The Pillow guy must pay $5,000,000 to man who debunked his voter fraud scheme

There was a brief period where Russia was on the right track, but that track has been derailed. Putin is attempting reconstitute the Soviet Union. Putin is not a capitalist. He is a kleptocrat with Stalinist policies of the state controlling all apparatus of government and the repression of free thought.
He probably is a kleptocrat.
Still the base operation of the Russian economy is not a communist construct. There is actually opportunity there were there was none before. Has Putin grabbed companies for himself. Yeah most likely.
That's becasue no one has been able to show there were any anomolies.

Anyone who has tried has been shown to be lying about everything. Every time.
It all started when an overstuffed orange POS stood behind a podium and lied. He lies for a living.
Basically yes.

It wasn't just case of Lindell randomly bragging "I'll give $5 million to anyone who can disprove my election theory!". I don't think any court would have recognized that kind of thing as a contract.

Lindell specifically invited those people, handed them some specific files, publicly declared those files were proof of Chinese hacking, and publicly announced he'd award $5 million to any of those invitees if they could show those files weren't proof of Chinese hacking before the conference ended.

The guy did just that, showing the files had nothing to do with elections or China.

The court said that Lindell getting that specific made it a contract.
Basically yes.

It wasn't just case of Lindell randomly bragging "I'll give $5 million to anyone who can disprove my election theory!". I don't think any court would have recognized that kind of thing as a contract.

Lindell specifically invited those people, handed them some specific files, publicly declared those files were proof of Chinese hacking, and publicly announced he'd award $5 million to any of those invitees if they could show those files weren't proof of Chinese hacking before the conference ended.

The guy did just that, showing the files had nothing to do with elections or China.

The court said that Lindell getting that specific made it a contract.
Your court
It has no relevance at this point. Mike lost and lost the appeal. He will need to pay.
What if I stated publicly "I offer $100B to anyone who can prove that the moon is made of cheese"?

Would it mean anything?

Hell, I am sure with a good lawyer that he could find some technicality it happens all the time in the corporate world.
What if I stated publicly "I offer $100B to anyone who can prove that the moon is made of cheese"?

Would it mean anything?

After all, you didn't have a select few pay to attend a "hacker's conference", and then make that specific offer to those few who paid to attend.
A MAGA acquaintance who belongs to an ultra MAGA social club laughed hard in the summer of 2022. He and the rest of his club members thought that the low weekday viewership numbers for the televised J6 Committee Hearings were proof that Trump was an innocent man. Trump is a magnet for really stupid people. I reminded him that the one primetime hearing drew 17 million viewers in comparison to his Monday Night Football that averages 11-12 million. These slugs` boycott of the hearings didn`t help the twice impeached, 4 times indicted one at all. A school district let this moron teach special ed for 30 years. Ya, I know what you`re all thinking.
A MAGA acquaintance who belongs to an ultra MAGA social club laughed hard in the summer of 2022. He and the rest of his club members thought that the low weekday viewership numbers for the televised J6 Committee Hearings were proof that Trump was an innocent man. Trump is a magnet for really stupid people. I reminded him that the one primetime hearing drew 17 million viewers in comparison to his Monday Night Football that averages 11-12 million. These slugs` boycott of the hearings didn`t help the twice impeached, 4 times indicted one at all. A school district let this moron teach special ed for 30 years. Ya, I know what you`re all thinking.
Once the dust has settled, assuming we survive this, there will be some pretty fascinating sociological/psychological studies done on this period.

As there were after Germany fell in 1945.
Once the dust has settled, assuming we survive this, there will be some pretty fascinating sociological/psychological studies done on this period.

As there were after Germany fell in 1945.
As Gomer Bush rose in the polls a keen observer took note of the fact that the dumber he was shown to be, the more popular he became. In the proverbial nutshell:
" I don`t know shit and Bush doesn`t either so I`ll vote for him because he`s just like me"
Sad indeed.
Did he tell Putin he won't defend NATO countries if he wants to invade them?
Actions speak louder than words. Russia invaded the Ukraine and Biden did nothing to stop Russia.

No warning of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, by the USA's intelligence agencies, is the largest intelligence failure in modern history (or, Biden really is Putin's bitch).
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What happened to Putins mighty Russian Army that was going to conquer Ukraine in two weeks?

