The Personally Discovered Joys of Being Unemployed

Blaming Republicans is lame, one of the main factors is your age and mandated health coverage. No Republican voted for it. Older employees are at more of a health risk, so higher premiums. There aren't a lot of job opportunities for 58 year olds. What I did was start my own business. You can work out of you home if you can find someone to sub work out to you.
The jobs I have applied for are mostly contractor positions and do not pay or offer much in benefits, and I always turn them down to keep the cash.

I am working on starting my own business, but that is slow going and of course my wife wants me to get a 'real job', lol.

Thanks for your enocouragement though; can I summarize it as 'learn to have a successful business or drown? Why should I gladly kiss my career good bye, dude?

This is the GOPs offer to the Middle Class of America; Find work or starve?
With just a minor bit of self-teaching you could easily open up a business fixing people's computers, even branch out into home automation services. There's a place up here, husband and wife team, that rake in so much money it's not even funny. Most folks don't want to go to Best Buy to repair their stuff because they have to pull it all apart and bring it in - unplugging a keyboard scares a lot of people, much less disconnecting monitors and everything else. The local place opened shop out here in my well-to-do town and made so much money off this one city (30k peeps) that they now have four stores in four different cities (basically /all/ of Alaska's major cities.) My parents and their friends used to have me fix their systems all the time; monthly at least, they get spam-virus's or want to sync up their new iPad/iPhones, want a fancy printer hooked up, a bigger hard drive, upgrade windows, or install a new graphics card, or they wanted a little more speed (pop in a ram chip, etc.,) or wanted a home network (router plug-n-play) - there was always something someone needed. Everyone moved out of state to a retirement golf community and they're all upset because the nearest repair shop is in Vegas, a 2 hour drive away - they said they'd buy my husband and I a house if we'd come down and open a business fixing that stuff, apparently they've started car pooling PC's to Vegas for repairs and it annoys them all lol

Check around in your area and see if there's any "in home repair" computer shops. I imagine with an hour or so of research online you could handle /all/ of the stuff I just listed - it's cake walk stuff these days.

The area I live in is already flooded with 'computer fixer' type businesses and I have seen three, all very good, go out of business in the past 5 years or so. This is a military area and Obamas defense cuts have put a huge strain on the local economy that it has handled fairly well, for the most part all things considered.

But thanks for the suggestion.
Have you looked into contracting through a job shop like Volt or Manpower?
I have accounts in about a dozen different employment search sites like Monster and have used head hunters as well.

Theyhave jobs, just not jobs for 58 year olds just coming off of two years of disability and surgery.

Back in the 1990s getting hired was no problem, but then again, we had a huge economy and less than a million H!-Bs here competing with us for jobs and willing to take 75% of average pay.
You've got 20+ years experience with computers, and you can't find a job?

Check with Best Buy, other stores that sell computers. Your knowledge in the field would put you on the floor with no problem.

Don't want that?

Start your own company, computer repair, analyst, etc..

Or get in with an established company doing that kind of work.

Already tried that stuff.

And your solution to my problem is that a change careers from a well paid software engineer to being astore clerk for half the pay and kiss my career good bye?

This is why I say the GOP needs to die off so we can get a real party going to be opposition to the Democrats and the Political Crony Network.

That is why both Cruz and Trump say they plan to fix this mess, but the own party leadership[ is undercutting them so they can put someone in who will keep the status quo going.

New party or bust, is what I think I will be looking for.
Have you looked into contracting through a job shop like Volt or Manpower?
Good advice. There are actually some temp job services that specialize in his area of expertise these days.
And they have to find clients willing to take me, and the level of discrimination against old software engineers is fairly well documented, especially if they h ave been on disability.

So if an American software company is able to legally hire H1-Bs instead of older American citizens like me, what good is the GOP or the Democratic Party to us?
People are in for a rude awakening for sure. It's not gonna get better. The decimation of the middle class was no accident and carefully constructed by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N that was full of rich globalist socialists like Maurice Strong that saw a healthy and affluent middle class as a roadblock to their plans for global government thus the "Zero Growth" plan that was introduced in 1972. Using environmental laws, taxes, fines and fees, they slowly dismantled the steel factories, the ship building industry. Then they used unfair trade agreements to kill the textiles and car industries. They used price controls and debt to kill the family farms and then having their major corporations come in and buy them on the cheap....the list goes on and on. Poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon footprint. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is not a result of greed insomuch as it was in the cards because they planned it that way.

I feel for you....I really do. It's easy to tell someone to pick themselves up by their bootstraps when they are not facing what you are....hang in there.

