The Pillow guy must pay $5,000,000 to man who debunked his voter fraud scheme

All these conspiracy theories just keep getting whacked, with this Russian asset fiasco being the latest example.

They lack the self esteem and decency to admit they've been conned, so I suspect they're only going to get more feral.
"Free speech" is a dynamic between the government and individuals. It's a thing between 'individuals' only with careful parameters.

In short, if you allege, claim, assert something untrue or harmful ....well, amigo, you are judged, often harshly, by the ideas you articulate and the tone and character of language you use. Words have meaning.

I know you know that. Say something offensive to your neighbor about his wife and the government ain't gonna stop your neighbor(s) from thinking you are a diqhead. Life works that way. Accountability and responsibility are real. Trust me.
People were allowed to deny 911 …there are videos about it saying there were no planes, or it was a conspiracy ….That’s what occurs in the free society.

Democrats claimed the 2000 election was rigged. That’s what freedom is about.
Poor Red. Stuck on a handshake.
It more than a handshake, what has Biden really done to stop Russia, sent weapons months after Russia had a firm foot in the Ukraine. Now Biden says he will really sanction Russia? Hahahahaha.

Look at the love in the face of Biden, he really is honored
Back to the topic of the OP: Mike Lindell's accountability.

What is so affirming about this $5 million judgement is that it validates the widespread belief that Mike was/is a nut job.

Recall his loud claim that he had enough evidence of election fraud to imprison 300 million Americans?

That was one of my most favorite take-aways from that whole Election Denial zombie-ism. 300 million imprisoned Americans would leave about 30 million...presumably the guard 'em. I love this bar!

Who can't like that kind of snicker-bait? The rational adult world was only too glad to lump Pillowboy in with the rest of the MAGA/QAnon fringie nutters.

Really, I love this bar!
You are so gullible and fooled by the statements of politicians.
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You mean that part where Trump claims he was “just joking” when he says stupid things?

What about that part where the guy you voted for encouraged Putin to attack our NATO Allies and promised he wouldn’t protect them?
It more than a handshake, what has Biden really done to stop Russia, sent weapons months after Russia had a firm foot in the Ukraine.

Biden created an international coalition to provide weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

To date, it has stopped Russia in its tracks until Putin loving Republicans pulled the plug on US aid to Ukraine

You mean that part where Trump claims he was “just joking” when he says stupid things?

What about that part where the guy you voted for encouraged Putin to attack our NATO Allies and promised he wouldn’t protect them?
how about quoting instead of lying
Biden created an international coalition to provide weapons and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

To date, it has stopped Russia in its tracks until Putin loving Republicans pulled the plug on US aid to Ukraine
Biden created the mess, and as you said, this allows Putin to stay, in the Ukraine. Stopped right in it's tracks, where they want to be, the Ukraine.

Meanwhile, with the money we gave the Ukraine, they are building Nuclear Power Plants, not fighting the war.

I see why the Ukraine bribed the Biden's, future protection and billions in economic aid.
People were allowed to deny 911 …or it was a conspiracy ….That’s what occurs in the free society.

Oh hell yes.
Denying 911, or Sandy Hook, or the Moon Landing is fairly harmless....except to the victims or people actually involved and invested.

But mostly the harm is to the reputation for probity and intelligence of the deniers.
And our free society is free to think those deniers are kooks and goofballs. Unserious jackasses.

However, 'election denialism' is a horse of a different color. What these 'Deniers' have done (following the originator and chief pusher ---Don Trump) is harm America's confidence in free and fair elections. That was corrosive, harmful to America's strength and identity. Those other deniers ---Holocaust, JFK Assassin, Moon Landing, et al ---were fairly harmless nutjobbery pushed by obvious nutjobs.

However, Election Denialism was pushed by the then President of the United States of America, and it led to great long term harm with the doubts about our elections, not to mention the tragedy of the January 6th attack on our governance in Washington DC.

Denialism....and the too often untruths that buttress it......can be corrosive.
That is too too apparent.

The only Marxist/Lenists are you MAGAs, You sound like them, you act like them and you support them. Look in the mirror for the Marxist, Red.

How about joining the conversation, oh, you can't, you can only call people NAZI's that you disagree with.

Well, good poster, Elektra that is kinda sorta what your original allegation was ....that my poor avatar had asserted your poor avatar was a "Nazi".

But me....and my avatar.....recall no such thing.
And we asked you to back up your word.
To demonstrate your gravitas and show us the post or the thread that you say is proof.

But you wouldn't, or couldn't, at any rate, didn't back your word up.
You disappeared and hid out for a while.
So, now you are back.....and the question still lingers.
Do you have proof of your claim? Proof that will make your word good?

If you do, well, right now would be a good time to show the forum you are a man (woman?) of substance and veracity. That you possess gravitas.

So, saddle up, Skippy.
Giddyup! ;) ✌️

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