"The Pitchforks are coming...for us Plutocrats."


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2011
Chicago, Chicago, that Toddling Town
This is a very interesting article, and even though it runs four pages, it's a great read.

A rich guy who actually gets it.

The Pitchforks Are Coming? For Us Plutocrats - Nick Hanauer - POLITICO Magazine

And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.

If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.

Here’s what I say to you: You’re living in a dream world. What everyone wants to believe is that when things reach a tipping point and go from being merely crappy for the masses to dangerous and socially destabilizing, that we’re somehow going to know about that shift ahead of time. Any student of history knows that’s not the way it happens. Revolutions, like bankruptcies, come gradually, and then suddenly. One day, somebody sets himself on fire, then thousands of people are in the streets, and before you know it, the country is burning. And then there’s no time for us to get to the airport and jump on our Gulfstream Vs and fly to New Zealand. That’s the way it always happens. If inequality keeps rising as it has been, eventually it will happen. We will not be able to predict when, and it will be terrible—for everybody. But especially for us.

Here's the paradox.

On one hand, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to avoid the fact that (a) income and wealth have, and continue to, get more and more out of any kind of balance, (b) as that momentum speeds up the imbalance will only get worse, (c) there are clear negative ramifications if it gets much worse. And I'm not talking morality, I'm talking about the economic foundation and stability of the country.

On the other hand, we also (a) have a government that has truly and richly deserved its low approval ratings, (b) is prone to knee-jerk decisions that over-shoot and ultimately makes things even worse, and (c) don't want to lose an equilibrium between effort and reward, for both individuals and businesses.

That doesn't even count those who go ape shit because someone else has more than they do. These are the people who so easily talk themselves into naive and ignorant notions like "you didn't build that" and "you didn't earn that".

This situation is a perfect example of the damage being caused by the zealots on both ends of the argument. This is going to require cooperation from both ends of the spectrum, and right now both ends are putting ideology before country.

The fixes really wouldn't be that complicated.

Pompous Mac. You mean old idealogues are the problem for pointing out the problem, not the actual problem.

Hey, guy, we HAD the solution to the problem. The Rich pay their fair share, you have unions that make sure their working folks pay THEIR fare share, and you have trade treaties that don't make us compete with some Chinese babe who gets a government mandated abortion if she exceeds her baby quota!

I mean, Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo Stick, this isn't fucking complicated.

You start at the premise of "What's good for working folks" instead of "What's good for rich people".
Sharing the wealth is good for everyone but in a nation of selfish children that lesson needs to be learned again, and again, and again it seems.
Pompous Mac. You mean old idealogues are the problem for pointing out the problem, not the actual problem.

Hey, guy, we HAD the solution to the problem. The Rich pay their fair share, you have unions that make sure their working folks pay THEIR fare share, and you have trade treaties that don't make us compete with some Chinese babe who gets a government mandated abortion if she exceeds her baby quota!

I mean, Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo Stick, this isn't fucking complicated.

You start at the premise of "What's good for working folks" instead of "What's good for rich people".

I pointed out the problem, too. I wonder if you see that. I just see that life is nuance.

You're approaching this from one side. There's always another side to consider, whether you like it or not. And they have influence, too. So you can either stand on one end and throw rocks, or you can actually try to fix the problem.

Sharing the wealth is good for everyone but in a nation of selfish children that lesson needs to be learned again, and again, and again it seems.

Selfishness takes multiple forms, and it exists on both ends of this issue.

So they're going to keep screaming and finger-pointing and little will get done.
Americans are stupid selfish children. I make no distinctions. People who believe there are good guys and bad guys are children, like most here.
Pompous Mac. You mean old idealogues are the problem for pointing out the problem, not the actual problem.

Hey, guy, we HAD the solution to the problem. The Rich pay their fair share, you have unions that make sure their working folks pay THEIR fare share, and you have trade treaties that don't make us compete with some Chinese babe who gets a government mandated abortion if she exceeds her baby quota!

I mean, Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo Stick, this isn't fucking complicated.

You start at the premise of "What's good for working folks" instead of "What's good for rich people".

I pointed out the problem, too. I wonder if you see that. I just see that life is nuance.

You're approaching this from one side. There's always another side to consider, whether you like it or not. And they have influence, too. So you can either stand on one end and throw rocks, or you can actually try to fix the problem.


