The Pillow guy must pay $5,000,000 to man who debunked his voter fraud scheme

he must be doing OK now as I am (regrettably) seeing his ads on FOX again.
They do love tossing around words like "Stalinist" without actually understanding what they mean or how they apply.

I suspect they figure it sounds smarter than COMMIE (for example three syllables instead of two), but who knows.
I always get a kick out of MAGAs calling others Stalinists when MAGAs use the terms of Stalin, use the tactics of Stalin and then support Stalinists all over the world. For heaven’s sake, they are the biggest supporters of the Stalinist/Leninist V. Putin. These MAGA turds fall over themselves to support the reconstitution of the Soviet empire.
I always get a kick out of MAGAs calling others Stalinists when MAGAs use the terms of Stalin, use the tactics of Stalin and then support Stalinists all over the world. For heaven’s sake, they are the biggest supporters of the Stalinist/Leninist V. Putin. These MAGA turds fall over themselves to support the reconstitution of the Soviet empire.
They get this from the media voices, people like Tucker, Hannity and Mark Levin.

I'm not quite sure if they spin for Russia like they do because they actually do want a dictator, or simply because it is contrary to the Left. This whole awful orange period has demonstrated that "owning da libz" is a mysteriously high priority for them.
I always get a kick out of MAGAs calling others Stalinists when MAGAs use the terms of Stalin, use the tactics of Stalin and then support Stalinists all over the world. For heaven’s sake, they are the biggest supporters of the Stalinist/Leninist V. Putin. These MAGA turds fall over themselves to support the reconstitution of the Soviet empire.
Putin is a capitalist....not a stalinist. Russia abandoned lysenko 70 years ago.
They get this from the media voices, people like Tucker, Hannity and Mark Levin.

I'm not quite sure if they spin for Russia like they do because they actually do want a dictator, or simply because it is contrary to the Left. This whole awful orange period has demonstrated that "owning da libz" is a mysteriously high priority for them.
Painful to watch as Conservatives sides with brutal dictators rather than a US led by Democrats
Putin is a capitalist....not a stalinist. Russia abandoned lysenko 70 years ago.
Putin is every bit a Marxist/Stalinist/Leninist.

They get this from the media voices, people like Tucker, Hannity and Mark Levin.

I'm not quite sure if they spin for Russia like they do because they actually do want a dictator, or simply because it is contrary to the Left. This whole awful orange period has demonstrated that "owning da libz" is a mysteriously high priority for them.

Putin is every bit a Stalin/Leninist.
Not even close....Under Stalin all industry and commerce was controlled by the state. It was the main plank of his governance. There were no millionaires or billionaires.
Totally different today.

If you want to call Putin a political strongman.... That's different. Stalin was one of those also.
a demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie.
may the ops family be surrounded by some of the worst ms 13 rapists and murderers alive

And the MAGA/QAnon'rs that we know and love.

Poor souls who quickly devolve into ad hominens, epithets, and histrionics when their grasp of the nuances and complexities of today's world ain't strong enough, big enough, or educated enough to guide them through the America of today.

It's sad. In my opinion.
That's what ideology does to people. It's a fuckin' cautionary tale.

The amount of history they have to ignore is incredible.

They are so indoctrinated with….Democrats are EVIL
That they are willing to side with real evil over the United States
We can only hope that Lindell along with Guiliani and Trump will be soon living in a box under a highway. The three stooges of lies and deceit,
Yes, the Marxist Tyrants, that is, the Democrat party will have completed the transition from representing the people to oppressing the people, once they finish destroying their political enemies.

Everything Democrats claim we must fear of Trump, they are openly doing to Trump and all Americans.
This morning's reportage describes yesterday's ruling that confirmed Election Denier, Mike Lindell, does have to pay the $5,000,000 (plus interest) that he offered to anyone who could prove him wrong on his claim about election fraud. Someone did. A man who had voted for DonTrump twice.....but was still pretty darn good with numbers and data.

It appears that that whole sub-culture of conspiracy-wonkery about 'Stolen Election' is bearing a heavy burden of fines, penalties, court judgements against 'em. Look at Rudy, look at Krakenpot Powell, Jenna Ellis, a whole potful of now censored attorneys who represented Trump, et al. Look at all those fraudulent electors now being indicted. It goes to show that karma lurks, accountability is a thing.

We all 'get it' when uber-partisans push and push their polemics. All political persuasions see the fringie conspiracists get hysterical and histrionic with their claims. But.......if you cannot, will not, or in any case, do not.....prove your claims, well then, there is a piper to be paid.

'Election Denialism' is gonna become ----I am predicting ---one of those snickered at conspiracy silly-isms like Moon Landing denial, 9/11 denial, Sandy Hook denial, Cyber-Ninjas, JFK Jr. to be Trump's VP, Kieth Richards is JFK, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Anyway, here is one of the reportages today about PIllowBoy and his Election Denial nutjobbery:

"Mike Lindell must pay man $5M in ‘Prove Mike Wrong’ challenge, judge says

In 2021, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell offered $5 million to anyone who could disprove his claim that he had data showing voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Now, he must pay a 64-year-old from Nevada that award, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.

Lindell, a prominent election denier and staunch supporter of former president Donald Trump, claimed to have data showing Chinese interference in the 2020 race. If someone could “Prove Mike Wrong,” as the challenge was called, and show the data was unrelated to the election, they would get the payout, Lindell said ahead of an August 2021 “cyber symposium” held in South Dakota where contestants would review the files.

Robert Zeidman, a computer forensics expert who voted for Trump twice, did just that, a federal judge in Minnesota determined Wednesday, upholding a previous ruling from a private arbitration panel. Zeidman is owed the $5 million payout plus interest, Judge John Tunheim wrote in his Wednesday ruling
Free speech allows for people to say the election was rigged, or our government is corrupt in America.
Yes, the Marxist Tyrants, that is, the Democrat party will have completed the transition from representing the people to oppressing the people, once they finish destroying their political enemies.

Everything Democrats claim we must fear of Trump, they are openly doing to Trump and all Americans.
The only Marxist/Lenists are you MAGAs, You sound like them, you act like them and you support them. Look in the mirror for the Marxist, Red.

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