The Physical Decline of Donald Trump.

The water thing was weird. It looked like he couldn't raise the class with one hand alone. The ramp thing is understandable, but the water thing?

It's the exact same way my grandmother and mother drank anything from a gas when they were his age.

Both women had and died of Alzheimers.
I would think if your grandmother and mother drank "gas" they'd die for sure! But of course that's how rumors get started... spelling errors! So simple... representing mentality of people that drink "gas" I guess!
All the Trump bootlickers have bleated "TDS!" for the 14,792nd time, all while ignoring the video evidence he can barely walk down a ramp or drink a glass of water.

What lengths you people are willing to go to to tell yourselves your eyes are lying.

Remember when Trump suggested injecting disinfectant..... he didn’t say that either. That is so funny even when presented with video. NOOOOO these gullibles he didn’t say that. Following day Trump said he was just joking.
TDS thread 1,705


Of course I didn't watch the blob addressing the troops. He has no business being around such splendid soldiers and I'm sure it sickened many in the audience to have to sit there and listen to this pervert talk about honor and patriotism--two things he's never had.

From the hits on the 'net about the doddering inability to walk down a seems like the obese apricot has begun some form of physical decline. The two-handing of the water has been happening for a while.
I’m pretty sure Trump is physically and mentally incapable of being President.

YOU have to be kidding!
GEEZ you people have NO sense of history do you!!! And because Trump at 74 takes his time and holds a glass..
YOU declare him incompetent!
Franklin D. Roosevelt... 1882 to 1945!!!
Was a wheel chair president for his entire presidency!
He passed away in 1945 at age 63! And you as a dumb ass DEMOCRAT never knew this because the biased MSM
seldom produced this image of FDR in a wheelchair.
when the future President of the United States was 39 years old. His main symptoms were fever; symmetric, ascending paralysis; facial paralysis; bowel and bladder dysfunction; numbness and hyperesthesia; and a descending pattern of recovery. Roosevelt was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down. He was diagnosed with poliomyelitis at the time, but his symptoms are more consistent with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) – an autoimmune neuropathy that Roosevelt's doctors failed to consider as a diagnostic possibility. In 1926, his belief in the benefits of hydrotherapy led him to found a rehabilitation center at Warm Springs, Georgia. He avoided being seen using his wheelchair in public, but his disability was well known and became a major part of his image.
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But Franklin never sent threatening letters or attacking his own people. Showed leadership and take responsibility.

Trump: incite violence, threatening mayors and governors, finger pointing blaming, not responsible, screwed up this country, nonsense conspiracies, dishonest, hypocrite, corrupted, nonsense tweets. Most of all a pathological liar and RACIST. Totally disgusting.

Aside from that he is a good president.
I’m pretty sure Trump is physically and mentally incapable of being President.

YOU have to be kidding!
GEEZ you people have NO sense of history do you!!! And because Trump at 74 takes his time and holds a glass..
YOU declare him incompetent!
Franklin D. Roosevelt... 1882 to 1945!!!
Was a wheel chair president for his entire presidency!
He passed away in 1945 at age 63! And you as a dumb ass DEMOCRAT never knew this because the biased MSM
seldom produced this image of FDR in a wheelchair.
when the future President of the United States was 39 years old. His main symptoms were fever; symmetric, ascending paralysis; facial paralysis; bowel and bladder dysfunction; numbness and hyperesthesia; and a descending pattern of recovery. Roosevelt was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down. He was diagnosed with poliomyelitis at the time, but his symptoms are more consistent with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) – an autoimmune neuropathy that Roosevelt's doctors failed to consider as a diagnostic possibility. In 1926, his belief in the benefits of hydrotherapy led him to found a rehabilitation center at Warm Springs, Georgia. He avoided being seen using his wheelchair in public, but his disability was well known and became a major part of his image.
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Roosevelt's afflictions were physical, not neurological. Roosevelt's mind was sharp and clear. Trump is showing signs of both.

Trump is in terrible shape physicially. He walks like someone with arthritis in his hips and knees. Short, stiff steps. Made worse by his weight. He always holds the handrail going up and down stairs. And he lumbers from side to side when he walks. He dropped out of the walking tour of Brussels at the NATO headquarters opening because he couldn't keep up with the other world leaders, and he was red-faced and panting trying.

The White House doctor glosses over his heart condition in his annual reports, but he has high choleresterol and heart disease. That's what the statins and daily asprin are for. He's also gained a LOT of weight since coming down that escalator.

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That photo is not Trump, but a look alike. Look at the length of the hair!
The photo is Trump.
You all can keep hoping.

But, the fact is that Biden is on the slide. That's what you'lld deal with for the next five months.

If he lasts that long.


Of course I didn't watch the blob addressing the troops. He has no business being around such splendid soldiers and I'm sure it sickened many in the audience to have to sit there and listen to this pervert talk about honor and patriotism--two things he's never had.

From the hits on the 'net about the doddering inability to walk down a seems like the obese apricot has begun some form of physical decline. The two-handing of the water has been happening for a while.
And, gingerly walking down the ramp

he was rushed to Walter Reed for an unscheduled doctor's visit on a Saturday night last fall. Not withstanding the obvious decline of his cognitive abilities over the past 5 years (seriously, go back and watch old videos of him speaking, he wasn't this bad), he is clearly getting worse.


