The Phone Call Leaks Were "Obama People" Alright

Those transcripts are the property of the American people and unless they are stamped with a classified marking we have a right to not only read them but to download them and wipe our asses with them if we see fit.
Nut job alert! When did Obama release every transcript of every call? Hell, he emailed his sec of state using a fake name to communicate through her unsecured private server and then destroyed the evidence. Don't lecture us on transparency you lunatic liberal.
And for once, just one time, I want to see a journalist jailed for refusing to divulge who slipped them the transcripts. They won't say and go to jail. Only this time they should be put in a real jail, full of the type of shitheads they believe are just "misunderstood" or were "racially profiled" and see how that goes.
Absolutely an idiotic statement. We cheered like hell when reporters exposed Obama's criminal behaviors and protected their sources. We can't act like libtards and take the opposite position once "our" guy is in office.

The reporter should be untouchable. They were simply doing their job. Go after the Obama a-holes left over in government who are attempting to sabotage Trump's Administration.
Those transcripts are the property of the American people and unless they are stamped with a classified marking we have a right to not only read them but to download them and wipe our asses with them if we see fit.

Thank you! NaziCon didn't mind Putin and Assange hacking and leaking private DNC emails.
Those transcripts are the property of the American people and unless they are stamped with a classified marking we have a right to not only read them but to download them and wipe our asses with them if we see fit.

Thank you! NaziCon didn't mind Putin and Assange hacking and leaking private DNC emails.
Again....DNC emails are not classified materials. The DNC is a party - it is not a department of the federal government you nitwit. :banghead:
Those transcripts are the property of the American people and unless they are stamped with a classified marking we have a right to not only read them but to download them and wipe our asses with them if we see fit.

Thank you! NaziCon didn't mind Putin and Assange hacking and leaking private DNC emails.
Again....DNC emails are not classified materials. The DNC is a party - it is not a department of the federal government you nitwit. :banghead:

Please point out which White House documents were classified. Because every single leak I've seen isn't classified at all.
Those transcripts are the property of the American people and unless they are stamped with a classified marking we have a right to not only read them but to download them and wipe our asses with them if we see fit.

Thank you! NaziCon didn't mind Putin and Assange hacking and leaking private DNC emails.
Again....DNC emails are not classified materials. The DNC is a party - it is not a department of the federal government you nitwit. :banghead:

Please point out which White House documents were classified. Because every single leak I've seen isn't classified at all.

Most of the "diplomacy" at State is handled as classified material. That's why head of state meetings have 15 minute press photo ops and PUBLIC statements.

You have no expectation to be ENTITLED to private discussions with world leaders. NONE...
Those transcripts are the property of the American people and unless they are stamped with a classified marking we have a right to not only read them but to download them and wipe our asses with them if we see fit.

Thank you! NaziCon didn't mind Putin and Assange hacking and leaking private DNC emails.
Again....DNC emails are not classified materials. The DNC is a party - it is not a department of the federal government you nitwit. :banghead:

Please point out which White House documents were classified. Because every single leak I've seen isn't classified at all.

Most of the "diplomacy" at State is handled as classified material. That's why head of state meetings have 15 minute press photo ops and PUBLIC statements.

You have no expectation to be ENTITLED to private discussions with world leaders. NONE...

I agree with you, but we aren't seeing classified material in these leaks.
Those transcripts are the property of the American people and unless they are stamped with a classified marking we have a right to not only read them but to download them and wipe our asses with them if we see fit.

Thank you! NaziCon didn't mind Putin and Assange hacking and leaking private DNC emails.
Again....DNC emails are not classified materials. The DNC is a party - it is not a department of the federal government you nitwit. :banghead:

Please point out which White House documents were classified. Because every single leak I've seen isn't classified at all.

Most of the "diplomacy" at State is handled as classified material. That's why head of state meetings have 15 minute press photo ops and PUBLIC statements.

You have no expectation to be ENTITLED to private discussions with world leaders. NONE...

I agree with you, but we aren't seeing classified material in these leaks.