Great Post.

Do you have any reliable information on the Club of Rome you would like to share?
Have you looked into contracting through a job shop like Volt or Manpower?
I have accounts in about a dozen different employment search sites like Monster and have used head hunters as well.

Theyhave jobs, just not jobs for 58 year olds just coming off of two years of disability and surgery.

Back in the 1990s getting hired was no problem, but then again, we had a huge economy and less than a million H!-Bs here competing with us for jobs and willing to take 75% of average pay.
If you haven't been to the website yet, I suggest you visit it.

Always jobs for Oracle developers there.

Again; is this the best conservatism can off people like me?

Then enjoy your coming irrelevance to the rest of America. It is coming soon simply because you really dont give a flying shit about anybody other than yourself and stroking your ideological self.
The more people get angry the more likely they will vote for socialism and there are less smiles everyday in this country. Socialism is the inevitable destination. Obi wan trump is the last hope, but the evil leftist empire has fired the race card blasters and he can't outrun them.

Good luck jim.
Thanks, I appreciate it.

The point of this thread was to give conservatives a chance to show their true colors and they are.

Some conservatives are real people, others are ideological morons who cant think outside of their ideological boxes and see whats coming, and so they deserve what is coming for them in turn.
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

So the glories of Free Trade for 58 year old American software engineers like me get to look forward to working at McDonalds? If that is the best you Republicans can do, then the Republican party needs to die. We dont have room for such a lame ass party in a duopoly like we have here in the USA. Bye. So long. Enjoy the Ash heap of history.

And yes, Free Trade is the culprit as software development companies are indeed hiring people, 50% foreign workers (H1-Bs) and the rest mostly new kids out of college after they have been looking for a job for TWO FULL YEARS on average.

This is the kind of tone-deaf stupidity that the GOP is engaging in with Free Trade. What is the purpose of Free Trade if it is not to help the whole country, every one of us, to achieve the American dream? We should have FAIR Trade, not Free Trade if this is the GOPs idea of what Free Trade is, and I know now that it is.

All it seems to be doing is fattening the wallets of corporate CEOs and giving folks fortunate enough to still have a job cheap shit from China.
Apparently you haven't been listening to the REP candidates. THEY are the ones promising to tear up the unfair free trade deals the fucking LIBs signed. THEY are the ones talking about 'Fair Trade'. No one is more adamant on this than Trump. THINK!
BTY, it's NOT the REPs responsibility to cover your ass because you aren't making the grade at your age. It's YOUR responsibility!
I would have NEVER hired you to work for me. You'd spend the time you ought to be earning your pay bitching and causing dissension among my other employees.
I had a few of your type and to cover my ass I had them sign a 60 day probationary legal document that allowed me to fire anyone on probation without even telling them why.
I 'got rid' of 'you' more than a few times.
I soon learned NEVER to hire a fucking LIB. I mean EVER! It was dead easy to find out what their political ideology was in the first interview. "How about that Bush? Have you seen what he just did?". Worked every time.
People are in for a rude awakening for sure. It's not gonna get better. The decimation of the middle class was no accident and carefully constructed by the Club Of Rome, an offshoot of the U.N that was full of rich globalist socialists like Maurice Strong that saw a healthy and affluent middle class as a roadblock to their plans for global government thus the "Zero Growth" plan that was introduced in 1972. Using environmental laws, taxes, fines and fees, they slowly dismantled the steel factories, the ship building industry. Then they used unfair trade agreements to kill the textiles and car industries. They used price controls and debt to kill the family farms and then having their major corporations come in and buy them on the cheap....the list goes on and on. Poor people are easier to control and leave less of a carbon footprint. The rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is not a result of greed insomuch as it was in the cards because they planned it that way.

I feel for you....I really do. It's easy to tell someone to pick themselves up by their bootstraps when they are not facing what you are....hang in there.

Great Post.

Do you have any reliable information on the Club of Rome you would like to share?
Indeed I do...gonna be boarding here in a few minutes but will hit ya up when I get home...good on ya.

Again; is this the best conservatism can off people like me?

Then enjoy your coming irrelevance to the rest of America. It is coming soon simply because you really dont give a flying shit about anybody other than yourself and stroking your ideological self.

My my a little testy, are we? You're the one who is blaming FREE TRADE for your current jobless state, lol. You are what you describe, you jobless loser.
I was reading your mini-rant with interest until you mentioned Sander's name.
If you really believe Socialism is the cure for what ails you you deserve to be unemployed and broke.