Of course I didn't watch the blob addressing the troops. He has no business being around such splendid soldiers and I'm sure it sickened many in the audience to have to sit there and listen to this pervert talk about honor and patriotism--two things he's never had.

From the hits on the 'net about the doddering inability to walk down a seems like the obese apricot has begun some form of physical decline. The two-handing of the water has been happening for a while.
And, gingerly walking down the ramp

he was rushed to Walter Reed for an unscheduled doctor's visit on a Saturday night last fall. Not withstanding the obvious decline of his cognitive abilities over the past 5 years (seriously, go back and watch old videos of him speaking, he wasn't this bad), he is clearly getting worse.
The mumbling and repeating is getting comical. Thats true.
He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Trump knows his every gesture will be scrutinized and magnified before is dissected and commented on. He sometimes does something specifically designed to needle the media.

I agree. I've watched him at rallies and on TV. He looks and acts fine to me.

Just more lefty loon idiocy. Hell they are trying to convince themselves that Trump has problems. I'll just stand over her and LMAO at their stupidity.
He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Trump knows his every gesture will be scrutinized and magnified before is dissected and commented on. He sometimes does something specifically designed to needle the media.

I agree. I've watched him at rallies and on TV. He looks and acts fine to me.

Just more lefty loon idiocy. Hell they are trying to convince themselves that Trump has problems. I'll just stand over her and LMAO at their stupidity.
He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Trump knows his every gesture will be scrutinized and magnified before is dissected and commented on. He sometimes does something specifically designed to needle the media.

I agree. I've watched him at rallies and on TV. He looks and acts fine to me.

Just more lefty loon idiocy. Hell they are trying to convince themselves that Trump has problems. I'll just stand over her and LMAO at their stupidity.
And Obama's glass was 3/4 full not to the brim as was Trump's
I’m pretty sure Trump is physically and mentally incapable of being President.

YOU have to be kidding!
GEEZ you people have NO sense of history do you!!! And because Trump at 74 takes his time and holds a glass..
YOU declare him incompetent!
Franklin D. Roosevelt... 1882 to 1945!!!
Was a wheel chair president for his entire presidency!
He passed away in 1945 at age 63! And you as a dumb ass DEMOCRAT never knew this because the biased MSM
seldom produced this image of FDR in a wheelchair.
when the future President of the United States was 39 years old. His main symptoms were fever; symmetric, ascending paralysis; facial paralysis; bowel and bladder dysfunction; numbness and hyperesthesia; and a descending pattern of recovery. Roosevelt was left permanently paralyzed from the waist down. He was diagnosed with poliomyelitis at the time, but his symptoms are more consistent with Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS) – an autoimmune neuropathy that Roosevelt's doctors failed to consider as a diagnostic possibility. In 1926, his belief in the benefits of hydrotherapy led him to found a rehabilitation center at Warm Springs, Georgia. He avoided being seen using his wheelchair in public, but his disability was well known and became a major part of his image.
View attachment 350185
But Franklin never sent threatening letters or attacking his own people. Showed leadership and take responsibility.

Trump: incite violence, threatening mayors and governors, finger pointing blaming, not responsible, screwed up this country, nonsense conspiracies, dishonest, hypocrite, corrupted, nonsense tweets. Most of all a pathological liar and RACIST. Totally disgusting.

Aside from that he is a good president.
FDR tried to STACK the Supreme Court you ignorant person!

This Is How FDR Tried to Pack the Supreme Court
When his New Deal legislation kept getting struck down, FDR proposed a law targeting justices over the age of 70.
Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 11.00.28 AM.png
He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Trump knows his every gesture will be scrutinized and magnified before is dissected and commented on. He sometimes does something specifically designed to needle the media.

I agree. I've watched him at rallies and on TV. He looks and acts fine to me.

Just more lefty loon idiocy. Hell they are trying to convince themselves that Trump has problems. I'll just stand over her and LMAO at their stupidity.
And Obama's glass was 3/4 full not to the brim as was Trump's

Is that seriously the excuse y’all are going with? The glass was too full?
And of course NOT being taught HISTORY in college (assume you went) much less in high school... you are totally ignorant about this: The fireside chats were a series of evening radio addresses given by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt (known colloquially as "FDR") between 1933 and 1944. Roosevelt spoke with familiarity to millions of Americans about the promulgation of the Emergency Banking Act in response to the banking crisis, the recession, New Dealinitiatives, and the course of World War II. On radio, he was able to quell rumors and explain his policies. His tone and demeanor communicated self-assurance during times of despair and uncertainty. Roosevelt was regarded as an effective communicator on radio, and the fireside chats kept him in high public regard throughout his presidency. Their introduction was later described as a "revolutionary experiment with a nascent media platform."[1]
And you people chasten Trump for tweeting!! FDR did it first!
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.

what a fucking moron.

should i now find pics of hillary slipping? shoe coming off? bobbing her head at balloons or NOTHING in the air and smiling like a cheshire cat?

biden quotes that make zero sense and combines 80 thoughts into 6 words?

what a fucking moron.
He looks fine to me and sounded fine.

Trump knows his every gesture will be scrutinized and magnified before is dissected and commented on. He sometimes does something specifically designed to needle the media.

I agree. I've watched him at rallies and on TV. He looks and acts fine to me.

Just more lefty loon idiocy. Hell they are trying to convince themselves that Trump has problems. I'll just stand over her and LMAO at their stupidity.
And Obama's glass was 3/4 full not to the brim as was Trump's

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