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The Physical Decline of Donald Trump.

Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.

He ran out of Xanax...It'll be in Monday.
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.

I've believed he has a neurological problem ever since he came down that elevator in 2015. No one paid much attention to what I was saying.

trump's dad died of Alzheimers. It's a gene passed from one generation to the next. A person's birth order will determine if they get the gene or not.

The way my sister explained it, she's a doctor, the gene needs to rejuvenate. The first child will have the gene. IF the next child is born without years of gaps that next child won't have it.


If there's years of gaps, the gene has had time to rejuvenate.

trump isn't the first born.

There is a couple years gap between the child born before him.

I watched 3 people from beginning to end of Alzheimers in my life. The first person I don't remember as much because I was a child.

I was an adult when I watched my grandmother go through it. I was an adult when my mom went through it.

I've been seeing signs of Alzheimers in trump since 2015. It's subtle. It always is at first. The slightly slurred speech. The lack of balance. Dry mouth. The incomplete sentences. Very strange ramblings. Paranoia, easily manipulated by people around him and other things.

I've seen it too many times in my life to not know what it is.

I said the same thing about Reagan in the 80s. I got the same reaction from people as I've gotten about trump.

Reagan died of Alzheimers.

If I'm right about this, trump will need to be locked up for his own protection. They wander and can be harmed or get lost or any one of a number of things. If he's on the same schedule as those I've watched in my life, he will need to be locked up at age 75. About a year or two from then he won't be in this reality and won't know who people are. He will see and hear things that aren't there. He will lose control of his body function. Basically his brain is becoming one big tumor of scar tissue that is creating more scare tissue that backs up in his brain causing more brain cells to die and create more scare tissue. It's a terrible circle.

People will do the same thing they did with Reagan. Deny it's happening.

When will people learn that denying reality won't make it go away?

I've seen a lot of the same signs of dementia. Also his fixation on a past that never was, and believing things that never happened. We saw a lot of that with my MIL's dementia.

If you watch his old interviews, he was quite articulate, held a train of thought, and spoke the way a man with the best Ivy league education that money can buy is expected to speak. Now he blathers, jumping from subject to subject, never offering a cohesive idea, and speaks at a 4th grade level. Words are mispronounced.

But I think there are also other neurological issues as well, either ADD or dyslexia. My money would be on dyslexia if I were to be making a bet. He's never been a good student. He graduated from Wharton with no distinctions. Famously DOES NOT READ. Reading isn't just fundamental, it is essential in your academic career, and in business. Won't read a briefing beyond half a page, with pictures.

Trump says he doesn't prepare for business negotiations. He says it's because he's good a reading a room and he goes with his gut. He's got a pretty good gut. He's a billionaire. He's also had 7 major business bankruptcies - more than any American businessman in history and $1 billion in business losses in the 1980's.

Real estate negotiators spend days preparing for negotiations. They review the public records search for the property, and for the people who own and/or lease it - checking out financial records, court records, and business histories of everyone involved. Information gleaned is used to talk the price down, force the vendor to make upgrades or expensive repairs to the property prior to closing, and 101 other little things to benefit our client.

When Trump reads the teleprompter, it is so unnatural, forced and difficult that it comes off as a hostage video - something he is forced to do. I think his refusal to read briefs or to prepare, his going with his gut, his use of TV to gather information, and his inability to read with inflection is due to dyslexia.
He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Of course he did, but you're drunk so you're hardly the best person to judge.
You're a democrat CU so your opinion is part of your hemorrhoid affliction.

Having given birth to three children, I admit to occasionally having an issue with hemorrhoids. While you certainly have good reason to claim you are a perfect asshole, alas, I am not.
Your asshole is in your mouth which explains your penchant for anal intercourse. This board has never had a more disgusting pile of quivering jelly as yourself. You get told this every day. You are completely worthless as a vertebrate. Utterly without a single redeeming value. This makes your very existence an obscenity.
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.

considering the load on his shoulders its understandable,,,

your TDS on the other hand isnt understandable and has resulted in many symptoms including delusional thought,,,
If he resigns for being sick, before the election, then Pence could pardon him for all his crimes, known and unknown.

Best of both worlds....


I’m pretty sure Trump is physically and mentally incapable of being President.

