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The Personhood of the unborn needs to be settled


^^^ those very ' pro life ' sentiments have been voiced right on this here thread ^^^
Curious, those hungry little children are just as dependent on the parent(s) as the the so called clump of cells forming in the womb.


Logic says that in your scenario, neither of them are human because they are dependent or reliant on their progenitors for care and sustenance.

Your logic is garbage. YOU are "anti-logic"
They are not a person.

Lets play stupid and pretend we don't know what a fetus becomes....Lets play stupid and pretend we don't know what's inside an eagles egg.
It shows what society values and what it does not.

I learned long ago the filthy pieces of shits among us will always find an angle to justify the filthy shit they can't stop themselves from doing.
Filth loves and respects other filth...it's just the way it is.

You know, you say alot of filthy shit for someone who complains about filthy pieces of shit.

Disgusting lowlife white trash. He can’t help it. That’s why he’s a broke loser

Ah, look at you, as racist as you can be.
The personhood of the unborn is the same as it was 40 some odd years ago when Roe v Wade was settled.

You're right. The unborn are what they have always been. What HAS changed in the last 40 years, however, is that science advanced and showed SOME people how wrong they had been on that subject. Others, like you, stubbornly ignored the advanced science and keep insisting that you don't need to learn or know anything.

I am stealing this and preserving this quote for posterity. One of the best statements I have seen or heard come out of someone's mind in ages.
I hope that was actually addressed to PLAYTIME, not to me, because I agree with you, I was not the one who posted that illustration. I was the one who posted the meme mocking the misconceptions people have about the preborn. I think you accidentally quoted me instead of him.

Sorry. I thought you posted the gravestone picture that said "The fetus isn't human," "Skin cells are human too", "Ejaculation kills millions of humans", the cold-hearted commentary that "The Fetus is a Parasite," "Life doesn't begin at conception" (a lie), "The fetus is a clump of cells." (no, it's still the first stage in the life of a human being, and drinking alcohol at this time can render that infant without body parts or with a severely disfigured face.) "It's (only) a part of the woman's body" (not true, it is not like its mother genetically, and is the starting stage of an entirely different human being's life), and "the embryo isn't even alive." If it weren't alive it would not be forming cells to become organs, limbs, and features similar to other human beings by the DNA of that INDIVIDUAL life that is damn certainly not its mother, and it's not it's father. It is a new human being in its formative stage. Cute little sayings that are little white lies will never amount to the value of one unborn American that is savagely and brutally murdered and drug out of a woman's body. Not ever.

So I was answering the post you put in. Most people put something in their posts in the form of an answer to the person they are communicating with. I wish you had indicated the gravestone picture with the natty false narrative sayings in it was someone else's contribution, Buttercup. the right thing to do is to credit the "picture" to whoever posted that picture, and not leave it to the guesswork that it was your idea to bring it here.

I did post that, but it was a meme showing those false statements with an image of a grave with the words "Here lies basic biology." In other words, people who say those things don't know basic biology.

I'm sorry if that meme was confusing at first glance, but as you can see by all my other posts, rest assured I am firmly pro-life. :)

if you think a 6 week old embryo is the same as a 6year old child then it is you who is scrambled in the knowledge of biology, sweety.

Strawman, I didn't say they were the same, I've been saying they are both human. Now, if the only way you can win an argument is by being deceptive, that just shows how weak your position is.

anything inside the female that can be forced to continue to grow against her wishes, is indeed ALL the same in the eyes of 'pro lifers'. so uh- no strawman here. howeverrrrrrr, i will grant you that a post born child, if in need of federal 'entitlements' like food, medical care, housing, & education - then you are right; they are not the same & that compassionate conservationism is turn off from the spigot.
You are essentially comparing human life to a cancerous growth, since, using your logic, both grow against "her wishes".

Your argument is invalid.
Curious, the fetus is only life to a far leftist so long as the woman wishes to carry it to term. Suddenly, if she wishes to have an abortion, it ceases to be life. It becomes something that can be disposed of--- for the means of convenience. For the furtherment of a self aggrandizing political agenda.

Some of you are simply incorrigible.
Science interferes with their backward views

Since when did you people give a shit about science?

Go read your bible aka The Big Book of Myths and Fables.

