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The Personhood of the unborn needs to be settled

Curious, the fetus is only life to a far leftist so long as the woman wishes to carry it to term. Suddenly, if she wishes to have an abortion, it ceases to be life. It becomes something that can be disposed of--- for the means of convenience. For the furtherment of a self aggrandizing political agenda.

Some of you are simply incorrigible.

+/- 90% of abortions occur within the first trimester. that is not a 'fetus'. & if you think it's only 'leftists' who are pro choice, then you are as ignorant as the day is long.
When the egg and sperm meet and become one, a human being is created. If you don't understand that, then you really need to take a course in basic biology.
With the recent ruling in Alabama regarding abortion, and the eventual path towards SCOTUS to settle the issue, the obvious thing to do is to define what exactly the unborn is, something Roe vs. Wade shied away from doing. After all, the reason blacks were mistreated under the Constitution was because they were not identified as equals, they were 3/5 a human being.

There are but two possibilities from my vantage point.

1. They are a parasite, defined as an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism

2. Or they are a human being.

Which camp do you fall in?

The Personhood of the unborn needs to be settled

it was thousands of years ago


uh-huh.... try reading numbers 5: 11-31.
i'd be just as happy if you didn't reply
A statement made out of fear, not confidence.


I will ask you two questions.

What is the scientific basis behind your argument?

Where does it say the child isn't viable until it exits the womb?

Please, cite actual science. If you can.

hey you are back! lol... fear? neh' eh.

well, let's see.... first of all, i never said that a 'child' isn't viable until it exits the womb. i don't believe in late term abortions unless of course the fetus is so severely deformed at that point or if the mother will die. the case of late term abortions being a norm is a complete lie.

anyhoo... will this abstract do?

Limits of fetal viability and its enhancement. - PubMed - NCBI
Science interferes with their backward views

Since when did you people give a shit about science?

Go read your bible aka The Big Book of Myths and Fables.

Are we being religiously bigoted now? Where's this tolerance you far leftists keep preaching about?

Oh, that was nothing but a lie.

Seriously, what a jerk you are.

You wanna talk intolerance and hypocrisy? Let me share THIS with you.

I have a friend who is a gay male. It is my understanding that he has, in fact, never had sexual relations with a woman in his life. He posted this on Facebook:

If you support the Abortion Ban delete me. No room for discussion you are no friend to me and no friend to Women.

He also shared this:

I, frankly, am on board with this. Sharing in the name of bodily autonomy, which I have, but apparently no woman can.

If you're not angry about this, or think that this, as well as all the other fucked up things happening, are okay, you're part of the problem. And of you're part of the problem, go ahead and delete/unfriend me. Lose my number. Erase and and all messages between us on all platforms.

Because I want nothing to do with anyone who deliberately is okay with the rights of others being taken away.

This was in response to someone else posting this:


So let me get this straight. You are a man, who has only ever fucked other men in your life, and you are seriously telling me, a woman, what is right and wrong for women, and how I am "not a friend to women" if I don't think the way you dictate is correct about an issue which will never, ever, in any tiniest way whatsoever, involve you personally? AND you're being such a shining example of "tolerance" that you're demanding that anyone who disagrees with you - like, say, an actual woman who has actually been pregnant - should get out of your life because they're a bad person?

I'm not a big fan of telling people to sit down and shut up because they have no right to speak on something, but if ever there was an occasion when that might fit, this is it.
Do these yards ever consider that the vast MAJORITY OF WOMEN do NOT side with them on an ABSOLUTE RIGHT TO ABORTION?

This is the funny thing about yards. They think this is a male vs female thing with ALL WOMEN agreeing with them. THEY DON'T!

True, and if anyone has literally no dog in this fight, from any direction you can look at it, it would be a gay man.
abortion is murder and this whole conversation is about other options,,,

and if you werent so dead set on killing as the first option this conversation wouldnt be a waste of time,,,
You are the one who is wasting everyone's time here. I have certainly not heard any "conversation" about other options. All I've heard is a lot of name calling and extreme rhetoric meant to get people outraged. No conversation here.

so you havent heard one person talk about birth control, abstinence, or adoption???
if not you need to get out more,,

and yes a lot of name calling from the baby killers,,,


1/2 of every conservative argument is name calling....

trump does it every day!
If I hadn't just put her on ignore, I could fill a page with just Cecilie's pejoratives.