YOU have to be kidding!
GEEZ you people have NO sense of history do you!!! And because Trump at 74 takes his time and holds a glass..
YOU declare him incompetent!
Franklin D. Roosevelt... 1882 to 1945!!!
Was a wheel chair president for his entire presidency!
He passed away in 1945 at age 63! And you as a dumb ass DEMOCRAT never knew this because the biased MSM
seldom produced this image of FDR in a wheelchair.
when the future President of the United States was 39 years old. His main symptoms were fever; symmetric, ascending paralysis; facial paralysis; bowel and bladder dysfunction; numbness and hyperesthesia; and a descending pattern of recovery. Roosevelt was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down. He was diagnosed with poliomyelitis at the time, but his symptoms are more consistent with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) – an autoimmune neuropathy that Roosevelt's doctors failed to consider as a diagnostic possibility. In 1926, his belief in the benefits of hydrotherapy led him to found a rehabilitation center at Warm Springs, Georgia. He avoided being seen using his wheelchair in public, but his disability was well known and became a major part of his image.
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All the Trump bootlickers have bleated "TDS!" for the 14,792nd time, all while ignoring the video evidence he can barely walk down a ramp or drink a glass of water.

What lengths you people are willing to go to to tell yourselves your eyes are lying.
Hey what about these invalids??? All smokers like FDR... Trump doesn't smoke.
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Kennedy had a bad back while he was president..
All the Trump bootlickers have bleated "TDS!" for the 14,792nd time, all while ignoring the video evidence he can barely walk down a ramp or drink a glass of water.

What lengths you people are willing to go to to tell yourselves your eyes are lying.

I exhibit the same issues and I am almost 60. My wife is 62 and walks with a continuous limp all the time because the doctors made one leg longer than the other when doing her hip replacement surgery. How old are you? 19? Most libtards are uneducated youngsters?

Also, where did you get your medical degree?

I'm 54, and have no medical degree. I know of no other medical condition Trump might have that would prevent him from walking normally downhill on a nice, wide, stable ramp.

Oh wait…….there were those bone spurs that kept him out of Vietnam…..
He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Of course he did, but you're drunk so you're hardly the best person to judge.
You're a democrat CU so your opinion is part of your hemorrhoid affliction.

Having given birth to three children, I admit to occasionally having an issue with hemorrhoids. While you certainly have good reason to claim you are a perfect asshole, alas, I am not.
Your asshole is in your mouth which explains your penchant for anal intercourse. This board has never had a more disgusting pile of quivering jelly as yourself. You get told this every day. You are completely worthless as a vertebrate. Utterly without a single redeeming value. This makes your very existence an obscenity.


Given what he has been through during the last four years, he looks great!

His enemies (they are not actual "opponents") have tried every trick in the book to get him ejected from the Executive Mansion.

A totally deranged media have openly admitted that they are the Resistance, led by the New York Times, which has been saved from bankruptcy by the timely arrival of Mr. Trump's election.

If he is not reelected, he can return to business and become the unofficial spokesman for the many Americans who will need guidance on how to survive in the America that President Biden (actually his VP and Cabinet) have in store for Americans.
The water thing was weird. It looked like he couldn't raise the class with one hand alone. The ramp thing is understandable, but the water thing?

I'm thinking palsy, or arthritis. I occasionally have trouble holding a glass steady, because of the arthritis in my hands. I'll go to pick something up and have no grip. It passes quickly. My FIL has "the shakes". He cannot keep his hand steady, ever. It's a form of palsy. His mother had it, and my husband has it as well. It's getting worse as he ages.
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.

Drag him through the mud then critic he's tired huh? Sounds leftist to me.
I'm all for the brain scan. Who uses two hands to lift a small plastic glass. A three year old? :cool-45:

He’s trembling again.​
President Trump struggled to lift a glass of water Saturday during his speech to U.S. Military Academy graduates at West Point.​
Trump started to lift the glass with his right hand but seemed unable to guide it all the way up to his lips.​
The president used his left hand to steady the glass and tilt it into his mouth.​
After his speech, Trump also looked unsteady as he walked down a set of stairs after a lethargic speech to the graduates of the Army college.​
Trump critics and even some medical professionals believe the tics are signs of potentially serious medical problems. “This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan,” Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist wrote on Twitter.​


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