Since always. What DIDN'T happen was your ignorant biases about us becoming true. What also didn't happen was "science" suddenly being defined as "any bullshit we can pay a PhD to say for us."

Go read your talking points memo, aka The Big List of What You're Told To Think.
The personhood of the unborn is the same as it was 40 some odd years ago when Roe v Wade was settled.

You're right. The unborn are what they have always been. What HAS changed in the last 40 years, however, is that science advanced and showed SOME people how wrong they had been on that subject. Others, like you, stubbornly ignored the advanced science and keep insisting that you don't need to learn or know anything.

I am stealing this and preserving this quote for posterity. One of the best statements I have seen or heard come out of someone's mind in ages.

You are welcome to quote, share, or steal my words whenever you like, with my thanks for the compliment. :D
Science interferes with their backward views

Since when did you people give a shit about science?

Go read your bible aka The Big Book of Myths and Fables.

Are we being religiously bigoted now? Where's this tolerance you far leftists keep preaching about?

Oh, that was nothing but a lie.

Seriously, what a jerk you are.

You wanna talk intolerance and hypocrisy? Let me share THIS with you.

I have a friend who is a gay male. It is my understanding that he has, in fact, never had sexual relations with a woman in his life. He posted this on Facebook:

If you support the Abortion Ban delete me. No room for discussion you are no friend to me and no friend to Women.

He also shared this:

I, frankly, am on board with this. Sharing in the name of bodily autonomy, which I have, but apparently no woman can.

If you're not angry about this, or think that this, as well as all the other fucked up things happening, are okay, you're part of the problem. And of you're part of the problem, go ahead and delete/unfriend me. Lose my number. Erase and and all messages between us on all platforms.

Because I want nothing to do with anyone who deliberately is okay with the rights of others being taken away.

This was in response to someone else posting this:


So let me get this straight. You are a man, who has only ever fucked other men in your life, and you are seriously telling me, a woman, what is right and wrong for women, and how I am "not a friend to women" if I don't think the way you dictate is correct about an issue which will never, ever, in any tiniest way whatsoever, involve you personally? AND you're being such a shining example of "tolerance" that you're demanding that anyone who disagrees with you - like, say, an actual woman who has actually been pregnant - should get out of your life because they're a bad person?

I'm not a big fan of telling people to sit down and shut up because they have no right to speak on something, but if ever there was an occasion when that might fit, this is it.
Science interferes with their backward views

Since when did you people give a shit about science?

Go read your bible aka The Big Book of Myths and Fables.

Are we being religiously bigoted now? Where's this tolerance you far leftists keep preaching about?

Oh, that was nothing but a lie.

Seriously, what a jerk you are.

You wanna talk intolerance and hypocrisy? Let me share THIS with you.

I have a friend who is a gay male. It is my understanding that he has, in fact, never had sexual relations with a woman in his life. He posted this on Facebook:

If you support the Abortion Ban delete me. No room for discussion you are no friend to me and no friend to Women.

He also shared this:

I, frankly, am on board with this. Sharing in the name of bodily autonomy, which I have, but apparently no woman can.

If you're not angry about this, or think that this, as well as all the other fucked up things happening, are okay, you're part of the problem. And of you're part of the problem, go ahead and delete/unfriend me. Lose my number. Erase and and all messages between us on all platforms.

Because I want nothing to do with anyone who deliberately is okay with the rights of others being taken away.

This was in response to someone else posting this:


So let me get this straight. You are a man, who has only ever fucked other men in your life, and you are seriously telling me, a woman, what is right and wrong for women, and how I am "not a friend to women" if I don't think the way you dictate is correct about an issue which will never, ever, in any tiniest way whatsoever, involve you personally? AND you're being such a shining example of "tolerance" that you're demanding that anyone who disagrees with you - like, say, an actual woman who has actually been pregnant - should get out of your life because they're a bad person?

I'm not a big fan of telling people to sit down and shut up because they have no right to speak on something, but if ever there was an occasion when that might fit, this is it.
Do these yards ever consider that the vast MAJORITY OF WOMEN do NOT side with them on an ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO ABORTION?

This is the funny thing about yards. They think this is a male vs female thing with ALL WOMEN agreeing with them. THEY DON'T!
With the recent ruling in Alabama regarding abortion, and the eventual path towards SCOTUS to settle the issue, the obvious thing to do is to define what exactly the unborn is, something Roe vs. Wade shied away from doing. After all, the reason blacks were mistreated under the Constitution was because they were not identified as equals, they were 3/5 a human being.

