"The Pitchforks are coming...for us Plutocrats."

Now I know why you never say anything. You would reveal your hyper-partisanship. Stuff the stereotyping of Democrats and business.

First of all - and here we go again, this is tedious - I wonder how I can be a hyper-partisan when I disagree with the GOP on war, foreign policy, abortion, personal income taxation, gay rights, health care, and more. And get this -- there are some issues on which I disagree with BOTH parties. Holy CRAP, is THAT even POSSIBLE? You, on the other hand (at least in my experience), are a good, predictable and obedient partisan soldier. Perhaps we have different definitions of "hyper-partisan" - what is yours?

Second, I'm more than happy to provide my opinion on anything. Unfortunately, my opinions don't conveniently and predictably fall along partisan lines as yours do, so someone like you might have to focus. I get that all the time here, it's like partisan ideologues short-circuit if an opinion isn't simple enough. Start a thread on anything, "mention" me, and I'll be there, you bet. Will you do that?

And finally and mercifully back to the point: We are not going to agree on what Obama says and does because (a) as a Democrat partisan you're most likely going to defend him no matter what, and (b) we have vastly differing backgrounds, experience, and expertise on business, business economics and business psychology. Since I live it every day, and since I know your mind is not going to change, I don't see a need to burn more effort. It's like me going into the Automotive forum and telling people how to re-build a transmission when I haven't a clue.

I hope that clarifies.

Numbers 9 and 4. :lol:

Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren't Nice To You | Christopher Cantwell
Now I know why you never say anything. You would reveal your hyper-partisanship. Stuff the stereotyping of Democrats and business.

First of all - and here we go again, this is tedious - I wonder how I can be a hyper-partisan when I disagree with the GOP on war, foreign policy, abortion, personal income taxation, gay rights, health care, and more. And get this -- there are some issues on which I disagree with BOTH parties. Holy CRAP, is THAT even POSSIBLE? You, on the other hand (at least in my experience), are a good, predictable and obedient partisan soldier. Perhaps we have different definitions of "hyper-partisan" - what is yours?

Second, I'm more than happy to provide my opinion on anything. Unfortunately, my opinions don't conveniently and predictably fall along partisan lines as yours do, so someone like you might have to focus. I get that all the time here, it's like partisan ideologues short-circuit if an opinion isn't simple enough. Start a thread on anything, "mention" me, and I'll be there, you bet. Will you do that?

And finally and mercifully back to the point: We are not going to agree on what Obama says and does because (a) as a Democrat partisan you're most likely going to defend him no matter what, and (b) we have vastly differing backgrounds, experience, and expertise on business, business economics and business psychology. Since I live it every day, and since I know your mind is not going to change, I don't see a need to burn more effort. It's like me going into the Automotive forum and telling people how to re-build a transmission when I haven't a clue.

I hope that clarifies.

Numbers 9 and 4. :lol:

Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren't Nice To You | Christopher Cantwell

4) We actually are smarter than you

The Triple Nine Society, an organization whose membership is reserved for people with IQ’s in the top one tenth of one percent, even more discriminating than Mensa, did a survey on the politics of its members. The results don’t surprise us. Members overwhelmingly supported legalizing all drugs, prostitution, and gambling. They supported gun rights, and free markets. They opposed government involvement in medicine, and income taxes.

Government is a scam, and like other scams it relies on the gullibility of its victims. We’re not falling for it, but you are, and your support of that system harms us. Your stupidity literally hurts.

Liberals agree with the bold. But then the anarchy begins and it is where you folks are really dumber than everyone.

Nothing turns out to be so oppressive and unjust as a feeble government.
Edmund Burke

BTW, your source:

Christopher Cantwell
Anarchist, Atheist, Asshole

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