Another victim?

Leftists are always "victims" of truth. Old really doesn't like hearing that her real character is completely at odds with who she'd like to convince herself she is.
i'd be just as happy if you didn't reply
A statement made out of fear, not confidence.


I will ask you two questions.

What is the scientific basis behind your argument?

Where does it say the child isn't viable until it exits the womb?

Please, cite actual science. If you can.

hey you are back! lol... fear? neh' eh.

well, let's see.... first of all, i never said that a 'child' isn't viable until it exits the womb. i don't believe in late term abortions unless of course the fetus is so severely deformed at that point or if the mother will die. the case of late term abortions being a norm is a complete lie.

anyhoo... will this abstract do?

Limits of fetal viability and its enhancement. - PubMed - NCBI

I never said anything about late term abortions "being the norm".

That "abstract" fails to address your position. Whether you like to admit it or not, you favor late term abortions, which as anyone can guess, take place when the fetus is viable (on or after the 25th week of pregnancy). The whole argument by people like yourself has been, that up until the very moment before birth, a woman can have an abortion. A fetus is a fetus until it exits the birth canal. Her rights are sacrosanct until the entire child has left said birth canal.

What you believe and what you say are two different things. That cookie cutter response simply won't do.
i'd be just as happy if you didn't reply
A statement made out of fear, not confidence.


I will ask you two questions.

What is the scientific basis behind your argument?

Where does it say the child isn't viable until it exits the womb?

Please, cite actual science. If you can.

hey you are back! lol... fear? neh' eh.

well, let's see.... first of all, i never said that a 'child' isn't viable until it exits the womb. i don't believe in late term abortions unless of course the fetus is so severely deformed at that point or if the mother will die. the case of late term abortions being a norm is a complete lie.

anyhoo... will this abstract do?

Limits of fetal viability and its enhancement. - PubMed - NCBI

I never said anything about late term abortions "being the norm".

That "abstract" fails to address your position. Whether you like to admit it or not, you favor late term abortions, which as anyone can guess, take place when the fetus is viable (on or after the 25th week of pregnancy). The whole argument by people like yourself has been, that up until the very moment before birth, a woman can have an abortion. A fetus is a fetus until it exits the birth canal. Her rights are sacrosanct until the entire child has left said birth canal.

What you believe and what you say are two different things. That cookie cutter response simply won't do.

are your eyes brown? cause you be full of shit. you asked 2 questions:

What is the scientific basis behind your argument?

i gave you a very valid unbiased credible link, had you read it - it said ...'In the United States viability presently occurs at approximately 24 weeks of gestational age'

Where does it say the child isn't viable until it exits the womb?

that isn't medically correct, so why would it say that? you wanted a scientific / medical based link & i provided it. see above answer because it is valid here as well.

Whether you like to admit it or not, you favor late term abortions,

sorry bro, but your eyes are as deep a brown as they can possibly be.

which as anyone can guess, take place when the fetus is viable (on or after the 25th week of pregnancy).

16-20 weeks ( 4-5 months gestation) at the most is my belief for termination because viability outside the uterus is non existent. but like i said 90% of abortions occur <12 weeks. look it up.

The whole argument by people like yourself has been, that up until the very moment before birth, a woman can have an abortion.


A fetus is a fetus until it exits the birth canal. Her rights are sacrosanct until the entire child has left said birth canal.

there you go again - your inflammatory wording makes it sound as if late term abortions are more common than they really are. when they do occur, the overwhelming majority are due to fetal abnormalities or the life of the mother is in danger. the reality is that no normal female will wait until then to just wake up one day & decide to terminate after already needing to buy new clothes to fit her swelling belly, put up with the increasing demands on her body to accommodate the fetus, & the sheer cost of such a complicated procedure.

They are not a person.

Lets play stupid and pretend we don't know what a fetus becomes....Lets play stupid and pretend we don't know what's inside an eagles egg.
No need to play stupid. The key word is becomes. Not is. And it night never become. Most pregnancies do not.

Hey look...I'm not debating the hair splitting twisted semantics you whackos hide behind to justify your filth...That said, do you think it's odd that you defend an eagles egg the way you do?
You are obsessed with filth. Stop projecting it on others. It is not semantics. Now keep your filthy hands off of our rights.