There are but two possibilities from my vantage point.

1. They are a parasite, defined as an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism

2. Or they are a human being.

Which camp do you fall in?

The Personhood of the unborn needs to be settled

it was thousands of years ago

Your republican snakes have declared war on women Any lady voting republican has her head up her ass

Your respect for women is most impressive.
Mr Black I respect most women most men,, but all?? Impossible And yes I do respect those who believe in the law A major reason I'm a dem now

"Yes I do respect those who believe in the law"

What parts of it?

If you say "all of it" you're lying. I can go through a plethora of issues where Democrats (or Republicans if you insist on a tu quoque response) seem to think the law doesn't apply to their positions, or intentionally mislead others into thinking that their issues are supported by the law.

If you are a Democrat right now because you are a firm believer in the rule of law, then perhaps you could come to the Bull Ring with me and explain yourself on the applicability of our immigration laws and gun control.

I am fairly confident I can disabuse you of any notion that you respect those who believe in the law or the fact you respect all justly passed law ever enacted.

In this case, a person's political bias dispenses with the idea that they respect or believe in the absolute rule of law. Picking and choosing which laws you like or dislike based on your political positions does not mean you "respect those who believe in the law."

If you wish to embarrass yourself by replying, please by all means do.
No woman can get pregnant on her own; it takes a male.

A woman chosing a termination of pregnancy is not committing murder. The developing embryo and fetus is a potential human in early stages and each fertilization of an egg will result in a different potential human. Like many many rolls of the dice, there is great variety in the human experiment. It is best to wait until the parents are ready to welcome and care for their children. This dice roll may not be at the right time. There will be other chances, as many as you wish to take.

If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. Help young women who feel there is no other option to come up with a better plan. That's fine. But don't push your belief onto someone else by making abortion illegal. Doctors don't believe it is murder and the law does not believe it is murder and most of the people in this country do not believe it is murder. It is a termination of pregnancy. Make another roll of the dice when you are ready to accept Mother Nature's consequences for the act.

abortion is murder and this whole conversation is about other options,,,

and if you werent so dead set on killing as the first option this conversation wouldnt be a waste of time,,,
You are the one who is wasting everyone's time here. I have certainly not heard any "conversation" about other options. All I've heard is a lot of name calling and extreme rhetoric meant to get people outraged. No conversation here.

so you havent heard one person talk about birth control, abstinence, or adoption???
if not you need to get out more,,

and yes a lot of name calling from the baby killers,,,


1/2 of every conservative argument is name calling....

trump does it every day!
If I hadn't just put her on ignore, I could fill a page with just Cecilie's pejoratives.


Another victim?
yes... look how we are treating those precious babies.... defending the ' sanctity of life ' my ass..........


You're really good at logical fallacies. Again, that just shows how weak your position is.

so that isn't happening to those post born children? right here, right now? you don't want a mama separated from her baby only if it's inside her.

that be the facts & you can't defend yourself or your ideology.

Thank you for proving over and over again that you have no argument, just logical fallacies. And the funny thing is, you don’t even grasp that they’re logical fallacies. You actually think that they’re legitimate arguments.

there's nothing logical in your thinking. only hypocrisy. you want to protect the pre born, but don't really care much after they aren't confined inside their host anymore

the party of 'pro life' also promotes the policy of their president. how can you reconcile the two 'eh? lol.. tell me again how y'all think every life is precious, again?

oops - there goes another one............... wrong color, wrong age? yep.

16-year-old migrant boy dies in U.S. custody, 5th child to die since December
The boy, who was apprehended after crossing the border May 13 near Hidalgo, Texas, was found unresponsive Monday morning during a welfare check.

16-year-old migrant boy dies in U.S. custody, 5th child to die since Dec.

You have zero idea what I do outside this website, and if you actually knew, you would feel silly for saying that. You make lots of assumptions, that's all I've seen from you, non-arguments, logical fallacies and arrogant assumptions. You seem to even assume that I'm a Trump supporter. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not.

So thank you for proving my point AGAIN that you have presented no arguments, just red herrings and an assortment of other logical fallacies, and lots of assumptions.