So because I have a different take on politics than you, I deserve to be unemployed and broke?

Where did conservatives like you lose your soul and minds? I used to admire conservatives like William F Buckley and William Bennet, but those guys are all gone and forgotten.

Now we just have drones like you who seem to think that political vindictiveness will sell in America.

Enjoy your future irrelevance.
Your post is funny and I was going to enthusiastically cheer you until you blamed free trade and Republicans for your jobless state. McDonald's is always hiring, get your lazy ass to work.

So the glories of Free Trade for 58 year old American software engineers like me get to look forward to is working at McDonalds?

If that is the best you Republicans can do, then the Republican party needs to die. We dont have room for such a lame ass party in a duopoly like we have here in the USA. Bye. So long. Enjoy the Ash heap of history.

And yes, Free Trade is the culprit as software development companies are indeed hiring people, 50% foreign workers (H1-Bs) and the rest mostly new kids out of college after they have been looking for a job for TWO FULL YEARS on average.

This is the kind of tone-deaf stupidity that the GOP is engaging in with Free Trade. What is the purpose of Free Trade if it is not to help the whole country, every one of us, to achieve the American dream? We should have FAIR Trade, not Free Trade if this is the GOPs idea of what Free Trade is, and I know now that it is.

All it seems to be doing is fattening the wallets of corporate CEOs and giving folks fortunate enough to still have a job cheap shit from China.
Have the REPs been in the White house for the last eight years? Why don't you go ask BONOBO why the fucking economy isn't vibrant enough so you can have a job? He was the fucking Socialist's AKA Taker's wet dream come true. And what did he do for YOU!? Sweet fuck all that's what.
Wise up pal.
The more people get angry the more likely they will vote for socialism and there are less smiles everyday in this country. Socialism is the inevitable destination. Obi wan trump is the last hope, but the evil leftist empire has fired the race card blasters and he can't outrun them.

Good luck jim.
Thanks, I appreciate it.

The point of this thread was to give conservatives a chance to show their true colors and they are.

Some conservatives are real people, others are ideological morons who cant think outside of their ideological boxes and see whats coming, and so they deserve what is coming for them in turn.
Looks like you got what was coming to you pal. Can't find a fucking job. Blaming anyone but yourself. Blaming trade deals on the REPs when in fact it was the fucking LIBs who signed the deals.
hmm alright, might not pay much at first, but it's a good deed that will pay eventually and you can keep looking for a "day job" at the same time. - Veteran's Party of America needs a national IT guy. Look em up on FB.
Apparently you haven't been listening to the REP candidates. THEY are the ones promising to tear up the unfair free trade deals the fucking LIBs signed. THEY are the ones talking about 'Fair Trade'. No one is more adamant on this than Trump. THINK!

Trump is my second preference and was my first until he showed he was not actually grasping the neeed for a solid ground game in states he had won to secure delegates that actually support him going to Cleveland.

BTY, it's NOT the REPs responsibility to cover your ass because you aren't making the grade at your age. It's YOUR responsibility!

Lol, so your answer to 58 year olds coming off disability is 'FORCE EMPLOYERS TO HIRE YOU!'? Yeah, so how am I supposed to compete with cheap Third World H1-Bs that work for 3/4ths my wage?

I would have NEVER hired you to work for me. You'd spend the time you ought to be earning your pay bitching and causing dissension among my other employees.
I had a few of your type and to cover my ass I had them sign a 60 day probationary legal document that allowed me to fire anyone on probation without even telling them why.
I 'got rid' of 'you' more than a few times.

Lol, this ishilarious. I have ahd a job since I was 14 years old and had three during my junior year on high school, but all this now is because I am a lzy no good always bitching liberal? roflmao.

Yes, America deserves a better party than the GOP. Trump should start a new party. The GOP Establishment is going to cheat him and dump him ASAP.

I soon learned NEVER to hire a fucking LIB. I mean EVER! It was dead easy to find out what their political ideology was in the first interview. "How about that Bush? Have you seen what he just did?". Worked every time.

So you actively discriminated against liberals?

roflmao, and you are proud of it?

so sad

Bye GOP; die in the dust you have created
Looks like you got what was coming to you pal. Can't find a fucking job. Blaming anyone but yourself. Blaming trade deals on the REPs when in fact it was the fucking LIBs who signed the deals.

This is the conservative idea of what compassion for their fellow American it any wonder that the GOP is as good as dead? Socialism is going to come and it is going to be on steroids because Republicans cant even discuss the subject without going into hysterical fits, lol.

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