Guy, I have no desire to Compromise with the rich

Here's my compromise. You pay your fair share, you stop cheating the people who actually DO the work at every opportunity, and I keep that Home Guillotine I've been working on in my garage.

That to me is a reasonable compromise.

Seriously, fuck rich people. They are parasites who've convinced you morons that they are vital organs.
Pompous Mac. You mean old idealogues are the problem for pointing out the problem, not the actual problem.

Hey, guy, we HAD the solution to the problem. The Rich pay their fair share, you have unions that make sure their working folks pay THEIR fare share, and you have trade treaties that don't make us compete with some Chinese babe who gets a government mandated abortion if she exceeds her baby quota!

I mean, Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo Stick, this isn't fucking complicated.

You start at the premise of "What's good for working folks" instead of "What's good for rich people".

As I said on a different thread, Henry Ford said he wanted his employees to be customers too. He said he wanted to create a product that even his own employees could afford.

That's not the attitude of the new plutocracy. They want their employees to go on federal assistance and let us in the middle class fill the gap for a living wage while they, i.e. the Waltons, enjoy holding four or five spots on the top ten richest Americans (Forbes 400 list) and hold a net worth of around $135,000,000,000.

Christy Walton & family
$35.4 B
Jim Walton
$33.8 B
Alice Walton
$33.5 B
S. Robson Walton
$33.3 B

The Koch brothers hold no. 4 and 5 on the list.

It's just that simple. They are going to squeeze every drop out of their employees to their own benefit. The Walmart business model has been adopted by most other large corporations.

Thank god for guillotines. Louis, Marie A., Walton, Walton, Walton, Walton, Koch, Koch....line them up.
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Pompous Mac. You mean old idealogues are the problem for pointing out the problem, not the actual problem.

Hey, guy, we HAD the solution to the problem. The Rich pay their fair share, you have unions that make sure their working folks pay THEIR fare share, and you have trade treaties that don't make us compete with some Chinese babe who gets a government mandated abortion if she exceeds her baby quota!

I mean, Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo Stick, this isn't fucking complicated.

You start at the premise of "What's good for working folks" instead of "What's good for rich people".

I pointed out the problem, too. I wonder if you see that. I just see that life is nuance.

You're approaching this from one side. There's always another side to consider, whether you like it or not. And they have influence, too. So you can either stand on one end and throw rocks, or you can actually try to fix the problem.


Guy, I have no desire to Compromise with the rich

Here's my compromise. You pay your fair share, you stop cheating the people who actually DO the work at every opportunity, and I keep that Home Guillotine I've been working on in my garage.

That to me is a reasonable compromise.

Seriously, fuck rich people. They are parasites who've convinced you morons that they are vital organs.

I know Joe, you have the answers and anyone who disagrees with you in any way is a "moron".

You're part of the problem. And you won't see it.

Pompous Mac. You mean old idealogues are the problem for pointing out the problem, not the actual problem.

Hey, guy, we HAD the solution to the problem. The Rich pay their fair share, you have unions that make sure their working folks pay THEIR fare share, and you have trade treaties that don't make us compete with some Chinese babe who gets a government mandated abortion if she exceeds her baby quota!

I mean, Jesus H. Christ on a Pogo Stick, this isn't fucking complicated.

You start at the premise of "What's good for working folks" instead of "What's good for rich people".

I pointed out the problem, too. I wonder if you see that. I just see that life is nuance.

You're approaching this from one side. There's always another side to consider, whether you like it or not. And they have influence, too. So you can either stand on one end and throw rocks, or you can actually try to fix the problem.


Guy, I have no desire to Compromise with the rich

Here's my compromise. You pay your fair share, you stop cheating the people who actually DO the work at every opportunity, and I keep that Home Guillotine I've been working on in my garage.

That to me is a reasonable compromise.

Seriously, fuck rich people. They are parasites who've convinced you morons that they are vital organs.

I don't think I've ever heard it put more precisely and accurately. Bravo!
Sharing the wealth is good for everyone but in a nation of selfish children that lesson needs to be learned again, and again, and again it seems.

Selfishness takes multiple forms, and it exists on both ends of this issue.

So they're going to keep screaming and finger-pointing and little will get done.

Funny how those who stand to be on the receiving end of this "sharing" are presumed to not be greedy and selfish, is it not? :lol:
And this might be the problem with our current generation of Plutocrats.

the Koches and the Waltons were born rich. They simply have no idea what it's like to struggle as one of their employees.