No warning of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, by the USA's intelligence agencies, is the largest intelligence failure in modern history (or, Biden really is Putin's bitch).
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Well, good poster, Elektra that is kinda sorta what your original allegation was ....that my poor avatar had asserted your poor avatar was a "Nazi".

But me....and my avatar.....recall no such thing.
And we asked you to back up your word.
To demonstrate your gravitas and show us the post or the thread that you say is proof.

But you wouldn't, or couldn't, at any rate, didn't back your word up.
You disappeared and hid out for a while.
So, now you are back.....and the question still lingers.
Do you have proof of your claim? Proof that will make your word good?

If you do, well, right now would be a good time to show the forum you are a man (woman?) of substance and veracity. That you possess gravitas.

So, saddle up, Skippy.
Giddyup! ;) ✌️
hahahahahhahaha, you can not even comprehend and remember what you stated.

Godwin's law, you lost once you started with your NAZI rants
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Actions speak louder than words. Russia invaded the Ukraine and Biden did nothing to stop Russia.

No warning of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, by the USA's intelligence agencies, is the largest intelligence failure in modern history (or, Biden really is a Putin's bitch).

First off, you lie. Biden imposed sanctions on Russia in an attempt to stop the invasion. You know, the polar opposite of doing nothing, as you fibbed. Anything more than that could have taken us to war with Russia, which would have been very bad for us. He's also keeping Ukraine armed so they can defend themselves against a stronger military. So Biden did the exact right thing. Plus he's keeping the war over there going. That depleting the military of one of our enemies and preventing Russia from growing, which is good for America.
hahahahahhahaha, you can not even comprehend and remember what you stated.

Goodwin's law, you lost once you started with your NAZI rants

What's the law called for loser's who try to deflect comparisons with Nazi Germany by howling, "Godwin's law," as though such comparisons aren't appropriate?
First off, you lie. Biden imposed sanctions on Russia in an attempt to stop the invasion. You know, the polar opposite of doing nothing, as you fibbed.
First off, you have no comprehension skills.

Biden did not impose sanctions before the invasion. Biden knew nothing about the invasion.

Actions speak louder than words. Russia invaded the Ukraine and Biden did nothing to stop Russia
No warning of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, by the USA's intelligence agencies, is the largest intelligence failure in modern history (or, Biden really is a Putin's bitch).
No warning of the Russian invasion of the Ukraine, by the USA's intelligence agencies, is the largest intelligence failure in modern history (or, Biden really is a Putin's bitch).

We knew Putin was massing his forces at the border and warned him against invading.

Putin evaluated Ukraine as weak, Biden as weak and NATO as weak.

Cost him 200,000 plus casualties, his mechanized forces, 20 percent of his navy and air superiority

His two week run through Ukraine has gone on two years with no path to victory
We knew Putin was massing his forces at the border and warned him against invading.

Putin evaluated Ukraine as weak, Biden as weak and NATO as weak.

Cost him 200,000 plus casualties, his mechanized forces, 20 percent of his navy and air superiority

His two week run through Ukraine has gone on two years with no path to victory
Actions speak louder than words. Russia invaded the Ukraine and Biden did nothing to stop Russia

Biden was no action, hence Biden is Putin's bitch.
Actions speak louder than words. Russia invaded the Ukraine and Biden did nothing to stop Russia

Biden was no action, hence Biden is Putin's bitch.

Our President has done plenty
Putin has been stopped in his tracks

His only path to victory is for the US to elect Republicans
you can not even comprehend and remember what you stated.

Skippy, you be tryin' too hard.
And you ain't coverin' your tracks in a competent fashion.

Did you fib about that "Nazi" epithet?
Or was it merely a mistake where someone else on the forums, maybe several? .....called you a "Nazi", and you got mixed up and believed it was my avatar?
Hey, it happens, and you have a busy productive life on your keyboard. We could understand.

So, it's not too late to save face.

You can do one of two things .

To wit:

  1. Find this so called quote and present it to the forum.
  2. Or, simply apologize.

Trust me, I will accept your apology if it has an air of sincerity and contrition.

So batter up, mon ami.
Or go.

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