgally spy on you & a US President?
So what you're saying is 50% of the voter's are fucking cry babies. You all must have been a treat to your parents and teachers when you were kids. Mommy, no I didn't do that Billy did. Mommy, the teacher made me wear a dunce hat today (even though you are) and stood me in the corner today and said I was cheating even though it was Johhny.

Goddamn, you all are the biggest bunch of whiny cry babies I've ever seen in one place. Grow the fuck up.
The last 7 years have been about Democrats not only whining, crying, actually running into the street and screaming at the sky like retarded, brain-damaged sheep, but also about trying to PUNISH Trump for winning, for exposing them for who they are, for costing CNN and fake news its credibility, viewers, and money.

F*ing losers and crybabies, the cucks who know they suck, know they can't compete honestly and win, and thus who want everyone to get a trophy so they can feel better about sucking without having to work harder to get better - aka DEMOCRATS - are the real losers....the rest of us just end up paying for it.
So it's more proof yet that the MSM is nothing but an extension of the Democrat party. It's the only reason I made the statement it will be off the table right after the election.
The MSM is going to cover stories their audience finds interesting. If that aligns with the Dems more than the republicans then maybe that’s something for the republicans to the think about
The MSM is going to cover stories their audience finds interesting. If that aligns with the Dems more than the republicans then maybe that’s something for the republicans to the think about

And nobody is curious over what happened at Piglosi's house since we never got a straight story in the first place?
So what you're saying is 50% of the voter's are fucking cry babies. You all must have been a treat to your parents and teachers when you were kids. Mommy, no I didn't do that Billy did. Mommy, the teacher made me wear a dunce hat today (even though you are) and stood me in the corner today and said I was cheating even though it was Johhny.

Goddamn, you all are the biggest bunch of whiny cry babies I've ever seen in one place. Grow the fuck up.

And how long did we have to listen to the left whining about the electoral college when Trump won?
Not in our state. You must be in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death to use deadly force. This guy was climbing a fence when he was shot dumb ass.
You Lie

Justified if necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others.
You have nothing.

Why do you keep telling such a stupid lie?

Here Is The Evidence

Your crybaby temper tantrum went nowhere and will continue to go nowhere. You people need to focus on evidence, not your feelings.

The only ones throwing tantrums are you Nazis.

You've lost the court. you've lost the house, you hold the Senate by a thread.

Xi's man WILL be impeached. Maybe we'll have an honest investigation of the Reichstag Fire.

Does that make you upset? Cry for me you little bitch.

I oppose election fraud. I want to see those of your party who continually engage in election fraud prosecuted. Why do you support election fraud? Because you hate democracy?
And nobody is curious over what happened at Piglosi's house since we never got a straight story in the first place?
And never will. We won't hear another word about it. We also won't hear anything more about student loan forgiveness and Republicans cutting social security andMedicare, until next election.
You Lie

Justified if necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical harm to the officer or others.

He was running away from the police with his back turned at them. He was a suburban police officer, not a Cleveland officer where the shooting took place. He was not protecting others nor had the jurisdiction to do so. He was not in his city.
Wow've gone full retard.

First your boy Putin leaves Ukraine and then your blob's endorsements lose almost every competitive election.

Now you're off your meds.

Putin is "my boy" Nazi Twat?

Well, the next time you tell the truth about anything will be the first time.

But it's all good - Mitch McConnell is involved in the embezzlement scheme in Ukraine, so Quid Pro can keep skimming off all that aid without any constraints.

Burisma fizzled - Xi's man needed some way to keep American funds flowing to Ukraine - how convenient for him that the man who's been bribing him for 40 years sets the stage for billions of dollars to flow to Ukraine - to vanish into the ether. 10% to the Big Guy.
Propaganda? The results speak for themselves. The only question here is if you’re happy with those results. Are you? :laugh:
The Americans took the house, I'm happy with that. DeSantis turned blue Florida SOLIDLY Red - I'm happy with that.

You Nazis engaged in massive fraud in Maricopa county AZ - not happy that you can still defraud elections and destroy our democracy. You likewise engaged in massive fraud in Pennsylvania.

Do you see election fraud as the sacred right of your Reich?

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