Or they are like the Green's, who really think that an employee they pay $9.00 an hour (which works out to $18,000 a year before taxes) can really afford a $1,000 birth control method out of their own pockets because it makes Baby Jesus cry.

Here's the paradox.

On one hand, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to avoid the fact that (a) income and wealth have, and continue to, get more and more out of any kind of balance, (b) as that momentum speeds up the imbalance will only get worse, (c) there are clear negative ramifications if it gets much worse. And I'm not talking morality, I'm talking about the economic foundation and stability of the country.

On the other hand, we also (a) have a government that has truly and richly deserved its low approval ratings, (b) is prone to knee-jerk decisions that over-shoot and ultimately makes things even worse, and (c) don't want to lose an equilibrium between effort and reward, for both individuals and businesses.

That doesn't even count those who go ape shit because someone else has more than they do. These are the people who so easily talk themselves into naive and ignorant notions like "you didn't build that" and "you didn't earn that".

This situation is a perfect example of the damage being caused by the zealots on both ends of the argument. This is going to require cooperation from both ends of the spectrum, and right now both ends are putting ideology before country.

The fixes really wouldn't be that complicated.


Yes Mac.

We know your solutions.

Cut taxes on the wealthy.

Like that's ever worked.
I pointed out the problem, too. I wonder if you see that. I just see that life is nuance.

You're approaching this from one side. There's always another side to consider, whether you like it or not. And they have influence, too. So you can either stand on one end and throw rocks, or you can actually try to fix the problem.


Guy, I have no desire to Compromise with the rich

Here's my compromise. You pay your fair share, you stop cheating the people who actually DO the work at every opportunity, and I keep that Home Guillotine I've been working on in my garage.

That to me is a reasonable compromise.

Seriously, fuck rich people. They are parasites who've convinced you morons that they are vital organs.

I know Joe, you have the answers and anyone who disagrees with you in any way is a "moron".

You're part of the problem. And you won't see it.


How is he part of the problem? He probably has worked all his life, paid taxes and minded his own business until the glare of inequality and corporate welfare could no longer be managed by wearing sunglasses.

In the meantime, I suggest you take your rose-colored ones off.
I know Joe, you have the answers and anyone who disagrees with you in any way is a "moron".

You're part of the problem. And you won't see it.


I do have the answers.

And sadly, they spend a lot of money keeping the morons being morons.

If you are making $9.00 an hour at a Hobby Lobby and you can't get a job because all the good paying manufacturing jobs went to China, but you think the Greens are wonderful people when they take away your health care options because they are right with Jesus.

You ARE a fucking Moron.

I mean, there's really nothing more to be said about it.

The wealthy spend a lot of money convincing you they are better than you and you can't get by without them. And a lot of you stupid fucks fall for it.
How is he part of the problem? He probably has worked all his life, paid taxes and minded his own business until the glare of inequality and corporate welfare could no longer be managed by wearing sunglasses.

In the meantime, I suggest you take your rose-colored ones off.

I don't think you really care about an answer, but I'll provide it. Those who do nothing but attack the other "side" are exacerbating our problems. It's coming from both "sides" and it's killing us. It's entirely possible that you don't -- or more likely won't -- see that, because you are committed to one "side". I don't know how much more clear I can make it than that.

Both "sides" are at fault. Both "sides" will need to get over themselves and work with the other "side" for anything to improve. But people like you and Joe are happy to just throw the stones. It sure beats doing the heavy lifting.

Sharing the wealth is good for everyone but in a nation of selfish children that lesson needs to be learned again, and again, and again it seems.

Reinvestment in employees, good benefits, educational opportunities and giving back to their communities would be a great start. But the large corporations are the biggest drag on federal dollars than any poor schmuck who gets $400 a month for food stamps.
I know Joe, you have the answers and anyone who disagrees with you in any way is a "moron".

You're part of the problem. And you won't see it.


I do have the answers.

And sadly, they spend a lot of money keeping the morons being morons.

If you are making $9.00 an hour at a Hobby Lobby and you can't get a job because all the good paying manufacturing jobs went to China, but you think the Greens are wonderful people when they take away your health care options because they are right with Jesus.

You ARE a fucking Moron.

I mean, there's really nothing more to be said about it.

The wealthy spend a lot of money convincing you they are better than you and you can't get by without them. And a lot of you stupid fucks fall for it.

Once again, Joe illustrates my point.


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