The Phantom's "Quick" Look at the Polls

You've proven nothing that you've claimed. Enough with the lies.

Then you never look at the polls I was talking about.
Which tells me you are a fail.

Keep lying if it makes you feel better, you are only making yourself look more idiotic with each post.

There is no poll of Wisconsin that only polled 100 people.
There is no poll of Wisconsin that only polled urban areas.
There is no poll of Wisconsin that was conducted last month that RCP is using in their average.

0 for 3
N %
Milwaukee City 94 13
Rest of Milwaukee media market 213 30
Madison media market 122 17
Green Bay/Appleton media market 131 19
Rest of state media markets 146 21

There is no poll of Wisconsin that was conducted last month that RCP is using in their average.
Prove it?
Then you never look at the polls I was talking about.
Which tells me you are a fail.

Keep lying if it makes you feel better, you are only making yourself look more idiotic with each post.

There is no poll of Wisconsin that only polled 100 people.
There is no poll of Wisconsin that only polled urban areas.
There is no poll of Wisconsin that was conducted last month that RCP is using in their average.

0 for 3
N %
Milwaukee City 94 13
Rest of Milwaukee media market 213 30
Madison media market 122 17
Green Bay/Appleton media market 131 19
Rest of state media markets 146 21

There is no poll of Wisconsin that was conducted last month that RCP is using in their average.
Prove it?

Again, a media market is a massive area, stretching well outside of the urban area of each market. Those breakdowns represent Wisconsin very well. Eucate yourself on where people live in Wisconsin and what the term media market means.

The RCP average uses the highlighted polls in their average when looking at a list of their polls.
Keep lying if it makes you feel better, you are only making yourself look more idiotic with each post.

There is no poll of Wisconsin that only polled 100 people.
There is no poll of Wisconsin that only polled urban areas.
There is no poll of Wisconsin that was conducted last month that RCP is using in their average.

0 for 3
N %
Milwaukee City 94 13
Rest of Milwaukee media market 213 30
Madison media market 122 17
Green Bay/Appleton media market 131 19
Rest of state media markets 146 21

There is no poll of Wisconsin that was conducted last month that RCP is using in their average.
Prove it?

Again, a media market is a massive area, stretching well outside of the urban area of each market. Those breakdowns represent Wisconsin very well. Eucate yourself on where people live in Wisconsin and what the term media market means.

The RCP average uses the highlighted polls in their average when looking at a list of their polls.

Right sure yep got it in other words you're an obama support got it.
N %
Milwaukee City 94 13
Rest of Milwaukee media market 213 30
Madison media market 122 17
Green Bay/Appleton media market 131 19
Rest of state media markets 146 21

Prove it?

Again, a media market is a massive area, stretching well outside of the urban area of each market. Those breakdowns represent Wisconsin very well. Eucate yourself on where people live in Wisconsin and what the term media market means.

The RCP average uses the highlighted polls in their average when looking at a list of their polls.

Right sure yep got it in other words you're an obama support got it.

You are dumb, ignorant and wrong. Stop posting about polls, you know nothing about them.
Seems to me that the universally accepted GOP talking point really boils down to "The polls are biased and wrong and Romney will surprise everyone come election day." Hey...if that makes you sleep easier, go with it.
Again, a media market is a massive area, stretching well outside of the urban area of each market. Those breakdowns represent Wisconsin very well. Eucate yourself on where people live in Wisconsin and what the term media market means.

The RCP average uses the highlighted polls in their average when looking at a list of their polls.

Right sure yep got it in other words you're an obama support got it.

You are dumb, ignorant and wrong. Stop posting about polls, you know nothing about them.

I know a fucking biased poll when I see it.Go fuck yourself bitch I post what ever I fucking please. Got that son of a god damn bitch?
Seems to me that the universally accepted GOP talking point really boils down to "The polls are biased and wrong and Romney will surprise everyone come election day." Hey...if that makes you sleep easier, go with it.

It seems to you?


The FACTS are the facts, whatever you happen to want to believe.

And the FACT is that if you have a poll sample (and there are WAY too many examples of this happening) where the Democratics are significantly OVER-SAMPLED, then the poll "results" will incorporate that statistical error into the outcome.

Yes. Libs and Dims WILL be surprised on Election Day.

The voter turnout and the motivated voters issues are pretty significant to the outcome. So is the early voting.

But if the liberals and other Democratics stay home in droves, because they simply aren't as motivated to get behind the proven FAILURE known as Pres. Obama, then the over-sampling of Dims in the polling will get even further highlighted in the ACTUAL results.

Pres. Obama is not getting a second term. But you and your fellow delusional liberal Democratics are free to find shallow comfort in the manipulated polling results being dutifully reported by the Administration's handmaiden media.
The far right point is that "the polls are deliberately over-sampled to screw" GOP candidates.
Seems to me that the universally accepted GOP talking point really boils down to "The polls are biased and wrong and Romney will surprise everyone come election day." Hey...if that makes you sleep easier, go with it.

It seems to you?


The FACTS are the facts, whatever you happen to want to believe.

And the FACT is that if you have a poll sample (and there are WAY too many examples of this happening) where the Democratics are significantly OVER-SAMPLED, then the poll "results" will incorporate that statistical error into the outcome.

Yes. Libs and Dims WILL be surprised on Election Day.

The voter turnout and the motivated voters issues are pretty significant to the outcome. So is the early voting.

But if the liberals and other Democratics stay home in droves, because they simply aren't as motivated to get behind the proven FAILURE known as Pres. Obama, then the over-sampling of Dims in the polling will get even further highlighted in the ACTUAL results.

Pres. Obama is not getting a second term. But you and your fellow delusional liberal Democratics are free to find shallow comfort in the manipulated polling results being dutifully reported by the Administration's handmaiden media.

If, on the day after the election, I quote this post of yours again followed by a giant ten point font ROFLMFAO!!! What will be your excuse for a Romney defeat? Massive voter fraud?
If, on the day after the election, I quote this post of yours again followed by a giant ten point font ROFLMFAO!!! What will be your excuse for a Romney defeat? Massive voter fraud?

ACORN secretly regrouped and got together with the New Black Panthers.
I scan over the RCP polls almost every day. And they do reflect current trends, but the RCP average has been several points off the final vote in the last several elections. And that is because they report the polls as published by the various organizations and make no effort to analyze them via demographics or any other manner of scientifically weighting the polls.

This is where I have to call shennanigans..

In 2004, RCP's average had Bush up by 1.5%. He won by 2.4%.

In 2008, RCP's Average had Obama up by 7.6%. He won by 7.3.

While I have little use for RCP's right wing bias, I'd take them deadly seriously on where the polls are.

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