Bottom line is, none of those things you've brought up have anything to do with the actual debate, on the personhood of the preborn and the rightness/wrongness of abortion.

Now quit wasting my time with your distractions, and get back to me when you have an argument. Thanks.

it all has everything to do with it. life is life, right? a gift from god... right? then why are there 'outs' for some pro lifers? like 'in the case of rape, or incest' or that IVF conceptions are somehow 'lesser' life organisms?

how about the POST BORN? whether they are actual citizens needing help or brown christians seeking asylum? & here's a question i am sure you'll ignore as well---

what about wanting to roll back the ACA to the days when childbirth was a pre existing condition & women were denied coverage? or the mandate (R)s want passed making it so pre natal care isn't a guaranteed coverage?

i don't give a rat's ass whether you wanna try & convince me that you didn't vote for trump. there was one candidate that claimed to be pro 'life' & one that really was 'pro' life by their platform. me thinx you didn't vote for the latter & would never vote for a pro choice candidate.

precious life is precious life is precious life, & is what you & those like you are endorsing... right?

but once the cord is cut, your job is done. you made that crystal clear or you would have defended yourself much better & given me your reasons why they are or aren't the same once they are born.
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^^^ those very ' pro life ' sentiments have been voiced right on this here thread ^^^
Curious, those hungry little children are just as dependent on the parent(s) as the the so called clump of cells forming in the womb.


Logic says that in your scenario, neither of them are human because they are dependent or reliant on their progenitors for care and sustenance.

Your logic is garbage. YOU are "anti-logic"

YOU want them thar precious babies dependent on their 'mothers' until they take their first breath but never on the government that forced them into poverty. Do you think the ACA mandate covering pre natal care should stay? Do you think programs like WIC & CHIP should be fully funded?

I do. Once the choice is made to bring that embryo to full term, then the POST born child is as precious whether their mother &/or father can feed them. see?

i am not the one being the hypocrite here.
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Sorry. I thought you posted the gravestone picture that said "The fetus isn't human," "Skin cells are human too", "Ejaculation kills millions of humans", the cold-hearted commentary that "The Fetus is a Parasite," "Life doesn't begin at conception" (a lie), "The fetus is a clump of cells." (no, it's still the first stage in the life of a human being, and drinking alcohol at this time can render that infant without body parts or with a severely disfigured face.) "It's (only) a part of the woman's body" (not true, it is not like its mother genetically, and is the starting stage of an entirely different human being's life), and "the embryo isn't even alive." If it weren't alive it would not be forming cells to become organs, limbs, and features similar to other human beings by the DNA of that INDIVIDUAL life that is damn certainly not its mother, and it's not it's father. It is a new human being in its formative stage. Cute little sayings that are little white lies will never amount to the value of one unborn American that is savagely and brutally murdered and drug out of a woman's body. Not ever.

So I was answering the post you put in. Most people put something in their posts in the form of an answer to the person they are communicating with. I wish you had indicated the gravestone picture with the natty false narrative sayings in it was someone else's contribution, Buttercup. the right thing to do is to credit the "picture" to whoever posted that picture, and not leave it to the guesswork that it was your idea to bring it here.

I did post that, but it was a meme showing those false statements with an image of a grave with the words "Here lies basic biology." In other words, people who say those things don't know basic biology.

I'm sorry if that meme was confusing at first glance, but as you can see by all my other posts, rest assured I am firmly pro-life. :)

if you think a 6 week old embryo is the same as a 6year old child then it is you who is scrambled in the knowledge of biology, sweety.

Strawman, I didn't say they were the same, I've been saying they are both human. Now, if the only way you can win an argument is by being deceptive, that just shows how weak your position is.

anything inside the female that can be forced to continue to grow against her wishes, is indeed ALL the same in the eyes of 'pro lifers'. so uh- no strawman here. howeverrrrrrr, i will grant you that a post born child, if in need of federal 'entitlements' like food, medical care, housing, & education - then you are right; they are not the same & that compassionate conservationism is turn off from the spigot.
You are essentially comparing human life to a cancerous growth, since, using your logic, both grow against "her wishes".

Your argument is invalid.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no, i am comparing the notion that a uterus is not just an incubator & the female it belongs to is more than a host. do try & acquire some comprehension skills.

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