The Physical Decline of Donald Trump.

Wow, the imbecile was able to drink a glass of water with only one hand. Guess his physical therapy is showing some signs of improvement. Shame the same can't be said for his mental state.
Wow, the imbecile was able to drink a glass of water with only one hand. Guess his physical therapy is showing some signs of improvement. Shame the same can't be said for his mental state.
When Trump was drinking with both hands, it was outside and warm. Ever had a cold glass of water sweat, making it very slippery to hold?

Apparently, you are the imbecile.
When Trump was drinking with both hands, it was outside and warm. Ever had a cold glass of water sweat, making it very slippery to hold?

Apparently, you are the imbecile.

Come on man, I can drink a cold glass of water outside, with a sweaty glass, and not spill it down my shirt. We'll give him a pass on that, okay?

But the ramp? He said it was "slippery", slippery from what? It wasn't raining, and we both know damn well they are NOT, at West Point of all places, going to have a 74 year old man descend down a ramp that is slippery.
Come on man, I can drink a cold glass of water outside, with a sweaty glass, and not spill it down my shirt. We'll give him a pass on that, okay?

But the ramp? He said it was "slippery", slippery from what? It wasn't raining, and we both know damn well they are NOT, at West Point of all places, going to have a 74 year old man descend down a ramp that is slippery.

You obviously did not watch the rally because he explained that the glass was so he would not drop water on his silk tie and the baby-steps down the ramp was caused by his wearing leather-soled shoes.

I am almost 60, and I hate walking down ramps. Walking up is fine, but going down a ramp just feels unnatural to me and throws off my balance. I have been that way my entire life.

I also dislike elevators, so I am taking steps to avoid them.
Come on man, I can drink a cold glass of water outside, with a sweaty glass, and not spill it down my shirt. We'll give him a pass on that, okay?

But the ramp? He said it was "slippery", slippery from what? It wasn't raining, and we both know damn well they are NOT, at West Point of all places, going to have a 74 year old man descend down a ramp that is slippery.
I think all women know what he's talking about. Our dressy high heels always have very slippery leather soles. Many of us actually take a Brillo pad or sandpaper to the bottom of new shoes! It's true.
He's absolutely right. I'll have to share the Brillo pad trick with him.
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.

Hopefully, you watched the rally last night where the President explained those things you're concerned about. Stupid son of a bitch.
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.

You're a fucking retard shithead. Therefore I piss in your face:piss2::scared1:
I didn't watch the rally, but I did see it was only half full. I also agree with you that he is a stupid son of a bitch.
Read my post again. You're obviously a product of the public school system.
Demwits have some kind of bias against water. Look at what they did to Marco Rubio for drinking water. That's probably where Trump got the idea.
We didn't do anything to Marco Rubio. Him drinking water awkwardly is what got him booted out of the Republican primaries. You guys did that to him. For what? For this?

And now you're going to do it to Ron DeSantis
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.


My boss is 51 and sometimes for whatever reason drinks holding it with both hands.

My uncle is 66 and not an old man yet but it's very careful of stairs when his knee or hip are hurting him. Particularly when going down them. If he is having pain in his knee or something and falls down stairs that ain't good and not just physically. Biden falls a dozen times and msm ignores it, trump slips once and it would be all over the place for weeks.

Let's face, it's trump. Every little thing he does no matter what is going to dissected and nit picked to death. The amount of scrutinization is astounding.
Trump is having greater and greater difficulty doing simple things. Today at West Point he looked terrible. He needed to use both hands to take a sip of water, and walking down a ramp was clearly not easy for him. I am beginning to wonder if he is suffering from some kind of degenerative neurological condition.



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