The Physical Decline of Donald Trump.

He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Of course he did, but you're drunk so you're hardly the best person to judge.
You're a democrat CU so your opinion is part of your hemorrhoid affliction.

Having given birth to three children, I admit to occasionally having an issue with hemorrhoids. While you certainly have good reason to claim you are a perfect asshole, alas, I am not.
Your asshole is in your mouth which explains your penchant for anal intercourse. This board has never had a more disgusting pile of quivering jelly as yourself. You get told this every day. You are completely worthless as a vertebrate. Utterly without a single redeeming value. This makes your very existence an obscenity.
There you go again tipsy bashing those with 50 or more IQ points more than you......You keep supporting the AH in the WH Says much about you

Given what he has been through during the last four years, he looks great!

His enemies (they are not actual "opponents") have tried every trick in the book to get him ejected from the Executive Mansion.

A totally deranged media have openly admitted that they are the Resistance, led by the New York Times, which has been saved from bankruptcy by the timely arrival of Mr. Trump's election.

If he is not reelected, he can return to business and become the unofficial spokesman for the many Americans who will need guidance on how to survive in the America that President Biden (actually his VP and Cabinet) have in store for Americans.
Parser you still don't get it If trump didn't need your vote he wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire
I'm all for the brain scan.
The free clinic opens tomorrow at 9. There goes Dr. Glove again, greedily jerking himself to hackneyed fake news sites who write stories without a shred of photographic or video evidence to support their insane claims to help him get through the long, lean, Biden Summer months leading to yet another face splat by the DNC this Fall. Art in motion.
I'm all for the brain scan. Who uses two hands to lift a small plastic glass. A three year old? :cool-45:

He’s trembling again.​
President Trump struggled to lift a glass of water Saturday during his speech to U.S. Military Academy graduates at West Point.​
Trump started to lift the glass with his right hand but seemed unable to guide it all the way up to his lips.​
The president used his left hand to steady the glass and tilt it into his mouth.​
After his speech, Trump also looked unsteady as he walked down a set of stairs after a lethargic speech to the graduates of the Army college.​
Trump critics and even some medical professionals believe the tics are signs of potentially serious medical problems. “This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan,” Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist wrote on Twitter.​

Hmm...., The "Daily News" the epitome of truth and justice --NOT-- A Leftist paper that should have gone out of business years ago.
when he starts babbling like biden then you might have something....
So you are saying Trump does not babble? Biden has a stutterting disability, what is Trump's?
Biden is not stuttering. His mind is blanking out constantly. You know this but you are pretending it's just a stutter.
I'm all for the brain scan. Who uses two hands to lift a small plastic glass. A three year old? :cool-45:

He’s trembling again.​
President Trump struggled to lift a glass of water Saturday during his speech to U.S. Military Academy graduates at West Point.​
Trump started to lift the glass with his right hand but seemed unable to guide it all the way up to his lips.​
The president used his left hand to steady the glass and tilt it into his mouth.​
After his speech, Trump also looked unsteady as he walked down a set of stairs after a lethargic speech to the graduates of the Army college.​
Trump critics and even some medical professionals believe the tics are signs of potentially serious medical problems. “This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan,” Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist wrote on Twitter.​

You should be lobotomized. You're nothing but a lying pos.
I'm all for the brain scan.
The free clinic opens tomorrow at 9. There goes Dr. Glove again, greedily jerking himself to hackneyed fake news sites who write stories without a shred of photographic or video evidence to support their insane claims to help him get through the long, lean, Biden Summer months leading to yet another face splat by the DNC this Fall. Art in motion.

I provided video evidence.
Why can't your Donnie can't get a glass or bottle of water up to his mouth without two hands?
Is it his tiny hands, or is it something more? ;)


Given what he has been through during the last four years, he looks great!

His enemies (they are not actual "opponents") have tried every trick in the book to get him ejected from the Executive Mansion.

A totally deranged media have openly admitted that they are the Resistance, led by the New York Times, which has been saved from bankruptcy by the timely arrival of Mr. Trump's election.

If he is not reelected, he can return to business and become the unofficial spokesman for the many Americans who will need guidance on how to survive in the America that President Biden (actually his VP and Cabinet) have in store for Americans.
Parser you still don't get it If trump didn't need your vote he wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire

But isn't that true of EVERY politician?
Having no medical degree will stick with what I can see, Trump has worked very hard all his life at self promotion, not much on using his money or voice helping others. los of print on tearing down or insulting others who express a different view.
I'm all for the brain scan. Who uses two hands to lift a small plastic glass. A three year old? :cool-45:

He’s trembling again.​
President Trump struggled to lift a glass of water Saturday during his speech to U.S. Military Academy graduates at West Point.​
Trump started to lift the glass with his right hand but seemed unable to guide it all the way up to his lips.​
The president used his left hand to steady the glass and tilt it into his mouth.​
After his speech, Trump also looked unsteady as he walked down a set of stairs after a lethargic speech to the graduates of the Army college.​
Trump critics and even some medical professionals believe the tics are signs of potentially serious medical problems. “This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan,” Dr. Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist wrote on Twitter.​

I provided video evidence.
Why can't your Donnie can't get a glass or bottle of water up to his mouth without two hands?
Is it his tiny hands, or is it something more?
That's what you got? A picture of a guy taking a sip of water? You watched Obama stuttering, Hillary stumbling, tripping and falling down, and Biden going off into space with his ramblings, but you want to take a brain scan of Trump?

Your glove is too tight around your chicken. It can't breathe.

Maybe the glass was too full. Maybe Trump had a sore elbow or finger. Maybe he did it just to give idiots like you a new faux story to choke your gizzard with.
Mods - Please merge here. Sorry about that. odanny seems to have beaten me to the punch. Thanks!


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