They pay for your v****a

(Why is that word banned, anyway. )

You aren’t smart enough to tie your own shoes. You probably shouldn’t try to tell others what to do
With the recent ruling in Alabama regarding abortion, and the eventual path towards SCOTUS to settle the issue, the obvious thing to do is to define what exactly the unborn is, something Roe vs. Wade shied away from doing. After all, the reason blacks were mistreated under the Constitution was because they were not identified as equals, they were 3/5 a human being.

There are but two possibilities from my vantage point.

1. They are a parasite, defined as an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism

2. Or they are a human being.

Which camp do you fall in?
When in vitro fertilization clinics purge their freezers, is that mass murder? Can a woman expecting twins be allowed to be the only body in a car on the HOV lanes? Does life begin at erection, conception, viability or birth?
Checking in, looks like personhood hasn't been settled yet. Shoot, maybe next year.
Can it walk, talk or chew gum? Does a fetus have any sentient awareness? Can it survivie outside the womb?

First, as the child is developing in the womb, it is reliant on the nutrients supplied to it by the mother. Her diet and physical condition determine the health of the baby (assuming a full term pregnancy)

Second, after birth, the child is again reliant on either of its parents to feed and nurture it. The amount of nurturing the child gets determines whether the child lives or dies.

Third, throughout childhood, the child is dependent on the parents for basic needs. This period is when the child should be taught how to care for themself. How well the child learns to take care of themself through their teenage years and adulthood will determine if they live or die.

The one key similarity? Dependence.

Now, to wrap that up...

Your key argument is that since the fetus depends on the mother, the fetus is not human and therefore part of the mother. Since it has not yet developed "sentience" as you so define it, it is not human.


If we used your argument, then the fetus, the baby, and the child would not be human. If that child is born with a cognitive disorder that robs he or she of their sentience or awareness, they cease to be human. None would be human until they shed their dependency on their parents or gained/regained the "sentient awareness." For the next decade or two (or the rest of their life for that matter), the child/adult would be a "potential human".

Your argument is flawed. Your argument is emotional.

And since I am not a homeless man in San Francisco, I am not going to rifle through more of your garbage post.

Have a good morning.

You're still granting the fetus rights, and it has none. Only the parents can determine whether they have sufficient resources to provide for the child, and whether they are prepared to make that commitment to the child. You've actually made the argument that these decisions SHOULD be made by the parents.

But the issue of late term abortions will always be with us as long as you fools continue to lie about them and misrepresent why a woman would wait so long to have an abortion. These are the medically necessary abortions, the ones where the fetus is not viable, no matter how much their parents wish it were. Where the life of the mother is endangered. The abortion no woman ever wants to have. To have such as you continue to vilify these poor women is deplorable.

Human beings are an interdependent species. None of us has access to all of the skills and resources needed to maintain a first world life and we are utterly dependent upon others to provide things like heat, power, food, and clothing for us. We trade what skills and talents we have for the currency to provide the goods and services we need but cannot provide for ourselves.

You're trying to equate the dependence of childhood with the control of the mother over decisions as to when to add to her family. That decision must include considerations for ALL family members, not just the potential addition. Sometimes the needs of the existing children are so great that there are insufficient resources to add another child at this time. These are private decisions and none of your business.
With the recent ruling in Alabama regarding abortion, and the eventual path towards SCOTUS to settle the issue, the obvious thing to do is to define what exactly the unborn is, something Roe vs. Wade shied away from doing. After all, the reason blacks were mistreated under the Constitution was because they were not identified as equals, they were 3/5 a human being.

There are but two possibilities from my vantage point.

1. They are a parasite, defined as an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism

2. Or they are a human being.

Which camp do you fall in?
When in vitro fertilization clinics purge their freezers, is that mass murder? Can a woman expecting twins be allowed to be the only body in a car on the HOV lanes? Does life begin at erection, conception, viability or birth?

You really aren't the brightest light on the midway.

Fertility clinics don't "purge" their freezers, you dumbass. This isn't the same as you cleaning out the mold in your refrigerator once a year. The embryos and ova and sperm they store is their inventory, what they make money off of. And legally, it belongs to their patients, not them. So they can't just destroy them en masse.

Insofar as all the bodies are occupying the same seat, a pregnant woman cannot use the HOV lane, and can you be any more silly, petty, and random?

Life begins at conception, because that is the point at which a separate and unique individual is created. You would know this if you were able to pass high school biology.

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