You never will. People go to jail for that. Or they're supposed to. ANYTHING embarrassing to ANY head of state is "classified". That includes ours....
The OP is mad that the fucked up conversation was recorded, not that Trump engaged in a ducked up conversation...that's totally ok.
Please point out which White House documents were classified. Because every single leak I've seen isn't classified at all.
How could a private conversation between the President of the United States and the president of Russia not be classified? If I'm wrong and it's not - then I fully support the disclosure of this information. But I can't see how it couldn't be.
Please point out which White House documents were classified. Because every single leak I've seen isn't classified at all.
How could a private conversation between the President of the United States and the president of Russia not be classified? If I'm wrong and it's not - then I fully support the disclosure of this information. But I can't see how it couldn't be.

I need to know more also. I do know the State Dept routinely marked conversations with world leaders as confidential, but that was a temporary classification until it could be vetted for release.
And for once, just one time, I want to see a journalist jailed for refusing to divulge who slipped them the transcripts. They won't say and go to jail. Only this time they should be put in a real jail, full of the type of shitheads they believe are just "misunderstood" or were "racially profiled" and see how that goes.
Absolutely an idiotic statement. We cheered like hell when reporters exposed Obama's criminal behaviors and protected their sources. We can't act like libtards and take the opposite position once "our" guy is in office.

The reporter should be untouchable. They were simply doing their job. Go after the Obama a-holes left over in government who are attempting to sabotage Trump's Administration.

I don't need a lecture about the canons of the Fourth Estate...I had them pounded into my head for 5 years and earned a Bach Science in journalism. There were no exposures of Obama crimes...he was coddled and protected by the same rodents now after the new President. No reporter or media company is or ever has been "untouchable". The NYTimes committed several acts of outright treason during the Iraq War....once actually printing "surge" numbers and dates of deployment. They were asked not to print the story but they did. Their offices should have been raided and both the publisher and editor frog-marched to waiting paddy wagons. They should have been given ONE HOUR to divulge the source of the story they printed or sent to a rendition site in Bulgaria for a nice little vacation in chains. This nation can not, should not, and hopefully will not find our own press as enemy combatants, but if we do, they should be treated as such.
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There were no exposures of Obama crimes...he was coddled and protected by the same rodents now after the new President.
Wow...this statement is even more idiotic than your previous. Edward Snowden exposed many of Barack Obama's criminal activities. Julian Assange and WikiLeaks covered all of it.

It's people like you who create the Barack Obama's. The idiotic opposition of everything "their side" does and the even more idiotic support of anything "your side" does.

The reporters did their job and should be untouchable. You whining about what occured like a little bitch will only make their jobs that much more impossible the next time a Barack Obama is in office.

We get it. You'd let Donald Trump shove his member down the back of your throat. You adore the man. But don't become a goose-stepping Nazi because of it. Let the press do their job. Encourage the press to do their job.
All of douchebags people should be booted out and Trumps brought in.

I'm surprised any of douchebags people are still in the WH. Trumps people should have know better. Boot them all out.
And guess what? Trump isn't a President who's going to allow this to continue, as he's made very clear. Stealing and leaking WH conversation transcripts amounts to espionage. Barry's cretins may have thought what they did was little more than the childish dormitory pranks they're still doing, but they're in for a rude awakening. An example will be made when they find out who it was, WH staff holdovers or State Dept. shitheads who've operated for years with no oversight. And for once, just one time, I want to see a journalist jailed for refusing to divulge who slipped them the transcripts. They won't say and go to jail. Only this time they should be put in a real jail, full of the type of shitheads they believe are just "misunderstood" or were "racially profiled" and see how that goes.


Stealing and leaking emails isn't espionage?

Depending on the content and the office of the person involved, of course it can be. Except the Russians didn't hack Podesta's emails.....DNC staffer Seth Rich did...and was murdered for it.

Not to mention Podesta's emails were from his private email account, not official government communications.

Hacking someone's yahoo account isn't "espionage" against the US government.
Stealing and leaking emails isn't espionage?
If the DNC had classified emails on their unsecured servers - then they committed two major felonies. So no - accessing the DNC servers (while illegal) is not "espionage".

So clueless.

If leaking the contents of a phone call is espionage, then leaking the content of emails is as well.

It's hilarious how the right's narrative changes now that they have the WH.

Russian hacking and the selective release of information in an effort to influence the American election was not espionage to them. Now a simple leak of transcripts by a staffer is espionage.


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